
Amnesia Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Benjamin Kyle had amnesia, and he doesn't know what happened during 20 years of his life."
"After the accident, I had completely lost my memory. My name? Jane Doe. Call me nobody."
"Amnesia: The Dark Descent...is one of the most viscerally terrifying games I have ever played."
"Later that day, Richtofen returns to Der Riese and awakens Dempsey, Takio, and Nikolai with no recollection of who they are or who Richtofen is; they agree to help him."
"He woke up, didn't recognize his own name in his sleep."
"Who are you? You there, I need to find the guest of honor. Take this ticket, you can use the access offer platforms. You're one of the people that was in a coma, right? So I'm assuming one patient's basically done for."
"Restoring justice after this ordeal, Miles's psychic powers were restored and everyone's memories of the event disappeared as if the battle had never happened."
"A mental block of sorts would appear that no matter how much he thought about it or how hard he struggled to remember he could just not retrieve that memory of what happened."
"We are a species with amnesia; we have forgotten so much more about ourselves than we remember."
"I'm thankful for you from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't think of a better person to have as a cure to my amnesia."
"Who are you?" she asked. The policeman then explained to us that Mom seemed to be suffering from amnesia.
"If you love someone, go after them even if they have to go through amnesia first before they fall in love with you."
"After all, if you're going to wake up in a post-apocalyptic hellscape, it's so much more fun if you have super amnesia on top of it."
"Stakes are the lifeblood of any good story, but they're doubly important when your narrative involves amnesia."
"One of the worst things that could happen to you in life is for you to get amnesia."
"Tonight on Unsolved Mysteries, we will examine this frightening and most baffling case of amnesia found wandering in the desert nine months ago. This young man remains frozen in a shadowy existence of not knowing who he is. With no past, no future, perhaps you can help."
"EP lives in a permanent present; anything new that happens to him simply doesn't get recorded."
"...SSS Gridman begins with a high school student hibiki Yuta waking up in a house he doesn't recognize suffering from Amnesia."
"You're amazing. I have no idea what you took away, but I know I'm better off without the memory," he said with a contented sigh.
"Eight hours later, we woke up, and nobody could remember how we got home."
"Sometimes he woke up and couldn't remember who he was."
"Kelty's story begins in the mountains when she woke up one day without a head, with no memories to recall or a face for people to recognize."
"Tails has amnesia. It forgets everything once you reboot."
"He has no idea where he is, what has happened to him, and worse yet, when asked his name, he has no idea who he is."
"Imagine tomorrow morning you wake up, you've got no memory of how you got to where you are."
"Forget your past when you wake up, pretend it's your first day into this world."
"What is the word for loss of memory? Amnesia."
"She woke with a gasp, not knowing who she was, or where."
"Pretty hard to win a fight when your opponent can make you forget what you're doing and who you are in an instant."
"Imagine you've trained a sport your entire life to compete in the Olympics, and all of a sudden, you've completely forgotten how to do the sport."
"It's about a middle school boy who gets amnesia and forgets who he is."
"The collective European Amnesia about 500 years of colonial ugliness and slavery is one of life's continuing obscenities."
"Can you imagine that? Just waking up one day with no idea who you are."
"Waking up in a perfect cookie-cutter home at the end of a cul-de-sac in a sunny corner of suburbia, Isadora has no recollection of her past life."
"I still don't remember much," I lied to George.
"Imagine waking up some morning with no idea of where we have been or who we are; we would lose everything that makes us human."
"I think when I crashed my car yesterday, I didn't just get amnesia. I also died and came back as a zombie. I'm not really alive anymore."
"I don't remember anything from the wreck, really."
"Our capacity to forget the horror of war is what leads us back into the next one."
"My hope is that my daughter is alive and well and living a normal life, perhaps with loss of memory."
"The moment you set foot in this castle, you forgot every spell and every ability you ever knew."
"It's horrifying. I don't know what it is, but apparently, you don't know who you are, you have no memories, and you're just in a world you just have to figure it out."
"Propofol is called the milk of amnesia because of its white milky color and because it induces amnesia."
"Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken, I've even forgotten my name."
"We've managed to simplify all of that by using the tried and tested narrative tactic of amnesia to reset Broly and temper his anger into something much more manageable and also something more endearing."
"Embrace the moment, savor it. Hang on to the amnesia because this tiny moment of zero recall is the best thing that's going to happen to you for some considerable time."
"One of the symptoms of CO poisoning is amnesia."
"I was off the earth, I had no memory of Earth."
"We're creating this vast kind of cultural amnesia because stuff that--I mean, I've worked on [INDISTINCT] you know, spent years working on stuff that there's no trace of it in the web anymore."
"I had no recollection of any nightmares or dreams; I basically slept in pitch black until I woke up at an unknown time, completely terrified."
"I think there was a forced amnesia, a kind of forced forgetting about the people who got left behind."
"Clive Wearing is one of the most curious clinical cases of anterograde amnesia that has ever been carefully documented."
"Anterograde amnesia means you cannot form new long-term memories."
"Pretend I lost all of my memory and explain the concept of love to me."
"A deep languor spread through my limbs; I remember no more of my benefactors or what they said, only the drowsy glories of eating and drinking to my full."
"Imagine waking up one day and all your memories were erased."
"Wouldn't it be cool if Edward wakes up on a tropical island with no memory of how he got there?"
"Rachel wakes up in a weird brainwashing facility with no memory."
"If someone has damage to the hippocampus in isolation, they get what's usually called Korsakov's amnesia."
"Look, ladies, we've been over this. I don't even remember killing Medusa. I don't remember anything. Can't we just call a truce and talk about your weekly specials?"
"We're gods and goddesses with amnesia."
"He wished for all the world he could remember something about his previous life. Anything."
"We are gods and goddesses with amnesia."
"Bruce Wayne was discovered alive, but he has amnesia and doesn't remember being Batman."
"He loses his memories and so he wakes up on this beach and has no idea who he is or why he's there."
"What if Thanos had changed Galactus into a human being... Galactus ends up on Earth with no memory of who he was."
"I may not remember where I came from or even what my name is, but I know what you're doing to this world is wrong."
"We really playing the game of the Gods and in the game of the Gods we go into amnesia and try to find ourselves through clues."
"He's got amnesia from the moment he stepped into the orphanage, so he'll remember none of his past."
"I woke up in a hospital one day with no memory except that I have a twin sister named Bella."
"Despite my memory loss, I'll take care of every single problem of the Shilon Kingdom since I'm back."
"We as a humanity have forgotten who it is we truly are."
"All he wants for Christmas is his memory back."
"I don't remember much from before. I just knew there was someone in need, someone who needed help."
"Amnesia. That's what Dr. Cooperman says I have: acute retrograde amnesia."
"When I got amnesia, I lost 13 years of myself. I have to replace those memories using what I can pick up from other people."
"Stay awake. Why does she remember nothing from the past two years?"
"All of these people wake up in a new clone, not remembering what happened, and knowing that on this ship, someone killed everyone."
"You have to be able to have a bit of amnesia, both on the winning side and the losing side."
"She was surprised that the guy lost all his memories after that incident but was very glad that he remained alive."