
Balance Quotes

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"Trying to enjoy the journey as well as aim towards some sort of destination."
"It was just the right balance between management simulation and creativity that was just perfect for me."
"Yin and the yang... twins and having the energy wrap around them."
Jess Carpenter
"Understanding that pain and pleasure are in a really dynamic balance can help us."
"We're talking about, actually, a transformation in the way in which we relate to our lives, to our bodies, to our calling, to our loves, to our ambition, and so forth, so that we can live lives of balance and fundamental, profound satisfaction."
"Balance is always losing your balance and then recovering your balance."
"Every action you take is either making a motivational deposit or a withdrawal."
"It's the classic Goldilocks phenomenon; not too much, not too little."
"Our life is broadly in balance so we're not screwing up one area of our life for the sake of another."
"We can be harder on ourselves, but we need to balance that with more self-love."
"When it comes to weed, it’s about finding the right balance and method that suits your individual needs and preferences."
"The trick... is how those systems are balanced and regulated so that we kind of most successfully pursue those dreams and hopes and goals."
"The rewards of finding and maintaining balance are neither immediate nor permanent; they require patience and maintenance."
"Don't be too hard on yourself but also expect things from yourself too, right? There's a balance I think everyone sort of needs to find there."
"What goes up must come down. If there was no ceiling to the highs, there'd be no ceiling to the lows."
"Our healthy weight, a healthy relationship with food, our mental health, our physical well-being, all those things need to be in harmony."
"You must see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two." - Quote from Miyazaki, director of Armored Core 2.
"Bring your life into balance, be honest with yourself, and focus on positive thoughts and energy as you're starting to manifest."
"Spirit is stepping in to bring harmony and balance back to your life."
"Muscle gain is a good thing, but there's no such thing as an infinitely good thing. All good things eventually become neutral things, and all neutral things eventually, if you get more of that good thing, become bad things."
"The proper balance for a child is something like an embrace, that's the maternal embrace, and encouragement to transform, and that's more the paternal territory."
"You think these things are going to be baggage; it's more like ballast. It balances you out."
"Juggling it all while maintaining balance can be a challenge, but there's a few things that have helped me maintain sanity and be productive while also loving life."
"I'm constantly finding myself figuring out a balance to be able to spend wonderful quality time with my kids and also work on my passions."
"Your goal is to be 90% liked and 10% disliked; you need the push-pull patterns of the universe."
"Daily self-treatment will help to prevent sickness and disease and bring your life into focus and balance quickly."
"Addiction isn't linear... The goal is balance and finding a place where you can be settled without always trying to fill a void."
"Both excessive and defective exercise destroys the strength, and similarly drink or food which is above or below a certain amount destroys the health."
"The more passive income you get, the more you should balance it out with personal development work."
"The formula becomes: neither seek nor avoid."
"What I truly believe needs to be done to all the skills in the game is that they need to have a fixed cooldown."
"You don't want to make the game sterile. Once you just cut off all the spikiness, then it just becomes flat and boring."
"If something's already too sweet, perhaps it's time to add a bit of salt to balance it out."
"Marriage is not something that's 50/50. A partnership works when you can carry their 20, or they can carry your 20."
"The family is the system that we serve. It's not the kids at the parents' cost or the parents at the kids' cost. It's the family."
"It's like you're still doing good because you had candy for lunch, but you know you had a little too much, and now it's kind of like, ugh."
"All healthy things are about balance, including how you hand out empathy."
"Balance all is perfect just the way it is. Own and acknowledge every part of you and you will find the balance that you are seeking."
"Grounded means well-balanced mentally and emotionally stable, practical, in control of your emotions, making wise decisions."
"Connection and balance. You have those two things, you win."
"Everything has a balance, and the moment we put too much technology into something, advancing too much, shit gets out of whack."
"I will never quit drinking. I will always make sure that I can keep my body healthy enough so that I can always drink."
"Gratitude is great but maybe not every single second of the day. You gotta get your emotions out in a healthy way."
"Wholeness and balance, vibration to everyone. This is an amazing time just to be able to get here and transmit in some way or another."
"Clear boundaries are needed in the situation or relationship. Protect and honor your energy in a balanced way."
"Everyone has highs and lows at different times."
"A great relationship is one that both supports and challenges."
"Seek in that which Allah has given you the afterlife, but do not forget your portion in this life."
"In all relationships, there's a balance between me, you, and us. Healthy relationships have a balance between all of those parts."
"To allow the speed of your life without fighting it and to find the slowness in it."
"How do we strike a balance between being productive and relaxing, taking a break, giving ourselves the time and space to do absolutely nothing?"
"We all need to achieve balance and so when we say one thing too loudly, we're probably going to end up doing the other."
"Finding balance is going to be one of your biggest key themes in the next five years."
"I think that you're just going to be balancing them out and learning how to balance them out in the most beautiful ways."
"Yin and yang. Absolutely fire and water. There's a balance here, and it could work. It could be marvelous. It could be just perfect, but it does require balance, communication, understanding, compassion, patience."
"The best solution, researchers say, is to channel Goldilocks and choose resolutions that aren't too easy or too hard but just right."
"Don't take on so much that you overwhelm yourself."
"Training is a fine line between doing too little and doing too much."
"Happy, healthy, well-rested, focused, appropriately challenged individuals are the ones that yield the best performance."
"He's always in position to throw a hard punch. His foundation is set. You know, he's not off balance, even when he misses, he stays in control."
"Mindfulness is the dark meeting the light. It's the anima and the animus, there's a marriage."
"Balance is the key to everything in the universe."
"Everything is about to balance of opposites."
"We need to find the spiritual balance as well, and that all goes back to the Blue Avian message."
"The balance towards the Divine Feminine and service to others is really the only way that we can fight back against a negative."
"Chemistry is like the yin and yang, different but powerfully connected."
"Work with the laws of nature, not against them. You cannot burn the candle at both ends and have light very long."
"I wanna live a nice balanced life where I'm having fun, working on things that I enjoy, doing things that contribute a bit to the world."
"Light and shadow are meant to work in tandem with each other; there cannot be one without the other."
"By connecting to more of who we really are, we are creating what is called heart and head coherence."
"Practicing self-love and self-care will attract more loving people and healthy relationships into your life. Find peace and balance within."
"Finding balance is the key to a harmonious life."
"You don't have to have a completely clean diet the entire time; there is a thing called balance."
"The more centered and balanced you are, the more you will know what direction to go into."
"As with anyone, we take the good with the bad and we try to separate what we can."
"You have just a perfect balance between intellect and creativity."
"The balance is different for everyone and fluctuates as our bodies change."
"Developing a thick skin but keeping a soft heart."
"In meditation, everything needs to be balanced: The view, meditation and application are three things that have to be balanced."
"Minecraft Prime is overpowered. I don't know what to expect."
"You have to always strike a balance between continuity and change, because if there is no change, then you have stagnation. And if too much change happens too quickly, then a sense of identity is lost."
"Work-life balance is a loot of nonsense, right? It implies that you're trying to balance the scales. You're not. You're trying to find harmony, which is where you feel good about your life."
"You need to find this balance between chaos and order."
"The biggest gift that I can give anyone is meditation, as it allows one to align the logical and the emotional parts of the brain."
"Good streamers find the balance between enjoying what they do and entertaining the audience as they do it."
"I think God intends that we should keep a proper balance."
"It's a rest day, you know. You got to have one of those every week."
"We want to be yin yang flowing, moving, sometimes external, sometimes internal, across a healthy spectrum."
"You don't have to continue moving and making progress 24/7."
"The understanding comes in the ethereal plane, in the balance of the pragmatic with the emotional, inside our own professor and our own writer."
"You're looking for that stability, you're looking for that balance, you're looking for that equilibrium."
"You owe yourself as much as you owe other people. You have to take care of yourself like you take care of other people, and that's a moral duty."
"Life is supposed to be enjoyed. Life is not just pure work and pure effort."
"When you give, you receive. When you exhale, you inhale."
"A fighting game that is perfectly balanced would be terrible. Every character would feel the same, and so would the matches."
"Slow financial independence aims to strike that balance between prioritizing the time it takes to reach financial independence and the amount of enjoyment we get out of the process of becoming financially independent."
"It's healthy, it's balanced, it's delicious."
"It represents a variety of things... it's inherent fairness, balance, equitability, decency, and innovation."
"Understand that there's balance and there's good and well...it's more about energy. Don't look at it as good and bad."
"We're balancing so much, and I think what's happening is, because our society just doesn't really put the same amount of emphasis on friendships as it does romantic relationships, we think that we don't need to work hard at our friendships."
"So it's a knife edge there, to navigate through trauma."
"Do not demonize negative emotions... Those emotions are the ones that bring the positive ones back down into our body so we can manifest."
"Our own Earth remains the perfect habitat for humanity, but sometimes the slightest change can shake its ideal balance."
"It's not sustainable, don't be too extreme with everything in your life."
"It really comes down to listening to your body and honoring what it needs without needing to do like a math calculation in your head to determine the ratio of vegetables or chocolate that you're allowed to eat that day."
"Understanding Aristotelian mean means the balance."
"Remember moderation, balance, and self-love."
"Healing is a holistic process that encompasses mind, body, and spirit, requiring balance and inner harmony."
"Self-love is not narcissism. Self-love is where there's a healthy balance and there's a healthy respect for who you are."
"Our sense of balance, our ability to learn new motor behaviors, as well as our sense of timing."
"A self-improvement can absolutely go too far."
"There are so many areas of life that demands so much from us, and this process has really helped me, and will help you, to have that balance in your life."
"Enjoy the moment and find more time for fun and playfulness."
"Prosperity also means having good health, a home, friends, and peace of mind."
"Adversity is just as destructive as too much adversity."
"But yeah, Magearna, likely broken, but we'll have to let the metagame evolve."
"You're always giving, giving, giving. The month of July you're gonna be receiving, receiving."
"The skill in games design is to find that Goldilocks zone where a game is challenging and rewarding while not being frustrating to the point of making a player quit."
"Life is not either/or. Professional success does not need to come at the expense of having an awesome personal life."
"There's more to you than just what you look like. There's your spiritual side, which makes you balanced and gives you the inner beauty that most people find attractive about you when they get the chance to see that."
"It's not about domination of your masculine side or your feminine side, it's about bringing them together."
"If you don't become sovereign within yourself, then you're just going to recreate the same relationship outside of yourself that is out of balance again."
"Strength is imperative for peace, but the two must go hand in hand."
"Everything that we do has to be spiritual... and it has to be a balance of the masculine and feminine."
"Protect and honor your energy in a balanced way."
"Infinite money, infinite industry, nothing is more balanced."
"It's very important to work, it's very important to grind, it's very important to do that stuff, but just think of your life as like there's a bunch of different buckets that we got to kind of try to fill up."
"You're balanced, you're taking care of yourself."
"Life is about balance. Be kind, but don't let people abuse you. Trust, but don't be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself."
"Learn to rest, not quit. Sometimes you just need to rest."
"Then don't give so much emphasis on meditation. Do your regular meditation but engage in Karma Yoga."
"Your relationships are transforming in order to become more balanced, more equal."
"When you're relaxed in your heart and awake in your brain, there's a beautiful dance that goes on between the two."
"Emotional intelligence is your power and decision over the heart or mind in every situation."
"We can have both cleanliness and freedom of speech. There doesn't have to be a trade-off."
"Invest in your happiness. Don't put everything into one thing."
"For a relationship to be healthy, it has to be give and take. One way to control a relationship is to be constantly the giver, constantly the power figure."
"Over-investment in one area is always, always, always a bad idea in literally everything in your life, always, at all points in time."
"It's not easy to be so well-rounded, but it's a path worth pursuing."
"Justice involves some punishment, not excessive punishment."
"The importance of balance in oneself and the world one lives in."
"Nazis on the moon type of idea, you have to find a reasonable balance."
"It's all about making sure that you're not overdoing it in any one particular area."
"What do I want to fight for? How am I going to get this in balance?"
"In terms of some good news because we try to give you a little bit of that as well."
"A third wheel is always better. I loved riding my tricycle growing up, so much more fun when you don't have to constantly focus on balancing."
"Stars get into trouble when it starts to try and fuse iron. This fusion happening in the core of the star serves a very important purpose; it helps the star maintain this very delicate balancing act between the inward press of gravity and the outward press of that fusion."
"Your body cannot always be in one mode, anabolic; you'll never get a chance to be catabolic."
"Going back into your comfort zone is really important if you are consistently challenging yourself."
"Balance isn't always 50/50. Balance isn't always equal. You might need a balance of 70% work and 30% play and rest... Achieving balance isn't something that is constant; it's something that's very finite and something that constantly needs to be fine-tuned."
"You have to find the balance. It should be present enough to be visible and subtle enough to not be immediately noticeable."
"It doesn't have to be equal, however one wants to define equal, but it has to be mutual. You're feeling goodness from the relationship. So is the other person."
"Grounding via nature is bigger than it sounds. It's about our technological world takeoff being leveled through us being very earthed and grounded by nature herself."
"Instead of chastising tourists, we should find a way to balance our world's precious natural and cultural heritage with people's desires to experience it firsthand."
"You don't want a bum, you want something that's equal give and take."
"Receiving is just as important as giving, so we need to find the balance of giving and receiving."
"You guys are givers and nurturers...you will get what you deserve by someone who's balanced."
"We need to find the perfect balance between this niche hardcore gamers and a little bit wider audience to transform this wider audience into the hardcore gamers."
"I'm just trying to find a way to balance it all. I kind of want to do it all."
"The dynamic tension between right and left is the magic ingredient that makes our system work."
"There's always a little bit of a taper on either side of that eating window."
"Find balance in life, tackling some long-standing issue or bad habit, and redirecting yourself."
"The key to your success is to focus on balance."
"Everything must go somewhere... the universe needs balance."
"We are not a spiritual people at the expense of living in this life; we have to find that balance between these two things."
"Is there anything we can do, any methods, any approaches that we can use or do, that can help us develop skills to be able to maintain a type of balance and equilibrium, even dealing with very with a lot of anxiety or stressful situations?"
"External validation is something everyone needs... but ideally you want to reach a sort of equilibrium."
"The calm and balanced mind is the strong and great mind."
"No sunrise without a sunset, no roses without rain."
"I have struggled walking the line at times with this channel, examining threats we face while not moving toward the more conspiratorial side."
"Living a normal, natural life... there is no single doubt that a huge number of people out there are completely out of balance."
"Remember tolerant with others, strict with yourself."
"We got to find that healthy balance so there's more transparency for the user."
"Life is life; there's duality. With the challenges, there's going to be blessings, and with the blessings, there is also going to be some challenges."
"Consider your options because when you wave away the fog of the previous illusion, you will discover the route back to balance."
"The most important thing in life is balance."
"Everyone will tell you the most important thing in life is balance."
"Friendship should always start with those things, with the right balance."
"Your meditation or your stillness is gonna come through rhythm and balance, not through sitting still."
"Meditation for you should be about anchor and balance, not about stillness."
"I can stand on one leg and count to ten now."
"Where can I live more in alignment with nature's cyclical rhythms? Where can I find more balance in my day-to-day routine?"
"Love is like breathing, which entails exhaling and inhaling. If you fail to do either, you die."
"You have the balance between respect for yourself and care for others."
"If you are the kind of person that gives and gives and gives, this is your chance to receive a little bit."
"They really like balance in their relationship... they can see things for what they are."
"This person does know how to also have fun but they also are very mature at the same time."
"This person really enjoys freedom... they want a committed beautiful balanced relationship but freedom is going to be a huge thing in this relationship."
"A healthy body, mind, and spirit thrive with constant flow of balanced energy."
"It’s intense and if we don’t integrate what we’re feeling and catch up with what we’re feeling, we become off-centre, we lose our balance."
"This is about balancing out that karma... you're raking in all the good karma."
"That first down dog always feels so good in the body; it really balances out everything we do all day."
"A very important aspect of that discussion was when Dr. Lembke described the pleasure pain balance."
"He is delighted to recognize that this balance of opposites exists within his own self as well."
"You can't get too high. You can't get too low. Tip on a tightrope, stay balanced."
"Never get too high off the praises that people give you, and never get too low off the criticism. Just stay very balanced."
"That's what editing is all about: finding the balance."
"Every living system on our beloved planet is an eloquent expression of the universe's astonishing ability to come into perfect balance and then to do what life is meant to do: to thrive."
"Finding a balance between physical, mental, and emotional health is seen as very important."
"The healthiest people know how to lean into both sides when they need to and when they want to."