
Digital Age Quotes

There are 475 quotes

"Data should be a universal human right; it's gonna be the most monetizable asset ever."
"I'm your teacher, right? Your professor, your guide, your talking, faceless dictionary, an encyclopedia in eldritch art house, child between Wikipedia and audible.com, raised in the weird parts of the web."
"An excess of data, contained within our pockets and accessed within seconds, has led to information overload with the lines between fact and fiction becoming ever harder to ascertain."
"These 49 social media savants and one dog are redefining celebrity for our connected age."
"The beauty of having a loyal fan base is that you can continue to put out your art, even if you are not part of the algorithm."
"Now more than ever, we need to stay connected."
"The online world has created an entirely new sphere of social interactions with new rules and boundaries, and it seems like we aren't really sure how we should be navigating it yet."
"This prophecy seems less like a far-off vision and more like a looming reality; the digital age has ushered in capabilities we could only dream of a few decades ago."
"The ability for people to speak freely and communicate with other like-minded people has dramatically increased."
"The magic age is people born after 1981. That's the cutoff for us where we see a big change in privacy settings and user acceptance."
"If you're not paying, then you're not the customer; you're the product."
"It's become the way you educate, the way you entertain, the way you make money, the way you communicate, the way you have a social life."
"In this digital age, even virtual treasures can cast long, real-world shadows."
"Business is becoming more and more international; economic barriers are disappearing, especially with the onset of the internet and the digital age."
"We're really entering into this golden age of video online."
"The internet gave us a whole world of exciting new possibilities."
"Put out some feels... even if you're watching this on YouTube after the fact, just put out those feels. It might still work in retrospect."
"There's a new check and balance... the digital media is where democracy is today."
"The world that parents are growing up in is different, and the parenting skills that they have are no longer sufficient for the digital age."
"We have all of the world's knowledge at our fingertips 24/7."
"The internet is an intricate mesh that lets us share and connect without an emphasis on where we exist."
"We are in a digital Renaissance, and skill stacking... allows you to build a creative solution to almost any burning problem on the market."
"What gives me hope is the truth, young people, and the internet."
"Legend has it there's a way to actually escape the digital circus."
"We're living in a digital world where every single human being on earth can become an entrepreneur, regardless of their background."
"You're not really my friends, we're parasocial friends."
"Information cannot be stopped. They try to plug all these holes; it just doesn't work."
"This was the age of the Internet, and probably this is going to be the age of the blockchain."
"We live in a golden age of music accessibility."
"We're entering a period where it's like, we can call it the light ages, where there's so much information we're blinded by it."
"Stuxnet set the stage for a new kind of war, one that will play out on a digital battlefield."
"The amount of information published has doubled every year since [2002], and it looked like a tidal wave."
"Rampant loneliness is the epidemic of a hyper-connected digital age."
"We got a rare tour inside ASML's clean rooms to see how these machines use precision lasers, exploding molten tin, and the smoothest surface in the world to bring our digital age to life."
"Literacy is now understood as a means of identification, understanding, interpretation, creation, and communication in an increasingly digital, text-mediated, information-rich, and fast-changing world."
"You have to be pretty thoughtful about what you're reading in this age of the internet."
"Everybody needs to know, there's no gatekeeper anymore."
"In this age of information, you can't always trust everything you see."
"If we are not careful, the outcome might be the rise of digital dictatorships."
"Never before has access to information played such a pivotal role."
"The internet truly is a remarkable and unpredictable place."
"Social contagion travels across the world because of the internet."
"It's 2024 and it's time to take Online safety seriously."
"People don't understand what the value of their own privacy is."
"It's dying today... most online services probably won't stay up."
"Digital book burning, yeah, that's a terrible, terrible sign of our modern times."
"We have a global attention crisis. This is a serious problem significantly worse than it was for previous generations."
"Take up arms, my friends, to battle against the algorithm."
"Every two days we are producing that much data which was made from the beginning of human civilization till 2003."
"The shift in political activism in the digital age."
"The need for strategic activism in the digital age."
"The age of computers brings us into a whole new era."
"The attention span of the younger generation has severely decreased."
"The Social Network stands out above all the rest because it best defines the 21st century."
"The town square got privatized, free speech got digitized, that caused the town square to get privatized and the First Amendment got euthanized."
"Mobile is more important now more than ever."
"The internet is also the entire wealth of human knowledge."
"Technology is creating trust between people in ways and on a scale never possible before."
"Once you are connected to the Internet, you are no longer trapped in your body. You can actually be anywhere at any time that any other person or any other device is getting sensory information."
"The new money, the new currency of the world is data."
"The notion that privacy is an illusion, that what we say is in some way being monitored, is a concern many of us in the digital age share."
"We have to start from the recognition that these things constitute the public square in the 21st century."
"So what we're saying is come to the right people, inshallah, and there's many people you know we have YouTube now..."
"My perspective right now is so drastically different about the internet compared to how it used to be."
"Retaining any semblance of privacy in this ever-connected world is cool."
"Intermediaries capture an asymmetric benefit from the digital age."
"The idea would be to achieve a symbiosis between our biological mind and our digital mind."
"We have been experiencing the death of privacy in many forms."
"Privacy is power because data, whoever has the data in the digital age, will have the power."
"Young people have access to more information than ever before."
"It's really weird because when you see certain things online versus the real world they're very different."
"We live in a time where we have more sources of information than ever in all of human history. It's never been less controlled."
"The new generation fortunes are all made through code or media."
"The internet is an amazing and wonderful place."
"I got to adulthood without the internet so all the stupid [expletive] my kids are gonna do it's gonna be on the internet."
"The digital age we're going into is as profound as the renaissance or the enlightenment."
"This performance may portray the unemployment of superheroes in the digital age."
"The revolution will not be televised, but it will be on YouTube."
"We're in an age in an era where AI can literally create information and then spread it itself or as you might want to say leak it."
"That's a great idea because letting your little kid just run free on TikTok is a very dangerous place for a kid to be."
"Access to information is incredible. You can learn anything for free, and that's amazing."
"The amounts of information that we are creating are increasing at an amazing speed."
"What's the line between our digital and real-life identities?"
"I don't ever see a time when people will be satisfied with having no privacy in the digital age."
"The war for the internet has begun and we're still early."
"War is won in the informational battlefield."
"There's a direct to consumer connection with fans now that never existed."
"With the rise of the digital age, content has become immediately available."
"Too much information is both a blessing and a curse."
"The entire world is officially dead; they succumbed to tick-tock."
"That's a wild one... why I love the internet."
"Most eight to 18-year-olds devote an average of seven and a half hours of media in a typical day."
"So now what? In my research I was focused on this, on everything which had to do with e at the time. Yes, like e-health, e-society, social networks, how do we do things, swarm maybe collective intelligence, you name it, complex systems."
"I believe we are in the internet 1994 period where we are going to see humongous growth."
"The smartphone revolution is only a little more than a decade old."
"The internet provides access to things on steroids."
"The speed at which the internet has grown and how it has impacted Our Lives as we know it is truly unbelievable."
"Having a professional website is a necessary investment in today's digital age."
"Opportunity knocks, especially in the digital age."
"There's a beauty in it... we're living in this technological adolescence."
"The new Gold Rush is for people's attention."
"We're seeing the creation of a digital dictatorship."
"Books are still relevant in the digital age."
"I don't believe that I would just be papering over the transformations of the digital age to note that paper still plays a critical role in society."
"Parents are facing more challenges than ever, how do you be an effective parent in 2021 when there's so much out there at your child's fingertips that is potentially or just straight up evil, tough."
"Keeping your accounts secure is vital in this digital age."
"Without neutrality we don't have any of this decentralized new media."
"The digital media age rejects adherence to a set of values and requires obedience to the whims of public opinion."
"Misinformation has become more accessible than ever as well and much of the time misinformation spreads faster than truth."
"Misinformation and things like fake news is only going to get stronger as time goes on."
"We're going to be reaching a point where now unless you see something with your own two eyes it is going to be incredibly difficult to sit down and believe anything that you see."
"How important it is to protect your privacy and to protect your information as much as you possibly can."
"Foundations of our new digital civilization."
"We're living in a unique moment where a deluge of information can be instantly summoned up in just a click, sifting through it all to find the truth."
"We won't know the full effects of this whole social media experiment until 30 years from now."
"The digital age offers endless opportunities."
"Art is amazing. Art is something that we all have access without paying which is amazing in Wikipedia or in Google, everything we can access images this is a luxury that we didn't used to have."
"Interacting with online customers has never been more critical than it is today."
"Facing the scary reality of the internet age."
"A successful image sent off into the void of the web."
"In the digital age, your data is your lifeline."
"Can you believe kids growing up now have never experienced life without social media and the internet?"
"One of the advantages of the digital age is it gives us an almost unprecedented ability to see how incredibly stupid the human race can be."
"Social media right now could make or break relationships."
"Staying vigilant and internetting consciously and safely is more important these days than ever before."
"The internet is kind of like the new age digital real estate."
"You can start overnight with a website and an idea."
"People tend to be very locked down in the way information comes to them, but the information age has expanded the human mind."
"Everything you want to know is already on the internet."
"A love letter to the infinite scroll of social media."
"But in the internet age, more and more people are uncovering some uncomfortable truths."
"Welcome to the digital world, where everything is connected."
"We live in a world where the internet is King."
"The internet has given us way too much information about each other."
"There are definitely laws that need to be updated to protect our privacy in the digital age, and I think our Congress across the board is behind the times on that."
"The fundamental point of the internet is to connect people."
"Perspective is important. It's the way we understand the world both socially and more importantly for digital spaces."
"With the digital revolution, we're transcending the limits of our minds."
"It's all incredibly valuable in this day and age."
"As I've said in my own earlier speeches, the experience of today's digital world has us inundated with an avalanche of misinformation."
"You have access to it now as a 17-year-old kid on the internet."
"You've got no excuse in this day and age to build an online business."
"People's attention spans are so much shorter than they used to be."
"I like the fact that the internet and I are the same age."
"Our kids were doing great before this app came along."
"Connecting the online services... we're all trying to connect to something, aren't we?"
"Well, looks like digital cheating deserves digital consequences."
"Oh my god, it's amazing. I'm excited to join the digital age!"
"Your attention is worth thirty-five billion dollars."
"The internet is so crazy and I love how crazy it is."
"Cancel culture is The New Normal... we're being converted into a digital resource."
"The internet was made for such a time as this."
"The social media platforms have really become the public forums of today."
"Our right to privacy doesn't really seem to exist anymore."
"The era of the internet is an interesting time to be alive. While access to these types of modern resources can lead to great opportunities reachable by everyone, it can also be a curse."
"I think we've seen the last decade with social media is sort of a wild enthusiasm excitement for its capability."
"The fact that the online world and the real world of antiques and vintage is coming back together is just really, really satisfying to me."
"The internet always wins, the internet is forever."
"House Bill 138 updates the legal framework surrounding voyeurism in the digital realm, renaming video voyeurism to digital voyeurism."
"It's a battle in the space of information, of digital information."
"Kaiju were beginning to take their first enormous steps into the digital age of filmmaking."
"Bitcoin is that granite for the 21st century digital economy."
"We currently live in a time where physical media is dying out... and if our devices break or the online content is deleted without an archive, it's usually gone forever."
"Most of our interactions are digital, curated snippets, pictures, videos, concepts that are just not reflective of reality."
"The connected world has empowered millennials to take ownership, Glassdoor and LinkedIn allow ownership of one's career, YouTube allows ownership of one's content, Instagram and Snapchat allow ownership of one's personal brand."
"Nicocado avocado is speaking in the digital language of the new age."
"Quantifying our existence as human beings through digital analytics, making us what we are, just a bunch of ones and zeros."
"In the modern digital age especially, I think that modern people have less usage for money than they used to."
"The power of the Creator economy."
"The most valuable place is the internet."
"I love that I live in an era where digital tools are so accessible, but there's something about the scratching of my pen on paper that just lights up my creativity."
"In today's digital age, photographs hold immense power."
"The game is attention. The game is attention on this device."
"Being present and connecting in real ways is increasingly vital in our digital world."
"YouTube right now I think is approaching this incredible golden age."
"The world is digital, and anyone can become whatever they want to become."
"In this day and age, privacy can't be an afterthought."
"Oh, get real. In this day and age, privacy can't be an afterthought."
"Each time the doors opened to floor zero, I found myself peering into a past untouched by the digital age."
"Nothing ever dies on the internet."
"Content is a major part of marketing in today's times."
"Imperfection is the digital perfection."
"We live in a world that's really digital, and a lot of people are constantly distracted by their phones and their devices."
"Conduct your relationships in person not over the internet."
"A lot of information, a lot of stories were lost whenever the web developed because old websites just got deleted went missing. Like stories were lost."
"Just be who you want to be and in a digital age that's exactly what people are doing. They are deciding for themselves what they want to be and how they want to believe."
"The story of his come up is a testament to the power of virality in this digital age as he seemingly blew up overnight."
"In the digital age, wars are not just fought with soldiers and weaponry but with lines of code and malware, silently infiltrating, extracting, and retreating like phantoms in the night."
"Cyborg will evolve into a modern-day god of the digital age, and in, and be human again."
"It's what social media is to real social relationships."
"We had to meet through real life, it wasn't on the apps."
"There is so many ways and availabilities for you guys to read this right now here and now that it's become less and less of an argument as to why you can't read."
"Now it's the status quo and everybody absolutely must have an online presence."
"We're rebuilding societies in ways that still work for humans but that are different for the digital age."
"Content nowadays, it's the new real estate."
"...the Google effect, also called digital amnesia, is the tendency to forget information that can be found readily online by using internet search engines."
"The digital power is something that's right now in front of us, and we are part of it."
"The truth is, in the digital age when there is no mainstream media, there's no curation, and everyone's got their own channel, you cannot let any of these things get ahead of steam. Knock it on the head as quickly as possible."
"The world is constantly changing beneath our feet, so whatever occupation you're in, think how you can convert your expertise into digital assets."
"It's alarming how easily personal anecdotes can be weaponized in our digital age. Guard your stories, no matter how trivial they may seem."