
Gaming Quotes

There are 101849 quotes

"I still want to be here when Cities Skylines 2 is the game that we all dreamed it would be, and I want to be along for the ride."
"If you harvested [Little Sisters], then you're a complete scrub."
"Eventually, though, if you play enough, you may start to get bored of that and branch out into playing other people, and this can be a very subtle but transformative experience."
"You know what, I didn't know what to expect with this game, but I like it already. This is a good vibe."
"The idea of a Fortnite and Lego love child had confused me, but now that I was playing the game, I had a good feeling about it."
"I discovered I could perform a glorious dodge roll."
"I decided I needed a spacious area for the various crafting and refining tables."
"I love the animation for the door; it's reminiscent of the Lego movie animations."
"We only need one more artifact for the Broodmother boss fight, and that's in the lava cave."
"I really want an achievement for being the first one out of Bleak Falls Barrow."
"Every time you play through a roguelike...you'll always come away from the experience with a new piece of knowledge or a new skill."
"Intrinsic motivation is the simple fun of jumping around in a platformer, of winning a match against another player, or the satisfaction of finding a new solution to a problem in an immersive sim."
"This card was arguably one of the strongest cards in Clash Royale history."
"The Elixir Golem changed the entire dynamic of the match."
"The Elixir Golem may have had a toxic past, but if the Royal giant can become a healthy win condition, I think it can have a bright future too."
"That's crazy, the Scythe is actually one of the most satisfying melee custom weapons I've ever used."
"Dude, I'm getting like a doom style vibe from this."
"It's readily apparent that combat is relatively infrequent in modern battle royale games, and players rarely have opportunities to battle and sharpen what's arguably the most important skill: combat."
"You have to try and grow your population, make your people happy, and make as much gold as possible, all at the same time."
"Every model a Demon Engine kills in the fight phase, they kind of consume their life essence and heal a wound for every model they kill, up to a maximum of three."
"Every time I make an unmodified roll of six with a plagued weapon, it's a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. Nice."
"This game was so crazy, man. This game was awesome."
"Thank you all so much for watching, good luck in solo queue, and we'll see you in the next one."
"We play and call it work. Mindy working means Warhammer 40k battle report. Hello gamers, Josh and Luka here for Mini Wargaming."
"Let's be real, it's not just for you, it's also for us because we get to play."
"We're gonna try and do one we haven't done before. So I'm gonna go ahead and stop talking now, and we're gonna go play some Warhammer 40k. Let's go."
"Don't forget to go check out Matthew and Josh playing Genestealer Cult versus Adeptus Custodes Warhammer 40k ninth edition battle report."
"I'm gonna try something different. I went with raise the banners high."
"Every roll of six is good because that's Death to the False Emperor."
"We are gonna start charging with this Mephitic Blight-hauler here."
"Holy, that's right, yeah, just volume of fire, just extra hits. Loving it, absolutely."
"It's kind of like I feel like I'm the prey in this game."
"The beauty of Destiny build crafting is in the loop of mods and abilities."
"I don't regret a single minute that I played the game. I was so happy playing WoW; I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"Two body one crit; 60% of the time, it works every time."
"Only call for a roll if there are meaningful consequences for failure."
"What I truly believe needs to be done to all the skills in the game is that they need to have a fixed cooldown."
"You want this PvP patch to be good, well then make PvP good. Balance the game."
"You don't want to make the game sterile. Once you just cut off all the spikiness, then it just becomes flat and boring."
"I love that day when you do loot the boss and then you finally get that sick weapon. It makes your whole day."
"The first two weeks of the expansion are by far the best."
"Innovation has too many tanks. Serral can't take this fight."
"I find that it makes me play other games more mindfully."
"Payday was once a game that felt like it had passion, and though at times stumbling, at times a bit misguided, it felt like it was a game about having fun and creating new experiences and making friends."
"Big Bank, one of Payday 2's most iconic heists bar none, it had amazing pre-planning, multiple ways to do objectives and escapes."
"The game feels complete with wonderful attention to detail, the gameplay loop is fun and satisfying."
"Transporter tree is really damn good. I'd wager most people always wanted something like that."
"Payday 2 was joked and memed to death about being a dead game, but with Payday 3, it isn't actually a joke anymore."
"It's hard to fathom just how many bad choices and questionable decisions that this game has made."
"Play the games you want, with the people you want, anywhere you want, when everybody plays, we all win."
"Xbox is a place where you know when you're investing in Xbox, you're investing somewhere that is dedicated to making games more successful and creators more successful."
"For those, including myself, who haven't played it, what is this thing? Why should I be interested, and why has it sold upwards of six million copies?"
"It's like Pokémon with guns, and it looks like it's just madness, right?"
"It almost feels like they broke the rules out of the rules of engagement for this kind of stuff. Nintendo would never let you go around punching Pokémon and throwing their corpses around with ragdoll physics and arm them with weapons."
"Tekken 8 is a gosh darn good Tekken game. It's so full of features, content. The fighting system itself feels so refined and just awesome to play."
"Tekken 8 is the most responsive Tekken game in series history."
"What's terrifying right now is Serral... can remax with ease and his army is already so so high-tech, so efficient."
"Every little mineral, every piece of gas counts at this point."
"This is such a perfect game by Serral; like, if you told me what was his mistake, I'd be like, what are you on about? He didn't even make one."
"DSX is one of the most important series of all time, not just from a mechanical perspective but from a narrative one as well."
"Just play through the campaign and enjoy it and do all the quests and just have fun."
"The first time that you play Path of Exile, it is such a complicated game that I would beg you to use a guide."
"D&D is just the best game for memes. Every session, just tons of memes generated."
"This is the best card in the entire set, rebuke ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all the beautiful people, which includes, of course, you."
"From my perspective... I was actually happy to see what I felt like was a game built for PC gamers first and foremost."
"The beauty of StarCraft lies in its complexity and depth."
"Understanding the opponent's strategy is as crucial as executing your own."
"We aim to make games more engaging, more fun, more meaningful, and more inclusive for everyone."
"One of the coolest things I experienced in this game was I got an item that had something called Weaver's Will, and as I leveled, it added on an additional affix and also leveled up a random affix."
"Amazingly good storms while he's counter-attacking. Great moves."
"He's going to target down the CC. The CC goes down. That was awesome tactical play from Parting."
"There are times where jump pack is so clutch."
"Palafin has been an absolute monster in single battles, but I think it's a little bit more difficult to execute in doubles."
"All that I'm seeing here really is a push forward for more customization, more options for people to play the characters they want to play, bring to life the stories that they want to tell, and have fun with their friends at the table playing this amazing game."
"Manta Style is extremely good on agility heroes... it confuses the enemy."
"Butterfly is one of the best agility items in the game... it makes you much more survivable to physical attacks."
"Blademail... any damage you take gets returned to your enemy."
"I didn't realize that here I was, 21 years later, making memories with this game once again."
"Still, this all got me thinking about the memories we make while playing games."
"Every game ever made is at least one person's favorite game of all time."
"I'm getting too old to let a game's difficulty hold me back from playing something I really want to play, so I just decided a while back that I'm not going to be ashamed of setting a game to easy anymore."
"Kirby and the Forgotten Land was a series first foray into a fully 3D world, and it was just fantastic."
"The Quarry was a huge surprise that came out of nowhere."
"I could feel my inner child stirring inside me, and the shock of it all gave me goosebumps and tears came to my eyes. Yes, tears over a freaking Kirby game."
"Dust of appearance reveals nearby invisible units for 12 seconds. It has a big radius and a big cooldown."
"Every strength point increases your HP by 19. Every point of agility increases your armor by one and your attack speed by one percent."
"Every intelligence point increases your mana by 13 and your mana regen by 0.04."
"I was kind of skeptical about this game at first, but I'm kind of like, you know, that nod of approval with the bottom lip hanging out where you're like, 'Okay, okay, yeah, I like this.'"
"He plays the game the way it should be played."
"The best time to play Skies of Arcadia was as a kid, but the second best time is right now."
"Good level design constantly teaches the player something new."
"Good level design is driven by the game's mechanics."
"One of the greatest moments, and as a DM one of the most rewarding moments, is when in-character banter starts to occur between the players at the table."
"This is definitely one of the bigger moments where I really start to see this game getting closer to its final boss form."
"Whenever you kill an enemy and reap their soul, you gain an extra 9 HP."
"You are the last survivor here, so you get all these experience points."
"To achieve 100%, I'll need to unlock all 12 tiers of realms, complete all the quests, craft an epic endgame set of gear, guns, and tools, build a respectable home, defeat the highest level variants of all three Apex creatures, and, of course, complete all the Steam achievements."
"Love these ones. Oh, gave me 30 tier Essence charm of flanking."
"I made the gun components out of shimmering ingots because it said it had a 15% ice damage multiplier."
"Imagine spawning into a medieval Minecraft server with deadly players, giant kingdoms, and custom medieval weapons."
"I invited 100 players to my Minecraft server and gave them one week to grind gear and form alliances in their goal to be the last Kingdom alive when The Purge begins, removing all rules."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 is set to give us an experience that players have been asking for for years now."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 will test players not in the same way as Elden Ring or Souls games. It's not the kind of game that's about individual skill; it's a test of understanding, strategy, and preparedness."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 and Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen are not games to be consumed; they are games to be learned."
"We got to be real careful about this 'cause it says right here you cannot edit your character again after the game has started."
"We want you to have the chance to really have that high roll moment, that really exciting moment when you find that awesome loot."
"Tempering is a new crafting system that will allow you to add really cool new affixes to your items."
"SAM: Whirlwind. 'When you make a successful attack using a weapon with melee, you may also spend a Hope to use that roll against every other enemy in the range.'"
"LIAM: 'While this card is in your Loadout, if you choose to not wear armor, your armor score is equal to three plus double your strength trait.'"
"LAURA: One of them that I have right now is Just A Sneaky Lil Mushroom."
"MATT: So now that we have our baseline experiences chosen for your characters, let's level you all up to level two."
"The DM's guide says we award inspiration whenever players take actions that make the game more exciting, amusing, or memorable."
"Allowing players to spend their inspiration to impose disadvantage on an enemy's attack roll, saving throw, or ability check...could be very dramatic."
"Why not let a player character actually be inspired? I mean, it's called inspiration, right?"
"What about if three players agreed to throw in their inspiration, they can overrule the dungeon master...and then change the course of the narrative?"
"Awarding inspiration for unblocking a jam...I think it's perfectly legitimate to tell a player, 'Hey, that's a cool idea, here's inspiration.'"
"It is a very narrative-forward game that emphasizes the collaboration between player and GM."
"If you ever want to recapture the feeling of playing Factorio for the first time, I genuinely recommend this mod."
"80 hours on a single charge? I'm not even sure you can physically use a Wii U for 80 hours."
"The thing that really hooked me and got me like in deep was rocket jumping. I definitely get the most into games where there's a kind of unique skill that you can really latch onto and just feel infinite improvement."
"After all the hype and anticipation, Overwatch would finally launch... Overwatch is an incredible achievement in multiplayer shooter design."
"Grab some snacks, sit back, and relax. This is my experience of surviving 100 days on Raft."
"This game is absolutely gorgeous, and I love every second I spent in it so far."
"If you truly want to improve and rank up fast, head on over to SkillCapped.com."
"This game, the Gunplay, the abilities, the endless possibilities, the ridiculous number of activities to do, it's still phenomenal."
"Bungie prays on the nostalgia that we have for Destiny."
"A loyal community of people who have been playing their game for 9 plus years, showing undying loyalty to their game."
"Do not miss Final Shape; it's going to be a wonderful send-off before Destiny changes forever as we know it."
"The game itself can retain a purity of vision in the sense of like, this is still the D&D that is the core set of the rules."
"Rico's second outing drew praise as one of the most exciting open-world games in years."
"Just Cause 2 exceed sales expectations and moved over 6 million copies in four years."
"The newly implemented verticality engendered the advent of another vehicle for air travel: the wingsuit."
"The boosted Avalanche engine's approach to destruction elevated the core tenets of Just Cause gameplay."
"With every new iteration, the basic concept of Just Cause morphed, evolving and leaving space for even grander scenarios."
"The open world naturally went hand in hand with the weather design baked into it, allowing for dynamic gameplay experiences."
"Intelligent strategy with perfect execution is almost impossible to 3-0."
"This latest incarnation takes it into the brand new galaxy, which is the 140,000 universe, in a science fiction exploration of an ancient Old One structure."
"There's a bit more gravity to this version of Warhammer Quest where you can lose everything at the end."
"It's when I think about how much replayability this game's going to have, having played a couple of games of it now, I can honestly say that you're looking at playing quite a few games to get to the vault."
"It's just about finding your zone. It's just like any other game, you have to think that way."
"The game is never lost; there's always a way back. Wait for one mistake, and you can punish them."
"Samsung Galaxy only give up one tower in this entire game. They absolutely dominate SK Telecom."
"Growth is definitely the best place to prove yourself as a player."
"Oh yeah, playing with humility and determination."
"We've decided to embrace how many groups actually play – when you roll a 1 or a 20 for an ability check, saving throw, or attack roll, a one is an automatic failure and a 20 is an automatic success."
"You can't interrupt your brother while he's gaming. Unplugging people's stuff is rude."
"I love video games, don't get me wrong. I get very, very passionate about it...but you've got to remember, it's a video game because at the end of the day, it is not your real life, dude."
"You know, I learned a lot about it, and I really want to play. Please let me play."
"If this was a Just Dance wager, I would not stand a chance. You would take my money. Unfortunately, this isn't Just Dance, this is Madden."
"If you get off a video game and you start hearing voices telling you to do bad things, you need medical attention."
"Buckshot Roulette is a game where you play so badly, you actually psych out the AI into turning the gun on himself."
"Sometimes the Sims 4 seems so milk toast to me. I love when drama is really baked into the older Sims games."
"I love that this game isn't afraid to be a little scandalous, a little nefarious."
"Striving to make PvP gameplay more rewarding and fun and providing greater transparency for players in-game."
"Commander is for fun. It's a socially interactive, multiplayer Magic: The Gathering format full of wild interactions and epic plays, specifically designed as an alternative to tournament magic."
"We just got the holiday cloak. This is like a 3% chance of getting this, and we actually got it."
"It appears you haven't unlocked your maximum potential yet. Of course, if you're seeking more power, you need to bring me three different flowers across the entire map."
"I'm super excited to introduce you to the world of Vampire the Masquerade."
"Super Smash Bros Melee... has been able to stay alive as a game for 23 years now, in spite of seemingly everything trying to stop them."
"Melee, in comparison, has been the same game since it was released and has stayed eternally relevant."
"Building a community, building a player base, building games that are actually fun is going to make you the most money."
"Ah, Nintendo, you make incredible games, some of the best games in the history of this industry."
"Speedruns to me are challenge runs, they're not a competition with the community, they're a competition with myself."
"It's very hard to stop playing this game, you know, something something one more turn."
"It's time to relax, so there you have it, another 100 days of Mega modded Stardew Valley has just flown past."
"After selling every bottle at 120% the price of a normal bottle, we finished the day with a staggering 817,640 gold."
"The beauty of Gallagher is that even though he does have that break niche where he's going to excel and help buff your characters...he doesn't have to be in that because healing is actually pretty decent overall."
"Welcome to our first Skull Zombie base behind this giant waterfall."
"This base is pretty hidden and to be honest, I haven't even shown you the best part of this base."
"The Meta has finally settled and I'm here to bring you my personal tier list for ranked play based on my observation."
"Lucio is the only other S tier on this patch. He's unbelievable."
"Celebrate the legendary crew of Bop in Overwatch 2 with an array of new skins found exclusively in the Overwatch 2 shop."
"Complete challenge and earn rewards coveted by Space Cowboys across the solar system."
"Minecraft Prime is overpowered. I don't know what to expect."
"All Things Considered, though, it just means you have to be a bit more careful with your spell management and your queen charges."
"Passive abilities... are active throughout the entire attack so every time your queen fires, she is slowing down the defense."
"Shen Yun is a solid five-star that I like and I'm happy with, but don't feel pressured to get her as she's not a must-have and will vary in strength based on who you play her with."
"Kaiso Ironon is a Pokémon challenge that was designed to be unfair and not even fun. It was designed for the Pokémon veterans that have nothing better to do than to waste hundreds or thousands of hours not even getting the first badge."
"Gym 1 kills almost every run that makes it out of the lab."
"This run, I got incredibly lucky with the Rocks: Full Restore and that's why we do this. Moomoo Milk, Super Potion, that's actually so sick."
"Everybody buff up, mount up, trade some gold, and get ready to kill the Blood God. This is going to be epic."
"We got this. Maybe he got hot-fixed. Maybe Blizzard's in here and they hot-fixed him."
"The Blood Loa accepts your generous offering. That is epic, dude. That's really cool."
"Operators will leave footsteps; when they're red, that means they're hot and close by."
"Nobody does it quite like him where other area denial characters have certain kinds of situations where they work really good, Smoke is much more versatile and fits into so many more team compositions than his contemporaries."
"Smoke is really nice to have on your team... it covers a pretty decent area, it does significant damage, and it'll stop a plant most of the time."
"This vest that Tanner is wearing is the future of VR gaming."
"The best problem-solving games are designed in such a way that it's fairly easy to succeed or progress in a broad sense, but that finding a perfect solution to the game's central problem is impossible."
"A common question that I get is whether you must play the first title to enjoy this one and the answer is no, but knowing some of the wealth of lore of the Dragon's Dogma Universe certainly adds to the experience."
"Space Exploration is the most technically and visually impressive mod that Factorio has to offer."
"It's SE's most unique challenge, and in my opinion the mod is at its best when you're conquering other planets and setting up isolated bits of manufacturing."
"The biggest defining feature of Space Exploration is its multi-surface logistics."
"Obvious exception being Arcospheres, they're an interesting and unique challenge that wholly deserves to be the final obstacle."
"Super Mario Odyssey is a masterpiece if you're looking at it from developer intentions."
"If you've ever played Factorio, you've probably realized that you always need more red circuit assemblers than you think."
"It's only gonna be like three minutes for you, but building this base took so long the sun is angry at me again."
"Ghost of Tsushima's narrative works fantastically well to motivate the player's actions within the world."
"We are only going to award one S tier to the class that we think is the best in the role."
"The most basic rule that a lot of modern gacha games aren't respecting is good and fun gameplay."
"Odyssey has the best movement system out of all of these games."