
Privacy Quotes

There are 10739 quotes

"Data should be a universal human right; it's gonna be the most monetizable asset ever."
"We clearly need something like a digital Bill of Rights, absolutely, and as soon as possible."
"You are what they are selling: your data, your viewing habits, what you are likely to buy."
"It's easy to forget that some of our favorite creators are also real people who deserve to have their lives kept private if they so choose."
"This is not only super invasive but also unbelievably dangerous."
"We actually know how to create perfect privacy in your phone."
"Share your screen. Let me preface this by saying, if you truly do not want to delete anything, there's no pressure to actually delete anything."
"The princess of Wales is keeping her private medical information private, as she should. Loose lips sink ships."
"After this, I'm never gonna make any of my relationships public again."
"Wouldn't it be nice if companies paid us in cryptocurrency when they use our data, and if we control who has access to it instead of our digital overlords?"
"If there's no gap at all between what you'd say in public and what you'd say in private, then intimacy is just meaningless."
"We need to reserve some space for intimacy which is protected from the imaginary audience that we have on the internet."
"Don't tell anyone she's a Forbes 30 under 30 honoree."
"Protecting your data security is more important than ever."
"My personal life is not anyone else's entertainment."
"The problem with big tech companies is that they censor what you see and track what you do online."
"The technology impacts you. It could fundamentally change the nature of privacy in public space."
"Privacy is a human right and that's why it should be protected, regardless of whether or not you're doing anything wrong."
"Our relationship wasn't a secret, it was just private."
"Apple's entire brand ethos is security and your information staying locally on your device."
"If you're a child, there is no separation of church and state; your life is ultimately posted for the world to basically see."
"Kylie Jenner wants her daughter to have a normal childhood away from the prying eyes of the media."
"I'm glad that I didn't have it out there for the world to see. I could tell it as an adult. It's my choice to tell it."
"Coming out can be a wonderful and joyous process, but it isn't a moral imperative. No one owes you that information about themselves, not even actors in the public eye."
"Protecting queer people who aren't out will always be more important than exposing potential queerbaiting."
"I don't feel like I have to tell the world about my sexuality. I completely understand that many fans want queer representation to be authentic, but at the same time, you shouldn't make someone feel uncomfortable to the point where they have to tell a stranger about their sexuality."
"When I was 15, the only thing I wanted more than a girlfriend was to have some privacy."
"Data brokers are making a fortune selling your personal information."
"It's in these places of privacy where the deals are made that shape our world from behind the scenes."
"Let's make minding our business a thing in 2024."
"The true measure of a man is not what he does when he's being watched; it's what he does when he is alone."
"I want to be completely off the internet, just running businesses on the side."
"I am a devout individualist and I am very much invested in the private sphere of life as opposed to the public sphere."
"If I want to send something to you that only you can read, I would encrypt it with your public key... If you wanna send something to me that only I can read, you would encrypt it with my public key."
"If you can live your life without an audience, you should do it."
"We are increasingly acquiring technologies that enable external agents, whether corporations or governments, to really hack the human mind and manipulate us in ways which were never possible before."
"The entire business model of some corporations is based on really getting to know you better than you know yourself."
"Facial recognition... raises troubling philosophical questions about personal freedom."
"But even if the technology worked 100 percent of the time, it would be extremely dangerous because at its logical conclusion, what it really does is eliminate privacy and anonymity in public space, which is something no free society should ever tolerate."
"Mary now lives with her parents and she has never spoken publicly about this case."
"Systems like this should exist but only in an opt-in setting."
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated."
"The princess wanted to share this information when she and the prince felt it was right for them as a family."
"While being a public figure comes with a level of interest from the public, it should never come at the cost of anyone's safety."
"A woman who discloses her sins to you, if she did live in a sinful past, does not need to tell you or expose her sins."
"The main thing I love about this seat, or should I say Suite, is just how private it is. It feels like my own little room."
"AI models collaboratively built without sharing any confidential patient data can leverage artificial intelligence to its full potential."
"If they get to know you better than you know yourself, the game is over."
"All the decisions related to your private life... a range of other decisions... it's a fundamental shift."
"Memories now will suggest automatically songs based on the content of your memories, and these are all done on device for privacy's sake."
"Financial and personal privacy is a key component of life in a free society."
"Simple machine learning algorithms tracking your behaviors can do crazy things."
"There has never been a more important time to protect your digital rights. That's why I and thousands of my patriotic listeners choose to secure our online data by using ExpressVPN."
"I wasn't okay with it and I knew that there were some people who weren't okay with it in private."
"Talking on the house phone was scary because if I ever had a phone call, I knew my sister or my mom or someone would just pick up the phone and they could listen."
"It should close the backdoor search loophole that underlies the FBI's batch queries and other warrantless searches of Americans' communications."
"At Apple, we believe privacy is a fundamental human right."
"Privacy is that thing that says you belong to you rather than to society."
"Without privacy, we have no power because it's privacy that gives us agency."
"Privacy is about something to protect, and the thing that you're protecting is a free and open society."
"Our privacy and our security are not at odds with one another. Our privacy is, in fact, part of our security. We are not truly secure unless our privacy rights are also protected."
"Private Relay... hides your IP address and browsing activity in Safari."
"Apple does not have access to this data; it's shared only with the person you're sharing it with."
"Privacy last year they added App Tracking Transparency."
"Users need to know basics about protecting their identity."
"Privacy is the way that people get found out, it's the way that people get outed, it's the way that they can be tracked."
"The privacy of our users and their data is of utmost importance to us."
"We don't think you should have to make a trade-off between great features and privacy. We believe you deserve both."
"We live in the world where everything there is to know about you is discoverable to people you know, companies, governments, and everyone in between."
"Passwords have historically been protected under both the Fourth and Fifth Amendments."
"Making our products private by design also drives us to build groundbreaking computing technologies that enable personalized experiences while protecting your private information."
"Every child deserves the ability to have private medical care and to not have it publicized and politicized."
"Privacy and security are essential when it comes to your connected experience. There's no privacy without security."
"Every day your privacy is being invaded... It may feel impossible to regain your privacy and security on the internet, but that's ridiculous. It is possible."
"Advocacy is just so important... your job as a privacy advocate is to not just look after yourself but everybody else."
"Normalize privacy. Get out there, make a difference and seriously, just come on, advocate."
"Privacy to us is a human right; it's a civil liberty."
"When we lose our privacy, we gradually lose the ability to fully develop as humans outside of the public eye."
"Privacy is critical for the development of fully formed individuals, what Julie Cohen calls situated selves, who in their turn are the starting point for democracy."
"Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is just like saying you don't care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say."
"It really doesn't freaking matter if they're married or not, like literally they're dating so respect it. What is wrong with you?"
"Aura is an all-in-one solution that helps protect your identity and keep your personal information safe."
"It's a huge relief to know that I can take back control of my privacy and reduce the risk of falling victim to fraud."
"How does it know what my password is? That's crazy; that has to be illegal."
"Integrating and running intelligence on the device is critical to realizing the full potential of these experiences, providing important benefits such as greater immediacy, reliability, and privacy."
"I had to say to my daughter last night, my youngest, 'Hey, just so you know, on Monday, I'm doing Conan, and I'm thinking about talking about when you got your period. Are you comfortable with that?'"
"What goes on in a private bedroom between consenting adults is no business of the state."
"If you've been watching what's going on with social media, you might be thinking to yourself, should those people have my data? The answer is of course those people should not have your data."
"It's not a modern invention, so as soon as we began to value privacy, it was being eroded."
"Privacy, intimacy. That is also other words for what happens off the record."
"If you're not paying, then you're not the customer; you're the product."
"BC Vault generates non-deterministic wallets, meaning none of the private keys generated on your BC Vault could ever be traced back to your BC Vault seed."
"There is a freedom in knowing people will mind their own business about whatever you're doing, as long as it's not hurting anyone."
"For the first time in history, it's possible to monitor all the people all the time... and for the first time in history, it's becoming possible for an outside system to know me better than I know myself."
"This is the latest chapter in a disturbing trend where we see government agencies increasingly transforming search warrants into digital dragnets."
"Everyone acts differently when nobody's looking. The fact that no one will know makes us comfortable and allows us to entertain all sorts of absurd thoughts and activities."
"Secrecy is different from privacy. We all need privacy in relationships."
"The ability to function as a private and free individual to me is everything. If you're controlled, tracked, monitored, you have no privacy, then the Constitution of the United States is shredded."
"Technology is tracking us, but what are your thoughts on using technology to ensure privacy? Without privacy, how can freedom exist?"
"Your privacy is constantly being invaded by the sites you visit, your ISP, your government, and even the services you use like Google or Facebook."
"Never answer security questions online truthfully. You should be creating a password inside of your password manager which is the solution to your questions."
"Texting is completely insecure. The best thing to do is to either only use iMessage, which only works on Apple devices, or switch over to Signal."
"ProtonMail is a completely secure email service which you should all start using today."
"Members of the royal family are not allowed to have public social media accounts."
"The knock and announce rule protects three vital interests: life and limb, property, and privacy."
"I mean, can you imagine never being able to go outside without having your picture taken?"
"Is this a premonition from the universe showing you what you need to see, or are the phones just listening to us?"
"If you destroy privacy, you actually destroy humanity."
"Central Bank digital currencies are about government sanctions, surveillance, and control."
"Millennial mothers, come here, open those ears up because I know you have them. Stop filming your young children and posting it online for the entire world to see."
"Privacy is a big focus for Apple in macOS Bixer."
"A few decades ago, private citizens used to be largely that, private. Well, what changed? The internet."
"As soon as someone approaches you at the airport and knows your children, get your kids off the internet."
"There's no doubt that voice assistants have opened up Pandora's Box in terms of data security and privacy."
"Apple probably took the best reaction to protect privacy and they have talked more and more about privacy and security."
"Governments want to know not just where we go or who we meet. Above all, they want to know what is happening under our skin."
"It's a reminder to everybody: don't ever volunteer information to the police."
"By now most of us are probably aware of the threats to our privacy online and the consequences that can follow if things go wrong."
"Royals are not supposed to share their innermost thoughts. That's not why they're there. They're there to represent their country, their culture, their heritage, their nation."
"Stop watching me, moon people! It's none of your business what I do in there!"
"He's a private man who prefers to spend his time reading and thinking, who invests far from the spotlight, and with no care for either mainstream opinion or consensus strategies."
"It's hard to be spontaneous if a regular person wants to pop down to Starbucks and get a Grande French Vanilla Latte."
"The original don't ask, don't tell grandma Foster."
"The use of things like social media and so on means that in the commercial surveillance means that there's an enormous amount more known about us by people other, you know businesses, government whatever then perhaps one ought to feel comfortable with."
"A man who gives a charity with so much privacy and sincerity that his left hand has no idea what his right is giving."
"Jess could have been 100 million percent supportive of her daughter and not shared her story on her YouTube channel."
"We want to make sure that technology moves forward, but on the other hand, we want to make sure that cryptocurrencies aren't used for the equivalent of old Swiss secret number bank accounts."
"You expose your IP address to hackers, to Wi-Fi people, to governments, to exchangers; you don't want to be that guy that got hacked."
"Just mind your own business and let trans people live their lives."
"Well, I think this is maybe the most important thing to know about living right now in the 21st century: that we are now hackable animals."
"Those first responders taking great care to protect that woman's privacy."
"The idea behind this operating system is to take the Android open source project and harden it and make it way more secure but also way more private, and to give control back to the user of their device."
"If you want to give yourself a little bit more sovereignty over your phone, your identity, your privacy, your security, and your life, I would suggest checking out this project."
"Content creation is not hard; it's many things. It could be time-consuming, emotionally draining, or it could rid you of a lot of your privacy."
"We used to call them public servants and we were private citizens because we were supposed to know everything about them and they were supposed to know nothing about us."
"Our marriage is our business and it's private. Why can't people just understand that and just leave us alone?"
"Privacy doesn't mean the right to your data only; it means the right to your dignity. It means having control over what parts of yourself you share and which parts you lock the door for."
"It's putting the customer in control of your privacy."
"This is something just for you. You don't have to share it with anybody."
"Maintaining their privacy while reaping the benefits of fame."
"In this new world, we all need to be more wary of what we post online, especially if you're a celebrity."
"It's almost like stealing people's data and giving it to a hyper-intelligent AI as part of an unregulated tech monopoly was a bad thing."
"VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are a really useful tool for protecting your privacy and securing your personal details online."
"This world wasn't meant to be public yet, which makes sense because it wasn't."
"Shape-shifting, reinventing is such a nice word to define this. You're burning bridges in such a way to make sure that nobody in your previous stage of life finds out because you are like embarrassed of that."
"In the era of the internet, you can hide nothing."
"Don't let people know your business because the moment you let people know your business, the moment that they will say something to try to manifest against you."
"Privacy is not private. Privacy is social. It is societal."
"Our founding fathers knew the importance of restricting the government's ability to interfere in America's personal business when they wrote the Constitution."
"People who are in public positions also have private lives."
"Twitter has been all too eager to take private information from its users without telling them, to sell it and monetize it without their permission."
"A Saudi national who worked for Twitter was convicted by a federal jury for stealing the personal data of dissidents who criticized the Saudi regime and handing the data over to the Saudi government."
"This person likes relationships that aren't complicated, that don't provoke a lot of drama, that don't attract a lot of unwanted attention, and that won't cause a lot of gossip."
"Blockchain could be used in healthcare to protect your medical information and how you share it."
"It's not right to be attacking somebody's private home where kids could be, where his wife could be. It is not right."
"Personal space and privacy is very important."
"You always say like, 'Oh, if you want, I can put you through to the manager,' or 'You have to come in and find her; we can't give out a schedule over the phone.'"
"I think people should own their data and make money off of it."
"Achieving widespread success online is difficult if you aren't willing to allow the public to peer into your personal life and develop a parasocial relationship with you."
"Achieving a sweet spot, where you give viewers just enough of you so that they crave more but not so much that they're either sick of you or constantly violate your privacy, can capture people's imagination in a very specific way."
"The CIA has been secretly conducting surveillance programs to capture Americans' private information."
"Don't put all your business on the internet."
"Internet activity is private when you use incognito mode. That is, in fact, a lie."
"All of your internet activity is private when you use incognito mode. That is, in fact, a lie."
"You're more likely to be open and honest with an AI than a human therapist because the AI is not going to judge you."
"What one thinks about me, what judgments you want to make about what happened in the privacy of my own home, in my marriage, behind closed doors, I don't presume the average person should know those things, and so I don't take it personally."
"I don't really want to talk about my traumas with strangers."
"A system that protects you from the Chinese, also protects your data from the FBI."
"There are technologies that could be rolled out today that allow you to upload your data to the cloud and not allow even the cloud computing company to see it."
"Where the laws don't protect privacy, technology can."
"95% of my privacy being safe is better than 0%."
"Our memories possess two distinct forms and systems of awareness. The first one is for public consumption... The other one is for our emotional experience and that one we want to conceal because it hides some pain."
"The benefits of DeFi include privacy, security, censorship resistance, and trustlessness."
"The privacy of whether it's an individual or an organization needs to be protected and the conditions under which it is not should be transparent."
"People will dig through someone's Twitter account to find something offensive they said 10 years ago."
"We wish health and healing for Kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace."
"Anything about the FBI, I don't know, don't harass me."
"Would it be okay if the post office opens your mail, decided they didn't want to bother delivering it, and hid that fact by sending it back to you stamped 'address unknown, return to sender'?"
"If you’ve got a clear motivation to invade people’s privacy for their own benefit."
"Mass surveillance, outside of the fear of certain at-home devices, is real."
"There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation."
"My mom always taught me to be very proper, private, and to always portray that everything was perfect."
"I want to be President to restore liberty. I want a government that protects your privacy and exposes government secrecy."
"Having your personal data shared and sold without your permission is one of the biggest issues we all face on a daily basis."
"I donate to causes that mean a lot to me. I never talk about it, I don't advertise it."
"There is no privacy in a narcissistic family."
"Every human being has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life."
"Wifi networks do collect the mac address of your device, but modern smartphones often randomize these MAC addresses so that you can't be tracked across different Wi-Fi connections."
"They can pinpoint exactly where you are and what you’re doing; they can actually direct an ad to you."
"I think that we live in a world that's too much show and tell, too much instant gratification, and I commend Megan and Harry for trying to keep this private."
"In general, it's better for people to not know what you have."
"Senator Wyden is saying this is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. We absolutely cannot trust them to use this for benevolent purposes."
"The lockdown mode ensures that nobody can access your phone unless they know the actual pin number."
"Secure Folder is a powerful tool to hide photos, videos, messages, documents, or basically any other file type in a secret and secure environment."
"It's terrifying to see exactly how many brokers have our data, and it's really fun to watch Incogni get them to delete that info one by one."
"Ultimately after pouring our guts and our hearts into this little boy... we're truly going to protect his privacy."
"I use cursive now when I don't want my kids to know what I'm writing."
"Content creators love to hide who they really are when the curtains close and the lights dim."
"When we donate to a cause, it's behind the scenes. It's just something that's personal to us."
"The web is safer, and its permission model is more respectful of your privacy."