
Personality Types Quotes

There are 357 quotes

"ENFPs...are creative powerhouses when they want to be."
"Recognize that there are two predominant personality types: those that are more on the personal responsibility side and those that are more on the empathy side, and that we need both. We have to value each other."
"ESFPs are the people you want to have around if you want to have fun, 'cause they have nearly limitless energy and they can always brighten up a room."
"The attractive traits of an ISTJ are stability and tenacity."
"Few personality types are as creative and charismatic as campaigners."
"Two types of people: people who fear and people who don't fear."
"Sigma males are innovative and sometimes misunderstood men."
"An extrovert is not better than an introvert and vice-versa; they simply have different needs."
"Introverts think before they speak, and extroverts speak while they think."
"The 16 Myers-Briggs personalities can be split up into four different families, each of which has four personality types within them."
"Cognitive functions are the real building blocks of what make a personality type, a personality type."
"Being authentically themselves and true to their values is what is most important to the ISFPs and INFPs."
"Vatas learn things very easily but also get distracted very easily, whereas Kaphas learn things very slowly but also forget very slowly."
"Being an introvert or an extrovert is not about being superior to the other; both have their perks and their adaptive functions."
"Introverts are looked at with suspicion, as if there’s one personality type they want you to have, and if you don’t have that, then it’s suspicious."
"INTJs are capable of being exceptionally inwardly focused and can derive seemingly endless enjoyment, ideas, and insights from doing so."
"One of the reasons that INFJs are confusing and even contradictory at times is that they're people-focused types and fascinated by psychology, but not always particularly social."
"ESTJs can be witty and interpersonally charismatic."
"INTPs... struggle less socially than descriptions would have you think, but they're still not massively socially inclined."
"More importantly, we're gonna discuss how to talk to the personality types when tensions might be a little high."
"So how do the 16 Myers-Briggs personalities interact with each other?"
"If two TP types have to work together, they'll wanna find ways to divide the work so they can basically work alone."
"Knowing your personality type be the key to unlocking your hidden potential."
"The Enneagram is fluid and dynamic, which I think better suits us as the messy, complicated human beings we are."
"I can honestly say that I've never felt more understood than when I read the description for the social line in the book 'The Complete Enneagram.' It put towards what I felt on a very personal level."
"Don't worry too much about if you have your type wrong or right, right now. It takes a little bit of time. Have fun exploring personality types and yourself."
"The worst type I encountered however was the passive aggressive, ruthlessly bringing you down in such a sweet and unassuming manner."
"Each of the nine types has different aspects."
"HSPs can also be abusive it's not like we fall into this angelic category."
"There are two types of people: those who let fear prevent them from trying, and those who push through despite the fear."
"Alphas lead, sigmas resist just for the sake of resisting."
"Disturbing the peace: Sigmas stir things up for the sake of it; Alphas have a purpose."
"Not all abusers, or jerks, are narcissists. Although all narcissists are abusers and jerks."
"Let's first look at these different personas."
"Entps are very much in the mold of the jester archetype; someone who uses humor, roasting, satire, trolling, etc., as a way to point out the stupidity of people's or society's views."
"Sigma males rewrite the script, making them more challenging and interesting."
"INFJs end up in one-sided relationships. Watch out for it, especially you younger INFJs."
"INFJs are looking for their soulmates. Don't give up, but realize if you're having a hard time, it's your fault."
"ESFPs, if they ain't into you, you're gonna have to reach out to them anytime you wanna establish contact."
"The bad boy does what he wants when he wants whenever he wants, he doesn't put her on the pedestal, he's on the pedestal."
"They are often perceived as being the strongest people person as they are capable of creating friendship with all personality types."
"The sigma male displays characteristics that are more elusive than the alpha."
"Courageous people have dialogues, control freaks have monologues."
"The most effective teams in organizations tend to be a mix of introverts and extroverts."
"Few things are more exciting to ENTPs than the whys and hows of something they don't understand."
"There are two types of people in politics: those who want to be something and those who want to do something."
"You have two types of people in this world: followers and leaders."
"There's two kinds of people: one who walks into a room and goes 'here I am' and the other person walks into a room and goes 'there you are'."
"INTJs, when mature, maximize both the pragmatic and the passionate in their relationships."
"ISFPs are very straightforward in their approach to communication."
"A Christian should be far more interested in remembering the fruit of the Spirit than identifying personality types."
"When that alpha or sigma is born, he's in a lonely world."
"Fate brought the introvert and extrovert together."
"The biggest reason alphas and sigmas butt heads is because alphas get enjoyment out of bullying."
"These responses are certainly not unusual... you're talking to a lot of Darias and there."
"Categories for codependence: active, passive, oblivious, cerebral, and anorexic."
"ISFJs at their best know that sometimes it's okay or even necessary to make ripples, or even waves, in the social environment to achieve a better outcome for everyone in the long run."
"ESTJs at their best have a commanding presence that is almost impossible to ignore."
"The ESTJ at their best, however, realizes that in some situations you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar."
"ESFJs at their best are leaders of a community."
"INTJs at their best find a true purpose in their actions and enjoy the present moment."
"INFJs at their best practice what they preach and make the necessary and often uncomfortable changes in their lives to follow through."
"ESFPs at their best are impulsive individuals who live in the moment."
"There are two types of people in this world: one, people who go 'ooh Big Stretch' when a dog stretches; two, sociopaths."
"There are two types of people in this world: rule followers and rule breakers."
"ENFPs: Chaos monkeys, adaptable social chameleons, capable of dark charm."
"There's nothing wrong with being an introvert."
"Some are manipulative, some are benevolent, some are kind of apolitical if you will."
"ISFPs and INTPs: Lone wolves in the typology world."
"INFJs and ENFJs: Navigating the social introvert paradox."
"INTJs and ISFPs: The unexpected comrades in arms."
"ESTPs and ENTPs: Two sides of the same coin."
"Type AB is seen to be either one of two personalities, either you're a rational genius or a total nut job."
"Pom's blood type is type AB, which is seen to be either one of two personalities: either you're a rational genius or a total nut job."
"I'm like the light goth, you're like the giant good diet coke."
"At the end of the day, this isn't just about Gerard. This is about raising awareness that these types of people exist."
"Authoritarians have a very submissive personality type."
"Ed is kind of chill, I'm kind of a social butterfly."
"Few personal types are as poetic and kind-hearted as the mediators."
"What is it that you want? 13% of executives being black people? What is the appropriate Hershey's to milk ratio that you would find satisfactory?" - Blonde Commentator
"Ones and eights are the biggest leader archetypes in the numbers."
"There are two types of people in the world: normal people, absolute savages."
"Imagine talking to your ESTP crush and they say, 'Well, uh, that's not a very good idea. What about this other thing?'"
"Alpha male versus beta male is like Will with a mustache versus Will without a mustache."
"INFJs like dates where they can not only get to know you but get to know the whys and hows of who you are and what you like."
"ESFJs will love the opportunity to be themselves in an atmosphere where it's not all about them."
"ENTJs will appreciate that you took the reins and thought up something unique for them."
"There's two types of people in the world: doers and talkers."
"The Optimist doesn't fight, and the pessimist doesn't fight."
"Deltas are probably the scariest women in college."
"Women are always chasing after that alpha male type person like TI."
"One of the best definitions I heard for the difference between introverts and extroverts is extroverts energized by being around people and introverts energized and refreshed by taking space for themselves."
"INFPS can merge their designating the finals of all truths and share it through creative mediums."
"It's no secret that I often say that infps that I personally consider infps to actually be the most brilliant of us all I really actually do believe that they have the capacity of becoming the most brilliant of all of the types."
"If you have an INFJ that's comfortable enough with you to really reveal their darkness or their insecurities with you, that is beautiful."
"It's important to be the second type of person rather than the first."
"I would say that there are three different types of people in the world."
"Now you got to put this in perspective Jacob and Esau two different different types of men right Esau is daddy's boy Jacob is mama's boy."
"There's two types of people in the world: those that are humble and those that are about to be."
"A jock can be an [ __ ] a nerd can be an [ __ ] anyone can be an [ __ ]."
"The person who there's like the saying in like fighting who wins the the smart fighter the smart fighter or the crazy fighter it's the crazy fighter because they'll do what the smart person won't."
"There are like four groups of people the way I see it. You know, I like to simplify things."
"Dark Triad personalities have names and have lived among us."
"There are two types of people in the world: ones that can just enjoy entertainment and those that have to critique every inconsistency."
"Healthy ESTPs are masters of calculated risks."
"Hitler, Osama bin Laden, arguably two of the worst people in humanity, and Jesus, probably one of the best people in humanity, all had the same personality types."
"Grandiose narcissistic bosses can be very charismatic and much larger than life."
"Both types are 1D - they want things to do, things to achieve, things to experience."
"The mystical dreamer and seer on one hand, the artist and the crank on the other."
"Intjs and infjs are more likely to have a vision for their relationship."
"Enfjs and esfjs are likely to gravitate towards being in relationships."
"There's two kinds of people: those who bowl, and those who barely ever bowl."
"Everybody deserves to get a chance to be in the spotlight, you know, no matter if we're like an introvert, an extrovert or even an ambivert."
"ENTJs... it's leading by example... that becomes contagious to the people around them."
"ENFJs... it's their existence... it's their existence."
"There's two types of people in this world: one person who closes tabs and applications when they're done, and the other who doesn't until they get a new phone."
"There are two types of people in the world: those who judge things before they try them, and those who try them and then judge it based on their own experience."
"There are successful people and then there are people who have an i got screwed story chambered for every conversation."
"And I don't have to worry about hurting people's feelings so the Ti types use a lot less energy when it comes to those kind of decisions..."
"Tyranny is everywhere, and the ENTP and the INTP basically lead the charge to get away from tyranny."
"It's a nudge for all of us type nines to wake up."
"I love INFPs. INFPs are one of my favorite types, if not my favorite type."
"Always ask an INTP what they think, always listen to what they think."
"INFJs are skilled decision-makers who carefully weigh the information at hand, considering both logic and emotions."
"A lot of people maintain that you can't really social engineer ISTPs."
"The ESTP has the potential to be one of the most effective storytellers or showmen."
"I love the principled nature of ISTPs. So easy to communicate with them."
"ENFPs are incredibly critical in the way that we think of mental health and how to live a good life. We take a very zoomed out approach to it and look at it through a much more holistic lens than most other people do."
"ENFP super-ego focused ESTP, it's gang life."
"Entps will see infjs as people with a different and exotic yet commensurate type of intelligence."
"Entps will see enfjs as perfect sparring partners for conversation."
"Entps will see intjs as fascinating at a distance but more difficult to understand close up."
"Enfjs make phenomenal leaders, phenomenal communicators."
"They're just very well-rounded. They can be good with people; they can have deep intellectual conversations."
"Reds have complete belief that they are right and desire to win the argument at all costs makes them come across as argumentative."
"Greens will usually take the back seat and avoid taking action."
"People or groups cannot function without the INFJ's help."
"That group couldn't function without the INFJ."
"Nobody really knows how much control anyone else has, least of all the INFJ."
"Trust is everything to an ENTP. If they don't feel trusted in a relationship, they'll take their attention elsewhere."
"ESFPs unique contribution to the world is like a contradiction, it's like a playfulness and a depth at the same time."
"Appreciate the ISTP, give them credit where it's due and thank them, even if right now in the moment they don't deserve it."
"...usually you're an ni Dom when you are when you're very comfortable you tend to be a little Spacey but again your space eNOS is mixed with a certain form of concentration..."
"The INFP tends to be much more perfectionistic than the ENFP tends to be."
"The ISFP feels like the ESFJ is increasing their status while the ESFJ feels that the ISFP is making them smarter."
"If you have any comments or questions about ISFPs or any of these compatibilities, please leave it in the comment section and I will do my best to answer your questions."
"ESFPs can become super intelligent with the power of reading."
"Is this really a relationship good for an ESFP? Absolutely not, because the ENTJ would be unhappy with this person."
"As an ENFP, when you are leaning fully and completely into your explorative and introspective nature, you are able to produce thought work at an extremely high level."
"ENFPs can be super amazing. They have the ability to create huge visions, motivate others, and bring people on their path to success."
"...INFJs have such an amazing gift..."
"The ENTP cycle: Success, boredom, chaos, and starting over."
"People-oriented individuals are motivated by helping others."
"Action-oriented individuals are the go-getters in your workplace."
"Vision-oriented individuals are the creators, the big picture thinkers."
"INTJs are even more wanting than INTJs because the anti-J's are responsible with what they want so they're technically a little bit less impulsive than INTJs."
"An unhealthy enfp is living in victim mode feeling like everything is happening to them and a healthy enfp is living in creator mode making amazing things happen with their life."
"The enneagram helps uncover what makes you think, behave, and feel the way that you do."
"Type seven: the enthusiasts, the up and out energy. They're imaginative, they're curious, they're playful."
"Rule 4 is one of the reasons why almost every ENFP out there says physical touch is their love language."
"INTJs, get attuned with your emotions. It's okay to be human."
"We thrive on those things and that does not mean that those things are better than certainty and security and playing it safe in life. Those things are absolutely respectable values but they're not the values that ENFPs tend to hold."
"There's really not a way to do it otherwise because ENFPs tend to be more introverted than the average extrovert and INFPs tend to be more extroverted than the average introvert."
"ENFP and ENTP are the same. They look for the same things, but they have different tool sets. It's like their tools are different, but they are looking for the same thing, which is experiencing the world, having fun, living life to the fullest."
"I loved hearing the ENTPs unleashed, you know, the N and E just exploring all the thoughts, having all the thought experiments together."
"It's important for the ENTP to have NTJs in their life to give them that free-thinking space where they can tell their absolute truth with all their fiery fury, with all the harshness in the world, and the NTJs are like, 'At least you're telling the truth.'"
"If INFPs were in charge, the world would be the best place."
"Acceptance is validation. I think INFJs really need to be validated... so when you can find somebody who validates you, that can be such a blessing."
"The way you use it depends on how you feel yourself. If you have worked on yourself first and you feel good about yourself really good, then you try to share that and you use MBTI or Enneagram or any of these to share that good feeling with others, help others also feel good."
"The ENFJ is going to want to harmonize their own internal feelings as well. The ultimate goal is to feel emotionally good and stable."
"ENFJs will often be adept at saying the right thing at the right time and can be extraordinarily affirming of others."
"ESTPs respect strength, probably above all. Strength of character means everything to them."
"No other personality type is suited to be of service to others with their altruistic and well-rounded nature."
"ESFPs pull you out of your overly cautiousness and make you more lighthearted."
"there's often an INTP who's confused about whether or not they're a feeling or thinking type because they seem to have this enormous well of emotions within them"
"People by default usually don't find istps or intps really acceptable entirely."
"I've talked to a few nfjs and they're actually kind of self-conscious about the way they communicate and I don't think they understand how eloquent they are, how motivational they can be, how inspiring they can be."
"Few other personality types are as dedicated to forming rational, well-researched opinions."
"INTJs love ENTPs. Not only do we think you guys are funny, but you guys are also intellectual."
"It's funny how you phrasing it like working. I get it. I guess I don't know what other way - it's like stereotypical of like an ENTJ dude."
"Enfjs, they know when something is like unnecessary harm in your relationships."
"...you will have midlife crisis I promise you is FPS you will have midlife crisis okay like seriously you have to develop that INTJ shadow or subconscious you will have midlife crisis..."
"When I enter the room, you instantly hit me with good vibes, like I have good vibes for days now because, you know, ENFJ overload."
"ENFPs plus ENFJs create a powerhouse of activism and community development. Their pairing inspires charity and benevolence, changing communities for the better."
"ENFPs plus ISTPs have a very interesting relationship. There's built-in humility, with each function checking the other's excesses. It's a fantastic dynamic, with cognition flowing smoothly between them."
"The ENFP is like the CEO and the ISTP is like the COO, and they're able to build these amazing companies together."
"ICJs don't actually really engage with people from being charged although they're estp shadow makes them desired at least be in charge sometimes especially when they're feeling like they're in a room full of stupid people."
"this feels a little long overdue to talk about it now but like I have to mention it this EST is so good"
"If any type is life affirmative, if any type says yes yes to life, if any type naturally represents the vitality, fearlessness, energy, strength of heart and mind, and the fullness of life involved in Nietzsche's amor fati, it is the ESFP."
"Threes might respond to conflict in one of two ways."
"Fours are very in touch with their own suffering, almost addicted at times to their own suffering."
"People who have a type two personality express that desire to help somehow."
"Your fall personalities, they are more analytical. These are gonna be people that like, okay, I'll show you a presentation, you're gonna be asking 50 billion questions."
"I've had a lot of ENFP friends, and one thing I've noticed about them is that they encourage me to open up and relax."
"ENFPs are intelligent in a very unique way. Analytical types, they're intelligent in a very typical way."
"With ENFPs, the extra version they tend to be not super extraverted. They can turn that on and off like a switch."
"ENFPs are like that fire in the locomotion. Intjs with the engine, we need both, and the NFPs supply the inspiration."
"Intuitive types tend to like the big picture, but something about ENFPs is that they're so open that they're even more open to big ideas."
"INFJs heavily research their stuff. Like, they are so into their stuff."
"[INTPs] are an interesting type to get close to because they're a mix of intellectualism and creativity."