
Mentorship Quotes

There are 12701 quotes

"The most joy and meaning that I got out of working in medicine was when I had a medical student with me who I could teach."
"Improving yourself and then helping others improve, it's like climbing a mountain but carving out a trail along the way that other people can follow."
"The pleasure of mentorship is a form of fatherhood."
"I deeply, deeply care about young men getting onto this path."
"I just teach you to be the best version of yourself."
"Coaches play more of a social Father Figure to them."
"No one doing better than you will ever criticize you; they'll mentor you."
"If I had had somebody like me, somebody who'd been through it, come and be that voice for me when I was young, maybe it would have changed my life."
"The very reason and rationality that many atheists celebrate, in fact, points to God."
"Be the leader you wish you had. Become a student of leadership. Study it, read about it, watch things about it, practice it every day."
"Success is not about the wins and losses; it's about helping these young fellows be the best versions of themselves on and off the field."
"The best way to learn is from people that are actually doing it and getting results."
"Generosity...the ability to be generous to others with your time, your attention, your mentorship."
"The best leaders don't create more followers; they create more leaders."
"The Holy Spirit is a teacher. The job of ministers is not for your walk to end with us, but to point you to Jesus."
"I'm having fun because I love to help young entrepreneurs."
"This man basically raised me with his music."
"It's a responsibility that comes with being an OG. Are you teaching them how to make money, how to get it out there and not die and go to jail?"
"Life lessons from a school bus driver: 'He's the father that I always wanted.'"
"He was very good to the boys, and he taught those boys so much."
"Under conditions where either the teacher or the mentor is not there...we actually can serve as our own teacher."
"I really just tried to teach the things that can't be bought."
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
"Tupac had treated Snoop well, giving him a platform on his iconic album 'All Eyes on Me,' and speaking highly of him."
"I could never have been the player I was without you, coach."
"Mentorship and passing on your wisdom can be just as fulfilling as financial success, contributing to a meaningful legacy."
"If you treat young people right and give them what they need to be successful, you'll be successful as a team."
"There isn't anything that would actually make you feel more engaged in your life than taking the opportunity to take the best in someone else and encourage that development."
"Coach K brought Kobe on for a reason. He said, 'We need Kobe Bryant on this team to transfer and transform these guys' mentality.'"
"The absolute best part about my job is being able to help others who want to write, who want to recognize and master the intricacies of storytelling."
"Work for somebody really, really brilliant, even if they don't pay you a penny."
"It's incredible to have a father and a teacher like Melo to show you so many things."
"One of the great things about Glenn [Keane] is just how incredibly generous he is. He gives you work that you just can't handle, but he works you through it."
"I learned far more from him than I think that I taught him. I learned so much more from him in terms of just mentality, work ethic. It was an awesome experience for me because it was educational."
"Wayne Dyer, when I met him really, really young, told me, 'You're going to change the world, Ed Mylett.'"
"He was just saying, 'Go with your heart and whatever you want to do, you can do. I'm always here if you need to knock on my door and speak to me.'"
"Thank you so much for the opportunity, and you've been a real-life legend for me."
"When a student is ready, the teacher appears."
"My job is to help you... I want to push you to have your own business while you're traveling the world with me."
"He just had something about him that just told me, 'I am going to make sure that you retire the right way.'"
"You should be so grateful and blessed that these people look up to you."
"The most gifted people are those who are willing to share their experiences and insights, regardless of their own personal achievements."
"What's the point if I'm not using all of the amazing skills and tools and wisdom that I've developed within myself to help bring other people along?"
"The stars of the night shine bright across the sky above our teacher and his disciple."
"Imagine that you could follow Steve Jobs and Elon Musk for years and years and years. Imagine what you would learn, imagine what you would see, imagine the value that you would take from that experience."
"You're not great until you release greatness into someone else."
"When you get it, reach back, pull someone else up. Each one, teach one. Don't just aspire to make a living; aspire to make a difference."
"Our young people only need someone to embrace them and let them know their capabilities."
"You are in a position to mentor somebody behind you in a way that would be transformative for them."
"Each one, teach one. Don't just aspire to make a living; aspire to make a difference."
"None of my mentors ever had me focus on perfection; they had me focus on progress, to just keep getting better little incremental gains every day, every week, every month, every quarter."
"Nothing could be more rewarding for me as an educator than that because if I can preserve you long enough for you to find yourself in this industry, I can't wait to read your story."
"Increasing the proportion of female mentors is associated not only with a reduction in post-mentorship impact of female protégés but also a reduction in the gain of female mentors."
"It's important that you have a mentor or you have a framework or a foundation to build upon to give your trading career a direction."
"God has given us a beautiful model for spiritual growth in Titus 2 where he calls older women to teach younger women."
"Most good advice is context-specific, but here are my two generic pieces of advice: First, get a mentor. Second, build small groups of peers."
"The beautiful thing about mentorship and coaching... is that it's someone's entire experience that they jam-pack into a short amount of time."
"Get a business coach, get a business bestie, reach out to them, and avoid a lot of those simple mistakes that can definitely cost you in the end."
"Learn from your senpai. Having mentors can be so, so crucial and so important."
"I've been able to learn from the most extraordinary people."
"Warren Buffett, you and I both still take advice from a guy who is double my age, and I'm already old because the principles that this dude teaches are timeless."
"The fastest way to reach success is just to have someone else who kind of teaches you and maybe even gives you a bit of their success and guidance."
"If you can help pull back the curtain and help them see what they're capable of, they're more willing to work with you."
"You taught us that nothing is too small for us to work on and too big for us to give our time to."
"He always saw the best version in anyone and got you to believe in yourself in a way you probably didn't even see for yourself."
"Be nice to your interns. Be nice to the people you work with."
"You were always my favorite student. I knew you would succeed in life."
"When you find somebody that’s willing to learn, it doesn't matter what level they're at. You can take that person and be able to, oh yeah, come on because in your learning, you're gonna be able to teach me something."
"Naruto met Killer B, the jinchuriki of Eight-Tails, and requested to train under him."
"Go build something really, really, really big, but then come back to your community and teach them how you did it. It's the only way our community grows."
"Focus on yourself first, and then as you grow as a person, other people will come to you for help."
"We all have a responsibility as men; once He's delivered me through this, I have a responsibility to go back and bring some other folk out."
"Someone who is genuinely good and accomplished and knows that they are one of the best, they're usually actually pretty happy to try and impart that wisdom with someone else."
"Leaders create more leaders, not more followers."
"The joy is no longer as much to be successful as to pass along what you've learned."
"To millions of people, you're like a mentor and kind of like a superhero."
"The power of education and mentorship in transforming lives."
"My goal, just so you know, is to take 500 people and mentor them to financial freedom."
"It's time for us to take that responsibility and hold ourselves accountable and make sure that we reach back to the younger generation."
"Your responsibility is not to make them meet the deadline. Your responsibility is to make sure that they understand their own strengths, their own value, and that they are way, way more talented than they think they are."
"We can cut the learning curve and go learn straight from somebody who actually does it."
"I want to always be able to give back my time to help not just fighters, just athletes and entertainers."
"If you want to become a millionaire, you need to learn from people who have already done it."
"He was like this-- he took me under his wing and not only taught me like the basic carpentry skills but was patient enough to deal with my problems of being in an abusive relationship and gave me confidence."
"I'm so grateful to have you in my life, to teach me what matters and to remind me of the strong person that I am."
"You can be mentored by people you've never met. Being around art shapes you, standing in Nelson Mandela's prison cell transforms you, reading a book is having a conversation with the author."
"I've been very lucky to be around successful people my entire career, and those successful people have lifted me up."
"I owe my life to the priest who took me in when my parents died."
"And learning and growing in your career with the right mentors and with the right level of patience for yourself and ability to learn from your own mistakes is a crucial part of career development."
"Finding a mentor... someone who cares about your success so much that they're willing to give you some of their time and know-how."
"In a growth mindset, they believe that their basic talents, abilities, personal attributes can be developed through effort, learning, mentoring from others."
"You don't become spiritual by reading books; you need training, a teacher, and a process to go through."
"Success leaves clues. Study successful people and recognize patterns that lead to greatness."
"One of the greatest gifts you can give a man is setting the example and giving them a space to begin to play with this stuff."
"It does not make you more successful to do it alone. Take the helping hand, listen to the people who did it before you."
"What's more important to me is mentorship, finding people to help me gain footing, find a life, a balanced life."
"Africa black America doesn't really have access to a real education, mentorship, and capital that is not predatory."
"It's the book I always should have written; it's the book I also wish someone had written for me when I was starting out in my career."
"Good leadership is about creating more leaders."
"The monkey king achieved enlightenment through the teachings of the monk, his new master, putting an end to his mischievous and angry ways."
"You be a bigger boss if you put people on, put people in position."
"He wants the new generation to become as strong as him so that the future can have a better tomorrow."
"The best way to increase your skills is to spend time with people who are better than you, bouncing off ideas and having a feedback system."
"Find a mentor. That's probably the biggest one for me."
"This is an opportunity of a lifetime. She's going to teach Perla so much. For the first time in a long time, I have some hope."
"The most important thing you can do is to pay everything that you learn forward to the next generation."
"The value of teaching and learning from those we admire shapes our understanding of success and innovation."
"To actually understand what makes people successful, we have to look at things like hours put in, environments people grew up in, mentors, and even circumstances of where their family was located or birthdays."
"Our kids are the heroes, and we are their guides."
"I think we have a responsibility to try and pass on some knowledge or educate the next generation."
"Be around people who handle pressure well so you can learn from them."
"No matter how much knowledge you get, whatever wisdom you get is only drops that your master is dropping on you."
"I just wanted to... I didn't know it at the time, but I was just basically being like the person that I kind of wish I had."
"Get support when you need it and know that we all got here because somebody helped us."
"This really is what I want to do in life, like I want to be a person that sitting in a circle with a bunch of women who are hoes and give them advice."
"You've been through so much at such a young age that you have so much wisdom and knowledge to share with others."
"I wish I had a mentor, which is why I want to be your mentor."
"Importantly, I really wanted to help a daughter learn how to succeed in what is still a predominantly male world of work."
"Surrounding myself with people that are bigger and greater than myself has given me humility."
"It might be worth taking less money just to understand and surround yourself with these people that are so much better and have more experience."
"The nice thing about working on-site is you've got people who are more senior than you, you can say, 'Hey, how do you do that? Can you show me?'"
"If somebody that's successful in something that you want to do wants to give you something for free, you take it."
"It wasn't until Hercules was able to prove himself that Phil agreed to train him, and by the time Hercules earned his divinity back, Phil had reclaimed his faith in heroes."
"The only thing I want you to do for me is do what I did for you for others."
"Gerald, as you know, was my mentor, and he was a friend of mine."
"Always spoke to me, be a better man than I am, in every way, shape, form, and fashion. And don't... Don't strive to, uh, beat me, set higher standards for yourself."
"Finding just exceptional young talent...and helping them, that's really what I want to focus on."
"I never knew that Peter the gang taught me how to read, taught me how to see all that was good in the world."
"Real guidance is having someone that is going to push you and make you really question things, not just going to teach you what they have been told to teach you in a textbook."
"Be very careful who your influences are... especially if you don't have a dad in your life."
"I can't speak to what you've experienced... I've had the luxury of mentoring somebody who, from the suicide attempts, has gotten their life back together."
"It's possible for someone to be a mentor who maybe you've never even met. They can be a mentor by example."
"I think that should be part of the accomplishment, holding the door for somebody else coming up."
"The pleasure of genuine friendship or mentorship is not even in the same conceptual universe as power."
"It's kind of a special weekend for me this weekend. I have a chance to have representatives of three of my mentors here, three of the people that made all the difference in my life."
"Without them, I wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't have the opportunity to speak to you as I do, and especially with the confidence that I speak to you because I have literally a half a century of people's work to confirm what I tell you is true, without any doubt."
"The greatest part of the population right now are people my age, and a lot of people my age don't have anything to do. If they would just go and mentor their...because the kids need to see evidence that education is going to work for them."
"You're going to get to a point...you're going to look over your shoulder and go, 'I need somebody to help me.'"
"It's our duty, you know, to pave the way for the next generation of leaders that are coming through."
"Kakashi gives him his White Light Chakra Saber. He tells him how it was his father's and he wants Obito to take the blade and prove that his father was right to choose his team over his mission."
"Everybody needs guidance at some point in their life."
"Kakashi brings Boruto back to the hospital to recover, applauding Boruto's accomplishments but warning him of the dangers of his new technique."
"To his students on Team 7, Kakashi teaches the importance of teamwork, a lesson he received along with the Sharingan from his childhood friend, Obito Uchiha."
"I always wish I had somebody as dope as me to kind of help me and point me in the right direction."
"I've been able to learn so much from him on and off the court."
"Mito assured her successor that the fox's hatred was powerless against her love."
"The amount of passion and drive my instructor shows for this trade and for his students is above and beyond anything I've seen so far."
"I've elevated myself and become the legitimate businessman, taking my hustle, my talents, and all that into the corporate world and real estate investing, into building businesses, mentorship, and social activism."
"This guy's 70 years old, he just gave me accumulated knowledge of 50 years. I just saved 50 years in one hour. That's a mentor."
"If you want to do big things in life, you have to follow this thing I call the Law of 33 percent."
"Master Oogway is just not as good of a teacher as this series makes him out to be, and his lessons actually hurt more people than they help."
"What really started to shift things for me was when I started spending time with guys that were really successful with women and discovering what those little subtle differences were that made the difference."
"We all remember the teacher who believed in us, who had our backs, who saw something in us that nobody else saw."
"The most valuable and the most popular people on this planet are the ones that are helping you build the framework of your mind."
"Look for mentors and teachers and people you can trust, people with comparable ideas and incentives to you."
"Young men are clearly struggling not only with dating but with life in general. They lack community, independence, brothers, father figures, and mentors."
"A lot of guys... they didn't grow up with like an older brother or like a dad that sets them straight, and so it's kind of sad but they go on the internet and they find people like Andrew Tate."
"He was the one. And he's looking for the next one."
"I quickly realized that there was work to be done, and I felt obligated to give these young people at least an opportunity to excel."
"It's up to us to offer the ones that come behind us something that they can use to let them know that they can't achieve, that they can excel."
"The most important and the most favorite teacher of my entire life."
"Prince Charles described his uncle as the grandfather he never had, his mentor."
"After subduing the demon chakra in Naruto, Jiraiya suggested training Naruto and Boruto together, knowing the foe would return."
"I want to be able to actually kind of take and bottle up some of what I've learned from that journey and help other people experience that in the same way."
"I've lived... embracing this message and following people that are richer than me, more accomplished than me; my life has improved a lot in a year."
"He may be blind as a bat, but the old curmudgeon taught him everything he knew."
"These guys see themselves in the youth... they don't want them to fall into the same traps."
"Surround yourself with people who have done it, and then learn to believe in yourself."
"When you don't have a mentor, like life is your teacher."
"I really owe a great gratitude to Mr. Parker over there because you really helped me get started."
"I'm teaching young men to be disciplined, to be diligent, to listen, to train, to work hard—exactly like me."
"I very much enjoy trying to help people find something they're passionate about."
"I challenge everyone to share with the younger generation something unique."
"My mentor was the one who told me that I should try to go beyond the limit of my powers."
"I want to help you not have to go down the same rabbit holes I did. I want you to be successful. A lot of people don't want to see you be successful. Yeah, I want to see you successful."
"The right mentor is worth 10 years of struggles."
"He changed my whole life. So, that's why I call him dad."
"There's a certain obligation duty I have in that position to try to have an influence on the next generation the way educators and scientists [influenced] me."
"Every impactful person whom God used in the Bible had one or more influential people in their lives who helped them find their way."
"Make sure you're taking advice from people who have what you want."
"I don't think that there's anything at this stage that I could teach Kate about being a member of the royal family."
"I love to see people do well. So I like to teach people."
"You need to get attached to people that are going in the direction you need to go."
"I'm just so proud. I love to see girls improve after all my complaining and crying."
"My students, I don't call them fans. I prefer to call them my students of knowledge."
"You're bright, shining stars. You're my stars."
"The sage left satisfied that he had made great advances in the young man's technique."
"Piccolo, in his final moments, tells Gohan he is proud of how much he has matured."
"Eventually, when Nappa fires a lethal energy blast at Gohan, Piccolo throws himself in front of Gohan and takes the impact."
"Because I've always wanted to be like you. I know I can do it. I just need someone to show me the way."
"Success leaves clues. When you study successful people, you see the same patterns over and over."
"So basically, it's really important to surround yourself with people who've already done what you want to do because you will rub off on you."
"If we can bail out Wall Street, you know what, we can cancel student debt and provide public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"I am grateful that I had the opportunity to share with him a couple months before he died that I had started this channel and I was passing on his ideas and methods to tens of thousands of people."
"Use this time to educate yourself, find a coach, find a mentor, read some books, watch videos, ask lots of questions."
"None of these awards, none of these accomplishments, would have been possible if it wasn't for Silva and the tools I'm about to teach you here, guiding me throughout my life."
"You have suffered, I know this. You have come to the abyss and almost surrendered yourselves to it. That changes now. I am father, general, lord, and mentor. I shall teach you, if I can, and pass on the knowledge I have gained: honor, self-sacrifice, self-reliance, brotherhood. Let this be the first lesson."
"You've taught me how to celebrate people unconditionally."
"You can't mentor or disciple without giving people access."
"Real authentic discipleship is like what Jesus had with the disciples, where they were with this man."