
Encouragement Quotes

There are 116149 quotes

"You're not a waste of existence, to be honest."
"It's going to get easier, homeboy. I promise you."
"Imagination is what sparks 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared' in the first place and kept it going. It's not only okay to get creative, it's encouraged, even if you are scared."
"If you're a woman interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, do it. Study it, learn it. We need you."
"Maybe we're here to encourage each other to share our dreams and to become the best version of ourselves we can possibly be."
"Sometimes that's all it takes, just a small message; it can have a huge positive impact on a person's world."
"On your worst day, you're still a bad motherfucker."
"Whatever you're going through, you got this."
"You've told me all your can'ts; now play a game with me here, tell me your cans."
"I'm proud of you all. We need to hear that more...be proud of yourselves." - Haley Kiyoko
"Your words are worth all of the stars in the night sky, so don't forget to sing whenever you have the chance."
"Stay dissatisfied, and I'm sure that you will start to build more success than ever."
"When you stand in front of a mirror and you're like, 'Hey, you're awesome. We got this. I got you. I know it's hard, we're gonna go do this,'... then you're creating momentum for yourself."
"Believe in yourself because the blessing this week was the power of your beliefs."
"Find people that lift you up, that cheer you on."
"I care about finding the greatest potentiality within each and every one of you in this class."
"Believe in your mind that it is totally okay, acceptable, and even encouraged for you to go and make new friends, no matter what month it is."
"These opportunities only happen so often. It's time. Don't hold back, don't resist."
"You're doing a really good job despite lots of challenges and confusion."
"You need to tell yourself in some way that you're awesome."
"Don't give up now because you're right around the corner from a turning point."
"You have been working hard, you have been doing a good job."
"This is the positive good news coming your way: this whole new opportunity."
"You can quit if you want. I will love you regardless, but I believe in you to get through this."
"Celebrate how far people have come rather than judging them for how much they still have to go."
"If you have young children in your life... think of how innocent a child is. What would you say to that kid? 'You have limitless possibilities. You are beautiful. You have everything you could ever contemplate.'"
"Your destination is closer than it has ever been before. Keep going, my love."
"Look for the good wherever we can. Celebrate heroes, encourage children, find ways to disagree respectfully."
"When you believe you've exhausted all options, remember this: you haven't."
"I believe in you. I believe that you can reach a very high level. I believe you can change your life and... you'll pay that forward."
"You are stronger than you think, my friend, and the future still holds good things for you."
"Now is the time to believe in yourself. You are going to be victorious."
"You have everything you need, and I wish you all the success in the world."
"Thank you all so much for watching, good luck in solo queue, and we'll see you in the next one."
"Give somebody a high five and say, 'Neighbor, I'm not built to break. I've got too much anointing to fall apart.'"
"I just don't like seeing people waste their potential. That's one of my pet peeves and I just want people to try the thing that they're thinking about... this is your sign to try it and go for it and see what happens."
"Fan into flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you."
"The world needs more people out there championing others on; the world needs more of that positive energy."
"You're valuable, you're amazing, I might love you. Remember to stay spicy."
"Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the Lord, and work; for I am with you."
"2023 will be bright, 2024 will be brighter. Let's go."
"Hope you guys are having an absolutely fantastic day full of positivity and happiness, as always."
"You are wonderful, you are special, you have a place in this world."
"Don't give up. There's a rainbow here and those clouds are passing."
"It will get better for you, even if you can't see it right now."
"You are meant for so much more, and you deserve so much more."
"We're going to be alright. That's the white pill that I want to finish on."
"Celebrate the little successes in your life, guys. A lot of you are making small changes every day that are manifesting as small improvements, but you have a hard time seeing just how far you've come and how much you have built and how much you have been improving."
"Thanks to you, I got through the energy and into to get going and get cracking with this."
"If your life is better today because of what you're doing today than it was yesterday, then I'm a clap for you."
"From a man of the cloth, I want to say it doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is how you get back up again."
"If this is something that you want to do and you feel like it'll make you happy, go for it. If this is a dream of yours, then go for it. Start a YouTube channel, make a TikTok, go on Instagram Live and stream. Just do you, have fun with it, and it'll all work out."
"Trust, patience, faith, and courage can seem overwhelming, but the universe is with you every step of the way."
"You are an amazing lady. You're a very special person. I'm rooting for you."
"In case nobody else tells you today, I want to make sure that I tell you that I love you and it's not just because I'm feverish. I really do and I believe in your ability to change your life for the better."
"You guys are more amazing than you could ever imagine."
"You're doing great, you're quite literally doing amazing, sweetie."
"Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."
"You've got what it takes, you're braver than you think."
"You are more than your current circumstances. You are loved, you are wanted, and you have an amazing testimony ahead of you."
"The situation is calling for you to have faith."
"In case nobody else tells you today, I want to tell you that I love you and I believe in your ability to make your dreams come true and to make yourself a happier and healthier person one small change at a time."
"I just want you to hang in there because yes, I believe it can happen."
"Just anybody who's struggling out there or maybe thinking things don't really look that great, just want to let you know it gets better."
"If nobody's telling you they love you, I love you."
"Be good to yourselves, baby. You deserve it."
"Congratulations, MIT class of 2023. You totally got this."
"The world needs more people like you, that is for sure."
"Stay positive, the worst is behind you. Look up to the light."
"Don't let go of that. He's here with you in this moment."
"If you find yourself going through hell, keep going."
"Grow your orange tree, baby. What are you waiting for?"
"Stay strong and I love you and everyone loves you."
"Stay strong and do know that we all appreciate you still making videos."
"You are doing so very well, and it's going to add to your long-term success."
"I'm really happy you're proud of yourself. I wish everybody in the world could be proud of who they are."
"Your kind comments are hugely encouraging...the encouragement that you give other people here is more powerful than you will ever know. It makes a huge difference for people. Sometimes, one kind comment could change the course of someone's life."
"We stand personal growth around these here parts."
"Come to this Expo. You just do it. Don't even overthink it. Come to the next one. It's gonna be an amazing experience."
"For everyone out there, this is Michael Sandler saying be well, have fun, get the wisdom of the council and begin plugging into your true, greatest, most magnificent version of yourself today and shine bright."
"Don't you stop. I'm going to sleep, but don't stop working."
"To all of my DIY goddesses, you are more powerful than you know. We'll see you next time. Bye."
"I hope you always know that you are loved, you are appreciated, and you are the gift and the present every damn day."
"Keep your chin up, stay positive. Keep calm and carry on."
"Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to."
"Use encouragement, make the fault seem easy to correct."
"Transformation happens when you and I are talking, and you're encouraging me, and I'm asking questions, and we're having that give-and-take."
"If you have a gift, use it. This is a big deal."
"You believe in yourself; you can do it, just make it up as you go."
"To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments."
"Game one, head coach told me that you're a better ADC than Pray, so have confidence in yourself."
"There's going to be a bit of success in April for you guys."
"Encourage your own voters to vote. Why is this so difficult? Tell your voters to vote, however it's legal to vote. Go vote. This is not hard."
"You are so precious to God, those of you who belong to him."
"Let's just love ourselves and love who we are and just be who you are."
"You can't be scared. Keep blending. It's going to come together."
"You deserve to be confident in who you are. You truly do."
"This too shall pass... It's like going to the gym, but it's a mental gym."
"I hope you have a great rest of your week, and as always, keep it fizzy."
"You guys are blowing up, something going really well. You're about to embark on a lot of success."
"It's a beautiful thing to do, and it's something you can do for the rest of your life. So don't wait, just go and get started, and happy reading."
"I appreciate everyone's support here at Fun House. There's a lot of amazing people at Rooster Teeth that also deserve your support."
"Keep being amazing to your kids, keep being the best mom you are."
"Your soul wants you to love yourself; you are such a beautiful light."
"This person, your soulmate, is actually going to encourage you to shine on your own and be independent."
"Relationships will constantly encourage you to always reach your highest potential."
"It's time for everybody to just do the right thing and Bring the Noise."
"Should serve your mind and your body. And if you're open to it, your spirit, dang it, your soul, because you're worth it."
"If God be for you, who could be against you?"
"You guys are natural manifesters. Oh my goodness."
"Love on everybody every day without hesitation."
"So great work, I love it, you're gonna do great things. Good job, good luck."
"Encourage you today to trust God and never give up."
"Do not quit, for the dawn is often darkest just before the light breaks through."
"Trust God, hold on to your faith, and never give up."
"You guys are really freaking awesome and I really hope that you feel that way too because you definitely deserve to and you're very, you're very great."
"I really feel like the world needs some encouragement, some inspiration."
"Good times are coming. It is not the end of the world."
"Encouragement means to be inspired, to be motivated, to be energized."
"Presence, that's the most awesome, encouraging factor in life."
"To encourage is to call to one's side, to console, to strengthen, to put courage in, to inspire, to motivate with courage."
"Encouragement could make the difference between somebody's eternal life and their eternal separation from God."
"You can be an encourager when Jesus Christ is in your heart because there's something that just bubbles up and flows out when He's there."
"You are safe and it is safe to move forward on this idea."
"Spirit really wants to remind you that you're going to get to the top if you keep going."
"To anyone feeling lonely: You're not alone. Many of us are experiencing the same exact feelings."
"Joe just gave me the willpower to persevere. You know, I've done this, it works. Keep going. You're not hurting your kids, you're asking something very simple."
"I always tell people, so I think the way you end up with daughters like me and my sister, the best thing they did is they encouraged us with anything we had any interest or aptitude at, often in very unusual ways."
"It's empowering, and the person must feel like, 'I'm okay; they're being seen.' And there's nothing more encouraging than having that sensation or that feeling."
"Encourage, encourage, encourage, instill courage, instill hope."
"You're on the road to success, so a bit of encouragement there."
"Please, please make at least one card the rest of this week. Put a stamp on it, send it to somebody. We all need a little sunshine right now in our mailboxes."
"What you guys need to know right now is that any hard times that you're currently facing are soon to be over; they're not going to last very much longer."
"Any hard times that you're currently facing are soon to be over; they're not going to last very much longer."
"Keep watching. You will get better. You will improve."
"Jesus Christ loves you, and you're doing better than you think you are."
"Vote. That is our power... you have to encourage everyone in your life to vote because there is something on the line for all of us."
"The parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the leaven are parables of encouragement."
"Our bot will respond with a message of encouragement whenever someone sends a message containing a sad or depressing word."
"The bot will respond with a message of encouragement whenever someone sends a message containing a sad or depressing word."
"It's all about the individuality that you're finally letting shine."
"You are worth it. You're worth it. I hope you can see that."
"You're such a special person. You should 100% love yourself."
"We endorse free thought. We want people to think for themselves."
"To keep tinkering and to never ever let people tell you that you can't do something, okay? You're smart."
"You know you're smart. You have to believe in yourself. And when you want something, you can get it."
"Stay true to yourself. This is your time to shine."
"I believe in you, so please do not let me down."
"February is going to be really nice for you, and you're definitely making some progress."
"Life is life, life's going to happen. I'm trying to instill confidence in them. Say, 'Hey man, get out there. Do something. Be optimistic. Life is going to happen.'"
"The neuro association with a high-five is so entrenched it has only ever meant 'I celebrate you, I see you, I got you, keep going, you got this, I'm behind you.'"
"Even during your worst moments, there is vitality ripping through your veins, there is an electrical life force within you."
"Every educator and parent needs to know about the motivational power of a high five."
"Encouragement will get you there, discouragement will not."
"When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice that it is small, but we do not criticize it as rootless and stemless. We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed."
"Remember that you are wonderful. You are of infinite worth, even if all you did for the rest of your life was to sit in a vegetable state."
"So if you ever feel average, or stuck in the middle, maybe all you need is a change of perspective."
"You are more than capable of getting through it."
"What you're not realizing is there may be light in the moment that you are in; you simply can't see it."
"All it takes is a little effort, and everything will work out."
"Prophecy is a message of encouragement from God through a person."
"It's about using these gifts of the spirit to build up your children and build up your husband and build up your mother and build up your wife and build up the people in your department."
"Have fun with this, go crazy, enjoy, as always, always have a good one, take care."
"Stay positive and know that I believe in you and the greatness that lies ahead."
"Whatever the motivator, kids wanting to take on responsibility should be encouraged."
"Value your self-worth. You are God's precious gem, period."
"Just listen to the support that your team has."
"You're gonna come back bigger and better than ever. Don't beat yourself up for resting."
"Everybody has talent, everybody does. If you can find what your talents are and dovetail them into an awesome career, double thumbs up."
"It's incredibly difficult but you matter, your future matters."
"Trust me, try and fail, but don't fail to try."
"Embrace your insanity and remember to stay weird fam."
"It's been an amazing grind, so please subscribe, like if you're new, and as always, have a nice day, and I'll see you guys later. Peace."
"I use my gifts to help encourage those who feel lost."
"You are loved and cherish your goals to spread love and positivity. You deserve a better tomorrow. Pass it on. Hug someone."
"The Bible says encourage each other and build each other up... You've been raising your kids... with kindness and compassion and courage, and that's a huge encouragement."
"Stay awesome, stay positive, and as always, I'll see y'all in the next video."
"You're going to do a great job, okay? No matter what you do, everyone will be there for you."
"You're beautiful as you are, Courage, with all your imperfections."
"May your skies be blue and your winds be low."
"It's literally just a bump in the road, and you're literally going to succeed more than what you think you're capable of."
"Hopefully, your end of the week is off to a good start."
"You’re far stronger than you think you are or give yourself credit for."
"God loves you with an everlasting love. He really, really does."
"Let's go, Chad, rate my performance out of 10."
"You guys are amazing; you're not even underdogs."
"I think who you are is awesome, and I don't think you should change who you are."
"Everyone watching this video is a king and a queen."
"Love never gives advice beyond, 'Why don't you get a glass of water? Why don't you rest? We'll try this again tomorrow. You're doing your best, this is a hard time, and I've got you.'"
"We are proud of you and aware of your achievements."
"You are worth more than all the stars you can count in the night sky."
"Don't let life pass you by; be among it and live."
"It's okay to cry. That you're sad about that."
"I can't help but smile, and I hope you can also join me in smiling."
"That's a great idea. I'm so proud of you, son."
"And if you're ever feeling really down and out, just remember by looking or acknowledging something that you love, you're also acknowledging that you have that love inside of you, that supreme love."
"You are not going to fail; you are on the right path."
"There are always exceptions; why can't you be one of them?"
"Don't be afraid to step into what God has given to you."
"I believe that you are about a two or three percent version of what you're capable of becoming."