
Investigation Quotes

There are 12269 quotes

"The FBI launched a widespread search for Benjamin's identity."
"This game takes place where we have to investigate the mysterious disappearances of people within a village."
"You never actually have to ask them 'Did you kill?' They eventually tell you."
"The truth has nothing to fear from investigation."
"Being able to say, 'I don't know,' is okay. We're all that way. You've got to take each thing that happens and investigate."
"If we care about truth and what is actually true about reality, then we look for those things."
"We should follow the evidence where it leads."
"Just keep following the evidence, and that's what I'm going to keep doing."
"If you're not sure, you should keep investigating."
"For more than 20 years, that project had treated unidentified anomalies in our airspace as a national security threat to be monitored and investigated."
"UAPs are unexplained, it's true, but they are real. They need to be investigated, and any threats they pose need to be mitigated."
"When we spot something we don't understand or can't identify in our airspace, it's the job of those we entrust with our national security to investigate and to report back."
"This is investigative journalism in the moment."
"We did not take our impeachment vote lightly. It was the product of a very thoughtful, fair, and deliberate investigation."
"We're not here to just retell a story for entertainment purposes; we're here to tell what happened and hopefully learn something from it, and pick it apart and put the puzzle together in the way that a law enforcement agency would do it."
"This doesn't sound like a professional hit overall because the manner in which they're shot... it's personal."
"If we follow the clues, there are answers. And if we have the answers, then we can bring things into better alignment."
"It's a spirited inquiry to follow the clues, whether we're doing it on our own, with people in our personal lives, or with someone professionally."
"Andrew's murder has to be investigated properly."
"It wasn't just the deaths that were mysterious, but what was happening to the bodies of the deceased."
"An innocent person does not lie. They tell the truth because you know why? It's easy to remember the truth. It's hard to remember a lie."
"Never before in the history of doing this channel in accident investigations have I ever seen such an egregious lack of professionalism, lack of adherence to standard operating procedures, and lack of crew resource management by any professional airline aircrew."
"Several clues were left behind, including a handwritten note in her coat pocket as well as clothes not even available in the US."
"In this day and age, somebody's gotta miss her somewhere."
"She definitely has a daughter that's probably looking for her to this day and doesn't know what happened."
"The truth is not at hand; you have to seek and sort out to get the truth."
"Rachel was shot to death at the end of her parents' driveway; she was shot 10 to 12 times at close range and she was instantly killed."
"Police investigators won't say if they have a suspect but they do believe that Rachel delondo knew her assailant and that this brutal murder was a crime of passion."
"The Buddha himself made clear that my followers should accept my teaching not out of respect, but rather through your own investigation and experiment."
"I'm investigating and getting back to our intuition, our sixth sense, and getting in tune with it."
"Critical thinking will not necessarily lead you to a truth."
"This Blockbuster investigation vividly demonstrates how the ultra-wealthy and powerful live under a different set of rules than everyone else."
"Whether you believe in the paranormal or not, the real life horrors experienced by the Perrin family, and the ongoing investigations at this infamous location continue to captivate the imagination and challenge our understanding of the unexplained."
"Whenever we see information and we trace it back to its source, whether it's in software code or a hieroglyphic inscription or a paragraph in a book or information embedded in a radio signal, when we get back to the ultimate source, it always comes to a mind, not a material process."
"All that was left in the morning were the ruins of their previous night: the hiker's tent torn and abandoned, their bodies scattered across the landscape with injuries that defied logical explanation."
"This is the Dyatlov Pass Incident, and this is the red thread."
"I've studied and investigated metaphysics, epistemology, science, history... I have really looked and been curious about the nature of reality for pretty much my entire life."
"A lack of clues may cool down a hot investigation, but there's no statute of limitations on murder."
"Months or even years may pass before forensics can spark a fire under these cold cases."
"Examine as much evidence from as many sources as possible before making a judgment."
"Conclusions invariably come after investigation, and not before."
"About two decades ago, authorities in Palm Beach, Florida, began receiving tips of a middle-aged enigmatic billionaire abusing underage girls in the community."
"Authorities are working with tech experts to uncover any digital clues that might shed light on his activities leading up to the disappearance."
"The most important thing is to investigate and find out what's really going on."
"I wanted to take some time out to do a little background check on why that video happened and why those words came out."
"Play the tapes, find out how you got here. Everything is interwoven, don't you remember? Eject tapes at any time with G."
"They know that the north portion of the pool deck slab collapsed into the basement prior to the global collapse of the eastern part of the tower."
"Nearly 3 years after the collapse, they are finally making major milestones as the investigation draws closer to the conclusion."
"They're going to do this by the book on this one."
"Major revelations today on the origins of COVID-19 and exactly what happened inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology."
"We should want to know [the pandemic's origin]. Three million people have died from this pandemic, and that should cause us to explore all possibilities."
"It seems that there really wasn't one person in the world who took enough time to find these things out about this little girl."
"What we had tracked down, they also saw a bat file in their case, or a specific extension to be able to then run and execute the spooky actual cover payload."
"This is known as one of South Korea's biggest investigations."
"It was a sort of detective story where I was searching for clues to find the truth."
"Given what we find out about the experiment, this all makes sense. For now, we have a murderer to investigate."
"I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the Homeland Security Department actually does investigate international sex trafficking."
"Source of life and cause of death, water can wash away clues, dilute evidence, and conceal corpses."
"For investigators, water can be a cunning opponent; for criminals, a most accommodating ally."
"We know you're not telling us the truth. We know your parents are no longer with us."
"Closing such an investigation is a big deal, as it's required to obtain future launch licenses."
"Special Counsel Jack Smith is far more interested as well in the financial crimes that Donald Trump committed."
"We need to make sure that we are getting to the bottom of the weaponization of the federal government."
"Don’t get blinded, don’t let fear mongering get to you, and always try to dig deeper."
"It's terrifying, like how could this happen so close to us with someone who is so similar to us? We need to figure this out."
"As I started to dig a little deeper, this story got a lot more complicated and a lot more interesting than I first expected."
"It's really just a matter of time at this point, you know, the benefit of time is always on the side of law enforcement in a situation like this."
"If we have the truth, it ought not to be harmed by investigation; and if we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed."
"Weeks later, police would discover a high amount of radiation contamination in the teapot, especially concentrated in the spout."
"It's interesting for me particularly because I've been doing a little bit of investigation, I guess you can say, on the side, some silent investigation on certain patterns and things that I've noticed and seen."
"Freezing to death is not a cause of death that I would accept."
"It's one thing for a person to tragically end up in a snowdrift after leaving a bar, but it's a completely different story for three people to end up dead sitting on somebody's back porch after a party."
"We seek the truth, so we follow the facts wherever they go."
"Look, I know he wasn't just stumbling on bodies."
"Despite his clean record, the police had finally caught up to the killer and all evidence was pointing directly at William Earl Talbot II."
"New York City's human rights watchdog is now investigating amazon.com over allegations an employee was fired for helping to organize a walkout over work conditions."
"I bought a ring doorbell. I was intent on finding out who this person was and why they were leaving me gifts."
"I've seen a lot of weird stuff on this channel, Strawberry Squad, but I have never seen anything quite like what we just saw at this farm."
"We need more video evidence of what's going on in the farm so we can take it to the police."
"The sheer volume and connection of any kind of sex trafficking ring that he allegedly may have been running is what is going to come probably as the most surprising to folks."
"He made it clear that he felt the police were targeting him because he'd gotten too close to a truth that they didn't want him to expose."
"The police lost the crucial first 48 hours after Misty went missing, during which her odds of being found were far greater than they ever would be again."
"Jorge's death was initially deemed to be a tragic accident, but two years later, a tip from the other side of the world triggered a manhunt for a seriously sick and twisted individual."
"The more detectives tucked into this case, the more horrific it became."
"I feel like every case I work is a story, and I've got to report back the information from that story."
"The key to understanding the disaster is found thousands of kilometers away, an unusual piece of evidence that tells the troubling story of a crash that could have been prevented."
"Sometimes it really is the smallest clues that can break a case wide open."
"Our job is to investigate many of these troubling allegations that have come forward in the last few months, determine what the true facts are, independently investigate and verify the true facts, and to shine light on these facts, whatever they may be."
"This is not any type of political witch hunt; this is a quest for the truth, and we're going to use the tools available to us."
"We are going to be deliberate and thorough in our evaluation of evidence and information that may come before us."
"To stop him, investigators need to rouse a confession from a graveyard of deleted computer files."
"Finding the facts of the homicide won't just bring closure to the victim and her family; it'll help Julia hold on to the theater."
"I don't think I've ever seen so many theories in a single case ever before."
"He was completely naked and the key to the lock was found underneath his body."
"What initially started as me being curious about their charity became a deep dive into what it really means when donations go into a shady fundraiser's pockets."
"Politically motivated investigations are a betrayal of our bedrock democratic principles."
"We're just going to get to the facts, we're going to uncover the cover-up."
"Always let whatever you investigate get in the way of whatever you despise."
"There is something strange going on out there."
"Facts. Write it down and don't speculate what you think it is because also your decision, just write the facts down. We can get all the facts together and we can start to investigate and get a real honest story."
"Write the facts down. When we get all the facts together, we can start investigating a real, honest story."
"We're constantly trying to find the best explanation."
"If together, as fans of ancient Egypt, we demand a serious investigation about the pyramids, then perhaps their mysteries can be solved."
"If the friend is lying, why is he lying? What is the reason to lie when your three best friends are dead in the backyard?"
"President Ronald Reagan created a presidential commission known as the Rogers commission to investigate this disaster."
"These deep dives are all about going deep into the lives of the victims and everybody involved so that you can make a better determination of how you feel about the outcome."
"Only scratching the surface of some of these cases doesn't give us the opportunity to look at the possible real reasons that some of these happened."
"You have to solve this case, that's what the sign is for, that's why you have the hat, that's why you have the whip."
"It should be concluded that the course of the hikers' demise was an overwhelming force which they were not able to overcome."
"We have to gather evidence and then see which of those possibilities has the most supporting evidence."
"Social messaging startup IRL is shutting down after a board investigation found 95 percent of its claimed 20 million users were actually fake."
"The important message to convey is that we can solve big mysteries if we take a close look. The pyramids are a literal mountain of evidence, and the clues are still there, waiting to be found."
"You can learn so much about probative facts, facts that prove something, that help you find the person."
"The way in which the image was formed is almost as big a mystery as the shroud itself."
"The blood stains test positive for 13 different blood components, suggesting an exudate from actual wounds."
"There's tons of activity throughout the video. I'm talking sounds, things flying across the room, doors slamming shut."
"The investigation threw a spotlight onto the operations of Colgan and raised questions about pilot qualifications, training, and pay."
"There's a lot of crazy stuff happening in Atlanta, Georgia which we definitely have to look into."
"We need to be smarter. We need to dig deeper. To hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell."
"It didn't identify the reason for the doors and the ramps failing, but it did provide us a sequence of events in a lot of areas."
"Investigators have concluded that this disaster was chiefly characterized by a premature geobiological consumption event caused by the catastrophic failure of critical park infrastructure to constrain and limit the gastric, motor, and neurological actions of the Permian Basin Superorganism."
"It was all about finding the truth. If we could prove that it didn't happen, that was success, just like proving that it did happen."
"Before we explore these strange phenomena happening around the world, let's examine the Bible's stance on the signs of end times."
"We found a total of 106 fragments of bone that were able to be identified, which gives an overall sense of what we found at the scene."
"I believe the main reason that we investigated this accident was that there was a tragic, unnecessary loss of life."
"The Presidential Commission concluded that the cause of the Challenger accident was the failure of the pressure seal in the aft field joint of the right solid rocket motor."
"We spent three days up there processing that scene with dignity, as if we were walking on hallowed ground."
"The philosophical investigation is so much more heavy than I assumed it would have been."
"The real mystery began when the investigators uncovered that the name Peter Bergman was an alias, as there is no record of anyone in the same age bracket or description possessing this name anywhere."
"Despite further investigations, police are completely unable to discover who this man was, how he died, and the reasons for his actions."
"Nothing is adding up. Dave, Clay, and Ricky need and deserve justice."
"There's definitely smoke, but is there fire?"
"You want me to believe three guys go in the backyard and drop dead? No, I don't think that's what happened."
"There's just so much in there, and there's so many avenues to this case that are beyond the surface level."
"A top U.S. investigation firm raided in China; due diligence company Mintz Group found itself raided and its staff seized by Chinese officials."
"We have to get to the bottom of this because millions of families deserve to know the truth."
"Welcome to BJ investigates, a show I just created and might never do again."
"Early in the morning, the villagers went out to the spot where all of this had occurred and they saw on the ground a burned oval shape in the ground with a cut pine tree in the center."
"Be skeptical but investigate it because it could be the truth."
"All of the electronic methods that police would usually use to track down suspects were not available. They had to do this the old-fashioned way."
"All these little circumstances, all these facts, you start putting them together, and it leads in one direction."
"If you believe Josh's story, you would have to believe that both of their very young children had been put to bed and then woken up hours later to be put in the car and driven to a camping site hours away, and Susan was completely on board with this."
"Detectives found Susan Powell's blood on the tile adjacent to the carpeting couch and a small swipe mark of blood on the couch that had just been cleaned."
"I'm frustrated that six months after a deadly insurrection breached the United States Capitol, we're still piecing together exactly what happened."
"With every meticulously dissected detail, Turley's words cut through the fog of deception, exposing the dark underbelly of power and privilege."
"Truth begins to emerge, but slowly and in unexpected directions."
"As a search for the woman progressed, investigators uncovered a web of lies and false accusations designed to hide the real perpetrator."
"You're able to uncover everything that nobody else has been able to uncover."
"There's a legitimate mystery here that needs to be figured out."
"I didn't know Paul before I became involved in this particular investigation, but from all accounts, he's a very likable sort of person."
"Hodson was alleging that Paul Dale was seeking opportunity and work to murder somebody. The work is as a hitman."
"It should have also prompted a major investigation into the extent of the pair's relationship."
"We owe it to the staff and residents who lost their lives to get to the bottom of this, underscoring the moral imperative behind the call for accountability."
"The purpose of the inquest... is to ascertain a limited but important set of questions: who the deceased was, when and where they died, the medical cause of their death, and how they came by their death."
"We need a formal investigation... this has to be answered."
"The more I start digging, the more curious I get."
"If the keyhole does indeed belong to Anderson's chest, it could be a crucial breakthrough in the search for the lost treasure."
"All the crew members who suffered side effects from The Philadelphia Experiment were held at the Bethesda naval hospital in Maryland while the Navy tried to figure out what to do with them."
"The Department of Transportation announced that it is investigating whether Southwest engaged in 'unrealistic scheduling' for the holiday season."
"Why did Trump not appoint a special counsel such as Sydney Powell to investigate the fraud?"
"Sometimes the only evidence that exists that a child might be getting hurt is on some micro SD card under a carpet. That dog's going to find it."
"We've counted somewhere between three and four hundred kids were likely sexually abused over the two years those guys were there."
"Our investigation uncovered division, training substandard facilities and equipment, inadequate support for officer Mental Health and Wellness."
"Following the money will often get you many answers in a capitalistic society."
"Our mission remains to investigate this strange time we're in, what the truth of it is, and what kind of world we're going to inherit after it all has moved on."
"The situation you just described about a man under multiple criminal investigations likely to be arrested any day now being the front-runner for the Republican nomination is the perfect statement about how we got Trump to begin with."
"Believing women means taking the woman's claims seriously, where she steps forward and then vet it, look into it." - Joe Biden
"We must continue to follow the facts where they lead us and ensure that there are no technical surprises."
"There was far too much blood for the death of Kathleen Peterson to be attributed to a simple and accidental fall down the stairs."
"We'll turn Lewisburg upside down in search of Natasha Hunt, and along the way, we'll uncover a few clues hinting at some of the greater things that were happening before and after the war here in West Virginia."
"I have boots on the ground, processed north of 800 Death Scenes."
"I found it interesting because we are actually dealing with a housewife who is under investigation, not just a spouse of a housewife."
"We are all citizen journalists, investigative journalists now."
"Despite her pressuring police to look into them, telephone records weren't checked until many months after her daughter's disappearance."
"It’s sort of a puzzle; it’s a detective game, trying to say, 'Well, this matches that,' or, 'This thing has some Cyrillic letters in it. Where did it come from? Which IP address?' But there's some assumptions in this kind of work, like all detective work."
"The FBI along with other law enforcement agencies was determined to leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of truth and justice."
"Shouldn't they be looked at with closer scrutiny? Shouldn't they be investigated, not just handed tax-exempt status and set loose on the unsuspecting population?"
"You don't find the label to fit the deed and then gather evidence after the fact. You can't start with 'It's definitely charity fraud' and then go hunting for evidence."
"Welcome to the $10 million studio, I'm your host Coffeezilla, the internet detective."
"The official Russian government line is that an investigation is now ongoing, and that it would be much better if everyone stopped speculating."
"It's Mother's Day weekend, but that doesn't mean that the investigation goes quiet. The men and women who are assigned to this case are going to be hunting 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year until they find either one or both of these perpetrators."
"We're not prejudging anything one way or the other, but there are questions that need to be answered."
"It was obvious to us that Aristotle Moore was involved in a bigger criminal enterprise than just bank robberies."
"This is a serious matter, a committee investigation should examine any retail service freezing stock purchases." - AOC
"We're only beginning to uncover the iceberg that's beneath the surface of the corruption."
"Is he proof that zombies exist? Wade Davis has investigated the case and has an incredible theory. He thinks Clarius Narcisse didn't die at all, that something made him just seem to be dead."
"I must learn the truth behind this murder most foul."
"Federal probe into Hunter Biden has reached a critical juncture."
"Mueller found evidence of obstruction of justice and abuses of power by the president."
"President Trump went to great lengths to obstruct the special counsel's investigation."
"Don't believe everything that you see and hear. If something feels off, you have every right to take a deeper dive."
"They come in and they have to be like investigators, they have to write the clues and then tell me what it means."
"This flight data recorder is going to hold the key to this entire investigation."
"None of us should feel safe until we figure out exactly what is behind this terrifying affliction."
"Riley's body was recovered about 8 miles from where he was last seen."
"There are no signs of foul play at this time."
"In every murder you the same can under arises: it's where plus when plus how equals who."
"Identifying the killer was all police could do to help a grieving family."
"We'll see. I hope there's an investigation. I wish he was transparent just to say, 'hey, take a look here's the transcript, prosecutors, yeah, go look at it.'"
"The committee recapped many of its findings and emphasized that all roads lead back to Donald Trump, setting the foundation for criminal indictments."