
Life Stories Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"It's one of those mysteries that really makes you think and appreciate your life because what this man has gone through will blow your mind."
"Life is all about accumulating interesting stories and opinions."
"How people live their lives as a result of the story they believe about themselves."
"My life is essentially a series of embarrassing incidents strung together by telling people about those embarrassing incidents."
"Life is short. I've got to make sure that I've got one hell of a story to tell when this is all done."
"The story you're living is revealed by your actions and not your words."
"This night, from start to finish, was one of the craziest experiences we've ever had."
"I think it's important to recognize that sometimes you can be an exceptional story and that you shouldn't necessarily think it's realistic to expect everybody to...rise above their circumstances."
"When the time comes for you to go, you should have a life filled with stories."
"We all love a story of rags to riches, but how many times have you heard about someone going from multibillion-dollar riches to empty-pocket rags?"
"It's moving to have someone who's a complete stranger knows so much about your life."
"So what if we... make a master plan for the planet?"
"I don't want to die with that being my only story outside this place."
"They want to live normal, well relatively normal lives like anyone else and share their experiences."
"Living lives more remarkable than any fiction."
"Where does that energy go? That is, to me, the story..."
"I was a huge fan of rags to riches stories not the riches because of wealth but just that whole thing of people going from nothing to something."
"If you ever get a chance to meet a real true genuine legitimate pair of actual life partners, ask them how they came together."
"Altered lives, baffling medical mysteries, shocking revelations."
"One day you will tell your story of how you overcame and what you went through, and it'll be someone else's survival guide."
"Two stories, two circles, two very different fates."
"It's always cool when you hear stories like that... Who could have been who and she wasn't."
"Walk a few miles in his shoes and he's probably got a very interesting story to tell."
"I just love seeing how people decide to tell the story of their life."
"She dies on her 100th birthday in her bed. I mean, how nuts is that? That's crazy, but that is baller."
"Nobody tells exciting stories to the grandchildren about the time they finally got that promotion middle management to upper management."
"I'd rather live with a bunch of different stories about how I failed and how I shifted and adjusted and evolved."
"It's my absolute passion to tell these stories."
"We all have everyday struggles and what the rest of the world sees in us is only one aspect of any story."
"We are all storytellers, it is important to become aware of the stories we are living within."
"For me when I see a hyena weathered by life in the wild I think those scars are just their story."
"Because no matter where our lives have taken us or where they're going, we are all living our Heike story."
"Is it possible that Frank actually lied his way through much of his early adult life without getting caught, or is Frank still conning us to this day?"
"I think you need to know someone's whole story and to know how they got to where they are today."
"People will judge your whole story based on the chapter they walk in on."
"He's lived 10 different lifetimes of 10 different individual stories."
"It's a story about life and there's going to be some mysteries."
"It's a lovely depiction of how age doesn't have to slow you down or signify the end of your story."
"Talk about a wild ride and a happily ever after."
"I believe at the end of the day, we leave with stories. That's the only thing we have."
"That's what this has been about, it's been about sharing my life with you."
"Memoir isn't about you. It's a story carved from your life."
"You have human beings on that aircraft, and they have a life, they have a family, they have a connection, they have a story."
"They share their private accounts of life with a legend."
"I realized we are all unique, all of our stories are unique, and it's all part of our own life story."
"My life after childhood has two main Stories the story of The Hustler and the story of the rapper"
"The story of your own life ever going to be the feelings I had during that part of my life were burned into me like a brand"
"Your life story is something that needs to be told, it's going to save a life."
"Desire is at the core of all of us, that's what's driving our life stories."
"Who should write a book about their life? Honestly, on all of us."
"This kind of story, these kinds of things really do happen."
"...it remains an unforgettable chapter in my life, a story that I share with others as a cautionary tale of the unknown lurking just beyond the edges of our perception."
"As you can tell, I am here in the flesh. I live and I love. But oh, I did have some stories for y'all."
"Everybody's story is different. Some people come home they don't have anything."
"You still have that same love, it gives you stories to tell, it just kind of enriches your life a little bit."
"It's almost like magic, you know? It's this two-pound brick of paper, but inside is another person's life and experience and knowledge and wisdom."
"History is the essence of innumerable biographies."
"The songs are literally my life in song form."
"These are my life stories, and I will be telling my kids about this."
"We are all just stories, and make sure yours is inspiring."
"It's the backdrop of which we live our lives; it's where all our stories unfold."
"Everyone has a story and something that makes them who they are."
"Personal stories of success and failure alike, and maybe, just maybe, a tantalizing glimpse in the envelope."
"My story isn't about the spectacular but the mundane... It's about the marriage that dies like most of them do, not with a single psychotic blow but by a thousand resentful cuts."
"Everybody has a story, and if we don't know it, maybe we shouldn't be rushing to judgment on that story."
"I feel very good that my story is helping them change their lives."
"I'm not an immigrant consultant, I'm not an agent, I'm not a lawyer. I'm just someone that decided to share my life with you guys."
"Everyone has their own story and within that story, there's positives and negatives, goods and bads."
"I haven't lived exactly the Forrest Gump life, but I've got a few stories here and there."
"I always loved stories about the bizarre circumstances that led you to the life you're living."
"I want to die with a load of stories and not a load of money in my bank."
"Everyone is interesting, everyone has had a fascinating life."
"God writes everyone's story a little bit different, so just because this is my story does not mean it's going to be yours."
"Everything in our lives is a story, and everybody is a storyteller."
"This car doesn't just have a story; this car's probably got a lifetime of stories to tell us."
"We never know the full story of what's going on in somebody else's life."
"It's fun to know not just the names and dates, but who they are, what they experienced during their lifetime."
"We are the lucky ones and we are just forever grateful to be a part of their stories."
"Everybody has a story and there is something to be learned from every experience."
"Thank you for sharing your rich and fabulous lives with us; it's been such a treat."
"I want to feature more interviews with people who've had interesting, fascinating, or challenging lives."
"I feel like a lot of people see other individuals as just extras inside characters in their lives and forget that they're the main character in a whole other story that you don't know about."
"A memoir is about a slice of life; it's not your whole life from beginning to the present day."
"Let other people talk, ask them about their lives, analyze their lives, get to know someone else."
"Apartments are funny places; you never really know how many people have lived their lives in that exact same space."
"Everyone's got their own life that's happened to them and their own situation."
"It's one of a million stories in the world; everybody's got their stories, everybody's got their highlight reels."
"Everyone has their story, everyone has their thing."
"Everyone has a story, and everyone's life is not the same."
"Sometimes people come share your story, talk, and it's like most the time it gets worse before it gets better."
"Everyone's got their own story and that's just maybe a part of a piece of what makes someone who they are at any given point."
"We want to overshare life stories and we want to remain mysterious."
"In every heartbeat, there's a story waiting to be told."
"Everybody has a story and we really never know what happened in someone's life that led up to the point of them doing criminal activity and ending up in jail or in prison."
"Stories ultimately are about survival."
"Those are the only stories that I think really matter in life."
"These men are sharing a piece of their life; they're sharing a piece of their story."
"We sit down and we basically eat, talking about our life stories."
"The truth of our lives is not always in the stories we tell, but in the stories we leave behind with our stuff."
"It's just people trying to get by."
"By reading about their lives, we measure our own; many times we're inspired to change or try things because of the example of another."
"I'm so glad I did because so many people communicated with me about their lives."
"The best ones are the ones that are unexpected."
"These are the kinds of stories and the kinds of characters that actively inspire me in my own life."
"I love obituaries. I love how people summarize their lives."
"We sat there for over four, maybe four and a half hours, just chewing the fat, talking about his life, my life."
"Owning our own story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it."
"I'm Dr. Trish Varner and on my channel I like to talk about inspirational life stories."
"We have very similar life stories, success, but the only thing we do have in common: two amazing kids."
"Hi, welcome back to Life with Dr. Trish, where we discuss life stories, family backgrounds, and ancestry, and have conversations about so much more."
"What you shared with me about your life was so beautiful and so touching, and I'll carry it with me forever."
"You are buying but romance, drama, the very heartbeats of great people's lives."
"That homeless guy sitting on the side of the road has the most interesting story, interesting life you've ever heard."
"I love like true life stories, that's what it is, all kinds of stuff like that."
"It's been so long. I missed you. I want to hear about your life, and I want you to stay with me."
"What I do wish is that more people allow themselves to be challenged by ideas and especially the incredible stories of life."
"I think that people's lives are very rich and they're full of stories."
"You can't make the mistake and look at where somebody is currently and think that you know their story."
"Everybody have a story that's different from yours and hurt just as much as you do."
"All you got to do is tell the truth about life, and people will find that interesting."
"Thank you for sharing your life, it's an inspiration to everyone."
"I've always been fascinated about people's life stories."
"Scars are an indication that you have a story."
"There's nothing more in this world that I would love more than to share every ounce of tea that I have in my life with you guys."
"Money comes and goes, materials come and go, but what lives with you forever are the stories that we're going to be telling our kids."
"I would love to sit down here with you and just essentially ask you a lot of questions about your life."
"It's about bringing everything to life into those names, discovering who they were, understanding their triumphs, their challenges, and life experiences."
"For everyone who's having a hard time today or any day, when you look around and you see, don't you think, 'Oh my goodness, they're so lucky.' No, no, there's always a story to tell."
"You don't understand, I want to tell you about my life. I want to tell you before I can't tell you anymore," his voice dropped to a whisper.
"Stay curious. I think you're genuinely interested and curious about people's life and story."
"All of these lines across my face tell me the story of where I've been."
"The story remains the same, just the faces have changed."
"I'm fascinated by people's journeys."
"All these people and everyone has a story and you never know who's gonna sit down and talk to you for about five minutes and tell you a little bit about their life."
"Talking about their lives from the highs to the lows."
"It is a story of a life experience and perspectives of people who grew up with this."
"We bring a guest on, we talk about their lives, we talk about our lives, we talk about things they've overheard."
"It's so fascinating to see somebody's life."
"We all come from different walks of life and we all have very interesting stories."
"Everybody has a story to tell, don't judge nobody."
"I'm really excited because I feel that at 45, I finally have a story to tell."
"The one thing most of their stories have in common is that they've been changed by what they've seen."
"It's their bands and that's why it's important for me that you should go out and chat to people and find out about their lives."
"We will meet again, brother, we will talk about our lives and how it has all come to pass."
"Witnessing life's journey through real cases."
"I like to get people's back stories and see how their everyday life is."
"We have our own stories. We have memories of many lives."
"We all have a story, that's why it's just so important not to judge each other."
"Everybody has their own story, and everybody lives their own life."
"It was a lot of fun talking with Taran and getting to talk about everything that's happened in my crazy life."
"These guys have a life, they have a story, they have a background."
"Everyone has a story, and you end up in weird locations."
"It's really about these people and their dreams and their lives."
"I'm blessed, but at the same time, we're going to tell these stories."
"Write what you know and get curious about other people's lives."
"It's a book where she's trying to just share her life, but also to give people the context to understand things much more than people have perhaps been willing to previously."
"Stretch marks... they tell a story."
"Start a YouTube channel and talk about your life publicly; it's going to save your life."
"If you really want to dig into these critical moments of people's lives, you got to have extended free-form conversations."
"It's beautiful when two individuals come together and really have some important things to say about their journeys, about their experiences, about their life."
"It's not just the process of fixing the piece of furniture; there is so much that goes on in our lives, furniture flippers' lives, that is way beyond just that little shot of us moving the paintbrush or the spray gun."
"There is no birth story that is the same."
"With the needle and thread, we weave the stories of our lives."
"Each of us is the point on a story trail of a lot of people."
"Homegoing is about two half sisters who were born in eighteenth-century Ghana and the two of them end up getting separated and living two very different lives."