
Storytelling Quotes

There are 72473 quotes

"This is unreal, I have no words. This island, it's got a law, it's got more backstory than the game it's built on."
"Creating characters that we care about, so that all of these other pieces mean something, is really important."
"If you want someone to like a hero, you have them save a cat, and if you want someone to hate a villain, you have them kick a dog."
"Characters who want things are naturally more interesting to us than characters who don't."
"A character who is growing less and less likeable through the course of the story can be a really interesting story."
"Your go-to here should be letting the character's background, their motivations, and their personality influence their descriptions and their diction."
"Your writing goes up a notch in strength if you can show in even your descriptions that somebody really hates this other person."
"First impressions are really important. If you impress upon us that this character is really proactive in their small sphere, but they don't think they're competent enough to out into the wide world, we will believe what you showed us, not what they say."
"A magic system is only as interesting as the people using it."
"Creativity can help us organize our thoughts... into a narrative, into a story."
"Like it doesn't matter if it's to play studio, some mobile studio, you're gonna learn from any place and it's gonna be amazing stories over there, like badass stories I'm pretty sure."
"It's time to write a new story and also to become the main character of your story."
"Welcome to Off the Record, a platform where individuals come here to speak their truth, discuss their thoughts, and own their stories."
"To motivate someone, one of the best tactics is to tell meaningful stories."
"Small-scale stories can honestly have much more real feeling stakes."
"A good storyteller...can put the story on the edge of their cognitive transformation, and then it's absolutely captivating."
"Good villains are tailor-made for their protagonists."
"A good way to think about your villain's motivation is to ask, how can you give the audience a chance to understand what it feels like to be in that villain's shoes?"
"Great villains, like great protagonists, have their desires/beliefs complement the theme of the story."
"The success of original films often lied in the novelty, the fresh narrative, and unique storytelling techniques they bring to the table."
"Yet for all the debate, for me, there's an undeniable brilliance to this chapter of Buffy's story."
"As a general rule of thumb, whenever I describe the environment, I like to make sure that I'm hitting all five of the senses."
"There are many ways to write a good villain: whether they're relatable, they had a good motive, or they're just goddamn terrifying."
"For the most part, in a story that's developed with protagonists and antagonists, the antagonists are usually way more crucial to the overall story."
"These are stories that are important to be remembered, to be told, and to be archived."
"These stories should be told and heard and cherished and learned from."
"I've always liked telling stories; they're interesting, they're memorable, and they are the single most effective way to pass down lessons to the next generation."
"You are not the main character of your story; the reader is the main character. The moment you realize that, you realize that you are in the business of serving."
"My hope is through story, I can tell ideas that make people value differences, that make them want to meet in the middle, that make them want to love and be loved."
"Just hit the Subscribe button and get ready to hear one of the craziest stories ever told."
"If you're going to fight about a particular thing, you need to have your examples and then you need to have your story around those examples."
"It's gonna be really interesting to see Disney try to run a superhero franchise without traditional villains or traditional heroes."
"Part of your story can enhance the lives of others."
"I love watching everything unfold and like the character development."
"I want to end on a hopeful, happy note. Hopefully, there's a huge arc. It would be the greatest arc in the whole of YouTube."
"A story is a verbal description of a hierarchy of perceptual and action prioritization."
"I think it's storytelling... Arguably the most powerful way to impact people."
"Photography is about telling a story with images; it's not just about one solid image."
"Anime is capable of beautiful visuals, complex characters, and stories that have changed my life."
"To be a fun video, it's also going to be Story Time with Uncle Floss because all of these phones have a unique story."
"Good stories are never straightforward moral lectures; good stories always contain the other perspective."
"DSX... a masterclass of storytelling and... one of the most important games of all time."
"The drones can be programmed to tell the story of the event they are performing at."
"In order to make these female or whatever gender or race or religion empowerment movies successful, you need to start thinking of them less as movies about this specific group of people and more as movies about people who belong in this specific group and reach the other groups through that."
"Good narrative momentum is not how fast your story moves; it's simply how your story moves to keep your audience invested in it."
"If the crisis is where the hero is faced with a choice, then the climax is where we see the consequences of that choice on the story."
"It provides an invaluable opportunity to let the audience in to the mind of our character."
"Our mission is to tell better, more empathetic stories while diversifying and enriching the video games industry."
"Flaws make for interesting characters, and we shouldn't be so quick to scrub our heroes of blame."
"Each season of Korra has a specific theme or idea: Season one was equality, three freedom, and season two was spirituality."
"Every bit of misery and pain... has given me stories, given me character, given me a personality."
"Every disaster story clearly has to have a beginning."
"The damsel in distress, a classic tale that really speaks to the core of humanity."
"I'm going to tell you a story. It's a uniquely American story... it's an American horror story."
"The game story is perhaps the title's biggest selling point."
"That's actually the most important role for an astronaut, is to become storytellers and help people understand why it's important to take care of our planet."
"Of all the video game clichés, there are few I appreciate more than endings where we get to see what happened to all of the people we met along the way."
"Bill Burr as Mayfield had a better ex-Stormtrooper arc in 15 minutes than Finn in three entire Star Wars movies."
"Humor writing is all about the timing, the pacing, and the music of the words."
"A story is different. It does not expend itself. It preserves and concentrates its strength and is capable of releasing it even after a long time."
"Humans are different in that we are storytellers... with stories we created money, we created empires, we created Wall Street, we created technology."
"You've got a friend in me... we're going to tell your story."
"Every match is a story, and every wrestler is an author."
"Don't sit down and write a three-page backstory yet, allow yourself to discover what your player's backstory is."
"We're so glad that we're able to make Black Spire Outpost the launching point for not only those stories but for your story."
"The Marvel movies were creating this long overarching narrative while giving you complete stories with a conflict and a resolution."
"We're not here to just retell a story for entertainment purposes; we're here to tell what happened and hopefully learn something from it, and pick it apart and put the puzzle together in the way that a law enforcement agency would do it."
"After Endgame, they should have looked inward, gone back to basics, and focused on telling isolated, compelling character stories."
"Embrace your embarrassing moments; they make the best stories."
"One thing to remember about having a good and memorable animation sequence is having solid storytelling. This means you know what's happening, why it's happening, and how it's happening."
"We're fundamentally storytellers; that's what human beings are."
"Each fable is broken into six chapters, and you get a new adventure every month to download."
"Animation and character design is really about storytelling."
"Rage, anger, emotion, need, desperation – boom, Super Saiyan. It was perfect the way it was."
"The most original thing you can add to a story is your perspective, and that is unique to you."
"The memories were the most interesting to me because they're scrambled, and I love it when stories experiment with a nonlinear order of events."
"What I found was a story that left people broken."
"Getting them out of my head onto the page so people can experience them is the thing that I love to do. It is what drives me every day."
"There is no set limit... some writers... can make you care about a person with just a short and brief scene."
"I am motivated by the same thing basically every day, which is that I want to tell my stories."
"Spectacular ending where multiple plot threads come together at once – this is what I'm in it for, this is why I love it."
"If the character is not going to get a happy ending, what promises do you give at the beginning of a story so that you don't leave the reader up dissatisfied?"
"Make sure that there is a complete arc for a character."
"The mutation itself is something that's really interesting that was added. I do like it as a storytelling instrument."
"It's remarkable how The Simpsons has managed to capture the imagination of audiences with its seemingly clairvoyant storytelling."
"Good fairy stories... can give to child or man that hears it when the turn comes, a catch of breath, a beat and lifting of the heart near to, or accompanied by, tears."
"Guts is an OP character done right, in so many ways."
"It was sad, it was dark, but not in like a stupid edgy way or anything, it was like really well written."
"Fate is the central pillar of the game's storytelling and it enables the core theme of the game to happen."
"Assassin's Creed is about credibility and authenticity, not about realism."
"Tom doesn't have to be someone we morally agree with, but I think the changes to the story pull it away from accusations of perpetuating the gay serial killer stereotype."
"Tell a story. People like to hear stories. It's been around for thousands of years."
"These timelines are so confusing; that's just lazy writing."
"The Witcher III's world, every side quest, every NPC really has a bit of care put into them that makes exploring every inch of the map just truly worth it."
"We celebrate victims coming forward, feeling comfortable enough to tell their story."
"I appreciate you guys saying that because I've been watching you guys... I'm inspired by all athletes that choose to tell their own story."
"Not every character has to be a perfect little angel."
"Tropes and cliches are not inherently bad things."
"It is truly the only of its kind and one of the few examples of how the medium of children's horror can be explored and used to convey deeper and more intriguing messages about heavier topics usually untouchable in kids' media."
"I'm glad that I didn't have it out there for the world to see. I could tell it as an adult. It's my choice to tell it."
"One of the biggest death flags you can have in anime is if this character who has had no character development suddenly gets a [__] ton of backstory."
"Explaining powers mid-battle... one of the biggest marks of a good adaptation to me is when the anime chooses when to adapt the power explanations and when to let the visuals speak for themselves."
"I've learned... the best way to impact people is through stories."
"It's about the story that you're telling with your players and the type of game that you want to run."
"This story of the war of monsters and humans is our first exposure to Undertale universe."
"Toby Fox, you sure know how to dunk my head underwater then pull me back out before I drown."
"Undertale really knows how to lighten the mood just as well as it knows how to darken it."
"Thank you, dear player, for enjoying our story of friendship and literature."
"It's still storytelling and it's storytelling in a way that only video games can."
"A beautiful definition of storytelling for me is truth well told."
"The story is the story that is told, and you can walk away angry and you can walk away debating and you can walk away arguing, but that's why it works. That is why it's art."
"Good stories are never going to change, the need for people to gather together and exchange their stories and to talk about the things that feel universal, the idea that we all feel a compelling need to watch stories, to tell stories, to share stories -- sort of the gathering around the campfire to discuss the things that tell each one of us that we are not alone in the world."
"Bioshock is a wonderful example of how a game’s environment can be an effective method of storytelling."
"This makes us an active participant in the storytelling process, and not just a passive viewer."
"Monsters have returned to the surface. Peace and prosperity stretched over each piece of land. This is a perfect ending, a perfect ending."
"The good methods now are based on interesting stories, or you fall in love with the story. You get so interested in the story that you forget it's in another language."
"The best methods use stories... where the story is so interesting or strange or funny that you forget... that you are learning a language."
"That is the power of storytelling methods, and that's why Dr. Krashen says that the best methods of language teaching and language learning are storytelling methods."
"The world-building is oozing out of every facet of this game."
"Even with how poorly it tells the story, it's a phenomenal game."
"A narrative is strong if it still leaves room for the personal interpretation of its player."
"Storytellers instill hope again, and again, and again."
"Storytelling is almost as necessary as bread. We cannot imagine ourselves without it."
"His story was riveting not because he had any special charisma, but because the reporters of his case worked so persistently."
"Stories inform. They illuminate. They inspire."
"Unfixing is a realm of storytelling, mostly based on the internet, which defies conventions of the medium or website it's working with and stays in character as much as a WWE wrestler."
"Never just show data. Always have a story and articulate that story in words."
"When you have a specific story you're trying to tell, how do you get that across your audience in a way that's going to be effective?"
"Storytelling is such an important part of the overall lesson here."
"Professional wrestlers are one part athlete, one part stuntmen, one part actors, and they tell stories through their bodies."
"This is one of the best video games stories and worlds... what greater compliment can you give to a story and world setting?"
"There are story delivery methods that could be improved, that would not change the experience in terms of the mystery, trying to find it, but make it far more absorbable."
"People really want to be open. Everybody wants to tell their story, and everybody has a story."
"The overwhelming focus is cinematic, but rather than do what movies often do and jump from critical scene to critical scene, the game intensely elaborates those scenes into sprawling, hours-long, multifaceted set pieces."
"Joel and Ellie, the long bereaved father and the prickly orphan, are compellingly opposed people, barely alike at all, and that's what's going to make them such good road trip companions."
"The interplay between the extreme scope of the year-long cross-country journey they went on together and the incredibly narrow focus of the storytelling lands the ending perfectly."
"Storytelling is to take such a concept or an idea and through the means of your medium create an abstraction outside of reality, wherein the full development of that abstraction is how the idea is transmuted."
"Having an authentic story, a story that emotionally attaches to its characters, is meaningful."
"The foundation of good storytelling is making the audience care about your characters, and often the best way to do that is through their relationships with other people."
"That’s good storytelling. Because in a story, no matter how cool your plot is, no matter how epic your explosions are, none of that matters if the audience isn’t invested in the relationships."
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 pushed the boundaries when it came to storytelling."
"This show didn’t need romantic relationships to cause drama to keep the viewers interested because the non-romantic relationships in the show were developed so well."
"Ganyu sacrifices herself. Oh God, Ganyu, dude."
"Composition is how everything comes together in the image to produce that final photo that tells the story of when you were there."
"Tell a story with your image and convey the mood, the feeling, and the story of when you were there."
"I think the subject of how people lie, mis-remember, and exaggerate when telling stories is kind of fascinating on its own."
"I have never in my entire life experienced the level of concentrated stupidity that I experienced in the story that I'm about to tell you."
"The moral of the story is it's a film about family, really."
"I love storytelling. I love thinking differently. My biggest message is just to make people think differently."
"One of the reasons Game of Thrones was such a breath of fresh air was how it not only subverted expectations but did so naturally."
"Citizen Kane is an exaltation of storytelling, influential for the entirety of cinema."
"The extent to which he managed to convey so many of the book's ideas without heavy recourse on dialogue is quite remarkable."
"The Matrix subway fight tells a story through the medium of fighting."
"The ability for data and insight to really inform the art of storytelling."
"Gaming stories don't just have to take the form of dialogue, backstory, and narration; it's entirely possible to convey incredible thematic and narrative depth through audio-visual design."
"Psychonauts' greatest strength is that it manages to tell nuanced stories without interrupting the flow of gameplay."
"Dialogue, generally, is one of the most active ways that you can convey information and characterization."
"A beat, like for instance, 'He slammed his hand on the table. 'I am done talking to you.''"
"At some point, those two need to intersect, external and internal motivation need to intersect."
"Early Dragon Ball had a concept of strength that was very heavily dependent on technique; characters in combat with each other would have different abilities that could counter each other in different ways."
"Serialized stories that rely on powerups for threat scaling frequently make less and less sense in hindsight, as the same character struggling against Baby's First Villain Of The Week apparently had enough hidden true potential to singlehandedly fight and kill god four seasons later."
"It's one of the greatest storytelling songs of all time."
"Scarlet and Violet's three main plots and their cast of characters are some of the most interesting and well-written Pokémon has had in a while."
"Discovering and catching all these charming monsters across an enormous open world with an actually good story is really fun."
"At the bus stop, every bus stop in the world is the opening scene in an independent short film."
"These are the kind of things I love about the Elder Scrolls games: super detailed environmental storytelling."
"Assuming that he is a spring-lock victim, that's brutally scary. Being thrown into an animatronic's mouth and crying so much that you make the jaw snap onto your own skull, killing you instantly. Holy crap, that is nightmare fuel."
"I love the way the creative process behind making the lore works for me."
"Wrexham keep writing an incredible script in their footballing history."
"A multiple perspective can lead to new game stories that you probably haven't heard of before."
"I enjoy it so much, and I think one of the parts I enjoy most about it is giving people a new way to experience Dream SMP storytelling."
"Practice things like speaking in complete sentences, breaking down messages thoroughly, and storytelling techniques."
"Every great story happened when someone decided not to give up."
"Resolve, Intellect, Integrity, and Physical Prowess...every good Batman story attacks and tests these four cornerstones of his character, and when they do so, his character is at his most entertaining."
"When you own your story and you deliver it with honesty, humility, and humor, I want us all to move people. We are starving for it. It is time. Let's move people."
"A story of raw talent, unfiled ambition, and Real Racing. This is our story, only we can tell it, and the next chapter starts right here."
"A great story with compelling characters is all that really matters in the end."
"This is all building up, this multi-layered story, which is all putting itself in place, and man, something big is going to happen out of all of this."
"Storytelling is one of the very few constants across all of human history."
"This is the most concise but also compassionate docu I've ever seen. The way you handled my story with delicacy and love made me cry."
"The story that begins the book is one of the most awesome presentations of forgiving and forgiveness that I have ever read."
"This little old house is my jewel box. I'm a jewelry designer; this is an extension of who I am, and each little piece in every corner tells a story."
"Create films that tell stories of people to inspire others, as I was inspired watching Pursuit of Happyness."
"You have to live your life to have [stuff] to talk about."
"The wonderful story of Henry Sugar, holy... you got it."
"The original animated film shows Mulan's struggle due to her inexperience and lack of physical prowess, but she makes up for those disadvantages by using her wits, thinking creatively, and refusing to quit even when things seem hopeless."
"If you're going to write the hero of a story, a central character who ultimately is able to conquer the evil he or she faces, you need to make them earn it."
"Write characters whose defining moments do not come as they realize their own worth and value that they themselves are efficient, but rather as they decide to take selfless action for the good of others."
"I get out of it... really, it's the impact I'm doing through story."
"People invest in people's visions and stories."
"The show has turned into performative art, where the logic issues undercut the big culmination of feelings and honor."
"To the degree that we want to preserve the understructure of our culture...the stories have to be brought alive again."
"Meta modernism acknowledges that prescribing exclusively to either solely modern or postmodern ideas limits our ability to tell robust, complex stories."
"I don't believe there are two sides to every story. I believe there are infinite sides to every story, and that's why it's important to look at infinite sides to every story."
"I'm a storyteller. I want to take your ass down Paradise Road."
"He is talented. He tells a story in his music."
"Maybe stories are just data with a soul, and maybe I'm just a storyteller."
"There's a story where Thanos meets Kang, and it's kind of a cool thing."
"It's my opinion, at least, that the least we can do is hear their story... in an effort to not only keep their voice living on but also to hold these perpetrators accountable."
"I'd much rather be telling my grandkids stories about like, 'Oh yeah, like you can see these wedding photos. Like, this crazy thing happened.'"