
Evaluation Quotes

There are 9402 quotes

"The first is creativity, like how original is the island. What did their brain come up with?"
"If you don't know what to do, do something, and then just evaluate the results of the thing you did."
"In chess, you have to evaluate positions with specific moves or ideas... You cannot just go, 'That's scary.' Scary is not an evaluation; it's a human emotion."
"You can't know whether something is designed poorly or well unless you know the intentions of the designer."
"It's super easy to compare programs; we just do how many hard sets did you do."
"We're trying to establish, if you recall, best, better, and worst."
"You might choose the one with the lowest price, the best availability, the best footprint, or the best features."
"Is the challenge worth the potential reward?"
"He's successful but he's frugal with his money. That's a strong candidate. I give him like an eight and a half."
"They definitely thought through almost everything."
"It's not unreasonable to give advice, but it has to be evaluated in the context of the situation."
"I do, in spite of all of this, legitimately believe that shuwon head is overall an asset to the left."
"The only real important question is for any game: Is it fun to play?"
"When people are coming to you and are trying to get your investment dollars... it first has to make good business sense."
"Our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something, and frequently if we reevaluate the situation our belief about it will change."
"You can't just build them, put them on a shelf, and decide whether they're good or bad in isolation."
"Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's the best system we've found so far."
"The guy got more [__] done than anybody else. That is it. And that's how we should be judging people."
"I kind of wanted to rate these on a scale, obviously we're going to be rating them on how good they are."
"If we recognize our artifacts as tools, then we test them by their utility and costs, not by their novelty."
"The only way to evaluate him is to understand the presidency as it exists right now."
"You have to hear something, read something, see something, be told something, evaluate that something, and then conclude whether you accept it or not."
"My overall take is, I was astonished. I can't believe this thing's shooting as good as it is."
"Leaders are ultimately judged by their results."
"Humans are complicated beings, so it is impossible to evaluate them using a single criterion."
"This Ninth Senate, with all due respect, is probably the worst Senate that we have ever had."
"This is what gives it a number. This gives it a grade."
"I'm going to start, I put this person at number 12."
"I cannot fault their dedication even if I find them lacking in compassion."
"If a tradition is good, fine, keep it. If it's important, keep it. But if it's there to sustain a structure of power and privilege, get rid of it."
"On the negative side of the ledger, we considered major console and software flops, scandals, tragedies, and games that had an average critical reception of 30% or lower."
"It's not the end of days, but I do think it's serious."
"Stop worrying about what the GS is doing. The Tiger 1200 is a brilliant bike in its own right."
"Everything we do has a metric associated with it."
"Quality is a bit more than something being good or bad; it's how well something works within its context."
"Elden Ring is still a good game, believe it or not. I believe Elden Ring is one of the better games released in the past five years, probably in the top ten, but it's no masterpiece."
"Overall, I think he's doing more good than harm."
"I'm looking forward to testing that, to see how big the hype is."
"Don't believe everything I say, do your own evaluation of these people."
"Success is not judged based upon GDP and technology."
"There's a lot of pros and cons, and depending on what you need, one option may be better than another."
"Critically evaluating sources is an important part of forming logical, coherent opinions."
"Overall, it has better performance or the performance characteristics they’re looking for."
"Clear cut examples of moral evils and moral goods."
"He gets pretty much every checkbox of a decent character checked."
"Every performance was great, and you can make an argument for everything."
"It's not about which answer is right, it's about which answer's more right."
"Bullet for My Valentine is at the top of C tier, or maybe the bottom of B tier."
"Necromancer in my opinion is a 10 out of 10 damage clown. It does the most damage of all the damage."
"Ultimately, Douglas Haig was not one of the greatest military leaders Britain has produced but neither was he one of the worst."
"The only thing that matters is how much they care. And you'll know based on how they treat you, how they talk to you, how they talk to their staff..."
"The game succeeds at what it was trying to do."
"From my experience in scrims last year, Inspired was the best jungler in scrims, 100% no doubt about it."
"The quality of these noodles is pretty evident."
"Is this the definitive version of the Wind Waker? That's the big question I'm trying to answer here."
"Sam isn't trying to prove he's worthy, he's asking whether the institution is worthy."
"It's not numbers because, I mean really to be honest, anyone can study and get a good grade but that doesn't show the type of person you are."
"Bruises don't get better as time goes on, especially the first day... nothing is going to make a bruise behave differently than it organically and naturally behaves."
"This project was a success in every possible regard."
"Kailyn Deboer, A plus, he's 4.0 across the board what could he possibly have done better?"
"But it is close... I'd say this game, even in its current state, is at least an 8 out of 10."
"We have to return to tradition, we have to know, is this serving us right now?"
"The rating system is not a measure of skill. It is a measure of progress."
"This might be one of the best hype cycles that we've seen in years so far."
"The main thing is just to see if you are getting the results that you want from those tools."
"Measure the impact of the sprint's features you just released before you start building onto them."
"Defensively shocking, offensively world class. That's just brilliant by Trent Alexander Arnold."
"In just a few months, we will find out for ourselves if one of the most controversial games in years, Hogwarts Legacy, was worth the wait."
"I don't know that it was all bad like some people say, but there are definitely facets that hampered our enjoyment of the experience."
"Now I'll be fair, I think Trump's trade policy stuff was correct."
"You can gauge a company based on their response to a hack like this."
"All of them are really good though some are a little bit better than others."
"The ones that are good are really good and the ones that are bad are pretty bad."
"Well, this has been 'The Good, the Bad, and the Brilliant'."
"Empathy is one of the prime drivers behind our evaluations of moral questions."
"Holy. I think it's safe to say this is a 10."
"This is actually a pretty convincing alternative."
"At the very minimum it's nine out of ten if not 10 out of 10."
"Death Note that's probably the best answer that we've gotten so far because Death Note is a straight 10 out of 10."
"Let's find out what we're working with by comparing all the specs."
"It's not a short list... I would say that yes."
"KDB Winter Wild Card, the 99 physicals obviously is just straight up insane."
"He goes forward really well, he defends really well when Alden road to the World Cup card for me deserves to go into the a plus tier."
"Team of the Year Bellingham is this our first Team of the Year card if we're not counting the honorable mentions it is Bellingham 100 100 so good there's no other way of describing it."
"I think Battlefield 1 ended up being a better experience in spite of its issues."
"This is the best one of the day so far, alright."
"I think these questions are really right on target and I think you've done extremely well."
"The performance looks interesting, for better or for worse."
"Kevin De Bruyne: 93 overall is the rating that we gave him. I could definitely see it."
"Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the most underrated games of 2021."
"Its highs were just about as high as any game can get."
"I don't see anyone playing better than Rekkles in a best of five of the carries."
"Just look at every other previous project, every other previous blockchain, and then have a realistic view of what you should expect."
"Definitely an upgrade in terms of the quality."
"I didn't notice that much of a drop in Black Bolt's performance... he still performs so well."
"So the ending of Shadowlands did it win or did it fail? Well, I'd have to say it did not fail."
"Is it good? Is it worth it? These are the questions we will be answering today."
"There's something stopping me from saying it's a good game."
"It's a pretty amazing weapon. It almost squeaked into S tier for me."
"What's crazier? You know, after trying to think about all the options of what's what right now, that doesn't sound all that [ __ ] crazy to be honest."
"The Galaxy s3 is the winner of the dogfight."
"I think she was stationary for a long enough period showed good control."
"Oh, it's mate. Oh wow. Oh, very bad, very bad. But it's a win."
"Then when it comes to the marking we can also choose the overall mark points or weighted by category."
"From a technical standpoint, it's brilliant."
"Can he be a hell of a great winning quarterback but not a great great quarterback?"
"It's good, it's bad, it's great, it's awful, it's a lot of things, it's Vorinclex."
"Modric most times when I watch him he's giving you consistent at least eight out of ten."
"How can you possibly know what you're actually changing if there's no basis there to back it up?"
"Overall, just about everything they've done is positive."
"You're directionally right more than most people."
"I think the LEC is actually pretty good, there's a lot of competition."
"Trump's handling of this has actually been relatively good."
"It's attention to detail and that's important to see when evaluating a product."
"It really is the mobility of the super Hellcat which just performs here."
"It plants Warrior slap-bang in the middle of our ranking."
"Is it just a cheap Fallout knockoff or is it something actually worth playing? Let's find out."
"Streaming is the future, but we need to assess what works and doesn't work."
"I see him having like top five big in the league potential which is still very good for sure."
"You should prove a man before you approve a man."
"Grades don't really indicate Mastery they indicate like memory and like whether or not you have ADHD"
"Overall, then, that is 7.53 out of 10. Of course, that score says nothing about the play value with this set, which I think is absolutely immense."
"On paper the spec of this thing is really pretty impressive."
"You made this a very easy decision for anybody on the other side."
"There's a message here of evaluating where you're going to grow, where you're going to get the reward."
"What is your current camera not doing that you want it to do? Will the new camera solve that issue? Will it really be that much better? Will it actually make that much of a difference?"
"Your stats are going to make a difference if you're ever looking for a random team."
"Charcoal, easy winner, this was almost a formality but we had to see."
"I think it was a good presentation, overall."
"Overall, season four assimilation is an easy S-tier battle pass."
"Silhouette test: see if it's still interesting."
"S tier means it's good but S plus is like insane."
"It's a bit faster, it's fast for what it is."
"There are hundreds of things like this that either they wouldn't have lasted on their own merit."
"I think they've done a phenomenal job with this."
"Prove to us why you deserve to be here today."
"Is Beethoven really the greatest composer who ever lived, and more importantly, how do you know?"
"It's not the most powerful. It's not the highest thrust to weight ratio of any engine. It's not even the most efficient, but it does a lot of things really, really well."
"If they have a good performance with this roster that's not like a super team, people will talk highly of them."
"This is the real test to see exactly where they stand out."
"I think it looks good and it's a great sports car."
"I think generally speaking, this is a great sports car."
"If they win it, then I'd have to say, you know what."
"My honest opinion of the Fallout 4 armor is that it is the best representation so far in the series."
"Was it worth the wait for Toyota's long-range EV? I'd say I think it's a decent first effort."
"You will be judged on how you duplicate a certain person that you delegate a task to that you no longer want to do."
"I think this is like a solid seven what are we thinking for the rank laptop is an Acer Nitro what can easily run 240 FPS okay okay for the rank I'm going to guess like plat plat too."
"Are they good or they're dysfunctional and they're bad?"
"Don't be afraid to ask. So what is the evaluation context?"
"The only consistency we have is inconsistency."
"It's another one of these almost unbiased ways of measuring the value of a navy and its designs."
"He is an 80 overall which is about the highest overall I've seen from a tight end."
"Which of these was the most damning for Mormonism?"
"One of the subjects is one of the quality questions... Most of the time, unless they have a better attribute."
"The first one's an L, the first one is shocking."
"It's always one of those where you look at it again, is it style or is it performance?"
"It becomes irrelevant saying he's not the best if you can't buy them."
"Overall, I think the demon hunters do have a very strong suite."
"Both cars have their pros and cons, that's why we do this test."
"Dating is for qualification. It's to qualify whether or not she's compatible with you."
"If it's important to you get an evaluation... act quickly to restore your hair."
"It's definitely an upgrade here four years later and four or five times the price."
"I'm gonna have to agree with Tom, I'm at a nine out of ten."
"If you're picking the best 11 now, he's got to be there; he's playing at that level."
"For all the talk of undefeated records, legacy, and greatness... the true measure of a fighter comes inside the ring."
"Good coaches are more rare than top 10 players because name 10 coaches you think are like really good right now I think we can all name 10 players that we think are really good right yeah."
"I just don't have the ability right now to say 100% of it is good..."
"Overall, I do think that there's quite a lot of positives to crusade."
"Remember the season as a whole, not just the ending."
"Long term it's not bad... actually looks quite good."
"I think if I were to give it an overall grading scale from 1 to 10, 1 being terrible, 10 being freaking awesome, I'd probably give it like a 7 and a half to 8 at this point."
"That's crazy all jokes aside I really want to know how good this restaurant is let's go inside."
"The success of this one tells us that there's definitely a market."
"It's hard to nitpick when you're talking about a guy that we're telling you is a two division champion in all time great."
"Most of the sorcerer archetypes are really, really good."
"It's Kenneth Walker. Tested crazy well, tape's crazy good."
"I don't see any evidence whatsoever for any success anywhere."
"For me 100% even with all of the things I said in this video I'd still a hundred percent recommend if you are interested to definitely give one a try."
"Is this a good take on that caster formula? And overall, yes, gotta say it is."
"Value is obviously the strong suit for this Acura model..."
"Hierarchies are not necessarily a bad thing."
"The best way to vet a woman is to determine whether she has genuine desire for you."
"As long as it actually is benefiting like zoom."
"Better talk number nine... United signing in the last decade."
"Let's find out which one is the ultimate device in terms of specs, features, and more."
"Dating is for gathering data about a man's fitness for marriage."
"We've achieved the highest rating that you can on Isla Matanceros."
"It feels like they have to keep Sinatra in after that performance."
"I don't wanna come out and say this is the best build in the game but it's hard to beat."
"Pros and cons are like okay... I'm sure there's a balance there."
"It's an 87 offense, 88 defense, it's real good."
"My personal two cents, I have to say, I'm very mixed opinion about this..."
"Policy evaluation computes how good a policy is."
"He's the winningest quarterback through 10 years, Super Bowl champion. What else do you want from him?"
"You now have less faith in something that has been shown to be not reliable puts you in the position of looking around."
"Ascension is much more than just a good or potentially bad map."
"So as for right now I'm gonna have to get this one over to see brand primer million. Saran prominent wins."
"I think it's really up to the employees to judge if it actually is successful."
"He uses his hands better than any defensive lineman in the country."
"How good is this performance being from Trent?"