
Mystery Quotes

There are 39224 quotes

"Benjamin Kyle had amnesia, and he doesn't know what happened during 20 years of his life."
"The FBI launched a widespread search for Benjamin's identity."
"Science only adds to the excitement, the mystery, and the awe of a flower."
"The mechanism of consciousness is still one of the great mysteries."
"The greatest mystery of the universe is that it can be understood."
"It's a conversation that I consider to be the most interesting possible way that you can spend your life is to be in constant creative response and conversation with a mystery that I do not understand and don't know the source of."
"We really don't know how God is using us. It's just beautiful."
"They thought this would be a routine domestic dispute. Little did they know that they were stepping into a twisted world of lies, unimaginable violence, and doomsday cults."
"As humans, we just love to have a little look into the mysteries of something."
"This game takes place where we have to investigate the mysterious disappearances of people within a village."
"Consciousness is a fascinating but elusive phenomenon: it is impossible to specify what it is, what it does, or why it evolved. Nothing worth reading has been written on it."
"The soothsayer thanks you for your efforts and whispers secrets about a wondrous palace temple hidden deep in the mountains of the mouth."
"These stories challenge us to consider the vast and mysterious tapestry of the universe in which we reside."
"We need a way to access the mystery, a terrain that can never be contained by our limited capacity for knowledge."
"That's the 'hard problem' of consciousness - internal sentience - our inner movie - the ultimate frontier of human exploration."
"There is an organizing principle on some level going on here that we'll never fully be able to comprehend."
"The more you drill down on these ideas, the more room you provide for awe and wonder at how mysterious and amazing all of this is."
"Consciousness is the greatest mystery of science, and we don't know exactly how it works."
"These small channels have been taunting explorers for millennia."
"The moon remains as it's always been, a mysterious glowing orb in the night sky."
"Among life's many baffling properties, the phenomenon of consciousness leaps out as especially striking. Its origin is arguably the hardest problem facing science today."
"Life is full of mysteries, for example, we always wonder what's at the bottom of the ocean."
"The great mystery will likely remain what it feels like inside, the inner experience of personal awareness."
"Consciousness is a deep probe of the mystery of existence."
"There are many things that we humans cannot explain, but the greatest of these is our own consciousness."
"The infamous hard problem of consciousness is to explain how something like consciousness could arise at all in a material universe."
"It's a legend filled with murder, mystery, and buried treasure, involving a secret powerful enough to rewrite history and change the world."
"Bad things happen everywhere, even in small tight-knit towns, but in April of 2016, something happened that no one had ever seen before, and it shook them to their core."
"It's compelling and problematic when you have exhausted all those what-ifs and you're still left with the fact that this is in our airspace and it's real."
"It sounds nutty, wacky... but what I'm telling you it's real. The question is, what is it, what are its intentions, what are its capabilities?"
"You have rotation, you have high altitudes, you have propulsion... and oh by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of earth's gravity."
"The mysterious figure had a name, Andrea. She explained to me that she's a shape-shifting elf."
"The question is not what we can see, but what remains unseen and unheard, resonating in the spaces between."
"The melodies of the universe are not just to be listened to; they are clues waiting to be deciphered."
"And perhaps some mysteries are meant to be just that, a testament to the unfathomable greatness of the Divine."
"Those who understand the 3, 6, and 9 also understand the universe."
"So many people have the same stories and descriptions of mermaids from all over the world, obviously this was way before the internet was a thing. So, how big of a coincidence is it that all of these stories match up?"
"The creature remains shrouded in mystery, capturing the imagination of both locals and visitors to the Okanagan Valley alike."
"If a hoax, it is an expertly crafted one that has withstood decades of scrutiny."
"It offers a tantalizing glimpse into the possibility that unclassified large species still lurk in the ocean's depths."
"The Babushka lady's identity and motives remain shrouded in secrecy."
"The McMinville UFO photographs remain a perplexing piece in the UFO puzzle."
"The time-traveling hipster remains one of the most perplexing figures ever captured on film."
"The Soulway F Spaceman photo continues to captivate paranormal enthusiasts as one of the most bizarre and unsolved ghostly figures ever photographed."
"The sailing stones of Death Valley continue to mystify with their slow, unseen journeys."
"The Hallin lights continue to appear, most nights fleeting and dancing through the valley skies, keeping their mystery alive."
"Beauty is mysterious and it's not completely subjective. There's wide agreement, at least in some instances, on what is spectacularly beautiful."
"For centuries, the moon has fascinated and inspired us, a place of mystery, wonder, and endless speculation."
"Once a symbol of mystery, the Moon is gradually unveiling its secrets, inspiring us to explore further and expand our understanding of the cosmos."
"The one thing that has haunted me my entire life is finding the truth about my parents."
"A place that holds hidden mountain ranges, alien-like landscapes, and clandestine meetings of the world's most influential figures."
"Mr. E's knowledge of the art of healing is deep and incomprehensible."
"Life is a mystery. As soon as you master it, you step into a new mystery."
"The morbid crime left the whole country in shock. What happened that fateful night? Who and where was the sixth member of the List family?"
"An enormous unknown hand snatched one of their cameras and vanished into the darkness."
"Picturesque Scotland, a land of mystery and rolling dewy fields, glens, and hills that have eyes."
"It wasn't just the deaths that were mysterious, but what was happening to the bodies of the deceased."
"We don't know exactly how our universe will end; we don't even understand what the dark energy pulling it apart is."
"Continuing to find new ways to have mystery... love enjoys knowing everything about you, and desire needs mystery."
"If David is still alive somewhere, he'd be 43 years old in March 2024."
"In the heart of some of the world's most remote and unforgiving landscapes lie tribes whose existence is shrouded in mystery and fear."
"Several clues were left behind, including a handwritten note in her coat pocket as well as clothes not even available in the US."
"The cosmic who done it remains exciting and will keep the ball rolling."
"It's the great melon Heist of 2023. You'll never find it unless it's in this Temple."
"There is a hidden game, lost to time... this game may look cute on the outside, but inside it holds a deep, deep secret."
"The game is quite literally lost media, so to speak."
"We're finding out now that there may have indeed existed ancient civilizations like the lost city of Atlantis that once possessed powers that are kind of difficult for us to comprehend right now in this modern day."
"The crime that has played out for decades, intriguing a lot of fans with its mystery, has now finally been solved."
"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible."
"Falkreath's character, naturally stunning and familiar, while also hazy and unfamiliar, both literally and metaphorically, fills our hearts with the sense of a beautiful mystery."
"The mystery of godliness, which is called great in Scripture, is the person and work of Jesus Christ."
"By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness."
"In late 2020, a helicopter crew flying over Utah...spotted something unexpected: a lone metallic monolith."
"The mysterious fairy circles of Namibia...often range between 7 and 39 ft and have puzzled scientists and sparked numerous theories over the years."
"The intrigue, strange treasures, lost archaic echoes of the most mysterious race in Tamriel's history, the Dwemer."
"So I'm wondering how a man who appeared to be incredibly fit and healthy and in the prime of his life mysteriously suffered a fatal heart attack out of the blue."
"Not only is the universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think."
"It's like solving a puzzle with missing pieces and cryptic clues."
"You may not always understand why certain things happen, however, there's always a higher purpose to the events in your life."
"Kazuto receives a mysterious package. In it, he finds Alice naked and in bubble wrap."
"The true secret of the mystery of the Grail points to a higher or refined states of consciousness."
"It's definitely Rebecca. So, she's under something, but she's also under clouds."
"They say she's a monster, that she can peer inside you into the very depths of your soul, that she can become those you hate, those you fear, those you love."
"One of you guys is the killer, and I am ready to make my first accusation."
"The princess is dead. Who killed my fiancée?"
"Detective, someone wants me dead. Find out who did it."
"A true murder mystery: who could it be? It was Josh. Technically, Josh killed me with a clue."
"Great is the mystery, God was manifest in the flesh."
"Beware of the mysterious man who haunts front porches, his eerie presence luring unsuspecting victims."
"Science is still in its infancy... 95% of the matter and energy in this universe is unknown to us. Dark matter, dark energy are completely unknown."
"Just have faith. There's greater things at work here."
"Time is a bit more mysterious despite the word time being the most used noun in the English language and most other languages."
"I prefer to work with ordinary people because I'm interested in what I call the mysteries of everyday life. You know, the things that ordinary people know about."
"It was as if some great civilization built it eons ago and then died out, leaving the living remains of their creations for you to drive past and wonder at."
"The forest keeps its secrets close, revealing only fragments of its enigmatic inhabitants."
"Los Angeles: City of Fallen Angels, the hidden mystery of the Hollywood stars."
"That's the core... a sense of wonder that comes out of the mystery of what it is that we don't know."
"I have seen things mere mortals could not even begin to understand."
"Another encounter with a mysterious legendary Pokémon that we are unsure of yet."
"You have no idea what you have your hands on."
"You are quite the enigma, sir. You are a fascinating specimen."
"His curiosity gnawed at him, driving him to unravel the mystery behind the boy's actions."
"You might not know what that is, but then the next step is up to you to try and find out."
"The universe is vast, and there's so much we don't yet understand."
"The Roswell incident remains one of the most enduring and fascinating stories in the world of ufology."
"The Indus Valley Civilization...vanished completely."
"Antarctica continues to baffle, intrigue, and fascinate us."
"The truth is up there, hidden among the stars, in a place we call... The Universe."
"Whether the product of human ingenuity or extraterrestrial influence, the precision and grandeur of the pyramids continue to captivate us."
"Our world is full of mystery and intrigue, whether real or imagined, and that's a world well worth exploring."
"It's refreshing and a little exciting to have some mysteries left in the world."
"The truth is often elusive and, in some cases, far stranger than fiction."
"Spare a thought for the possible reptilian inhabitants beneath your feet."
"This pyramid is pulsating mathematics; it is emitting a message; it is asking to be deciphered."
"One of the great things about science are the seemingly endless mysteries that present themselves. The more we learn, one unanswered question seems to always create 10 more new mysteries."
"Consciousness itself is inexplicable. We have no understanding whatsoever of the relationship between consciousness and neurological functioning."
"These sub-millimeter galaxies are a lovely example of things that just sit on the border where mystery is just starting to coalesce into some kind of knowledge."
"These things are a really really nice mystery to solve."
"The mystery of all things we don't know is also part of being alive and being a human being."
"You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable. That is why you are here."
"There are some weird coincidences going on and these weird coincidences seem to us to help us exist."
"There's some fabulously beautiful story [about the brain] that we're hoping to understand."
"Not everything needs an explanation, you know. In fact, most things are better off left to the imagination."
"Shanks never knew what the fruit was; he only stole it because it spoke to him through the voice of all things."
"In the heart of the Ural mountains, amidst the biting winds and the unyielding snow, remains yet a tale shrouded in decades of mystery."
"The Dyatlov Pass Incident: an almost innocuous sounding name that offers only whispers of the chilling story that truly took place."
"It sits in the history books as one of the greatest unsolved mysteries ever."
"All that was left in the morning were the ruins of their previous night: the hiker's tent torn and abandoned, their bodies scattered across the landscape with injuries that defied logical explanation."
"This is the Dyatlov Pass Incident, and this is the red thread."
"It's best to heed the warnings and steer clear of the real-life Conjuring house, leaving its mysteries undisturbed in the shadows where they belong."
"What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?"
"It sounded like it was saying my name. I swear."
"Love is a mystical feeling, like magic, like a mystery that we can never truly understand."
"Maybe someone I know turns out to be an alien; maybe an alien turns out to be someone I know; maybe I don't really need to know."
"Don't run from the girl in the woods because she's your destiny."
"Minecraft has a lot of creepy myths, but we've been missing a terrifying one that's been under our nose this entire time."
"There is something extraordinarily mysterious to me about our universe...this mysteriousness almost feels like the universe is our parent."
"The Voynich Manuscript is a rather mysterious document written in an unknown writing system."
"It's the latter type we'll be looking at today, an SCP article that on the surface makes very little sense, but assuredly contains something nonetheless."
"The mystery is, why are these structures that seem to be completely abstract and intellectual, relevant to describing the way the physical world works?"
"The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose."
"Neptune rules the sense of mystery, this sense of allure, and its placement in your birth chart can make someone very appealing or mesmerizing."
"Franceska is a mystery to me," Yuri said of his wife, "the more I get to know her, the less I know."
"It captures a lot of the feeling of the original game: secret passages, a mysterious but angry neighbor, and of course, a mystery about what the heck is going on with this guy."
"The soul is a far more complicated entity and one that's much more mysterious than we can ever know."
"A good magician never reveals their secrets."
"Consciousness is a mystery; it seems to give reality to being."
"The key to everything is 4-20 and Apple and Doge."
"Play the tapes, find out how you got here. Everything is interwoven, don't you remember? Eject tapes at any time with G."
"It's beyond our capability at some level what is the connection between UAPs and consciousness."
"It's mysterious, and the whole question of how we define time comes into play."
"Peeling back the layers, you go to places with this that just expand your mind."
"May we honor the mystery surpassing our sight, and this one earth, this homeland of all we love."
"No one could ever stop them. However, one night on a full moon, a dark drag knight who is wearing the black suited armor came and stopped the tyranny once and for all."
"The identity of this powerful dark drag knight is still a mystery to the rest of the world."
"Within the blackened ocean deep and dark as a moonless night, what may frighten some have fear themselves, a notion without proof."
"As you do not know the way the Spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything."
"The main mystery surrounding this pyramid is how the ancient Egyptians managed to accomplish such a feat."
"To be a mystic, you have to embrace the mystery. To not know is to know."
"The nature of true crime often defies understanding and logic."
"Are you lost? The soft voice shattered the quiet darkness and pricked the boy's heart into a racing flutter."
"It's hard to explain to someone who has never set foot there, but I'll try."
"We go about our life quietly and do not make a noise about the mystery of Tao that we experience within our consciousness, because it is in itself indescribable."
"He told me the golden planet actually existed; it's not just a legend."
"The mysterious disappearance of the L8 crew has become known as the ghost blimp incident and remains one of the most puzzling aviation mysteries of World War 2."
"The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 is one of the most perplexing and tragic aviation mysteries of the 21st century."
"The case of DB Cooper remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the annals of American crime."
"The Shroud of Turin remains a source of fascination and mystery, with claims of its authenticity as Jesus's actual burial cloth sparking intense scientific study."
"The Kentucky meat shower remains one of the strangest and most inexplicable events in the annals of unexplained phenomena."
"The Ark of the Covenant, a sacred relic mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, has captivated the imagination of people for millennia."
"'That's what they all say, kid. Look, there's Columbus weird, and then there's Heaven weird. Believe me when I say they're two completely different animals, and it's best if you don't ask too many questions about it.'"
"The universe that there might be more out there than meets the eye."
"This dark energy is the thing we really have to understand."
"Consciousness is one of the least understood aspects in science."
"People approaching the object had been struck down by a mysterious death ray."
"Wizards are interested in solving the mysteries of the universe itself."
"The calling... You feel called to do something, and it's very mysterious because many times we don't know where it comes from."
"I think the villain or the bad guy is better when you don't really know everything about them."
"About 95% of our oceans remain completely unexplored."
"This book was spectacular; there's a bit of mystery in it and so much about family and specifically sibling dynamics."
"The universe remains probably the greatest mystery of mankind; it is infinitely large and the secrets it holds are equally vast."
"On August 15, 1977, a strange signal from the constellation Sagittarius was received by the Big Ear radio telescope."
"The universe is teeming with weird and unusual radio signals. Many boggle the mind as to where they may be coming from or from whom."
"To date, the 'Wow! signal' is considered the best candidate for an alien radio transmission ever received."
"This circle in wheat looked like a response to the 1974 broadcast. It was considered by many as one of the most impressive and important crop circles ever to appear on our planet."
"We don't know enough about the world that is more or less invisible."
"The cornerstone in the pyramid, that's where the power is."
"Regardless, the allure of the unknown continues to captivate audiences."
"The phenomenon of crop circles, mysterious patterns that appear flattened in fields of crops, has long fascinated and perplexed people from around the world."
"The dinosaur disappeared; it's something which is still an open question to which science has no answers so far."
"Given what we find out about the experiment, this all makes sense. For now, we have a murderer to investigate."
"The show not only recontextualizes Mike's characterization in Breaking Bad, adding a level of nuance to his father-son-like relationship with Jesse Pinkman but also sets up an enduring mystery that keeps the audience enthralled."
"We see evidence of something without a guilty party, so to speak, without an actor doing it. This is our dark matter in terms of the gravitational effects."
"The creator of all Steves... that's why it was behind the massive door."
"This mystery that we have, why the universe is made of the stuff it is, where it started from, why it looks the way it does, these are questions we're going to answer."
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science."
"When you talk about consciousness, people think of it as this crazy, mysterious kind of cloak over our knowledge."
"The mystery of death is the limitation of our imagination."
"The origin and history of fairy circles have long been a puzzle and even now, scientists are not sure who or what created them."
"Every corner in space harbors countless mysteries and whenever some of them are solved, they add to our knowledge about the universe around us."