
Existence Quotes

There are 14916 quotes

"It is impossible to exist in this world without knowing who you are and your identity and your past."
"Consciousness is most important... it is very central to our existence as human beings."
"What distinguishes us... is that we have a conscious knowledge of our existence and of ourselves in space and time."
"Every day is a miracle. To be a functioning, living organism is a miracle."
"First there was nothing, and then there was something. Out of sheerest emptiness, creativity emerged."
"It still makes me feel special because I have experiences. I feel the world. I experience the world and independent of whether there are other creatures out there, I still feel the world, and I have access to this world in this very strange, compelling way. And that's the core of human existence."
"Anything that you can say is perhaps ultimately trivial compared to the reality that you are."
"I need to focus on figuring out a way to live in myself, live in my body, that is sustainable and pleasurable enough that there is a point to my existence beyond service to others."
"Carry the flame of humanity deep and deeper on into existence."
"The deepest joy comes from the appreciation of existence itself."
"Nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists."
"Existence itself doesn't need you to be any other way than how you presently are...we might say that existence gives you unconditional love because you simply are existing."
"Truth just is. It's pure isness. It's got nowhere else to go because it's the only thing that there is."
"Your highest commitment in this life: paying respect to your own self, into your life, into the miracle of existence."
"Existence and awareness of existence are inseparable."
"While the world is superficially complex and enormously diverse, the deeper you go into the structure of reality, the simpler nature becomes, leading ultimately to the emergence, to discovery of fundamental unity at the basis of the surface complexity of the world."
"Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, and herein lies the peace of God."
"Stop chasing after meaning and start pursuing being."
"You don't win love; you don't find love. The love is already there."
"Everything starts with consciousness; consciousness is the ground of all being."
"I'm unconvinced that it exists, and for some gods where it conflicts with actual observed facts of reality, I am convinced those gods don't exist."
"Being an accident doesn't mean you can't have a purpose. Coming into existence by chance doesn't mean you can't have a purpose."
"Everything that we can think about, speak about, experience, is equivalent to an ornament. Then, what is what corresponds to gold? Yes, there is that which corresponds to gold."
"Things only exist when you look at them, you create them when you see them."
"Consciousness is the number one problem of science, of existence even."
"Existence only, consciousness only, bliss only. Sat-Chit-Ananda."
"All the obvious things which, when one thinks hard about them, are astonishing."
"Consciousness is a deep probe of the mystery of existence."
"The fundamental question is why is there something rather than nothing."
"Existence. We all exist, we have always existed, we will forever exist."
"The material Universe which we experience actually comes from a bit."
"God is synonymous with reality, existence, and truth."
"Death is bad because I won't exist anymore, and personally, I really like existing. Existing is pretty epic."
"Every human being is imbued with a certain level of Rights by nature of their very existence."
"The concept of a maximally great being is intuitively coherent, and so it seems plausible that such a being could exist."
"To just be atoms and molecules in space, you are the awareness that enables this entire world to be."
"We're here for a brief moment of cosmic time and that's all there is to it."
"Simply by existing, simply by being alive—there's so much worth in that."
"Any living being is so worthy without even trying. Just simply by existing, you are already worthy."
"The most paradoxical perhaps thing that you'll discover in life is this thing here."
"A person's legitimacy shouldn't be based on whether or not they could help being another way; it should be based on them and their existence and the authenticity of one's living experiences."
"The greatest mystery in the universe is life, being, and being alive."
"Your very existence alone, just for it to arrive here on this planet, is a miracle."
"If it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space."
"We're on a spinning rock that's just close enough to a spinning ball of fire that allows us to live on this ball, and we don't fly off."
"A problem-free, infinite, indubitable, certain existence is what Advaita Vedanta reveals."
"Your existence is the irrefutable proof of the existence of God in Advaita Vedanta."
"The only time Israel will no longer exist is when the sun, the moon, and the stars will no longer be there."
"At the end of the day, I'm still happy a game like this exists."
"When you high-five somebody, you're affirming that somebody exists, you are saying I see you."
"Why anybody talks about anything else, because this is the most interesting topic there is: Where do we come from? How did we get here? What brought us into existence?"
"If there's no aliens, we are alone. Alone on a rock floating in a vast universe."
"So, with that being said, do y'all still think we're alone? If that's possible, there's no possible way we could be the only ones. We're not that lucky."
"God is united with the particularity of existence, the contingency of existence."
"The Logical relationship between existence and itself implies universality, particularity, and individuality as a single concrete Union, which is the absolute."
"In the heart of some of the world's most remote and unforgiving landscapes lie tribes whose existence is shrouded in mystery and fear."
"Truth is not aggressive, truth stands alone, truth doesn't need to be proved, truth just is. It's like the sun; the sun doesn't have to get allies to come around it and give it validation that it exists. It just exists. It doesn't need anybody to point it out; it's just there."
"There's a particular type of reverence to this connection with our greater existence... whether it's God, the universe, or nature."
"Even the smallest flower and the smallest insect has a purpose living on earth."
"Love is something that exists whether we're in a physical body or not."
"I think it's foolish to simply think that this is the end-all-be-all of the universe of conscious experience."
"Perhaps we can never touch, smell, see, hear, or interact with it in any way...but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist."
"You need both a community and you know a solid framework to live life from like you can't just exist."
"If you extend the idea of a thing to be co-equal to the thing, that means Narnia exists because I have a map of Narnia."
"Welcome to Mother Planet, this is a rare sight, for it came to be that there was day and night."
"Truth is reality itself, and everything else simply isn't at all."
"What's really going on, I think, is that we are conscious beings... We find ourselves floating in this vast ocean of existence, wondering about the reason and the purpose for it all."
"The mind and brain can be understood only by seeing them in the broadest possible context, that of the whole of our physical and spiritual existence."
"Trans women exist, they have always existed, and they will always exist. They are not a condition to be cured; they're not a pestilence to be eradicated. They should be treated with basic common courtesy and dignity under the law."
"Only as we live by imagination can we truly be said to live at all."
"We are, therefore, not metaphorically but in very truth, a divine work of art."
"All of us are human beings, not human doings."
"The greatest conceivable being must exist, as if it didn't, it wouldn't be the greatest possible being."
"Existence is not a predicament. Existence is not an attribute."
"Most of the elegant explanations that we have so far don't include us in the universe, and I can't help but think there's something really special about what we are."
"Minds are the most beautiful thing that exists in the universe, so how did they come to be?"
"Descartes is saying I can doubt everything... but the fact that I am doubting... itself means that I have to exist to be doubting the fact that I exist."
"No question is more sublime than why there is a universe, why there is anything rather than nothing." - Derek Parfit
"Without consciousness, nothing matters. But is it also possible, as we have explored today, that without consciousness, nothing would exist?"
"Adopt responsibility for your own existence, and then your pathway is clear."
"We always commence by praising Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala, who has given us all the goodness we have; he has brought us into existence and he knows best why he brought us into existence."
"Everything that exists concretely or abstractly, materially or immaterially, follows the law."
"Awareness is all that exists for you. All that you are aware of exists, and that is done in your imagination."
"The astonishing fact is that we're aware that we're aware."
"The imagination is not a state; it's the human existence himself, and God is actually within you as your own wonderful human imagination."
"For a narcissist, instead of 'I think therefore I am,' it becomes 'I'm validated, therefore I am.'"
"We didn't invent meaning; meaning existed before us. We are accessing meaning."
"Everything is a transitional form, just because it's extant doesn't mean it's somehow privileged."
"The big question is like why are we here and why are we so elegantly designed? Why do we look like well-functioning machines?"
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
"The message is simply saying that all there is is boundless energy, which doesn't need any influence to arise as something or wholeness."
"All there is is what apparently happens; there is no one it is happening to."
"The open secret is saying there is no one to reach the end of the journey."
"The open secret is saying there is no one, there is no prison, and what you seek has never been lost."
"The joy of this is that there's an in-loveness with what is, no one's in love with what is, there's just an in-loveness with what is."
"Free fall is just wildness, there's just energy, there's just what's happening; there's nobody in it."
"In Him, we live and move and have our being."
"All things were made by the word, and without the word was not anything made that hath been made."
"You have no idea how deeply you can understand what existence is and why it's here."
"We got to learn how to be not just do. We need to find our worth in who we are, not in what we do."
"Without fully embracing reality and declaring: 'I choose to stand up for my right to exist, to value myself and to treat myself with respect!' No one can ever truly live or find happiness."
"So symbolizes existence both true and false simultaneously."
"There are some weird coincidences going on and these weird coincidences seem to us to help us exist."
"What are you going to do to justify your existence on the face of the earth?"
"Life cannot simply be about solving one miserable problem after another."
"In a crystal, we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being." - Nikola Tesla
"Reality is infinite, so what you want already exists in a new reality."
"Reality from this one insight... becomes seen. I see the sort of infinite nature of existence and that's so beautiful to me."
"All is one existence, and that one existence you are."
"The fact of existence itself is a magical event."
"Consciousness is actually everything, this one thing that we couldn't detect scientifically or logically."
"The theory of predictive coding and active inference is the essence of sentient behavior and existence."
"Atoms and molecules can only exist because of quantum mechanics."
"You and I can only exist because of quantum mechanics."
"We are not just human doings; we are human beings."
"Everything starts as a thought, as a feeling, and then it comes into existence."
"Every single time someone tries to dismiss our reason for being as just being random, I don't even want to talk to that person."
"The very existence of relationships like that is kind of amazing all by itself."
"The odds that you exist, that you're breathing, that you're looking at a world with plants and animals etc., is staggering and you never think about it."
"We are alive with one another in the light of this unlikely world that isn't ours for long."
"You are the garden. If the garden doesn't exist, humans don't exist."
"Now is our opportunity to band together and experience the most extraordinary existence that we are aware of in the galaxy."
"It's so much about having that we forget living. You know, living is what life is for."
"Everything you observe in the world is interconnected; no event stands alone, nothing exists in isolation."
"The stuff that makes up you, me, and everybody else may be a tiny sliver of the mass-energy budget of the entire universe."
"The world exists... it is the simple manifestation of the divine volition to be known in the register of the divine love and compassion."
"Imagine that you're a time traveler and you pop back in time to do the deed and erase your grandfather's existence. You then return to present time, but the thing is, with your grandfather gone, your father wasn't born, and you now realize you never even existed."
"Arthur C Clarke once said that two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
"The most important thing to me was always to understand why are we here."
"Ideally, that's really what I want to do: to just to show them the whole spectrum of what's possible in existence."
"Life and death cannot exist without each other, how do we live - how do we live when that's true?"
"What is existence? It might seem obvious at first, but when you start to think about it pretty deeply, it's not obvious at all."
"We are both human and soul, and we live from both of those vantage points."
"The great thing we want to know is, 'Where do we fit in? There are two questions that trouble us all at some point in our life: Where did we come from, and are we alone?'"
"Science is really the only thing we have to explain why any of us are here."
"We live in the universe; we're not in a scattering matrix. We're in the middle of the thing."
"How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist."
"Your arrival on this earth is not an accident."
"Dark matter exists... we've crossed a threshold where we have enough evidence empirically to say that dark matter of some sort has to exist."
"Once something has existed and asserts a preference, I think that preference ought to be respected."
"To begin with, for you to be here now, trillions of drifting atoms had somehow to assemble in an intricate and intriguingly obliging manner to create you."
"Without asteroids, those same dinosaurs wouldn't even have existed in the first place, and neither would you."
"I am nothing and I am everything. And you'll find this with all the great questions; the answers are all paradoxes."
"The nature of consciousness...conventional science...tries to deny its very existence."
"For thou alone dost exist and we are a work of thy hands as thou hast declared."
"Everyone is always worthy, simply because they exist."
"Each individual person is... a miracle, something that shouldn't exist."
"We don't have to agree on politics, but we should not have a conversation around whether I deserve to exist or not."
"In Him we live, we move, we have our being. It's all in Him."
"The astral dimension of the Doctor Strange film shows us there is an existence of souls in the MCU."
"Trans incorporation or inclusion is not really a debate because they exist. As long as humans exist in this world, we have to find some way to work with them or to deal with them."
"The function of a man is to live, not exist."
"You are spirit first, that has a soul, which dwells in a body."
"You came from God, therefore, God is a Spirit, and if you came from God who is a Spirit, then you are a spirit."
"Our universe spontaneously came into being from nothing, and it makes it plausible without supernatural shenanigans."
"The main message of this advertisement is not that we are here, but that we were once here."
"If you didn't exist, nothing would exist because you would not exist to comprehend it."
"I had gratitude that there was anything and not nothing."
"The very fact that you desire something is the proof of the existence of that which you desire."
"There's so much to say about just being alive and being a person."
"Your presence on this planet has purpose. You are not the consequence of some cosmic coincidence."
"The nature of everything is what's responsible for there being anything at all."
"Existence happens in two different dimensions: one is the non-dual oneness of existence on one level, and the many manifestations of the duality on another."
"Of course, we live in a fine-tuned universe for us because we're here to observe it. If it was anything else, we wouldn't be here."
"Time is nature's way of ensuring that everything doesn't happen all at once."
"You are a spirit who has a soul that lives in a body."
"It's so refreshing to be able to talk about the spirit, and that's who we are. We're spirit, with minds, living in bodies."
"It hurts to be a person, and we need to think about how we bring people into the world and the timing that we bring them into the world."
"If you can't fight for what you believe in, why do you even exist?"
"On the other end of the spectrum, they might be everywhere, and we cannot or are not allowed to see them."
"The worst story in the world is still infinitely better than the best story in my head because at least the worst story actually exists in the real world."
"Your existence is more than just an opportunity; it's the very key to all of this."
"The first thing this cosmic entity does is it looks around and says all these Celestials... they're all things that do not need to exist."
"Perhaps the most famous philosophical dictum of all time is that of René Descartes, 'I think, therefore I am.'"
"You are not born in vain; you have not lived and suffered for nothing."
"Imagine all of this... is one giant coincidence."
"Who are we? Where did we come from? How did we come to be? These are questions that human beings have asked since we acquired the facility to ask questions."
"God is necessary being. He is a being who cannot not be."
"Inside this 13.7 billion year old universe, there has never ever been anyone exactly like you and there never will be again."
"It is a scientific question whether there is a supernatural power, a creative power, intelligence in the universe."
"You cannot see it, you cannot smell it, you cannot touch it, you cannot hear it, you can't measure it; it doesn't exist."
"There are vast unseen and unrecognized realms of existence in the universe; we see only a small slice of everything that exists, just the tip of the iceberg."
"As a result, we as humans are energy-creating beings by default."
"I'm not convinced that God exists, but what I am sure of is that for the various gods that have been proposed by people, I'm pretty damn confident that they don't exist."
"We're literally spinning on a rock right now, and we have the ability to be conscious and experience the human experience, which is wild."
"The quantum vacuum is a sea of roiling energy having a rich physical structure and governed by physical laws. It is most emphatically not nothing."
"The odds of Bigfoot being real are significantly higher than three billion ten million nine hundred thirty-six thousand three hundred and eighty-four to one."
"If a tree falls down in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? How do you know?"
"Everything oscillates. I mean really, everything. Even atoms oscillate. Everything in our existence that we know about oscillates."
"Does God exist? Is time infinite? Each question alone captivates me. I bring them together, nothing chills me more."
"The universe is a mystery and the fact that it exists and that we exist as part of it is the only miracle worthy of the name."
"Your worthiness is not affected by the attention that you receive, and you are worthy of life and all of its sweetness just simply because you exist."
"The more perspectives we learn about and take time to understand, and the more opportunities we seek to learn about ourselves, the closer we can get to the actual meaning of existence."
"Cherish the moments that make us feel alive, for they are the essence of our existence."
"Why don't we stop at the limits of our knowledge and say, for now, we don't have an explanation for the existence of existence?"
"I cannot like, that is our solar system. Like, literally, how can we possibly be the only ones in all of this?"
"A god that doesn't manifest in reality in a detectable way is indistinguishable from a god that doesn't exist."
"This nothingness is eternal, which means that it exists outside of time and space."
"Existence is the fabric that undergirds our universe."