
Profession Quotes

There are 3532 quotes

"It's a beautiful day to save lives, let's have some fun."
"As astronauts, we have the best jobs in the galaxy."
"It's not even about being good or bad; it's about turning a passion into a profession."
"All I do is like, I try to make people laugh; that's my job."
"Healthcare workers are human, we are not perfect. No one would go into this profession if...as soon as you mess up you're going to jail. No one would go in because we're all going to mess up."
"The doctor is highly respected because of his impressive resume and his accomplishments."
"He has married many women but has never been married. Who is he?"
"Do what you are actually interested in. If you can make a profession of your passion, I can tell you, you will be excellent at it."
"The danger is that they become identical with their personas — the professor with his textbook, the tenor with his voice."
"To have your living be play is what could be better than that."
"Design is a really fun profession and in a lot of ways, it's a forever profession, which means that you never really stop learning."
"Can men please stop trying to be influencers? We need electricians and mechanics. I'm begging you."
"The greatest reward of all is finally getting your license and being able to practice as a nurse and live your dreams."
"Nursing is one of the most respected professions in the whole world."
"The beginning, the beginning... Oh yes, I suppose I should tell you that I am a biologist."
"It's a family-oriented practice. I do miss my patients."
"For far too long, we've taken advantage of people who are doing altruistic jobs, like teachers and people in the medical profession."
"You spend 50% of your time in the field, so you might as well be good at it."
"Your style should reflect your personality, profession, and lifestyle."
"Caregiving unlike any other profession... because you do have that emotional connection, the psychological connection, and the physical connection."
"To have a passion and to be able to turn that passion into a profession is the most beautiful thing that can happen to anyone."
"Funny to be a comedian; half the fan mail I get opens with this exact phrase."
"The value of the work is that is the laugh. We harvest laughter; we're laugh farmers."
"Mercenary is probably one of humankind's oldest professions."
"I assess mentally disordered offenders for a living, so that you don't have to."
"Life is all about experiences, and we are so lucky and blessed that we have a job of experiences."
"Jesus is called a carpenter... but the word actually is 'Tecton' which means sort of artisan or a builder."
"I love what I do, but I just haven't been loving it because of how overwhelming it's been."
"My name is Cheng Lei. I'm a TV anchor based in Beijing, China, and this is my story."
"There's a brand new profession Quest chain that leads into a pretty deep opportunity for people to find materials and craft a lot of really cool and powerful items."
"AEW is a place where we get to hurt people, and we get to make money doing it."
"Acting is a wonderful profession. Some people say it's not, but I think it's a wonderful profession."
"Solving electrical design problems? [ __ ] yes, that is what I do for a living."
"Going fast, that's what race car drivers do."
"Everything about the astronaut job is quite kind of, you know, sexy anyway."
"Make your creative talents your profession and thrive!"
"Trading is a challenging profession, but if you remember that, then every reversal becomes a stepping stone to another success."
"Writing is a job, whether you get paid or not."
"Teaching is the single most important job in the world."
"Well, kids, my name is Evan Richards, attorney-at-law."
"It’s disrespectful to an entire fucking profession."
"His dream is to become the greatest swordsman in the world."
"As an archaeologist, you live archaeology, you breathe archaeology."
"Our field fundamentally, down to the core of its being, is about solving problems."
"Scalpers, this is their profession in a lot of ways."
"You guys truly do give me the best gig on the planet. I love you."
"You don't want to date somebody who does what I do."
"Commentators... make a living off that, one of the most notable commentators."
"It's allowed me this world in which what I do can seem refreshing."
"You argue with people for a living, just for less money."
"Most teachers got into this business because they have a passion to teach."
"I don't leave my own profession out of it that we've been messing up a lot."
"You're gonna make a terrific doctor one day."
"History is an important tool for us to learn from past human errors and is vital for those who work in certain professions."
"Sharing my gaming experience... coolest job in the world."
"Peace, love, and trust me I'm a supersonic engineer."
"Just getting ready to go to work at post-production in Mexico City."
"Burglar is objectively the best profession in the game."
"Acting ain't easy. Like, seriously, it's not."
"Thank you all very much for joining me. I'm Leonard French, your favorite copyright attorney."
"Registered nurses: highly paid, always in demand."
"Who is going to save Santa Claus if not for the lawyers?"
"You're going to be an incredible doctor one day."
"Journalists, especially General assignment reporters and photojournalists, they risk their lives too."
"Hi there, good morning everyone, my name is Nasir Karma and I'm a doctor working in the NHS."
"Not all teachers are Saints, but I think teaching is a noble thing to do with your life."
"This is our work so you don't even have to thank us this is our work."
"I'm Jory Goodman, the Time Teller. Remember, I didn't invent time, I just tell it."
"Then we can get back to catching fish, doing what we love."
"These steps to success are great, but I'm not a businessman, I'm a YouTuber."
"Many teachers will say that they do it for more than just the money."
"I may be a delivery driver, but that does not make me the package Thief."
"Did you get paid to do it? Then you're a voice actor."
"I make money for other people, that's kind of what I do for a living."
"I'm not a watch collector, I am a watch dealer."
"The Irishman: 'I heard you paint houses.' Yes, yes sir, I do."
"Teaching's obviously not about cash. It elevates the spirit."
"Food styling, it is not for the faint of heart."
"Mary tells the detectives that she is actually a PhD chemist."
"I have worked in my legal career for almost 15 years now."
"The truth is that if your job is playing the game you will never understand an average player because they don't play the game as a job, and that's okay."
"This right here is my childhood. And this right here is, I guess, my job."
"I sometimes scratch my head because it's like, why am I doing anything else? I should just be doing that trade."
"I just played video games for a living. I don't design them, but I know what I like."
"It was really, really cool to see and feel the impact of what we do."
"Remember that our jobs as graphic designers is to communicate and organize information."
"I'm not a lobbyist, I've never been a lobbyist."
"But yeah, this is fucking amazing and it's thanks to you guys that I'm able to even do this for a living."
"Taking on jobs like Ali's are why I love what I do."
"Cuphead's devs gambled it all by selling their houses back to the bank in order to bring their game to life."
"Alchemy tends to be a very stable profession."
"Actors pretending to be things that they're not for a living... that's what acting is."
"They are human beings, they're not bloody paid politicians, they're not Secret Service, they're not in the army, they are footballers."
"This is what being a firefighter is all about."
"How can you not be an art historian with a last name like Guggenheim?"
"I'm really the best game developer on the planet right now."
"Making teaching more attractive as a profession is always the best answer."
"But like take it easy, like what if I was like, 'Hey, like the house you just worked on piece of [__], like yeah, you're so bad at tiling, like you should really go get another job.'"
"I love what I do so much... I just don't think if I sat here and talked for 45 minutes about how I'm so obsessed with what I do and how appreciative I am I don't think it would be as interesting."
"I just always thought the cut man was so interesting. There's this guy that's in Floyd Mayweather's corner that didn't get past the seventh grade."
"Thank you for being here. Expressing the information I've received for a living is my highest bliss state."
"Since day one, you've had a couple bumps in the road, but you've been a consistent big tattooer."
"We want revolutionary actuaries." - Warren Redlich
"My name is Robert Sepehr, I'm an anthropologist."
"It's because of you guys I'm able to do this for a living."
"Background, I think of as being kind of like a profession."
"I love Sandy Shores Police Department. I like just being a small-town cop. There's an interesting thing happening."
"My job is to entertain, my job is to make people laugh."
"I can't tell you enough how much I respect what y'all do."
"I could be murdered today, you know, as a police officer doing everything right, some dude can fire off a shot lucky and hit me right in the head and I die."
"She absolutely loved her job as a hair stylist."
"Hey look buddy I'm an engineer that means I solve problems."
"You will never take away my ability to be a stand-up comic."
"Speculative is not a dirty word, it's what we do, it's the day job we speculate well."
"I'm a graduate of the police academy, okay? Just like you years ago."
"I’m a writer by trade, if I were to pick one of the many things I’ve done for a living, writing is always going to be at the bedrock of it all."
"Hi, I'm a medium named Bree. I talk to the dead for a living."
"That's what journalism is right, that's what we're here to do, which is to search for the truth."
"I'm sure they don't do it for the money, they do it for the love of the bones."
"It means I get to do what I love for a living right."
"I am NOT a Christian actress. I'm an actress who is a Christian."
"It's just a test shoot, solo key, not for publication, will still pay obviously."
"They didn't do it just so they can be cool and win Person of the Year; they did it because, 'Hey, I'm an actress, I'm an actor, this is what I do for a living.'"
"Profession usually dictates the outcome of the punishment of the action."
"Passion for a job and wanting to help, especially when there's literally life and death being put in the balance, is irreplaceable."
"I'm a software engineer working in the FinTech space and building tools and applications for engineers."
"I am proud of what I am. I am a librarian."
"Being a professional chef is pretty easy 'cause you get to surprise people with delicious foods every day."
"I'm not a detective, and I don't want to be. I'm a lawyer, and a very good one."
"Whatever they do, they are really passionate about it."
"No other profession on the planet Earth gives us the capacity and the ability to have the relationships we have."
"It is my business to know things."
"Hi, I'm Yuji, I'm a professional chef."
"I work as in-house legal counsil at a medium-sized pretty profitable real estate company based in the Southeast."
"The book business... there's a deep love. The agent wants to make money, but they're kind of there because it's just what they know and what they're good at."
"Let me start off with a backstory. I come from a long line of firefighters."
"I'm from San Diego, California, and I am a professional photographer."
"You may be wondering who I am. My name is Chris Mayer, I'm a qualified geologist."
"Hi, I'm Chris Hadfield, astronaut, fighter pilot, test pilot."
"By a man's fingernails, by his coat sleeve, by his boot, by his trouser knees, by the colossi of his forefinger and thumb, by his expression, by his shirt cuffs, by each of these things, a man's calling is plainly revealed."
"I could use a good tax accountant around here," he said.
"I am a game developer and I have been for 12 years, I think."
"I am actually a professional makeup artist."
"The awards really represent a recognition of the flight attendant profession."
"We are YouTubers; it's what we are and it's what we do."
"You are professional liars; your job is to make it believable."
"There are blessed people in life that have chosen a profession not only are they good at but that they love."
"Doctors charge high rates so that they can keep on helping people; in our home bakery business, we need to charge proper prices so that we can keep on baking for people."
"I'm Anthony Bourdain, that's right. I write, I travel, I eat, and I'm hungry for more. No Reservations."
"What I use geological maps for is trying to discover new mineral deposits. It's pretty central to my everyday job."
"It's one of the most exciting parts of what I do."
"I don't consider myself a tattoo artist, I consider myself a tattooist."
"That's what a lawyer is, and it's a good thing."
"Many years ago, being an explorer was the best job in the world."
"I've been in the kitchen, and now I am a private chef."
"None of this changes Garland's primary truth that the profession is necessary and important if the movie is successful it'll remind the public to try and find that trust again."
"I think she's cool. I think she got a great heart on her shoulders, um, surgery nurses, it's a big thing, so I really, I respect that grind for going to school becoming that, you know, yeah."
"I love what I do and yes, I'm underpaid so don't let this profession fool you."
"...I would rather be a maester, of course. They're at the city of books, I could read all day and write all day history, which is pretty much what I like."
"We all love doing what we're doing; we're very lucky to do what we do."
"I'm really personable, and a lot of my patients end up being my friends."
"We're in the business of saving lives, Matthew."
"I'm a youth pastor, baby. You know it."
"I really enjoy just being an actor."
"I'm not a pessimist, I'm an optometrist."
"Plenty of people make a living as full-time professional artists."
"I'm so incredibly grateful and thankful that I get to do this for a living."
"I made 240,000 as an artist in 2022."
"I'm a fashion designer for books."
"If you're a mechanic and you're operating under the hood of a car in an engine bay, you're going to want a really floody light."
"I work as a mortician at Baxter and Gordon funeral directors in Woodley."
"If you're a professional painter, then your arms and your back are literally your life."
"Hi, my name is Steve-O, and I make people happy for a living."
"I am not a superhero; this is a show about lawyers."
"A cloud engineer is the superhero of the cloud world; they are responsible for creating a blueprint of the cloud system, designing and setting it up, implementing and keeping it running smoothly."
"Keep in mind, I'm a board-certified criminal defense lawyer, so I look at this through that lens, but I also am a curious person anyway."
"Being a stunt person has to be so freaking cool and fun."
"I work as a full-time content creator."
"I just love doing it. I love what I do."
"What had begun as a temporary occupation turned into my profession."
"I talk for a living; I'm a voice actor."
"I'm a school teacher from Barry's Bay, Ontario."
"Hi, I'm Kaye Melissa, your friendly neighborhood hair stylist."
"People pay us very well to do things that we love to do."
"Honestly, I do makeup every single day as a job."
"I've been a truck driver for quite some time now, I'd say I'm pushing 10 years this summer."
"If it's your first time here, hi, I'm Alicia, an online coach who also teaches virtual classes."
"Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Aditi Alawat and I am a neurologist at Milford Regional Physician Group."
"These are the tools of the trade."
"My name is Lynn St. Louis and I am an Estate Planning and Elder Law attorney."
"I'm sorry y'all, this my job, this what I've been doing my whole life."
"We've been very fortunate that we've stayed in the game so there's no substitute for playing but I absolutely love what I do now."
"I absolutely love what I do now we're watching the best players in the world we're able to comment on it work with some great people long may it continue."
"I'm a ranger, hunter, and part-time marshal. I deal in facts, not campfire stories."
"Everybody is universally concerned with this duality architects have to deal with."
"I was an actor that did my own stunts, so you get the double pay."
"Anytime you get to be on set, it's so fun."
"The nickname of the doctor: Theta Sigma."
"If there's an oxymoron in American life, it is humble anchorman."
"The effectual truth is what your profession amounts to; the truth is how it comes out, the effect of it."