
Personal Journey Quotes

There are 8180 quotes

"You can't help but love him for everything he has been through in his life."
"You are starting a new life... You are on the right path."
"There's no such thing as being a failure. You guys are just where you are on your journey."
"I'm super glad that he was able to recognize that he needed help with his mental health."
"In the theater of happiness, there are infinite and unlimited seats, and there is a seat with your name on it."
"I spent many years of my life chasing what I thought was success."
"Learning how to find that grounded loving space within myself, not attached to anyone else's opinions or ideas, has been my journey."
"Be great, pursue your own version of happiness."
"I always say to people, this is part of your story, and if you've come through this, that's part of your strength and resilience."
"You know how to be you more than you realize. Wherever you're headed on your journey... you're not behind, you're not doing the wrong thing, you can't mess this up."
"There are so many different paths to success, but there is only one path that is uniquely for you."
"I came out at 17, starting a management company."
"Forgiveness is a very personal journey, and I also believe forgiveness is not required."
"Ultimately, for me... shifting is just like a personal spiritual journey. It did help me learn a lot about myself."
"We're all just trying to figure it out and see what works for us."
"The process can be very lonely, but it can also be very beautiful."
"Learning to love myself a little bit...means more to me than you guys are ever going to know."
"Stop chasing after meaning and start pursuing being."
"Acknowledging the gaps between the ideal and the real is part of everyone's journey, not just an enlightenment thing."
"Back then, they didn't want me. Now I'm hot, they all on me."
"April for you is beautiful. I think you're going through somewhat of a personal journey."
"Living your purpose is where it's so much about you and your journey, and living a purposeful life is when you're now letting that overflow into everyone else's life."
"Give yourself permission to be who you are, have your journey."
"I went through that obvious angry atheist phase where I'm like, I feel lied to, I feel tricked, I feel like I've wasted the first twenty-six years of my life."
"When I turned 11, my parents sent me to Space Camp as a birthday present. I immediately knew space would be something I'd do for the rest of my life."
"TRAVIS: I had one that said, 'You've spent your life searching for an object or book of great significance. What is it and why is it so important to you?'"
"In the world of professional wrestling, if you're not evolving, you're standing still."
"It's been a great ride, man. It's been a great ride. We've learned a lot about ourselves."
"They're going inwards, following their own path."
"I had been on a very inner journey over the course of the past year, really learning to cultivate a deeper sense of self-love."
"The joy of missing out is the joy of going like, dude, I don't care about all that; I'm running my own race."
"Self-love is your touchstone in life. It's your compass; it's the thing you return to when you're lost."
"That doesn't mean you're doing healing wrong. That means you were brave enough in the first place to embark on this journey."
"Closure is something that you have to give yourself."
"Getting to the center of a labyrinth symbolizes uterine regression, and the labyrinth represents the body of Mother Earth."
"You're rebirthing a new version of yourself, and your highest self wants you to know right now that you're completely... right where you need to be."
"I hope that these messages help to bring clarity, guidance, and support to you on your journey."
"This new book, 'An Appetite for Wonder,' the subtitle is 'The Making of a Scientist,' it is a memoir of the first half of my life, up to the age of 35."
"Hold your center. Trust in your own instincts and take your own journey without comparison to others."
"We're kind of realizing that our destiny is unique to us; we need to move forward in that."
"Very few people find their life fulfillment from one single passion. Instead, most people find many things that they think are really important to them over the course of their lives."
"It's time to do a self-assessment and to have no shame in who and what you are and the path that you've walked on."
"Over this next year, you're going to be pursuing your emotional fulfillment."
"Wandering endlessly in a maze of my own making."
"Learn to love your own life. Learn to be the hero of your own journey."
"It was a really personal journey, obviously it means a lot to our whole team, and I want to say a massive thank you and congratulations to the whole team at Aston Martin Works for creating such a wonderful looking car."
"It's been such a beautiful and amazing journey."
"It took me way too long to finally realize that I needed to start prioritizing my mental health, and now I'm so glad I did."
"I think it's possible for anyone, if it's possible for me, but I don't know that I can tell anyone how to do it, other than keep trying."
"Every human being has a different equation and there's not like some cookie-cutter book of, hey, read this book and you'll be fixed. No, you gotta figure out your own personal equation."
"Start with why. It wasn't supposed to be a book and it wasn't supposed to be a TED Talk. It was born out of my own pain, my own journey."
"I no longer let the absence of faith in other people prevent me from talking about what the abundance of faith has brought me."
"Industry and fitness was and is my passion, and that carried me through some of the difficult times because I remember the difference it's made to my life."
"I quit my cushy job at a hedge fund to write a play about my family's murder."
"Your solo journey is tied to so many other people's journeys with you."
"You don't belong in this forest anymore. It's time for your liberation, your freedom, your happiness."
"This is your year to follow your own inspirations rather than think what others think."
"Something you've been looking for, you're going to find."
"Don't compare where you are to other people; you're exactly where you need to be."
"It'll happen when it happens, and I think for you it's happening in the way it's supposed to happen."
"You're finally getting yourself to a much better place in life."
"It's reminded me why my self-reliance started and where I started into my journey to become more self-sufficient."
"It's been a mad week, but it's crazy, there's no nothing else I can really say. I've been so lucky."
"Where you are right now is not your forever."
"I'm not going to speculate about this or that; I'm just going to tell you how I got to where I am."
"Everything you have experienced in your life has made you strong and courageous."
"All of this is actually so beautifully divine and all this is so meant to be to get you where you're meant to go."
"I got addicted to YouTube, and uh, had a fascinating place to go to see all the wonderful videos that you young people had produced, so I thought I'd have a go at doing one myself."
"Baby steps and pace are so important because you're going to really value all the pieces and they'll spark a memory."
"Peace is not something you find out there; it comes from within."
"Allah SWT opened up my heart to the hijab, and I saw this beautiful drama... and this girl was wearing a hijab and she looked absolutely gorgeous."
"No matter where you are in your journey, I really really wish you the best and I know that you are capable of doing whatever it is that you want to do."
"This is my personal journey with God and God alone."
"Walking is enough. Like I saw my biggest weight loss progress when I was just walking."
"Your journey has been so instructive, the way in which you've always just called it as you've seen it, so refreshing and so reassuring."
"Success isn't as daunting as it seems; it's an internal battle."
"Live your own life and make your own decisions."
"What you want will be. So let's just remove any of these things that do not serve you on your journey and accept that your journey is this big, beautiful, bountiful journey that looks different from everybody else's."
"A lot of your perseverance... is what brings you peace."
"Spiritual awakening and inner wisdom are crucial for your journey."
"It began probably the most extraordinary chapter of my life."
"I mean, I don't like to directly compare, but yeah, obviously the ups and downs that I've been through in the last few years, this one's great."
"And so my dad got to build a business in Turkey. He sold it. He came here. And I remember when I came here, and I was eight years old... And I thought that was nirvana."
"I realized that I had the game wrong, but the game was to find out what I already was."
"For the first time ever, K is on an unprecedented path before him. This time it's real, his purpose is authentic, and his decisions are entirely his own."
"The struggles he's going through aren't about how will he save the world or find love; it's about how will he and his legacy truly emanate from the shadows."
"Unconditional love transforms all things. It's a part of the journey; we all take our own steps towards this path at different times."
"You and I, together we write this story. Past hurdles, no more, push boundaries every day, Imma make it my way."
"I see where I'm at today, but I know where I come from. I'm amazed at what a human being can actually do."
"I think the journey of your whole life is figuring out how to truly like and love yourself."
"Those of us who have found our way to spirituality have usually done so as a result of experiencing pain."
"I've been nominated for three regional Emmys documenting my work with the homeless as well as my personal adoption journey. Despite those accolades, the greatest award for me is truly providing the infrastructure for a transformed life."
"This whole experience is leading them back to themselves."
"This person literally needed to go on this journey, and they will be coming back renewed, revived, having resolved so much."
"You matter, you count. Your journey, every single thing you are doing, thinking, feeling, saying, all of it, is so significant."
"I lost myself, but I'm happy to say that I'm re-gathering it. I'm finding my roots again."
"I went on this mental health journey... I just needed to take care of myself."
"You are the hero of your own movie. You are on the hero's journey and you are going through a process of self-discovery, a process of self-transformation."
"Health became a really important part of my life...my version of health is when my organs feel like they're working at their best."
"I deeply believe that you can heal generalized anxiety, something I've struggled with for almost 45 years."
"Me being vegan three or four years ago and then having this health situation come up and deciding to change my diet is not me lying to you."
"My journey is crazy, very all over the place, and I can imagine it's hard to follow at times, especially when I don't share my inner dialogue of how I'm making these decisions."
"It took me 53 years to get rid of shame, but I don't have an ounce of shame today. I'm so very proud of who I am."
"I love love, and I'm dating to find that special person in my life."
"Something is coming to an end, the chapter of your life that has taken a lot out of you is coming to an end completely."
"There is a divine detour happening in your life."
"I'm here because I had to. That's what I'm coming with here, and I respect all the law, I respect the people. I'm working hard to do the best. I got a clean record, and I learn a lot over here."
"I've come such a far long way, like me looking at who I was when I was caught in college, who I was in high school, who I was when I got my first nine to five big girl job, into who I am today."
"Keep going, keep God first, and really trust the process."
"It's a roller coaster. It's been the craziest, weirdest, most enlightening, horrible but also good time of my life."
"Really is the father of virtual reality, and reading his new book, 'The Dawn of the New Everything,' it's been a very interesting journey for me."
"Perhaps you could say that my one-sided crush of many years was finally reaching a conclusion."
"Just four years ago, I couldn't even afford a webcam for YouTube, and from that point to this point where I have my own place, I'm independent, have my own family, it just suddenly hit me."
"I'm living my own version of a Cinderella story or an American dream."
"I promise you it does get better. The fact that I'm here today is evidence of that. It's insane to think how far we can come from our lowest points."
"The journey towards self-identification and acceptance is deeply personal and should be respected by all."
"I'm glad that I had that journey because I can empathize a lot with how some people are on the internet."
"Run your own race and not somebody else's... You're racing against yourself."
"There's no book that says by 30 you gotta get your stuff together. There's no book that says you gotta be married by 30, babies by 30. You're on your own journey, so never forget that."
"It's not what you're running from. It's what's you're running towards."
"My entire career is an accident. I am living proof that you don't have to have a plan."
"Do not rely on other people for your fitness journey. It's a personal thing."
"Knowing and loving yourself, coming into yourself, knowing what gets you off is a journey."
"You are getting closer to who you're meant to be and what your purpose is."
"When you're infatuated with somebody...do you realize this is not what it looks like on the surface? In fact, what you're experiencing is a very powerful internal journey."
"People love a fucking journey. Show your beginning, show your fucking progress, make it personal. Just try. The biggest skill you have is just starting and trying."
"I've been on the journey for 10 years... I know my own face, my own body, my own struggle."
"I grew up about a mile from here in the Caton homes housing projects... Only in America is my story possible."
"I never anticipated to receive this much attention within the skincare space and be able to spread the message of skincare to so many people and it is incredible."
"You go through this like, oh, my god, I have the solution, and I feel a moral obligation to tell everyone. But the real moral obligation you have, whether you're like, a radical keto dieter or the vegan side of things, where, OK, this is it. Like, this is what's working for me right now. The best thing you can do, no matter what your diet is, and you just discovered it, is shut up and eat."
"So happy that I made the decision to do that, and I fully intend on continuing this through 2024."
"I still have to figure out what works for me, and I'm trying to deal with the fact that that's okay."
"We're not all going to experience everything. We all experience what we're meant to experience, not an ounce more, not an ounce less."
"There's not the perfect path; there's just your path."
"See yourself on that two-year journey, and imagine where you could be in two years' time."
"Fasten your seat belts, for we are embarking on an adventure that only you can take."
"The healing journey is a lifelong journey until the day you die probably."
"This is what started me on my journey with street photography."
"I was dancing to my own beat, literally, and it was called ballet. I didn't know anything else."
"Going from that moment to even just renting big houses... to buying land and adding on to what it was, to now... all of those pivotal moments... is what led up to where I'm at now."
"To find God, you have to get over that first bump which is faith."
"You're strong enough to take the journey and engage in the effort."
"Started therapy today and came on stream both in one day... it's mental health awareness month."
"You don't need to explain or justify what you know to be true in your heart. This is your life, your journey. Enjoy every fabulous moment."
"If you want to tell my story, it's all about overcoming obstacles and not giving up."
"In this video, there will be no car, no houses, no fancy stuff. I'm going to explain how I made three million dollars before the age of 24 and what is my exact journey I went through."
"There's just a part of you, I think, in anything you're doing, when you're struggling: 'Is this really for me? Is this my destiny? Should I be doing this?'"
"The journey of isolation is not just about being alone, but finding oneself."
"We learn to embrace our weaknesses because our weaknesses help us define the path we're gonna traverse, and that is not the path of anyone else, it's our own unique path."
"This road to where we are now has been more of a challenge, which means you have to overcome more, which means it kind of means a little bit more."
"It was good to be home. I had spent days and days and days getting all those diamonds."
"Dear Future Martin, remember your journey to the bottom of the world... You are capable of anything. Love, Martin aged 26."
"Where no one is special, everyone is the protagonist of their own life, and we can all be what we want to be with a little hard work and a lot of support."
"I am a spirit having a human experience and I'm here to get closer to love."
"I know pretty dark right, but hey spoiler things kinda worked out."
"Rediscover your individuality, become the dragon. This is your own path to spirituality healing."
"I entered politics not to be popular, not for personal reasons, because I want to serve and I know I have something to offer."
"The process to get here is awful, the journey out is horrific, most people don't have the stamina to do this."
"The initiation, the thing that showed me who I am."
"I'm just grateful and humbled just to be able to be a part of you asking these questions and just where you're at in your whole story right now."
"My background is education. I was in education for 10 years, and my last job before I was able to quit and start trading and traveling full-time was as an assistant principal of an elementary school."
"Psychedelics open the door for you, but it's still up to you to walk through that door and walk that path in your actual life."
"The only thing you have is your energy field and your spirit. When it's just you and your spirit, you just try to figure it out."
"I am going over some of my mental health issues this being the second video in this series and it's something that's really really special to me and I hope that it inspires and motivates people to get help for their own mental health."
"Self-love has been made to feel like this mythical thing, but there's no set way. It's literally your internal meter."
"I am the farthest thing from a Sheikh. I'm not a scholar. I am a very enthusiastic student and researcher in the study of the Quran."
"Being able to tell their stories and bringing you into their world is something I'm just super proud of."
"Believe in yourself. I came from nothing, man. Nothing."
"The process of writing my memoir was emotionally exhausting to the point where, if I had known how hard it was gonna be, I wouldn't have done it."
"Continue to stand in your confidence... follow your bliss."
"Norman McKay finds his own measure of hope, reaffirms his conviction in God."
"Healing is a personal process and it's something you have to do for yourself."
"It really touches me to the core, man. I've come a long way."
"I've spent my whole life with foster parents, and now I have a shot at finding my real mom."
"You have to figure it out for yourself; nobody else can figure it out for you."
"I'm just a young, humble fellow, you know, just trying to find my way in life, enlighten others with my energy and presence."
"The story is all about freedom and doing everything to get to that point of freedom."
"Being happy is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else."
"In the classic hero's journey narrative, I finally felt compelled... nobody else would be able to bring them into the world in the way that we could."
"It's okay if you're not feeling confident or feeling like hella sexy after watching this video. It's a very long process that we're all working towards."
"Your journey isn't for everybody to see all the way to the end of the road."
"Always stay focused, stay honed in, stay consistently doing what you need to do to ensure that your journey is everything that you need your journey to be."
"Yoga is a journey. It's an experience. It's all about exploring not just your physical body but also your inner self."
"I had to learn how to be able to get on a plane sober."
"I've put myself in this world, and I love it."
"Everyone's journey is personalized; it's a personal struggle. What works for one person might not work for another."
"For me, competing in the Olympic Games has been an opportunity to thank a country that opened its arms to me 11 years ago, showing me that I mattered."
"I got a lot of questions about why I came out when I did. It was for the simple reason that I was finally ready."
"My conversion was, like I said, it was a gradual process. I had left Ismailism... and then, one day, I just started to pray."
"CS Lewis, after his transformation, said, 'You must picture me alone in that room in Magdalen, night after night, feeling, whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet.'"
"I trusted God. It's a new land; you don't have friends, your parents aren't here, your siblings aren't here."
"I couldn't have been more accepted, I couldn't have been more won, I couldn't have been more known."
"To all that I've done good in the bed that is life, as much as we try to make every individual thing in our lives perfect or seem perfect, the truth is it's never like that."
"At the lowest point in his life, he has no family, no reputation, no money, no protection, and no future."
"My faith is stronger now than it’s ever been because it has stood every test."
"There's a world inside my head, I get lost in me from time to time."
"The journey towards understanding and forgiveness can be long but worthwhile."
"Life stages are just the chapters we find ourselves in, not the whole story."
"My goal today is really to try and place that all into a structured framework so that you can know where you are in your journey or the landscape around happiness in your pursuit of happiness."
"It's not about the life you're given, but the courage to transform it."