
Risk-taking Quotes

There are 11766 quotes

"The thing about creativity is that it involves a lot of risks."
"The next 18 months...is really going to give you a lot of fulfillment in the unknown, taking risk, and having intense experiences."
"In life, you don't gain unless you gamble a little; in life, you don't gain unless you put yourself in uncomfortable situations."
"We need to expose ourselves to discomfort, we need to do things sometimes where there is an element of risk but we can do it in a controlled way."
"Without risk, you have no creativity, no art. Without risks, you have remakes, you have Charlie's Angels, The Saint, Mission Impossible, The A-Team, coming soon Battle Star Galactica."
"Notorious risk-takers both in their personal and professional lives, they often seem aloof and alienated from the nitty-gritty and needs of the people."
"High performers are more willing to share their ideas, thoughts, feelings, what they need, what they want, and they do it more consistently than their peers even when there's risk or uncertainty."
"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships were built for."
"You have to accept risk. You have to take a tax for failure and treat it as an opportunity for learning."
"Most people in life don't take the steps into the fog into the unknown because it's scary... but that is like one of the things that separates entrepreneurial people."
"If you don't risk it, you'll definitely miss out."
"You just got to try... you could get on a bus and go 20 hours away, get where you're going, and then freak out, panic, and go right home, and that's okay."
"The real danger is not that you're going to take some crazy risk. The real danger is that you're going to be complacent and do nothing."
"The parable of the talent teaches about stewardship, trust, and the rewards of taking risks."
"The willingness to take big risks to reap big rewards is the foundation on which NASA is built."
"Entrepreneurship is this idea that we want to create value for others, that we want to take a little bit of a creative risk, that we want to do something that represents self-expression."
"To be great at something, you have to be willing to take huge risks. You have to be willing to fail terrifically on grand scales."
"Remember, boats are safe in the harbor, but that's not what boats are for."
"Oh my God, that just increased the property value tenfold. You can see Donger Tower perfectly from here."
"It's a leap of faith to be putting your eggs in that basket."
"I'm so afraid of rejection that I haven't taken a risk to be with you."
"No great adventure or exploration can be taken completely risk-free."
"Take risk...stepping outside of your comfort zone a little bit in order to take a certain risk in your life in the month of July."
"You need to move forward. You need to take a chance on this."
"If you're gonna do something spectacular, you have to take the risk."
"Trust me, try and fail, but don't fail to try."
"Take the risk, allow this relationship to blossom into something beautiful."
"I'm going to dump myself in gasoline, my hair is dripping, I'm covered in gasoline, and I'm going to boom, pop through the ring, come out the other side ablaze."
"Once you get over that lesson of letting go of something that's not right for you and taking that risk, you are going to receive the comfortability and abundance that you desire."
"Take risks, be creative and try something new."
"Sometimes in life, we have to bet on ourselves."
"I believe that you should burn the ship, go to war, don't take any prisoners, go out and claim what is yours, and do it or die trying."
"Courage means you're taking small risks with your heart, little by little, even when you're afraid."
"It involves being honest and taking risks and, I don't know, maybe being wrong. That's my offering to you."
"What you believe in can only be defined by what you're willing to risk."
"You could fail at a job that you hate, so you might as well at least try the one that you're going to love."
"You did not come to this life to arrive at that death safely. The greater risk in life is not taking risks and waiting for opportunity that may never come."
"You have to dare to suck. You will never make something great if you are afraid that it's going to suck, that it is going to fail."
"Men take risks. You're never going to achieve something amazing unless you take a serious risk."
"The only failure is not trying. The only rejection is not asking. The only mistake is not risking anything."
"Ships are safe at shore, but that's not what ships were built for."
"Sometimes you just gotta roll that dice, bro."
"You should seek failures. If you're playing it safe, you're not going to win."
"It's all about taking that leap of faith, even when it's scary."
"You have to make that leap of faith to produce something that's original."
"If you don't take any risks in life in general, you're never going to have a life worth having."
"When you lose your fear of dying, you also lose your fear of living to the fullest because you're not afraid of taking risks and losing something because you're not afraid of what comes next."
"Now and then, you got to take a chance, Columbus took a chance, look what it got him."
"It's one thing to go after things hard and not get them, but it's a different thing to not go after them in the first place."
"In almost all cases, the crazy outlandish ideas that nobody believes in are the ones that have the greatest returns."
"I want to be in a position to win or fail. I want to shoot the shot."
"You're taking the plunge or you are ready to gamble with the notion of being in control of your own schedule, your clientele, and your money."
"And you've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings."
"Great things don't happen in life without big leaps of faith, without bold moves."
"Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right."
"Being able to leverage my youth and my naïveté really allowed me to take risks early on."
"Don't be afraid to take risks and go against the safe path."
"Take more risk, especially when you're young and you don't have things to lose."
"If you're not failing 20% of the time, you're not risking enough."
"The safe choice is almost always, if not always, the wrong choice."
"You have either the option of going flat out and to turn off your brain and just go flat out, and cross your fingers it's gonna work, or you have to cultivate something to deal with fear, to deal with emotions, and let it go."
"I had to get out of my comfort zone and do something bold."
"Hey, you know what they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained."
"Love is an extreme sport, and we don’t skydive without parachutes."
"Rogue traders...represent humanity and perhaps its truest form in the grim darkness of the future: adventurous, sometimes zealous, always ambitious, intuitive, and nearly always risk-takers."
"Routine and structure give you the creative freedom to experiment and take risks."
"I dropped out of college with my brother and moved to San Francisco, and then we ended up starting a tech company."
"Fortune favors the bold; nothing favors the timid at all."
"The most successful people in the world take lots of risks every day, all the time."
"You can't spread your wings and soar if you don't jump."
"The gods reward those who take bold risks. 'Fortune favors the bold,' a popular saying throughout Orden, comes from Rioja."
"Only those who risk going far can find out how far they can go."
"You want the hard of regret when you're older... or do you want the hard of each time you took those risks and opportunities and had those experiences?"
"Even if the odds aren't in your favor, if something is important enough, you should still do it."
"Miracles happen when we step into the unknown."
"Take a chance on love. When we love, our lives are changed forever."
"If you don't take the risk in your life you've already failed."
"To me, the best moments of my life have been when I've taken a big risk, and have seen it come to fruition."
"Taking risk intelligently can lead to discovering something amazing about yourself."
"Live with your heart on your sleeve and know that yes, you might get hurt in the process, things can always go wrong, there's always that potential and risk but nothing's worth living if you don't take risks."
"Everything you're doing is an act of bravery; it's a leap of faith."
"The risk of remaining tight in a bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom."
"I take necessary risks and I put the odds in my favor."
"If you don't take a risk, you won't make progress."
"It's a time for making mistakes, it's a time for taking risks, it's a time for hustling, it's a time for figuring [ __ ] out."
"Jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down."
"The logic of risk-taking is about understanding and managing risks in a dynamic framework."
"Move fast and be bold right, and take risks. It's better to take a risk to do something big and try and fail."
"My favorite work I've done was when I dove in going, 'I don't know what's in the pool, but I'm diving in.'"
"I'm going for it. This is taking a leap of faith."
"Without risks, there won't be sweet sweet rewards."
"By playing it safe, you stay stuck. You need to be taking some risks to grow your comfort zone a little wider."
"80% of men are the ones in wheelchairs because they do dumb [__] stuff."
"The mindset to have during your 20s is really so take risks and don't be afraid to fail."
"We have lost track of how much risk people have taken through history when something was important."
"There's very few things more powerful than just saying 'F*** it' and leaping."
"You'll never hit a clip if you don't go for it."
"Fortune favors the brave...but if you listened to Matt Damon, you went down big."
"We also shouldn't let the fear of failure stop us from exploring, for taking risks on a great story."
"I took some opportunity, I stepped out on a limb, I took a risk, and I said, 'Hey, have a look,' or, 'Hey, I can do this thing.'"
"She just had this spontaneous outlook on life, was willing to take chances."
"In gaming, as in life, sometimes the biggest risks lead to the greatest rewards."
"A life lived without any risk-taking is not a life worth living, in my opinion. What is a life without experiencing the stories that the world has to offer you?"
"It's more risky to not take a chance, to not do something different."
"Take the biggest risks when you're young... the youngest you'll ever be is right now."
"The appetite for risk has to be there. Being brave and feeling comfortable leaning in is essential."
"How do you know it's worth it? You don't. That's the whole point. You got to take a risk."
"I learned that I had to take risks and just let myself experience life."
"To see him trying to push the envelope, to find new ways of expressing himself, putting himself in artistic danger, it was beautiful."
"Stop playing to avoid losing and start playing to win. Life is not serious; it's a blank page waiting for a story, and stories are written by the bold, the risk-takers."
"You've got nothing to lose, but you have to take that initial chance to make sure that something happens."
"Winning is about taking risks, learning, and challenging yourselves."
"However, through a combination of bold risk-taking, technical cleverness, and sheer determination, it was able to establish itself as a must-visit destination in Orlando."
"You have to take that leap of faith because there's no other alternative."
"The riskiest life I can think of is letting yourself be molded into this comfortable, same as everybody else routine."
"You got to put yourself out there on the line, the fit and tightrope line that no one else wants to walk."
"You have to take risks, not ones that risk your life, just a little bit of a risk."
"You need to take risks in life because how do you get anywhere if you don't take risks?"
"How do you get out of your comfort zone if you don't take any risk?"
"How do you excel, level up, if you don't take any risks?"
"It was essential to fail and to be foolish, and that's all that we risk in the end."
"Taking leap of faith... it will create a lot of long-term happiness."
"Without risk, there is no return. You have to be willing to take risks."
"I read an article the other day about how more Australians are falling to their deaths while trying to take a selfie... It's never good when you're outshining America in the stupidity department."
"I would rather risk losing my entire platform to tell the truth exactly as I know it to be than to sit back and watch a misogynistic man drag me through the mud."
"The biggest risk you can take in life is not taking one."
"Take the risk and become the person you want to be."
"If I fail, I fail, but at least I won't be lying there on my deathbed having regrets that I didn't go for it."
"Taking risks honestly, just taking a few risks here and there and seeing them play out for the better."
"If you don't have the balls to take the L, you don't deserve the W."
"I love indie games because they're the only ones who take any risks."
"A lot of people are afraid to jump all the way... because if we showed it, we would be okay taking a chance in a relationship, switching jobs, going against our parents' wishes."
"Being willing to take risks, big risks...we all have limiting beliefs on what we think our life can be."
"The best time to jump is when you're most afraid to jump."
"Big risk, big reward. Go big or go home, right?"
"If you don't try, you can't fail, but equally, if you don't try, you can't succeed."
"What would our world be like if no one ever took a chance? What if everyone played it safe?"
"Ships are safe at shore, but that's not what ships are built for."
"If you want security you can have it, but if you want the kind of success that you're describing you actually have to go risk for it."
"Taking risks and going to a path that is different from what is considered to be normal or traditional might be scary, but you will never fail if you never give up."
"I would rather live my life with the risk of this pandemic or any other pandemic, then lock myself in a room."
"Sometimes a bit of risk is worth it in order to feel alive."
"A game is a container...in which you can take risks."
"Scared money doesn't make money, and scared people don't conquer the world."
"On your deathbed, you're going to regret all the chances you didn't take. I think especially as a man, we're out here to conquer."
"Every step I take has been risky, but it's always made sense."
"You took a big risk with the design, which I think the other artists didn't do with their designs."
"Take the risk; it'll be worth it. Go do something risky and embarrassing. It'll probably be fun."
"Creating art is like jumping off a cliff and building your wings on the way down."
"Take that risk to fly, to spread your wings."
"We've got to throw everything at this, with very much an attitude of we've got nothing to lose."
"Sometimes you have to do something you think people might not like in order to find out what it is they really want."
"You have to be willing to risk something in order to gain something."
"Take more personal risks... the more risks I take for my ideas, the better I do."
"A boy in Argentina with a dream, who surrounded himself with other dreamers, and took risks for what he believed in."
"The biggest gamblers are actually the best entrepreneurs."
"We don't want to get rid of visionary people. We don't want to get rid of people who take a shot at a very high-risk idea."
"Nothing worthwhile in life is possible without taking a risk."
"When you prohibit failure, you kill innovation."
"Fortune favors the bold; nothing favors the timid."
"What's the worst that can happen? I think it'll be fine."
"Don't save anything, put it all out there on the line."
"I constantly take lots of risks... and then start gaining the successes that come with taking these actions and being courageous."
"You’ve got to take risks, break rules, do what you want."
"The Fool card encourages you to try something adventurous and new. Unfamiliarity can be invigorating, but take care not to put yourself in needless danger."
"The biggest risk you can take is not taking risks."
"Take as many risks as possible while you can."
"I put just about all of my liquid net worth at that time into Bitcoin and Bitcoin startups and just plowed every last bit of everything, time, energy, and money, that I could."
"You need to take risks if you want to be successful. You should be the main character in your story. No one wants to be the background filler characters."
"A lot of young people aspire to the idea that actually when you're young and you've got nothing to lose, you can afford to make more mistakes."
"Fortune favors the bold. Go down the different path."
"Muhammad Ali once said those who are not courageous enough to take risks will never accomplish anything in life."
"If the outcome is exciting enough, then taking a big risk is worthwhile."
"I think we are who we are. Some people are impulsive and it works for them; me, I'm cautious, I take calculated risks."
"It's about taking a risk on yourself and that's what's going to bring the karmic justice."
"The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks."
"I know there are all kinds of definitions for entrepreneurs. The one that I think we all recognize most is that entrepreneurs are risk-takers. Entrepreneurs are also dreamers."
"We're taking risks, guys. That's what it's all about, man. Taking risks."
"I'm a risk guy. I love risk, and I'm willing to go all in."
"Take a chance on yourself. You will 100% of the time be satisfied with the answer."
"Let's take a leap of faith, you know? Just have some faith in me."
"The more fast and loose and dangerous you play, the more exciting it is to watch."
"Sometimes in life, you got to risk it for the biscuit."
"You should be afraid of taking risks and pursuing something meaningful, but you should be more afraid of staying where you are if it's making you miserable."
"Sometimes you've got to push your chips in. Sometimes you're gonna lose those chips, but that's the only move that makes sense."
"We're working on all sorts of crazy stuff; it's going to mean taking some risks, doing things that maybe aren't as algorithm-optimized, but honestly, we only get one life."
"Squirrelflight has endangered herself and Leafstar by going off on their own, but she did it truly believing that it was the solution to their problem."
"Risk has value intrinsically linked to it. Without taking risks, you don't have stories that people want to hear."
"Nobody criticizes risks; people criticize fuckups."
"Faith in the Bible is this willingness to risk under the Providence of God some great adventure."
"If you want to create intensity in a relationship, it demands risk-taking, doing new things outside of your comfort zone."
"Risk is not considered good these days, but I think it's very good. I think it's essential."
"Nobody ever got anywhere by playing it safe. Usually, the success stories you hear about are ones that took risks."
"Live your life, step out of your comfort zone, and take some chances."
"Are we faithful like they were faithful? Are we willing to take risks like the early church was willing to take risks?"
"You gotta take risks in life. There's no getting away really."
"Depending on how they respond to excitement and how much self-control they have, some people are more prone to taking risks than others."
"You can't live on the edge all your life, Faith. Sooner or later, you have to jump."
"They're accepting big-time risk... for our entertainment, for their legacy, for the belts, for history, for who's the best guy in the entire sport."
"If someone says your idea is crazy, it's probably worth doing."