
Information Quotes

There are 9709 quotes

"Information and awareness are always the first step in being able to do something about your situation."
"Listening is not a passive activity... it's an active measure to extract information."
"This is the 21st century, a century with the iPhone, the internet, where information moves instantaneously."
"Listen to both, gather your information, and then make your decision."
"Knowledge is power. It really is if we have the information at our disposal."
"There's nothing more important than being informed. There's nothing more important than making an informed decision."
"The DNA molecule has the potential for storing a tremendous amount of information, more than any known system; it is the most densely packed and elaborately detailed assembly of information in the known universe."
"Please take this seriously... we don't yet have a way to filter the information, misinformation, and disinformation with which we are all being bombarded."
"You constantly have to question your assumptions because new information is being layered on and re-contextualizing the stuff that came before."
"We need facts, we need information, and we need it quickly."
"I have been blessed by the Internet. Information was power."
"Information took me out of the slum where I was born and into the big bright shining world."
"The best we can do is one, make the best decision we can make with the information we have at the time."
"Secular humanism can correct and adapt and be updated based on new information."
"I'm a big believer in informed decision-making."
"I love those moments when you get new information that totally changes your perspective."
"We do it with facts. We do it with objective facts."
"Doing your own research is crucial, content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only."
"The universe is just raining down information. It's like this invisible orchestra of information raining down on us all the time."
"Politics is only information plus organization. That's all it is."
"I want to be so careful to make sure that I'm not being in any way involved with spreading misinformation."
"We are looking at information; we're trying to have robust dialogue to get us as close to understanding something like the truth as we possibly can."
"What we lack is not the information; it's the motivation."
"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."
"You just need to give them the information and they can choose."
"The best narrative is one that leaves the option of exploration continually open, allowing you to update your narratives with new information."
"Life lives and dies by the flows of trust, information, and value."
"If you're being lied to or you don't have all the information to make the correct decision, then I hope I provide this service so you can make the correct decision."
"This is not a conspiracy theory; this is a real weapon that our government has confirmed is being used."
"It's not about just having information; it's about the curation of information."
"We have to curate our own information. We all have to become, in Seth Abramson's phrase, meta-journalists."
"What separates the successful from the unsuccessful is information."
"Something can be true but initially still be a dangerous conspiracy theory. Like whether or not something is a conspiracy theory has more to do with the information you use to arrive at that conclusion than it does the actual veracity of the statement."
"We live in a curated reality where Google can amplify particular stories and news feeds, and true information can be excluded."
"In today's biased news media and social media, within academic journals, on college campuses, in government agencies, and ivory towers, we are losing the freedom to obtain and distribute information."
"Make sure you share this video with your friends so that they know the different kinds of fasting and what they can have in their arsenal."
"Aquarius rules those fields of information, of knowledge, of absolutely pure knowledge and wisdom that can be downloaded instantaneously."
"I think people want to know what's going on in their city."
"Spreading information is the easiest and cheapest thing to do because it costs nothing."
"One of the things that appeals to so many people, including me, about the promise of AGI, is we know that we're only drinking from a straw from the fire hose of all the information out there."
"More options and more information is more power."
"There's no telling how deep the significance of the information encoded in stories goes."
"The most important information-filled statement in the fewest words is the so-called Atomic hypothesis."
"Positions on especially important things like evolution or vaccinations or COVID-19 can become not just evaluations of truth but part of your identity."
"It's hard to convince someone that they're wrong about something, so it's important to get accurate information out there in the first place."
"And the spread of misinformation has real consequences."
"The moment you get beyond yourself, the moment you disconnect from your identity... that's the moment you begin to connect to a greater field of information."
"My goal is unbiased. I want to give you the data so you can create your own analysis and understand what's happening."
"This information is absolutely crucial for you, for your preparedness, for you to understand what's going on in the world."
"Data analysis is defined as converting raw data into useful information for decision makers."
"All of our large systems of coordination, whether they're more state-like systems or market-like systems, require accurate and symmetrical information for people to make good choices."
"Don't comment on anything until you have all the facts. It's okay to say 'I don't know.'"
"I prefer to wait a little until the dust settles and we get a bit more information before stating my own view."
"It is lack of information that of course is scaring the living hell out of everyone."
"Consent is only meaningful if it's informed."
"It seems like a conspiracy every time you check, it works out, and I think that by itself, it's always a huge piece of support for the idea that information isn't lost."
"Those who don't read the news are uninformed, and those who do read the news are misinformed."
"Quantum mechanics never loses information... this is why that holographic insight is so important."
"The black hole is the object that contains the most information you can ever imagine. It always wins."
"People make decisions based on what they experience, what information they have at the time."
"The more data we have, the more our decisions can be completely data informed."
"The divination sigil can tell you how much life essence is currently stored in your soul network."
"It's important to glean as much information as we can, whatever your political stance is."
"I feel like every case I work is a story, and I've got to report back the information from that story."
"When things get really off the rails, they go live on YouTube and explain. It's really, really helpful."
"Pulse... consistent information during the round."
"DNA operates like a language with its own extremely complex software code."
"A mere pinhead volume of DNA contains information equivalent to a stack of paperback books that would encircle the earth five thousand times."
"There is now so much new information to delve into, and as soon as it seems like we have all of the crazy details, more revelations emerge."
"Sit down and buckle up, folks, because there's a lot of stuff to cover here."
"All emotions exist for a reason... Emotions are information first and foremost."
"More information is good, even disinformation, because people will naturally make mistakes."
"Decentralization of information and money is crucial for maintaining freedom."
"Information has a reaction and causes a reaction. People should be held accountable when that information takes things to the next level."
"Before you go believe any theory about the pandemic or share any information about the pandemic, it's good to know where that information's coming from."
"My job is to provide you information and education so you can make informed decisions."
"You don't need time to make decisions; you need information."
"A prerequisite for democracy is information."
"A democracy's prerequisite is information so that the electorate can make up its mind. If you don't have access to information, you don't have democracy."
"Thank you for all of the work you're doing. I mean, it must be unbelievably stressful during a time like this to be trying to work out what's going on with patchy information."
"We're trying to strengthen the way we view the world and take in as much information as we can and see that information for what it truly is, not what we want it to be."
"Sometimes it's a healthy debate, a little argument and disagreement, and sometimes it's just supportive and informational."
"Accurate information has practical application, and a faulty premise will lead to faulty conclusions."
"The fundamental distinguishing feature of life is information. It's that life is complex chemistry of course, but the thing that makes life stand out is the way it stores, replicates, and processes information."
"Life is when information takes control of matter."
"Every day today we generate more data than is represented by every word ever spoken by every human being who has ever lived."
"There may be different levels of truth in Infowars, but not in reality. We don't have different levels of truth; we have one truth."
"The media is our lens on the world, and it is absolutely critical we trust that media."
"Fun fact: When somebody sees something that says 'fun fact,' they read what's after it."
"A strong democracy requires informed and engaged citizens."
"Reality is made of consciousness and information."
"Being a scientist means that you swim in a sea of information."
"The universe is feeding information to itself and that's how it becomes more conscious as time goes on."
"The gender tag project hopes to make the gender conversation more accessible and to provide information and education for those who may not fully understand how others experience gender."
"There's help out there for travelers, but knowing where to find it can be the key."
"Every day we get some breaking news on this case."
"A scoop was basically the product of journalists working hard to get information that other competitors didn't have. It was an exclusive story."
"Every new subscription, every five-star rating helps people who need this information the most find it."
"We need to be able to be presented with information that challenges our beliefs."
"Fight with information, use all your words and your freedom of speech while you have it as weapons."
"The press... occupies in a free and open societies to contest the government's monopoly on information."
"We are committed to telling you the truth, and not everyone can make that claim."
"Ground News...wants to burst your bubble and put you back in the driver's seat."
"I'm going to do my best to present the facts to you with as little bias as possible."
"It's not my job to tell you what to think; it's my job to give you enough information that you can make informed decisions."
"This is the kind of information that is not only going to help the health of the entire world but it's going to help heal some of the damage that's been done over the last two or three years to our society as a whole."
"The most crazy inspiring type of information that kind of makes you think."
"Lev Parnas knows where all the bodies are buried on the Trump side of this whole saga."
"Humans with more information generally make better choices."
"Only accurate information has practical application."
"There is now a worrying fusion of information and entertainment."
"What you're really after is like dirt, blackmail, the information."
"Creativity is a label for that we've invented to describe a process that happens in our minds, perhaps it happens in other physical systems in the universe, we don't know, but let's say we're sure that it happens in our mind that produces a different kind of information compared to the sort of trivial information that we can find in nature."
"With this information, we are no longer victims; we have the power to change."
"It's not just right-wing news, it's information. They don't want out there will not get out there because NewsGuard decides that it shouldn't be out there."
"How are Americans taking it in? It may depend in part, especially nowadays, on the filter."
"The difference between life and non-life is a matter not of substance but of information, living things contain prodigious quantities of information, most of the information is digitally coded in DNA."
"Stay informed, stay focused, thank you for joining me tonight, and stay with LA for more."
"I think it's really important to get good information out there."
"Food is a really good representation... it provides a lot of information about a certain culture."
"I liked that I was able to stay vaguely informed, and I was hip to know if there was something that I needed to look into."
"We're all guessing. We don't know the answer. What we do know is that John Fetterman's doctor released a letter saying he has no restrictions on what he can do."
"I really believe in this idea that people, when armed with all the context, will make the right choices."
"Whenever we see information and we trace it back to its ultimate source, we inevitably find a mind, not a material process."
"Mutations simply change the information. They don’t 'degrade' it."
"Whenever you see new forms of life arising, you also have to have new information."
"All of this information was available at the earliest date, and the media were complicit in covering it up."
"All of the information that I'm going to be sharing in this video today is freely available on the internet. I am not adding to it, I am just compiling it all together."
"Regardless of political affiliation, there is no alternative to factual information."
"I'm going to reveal to you some things that are very shocking, some things that probably blow your mind completely."
"Gathers and presents information responsibly."
"Poverty is broken by the power of information."
"Information can't be destroyed. It can only be transformed."
"Thankfully for me, I stumbled across a Prager University video that was titled 'The Inconvenient Truth of the Democratic Party' and it really, really sent me down a path of wanting to be on the side of facts."
"Dating someone is like gathering information until you realize you don't like that person anymore."
"People need to know the truth even when it's bad, especially when it's bad."
"Medical journals have evolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry."
"You do the best you can, with the information that you have."
"The only solution here is people have got to wake up, look at the information themselves, and then make their own informed decisions."
"I'm not team Democrat; I'm not team Republican; I'm team facts and information."
"The premium is gonna come on innovation, new things because all these chat AI things are getting information that's already out there."
"It's my responsibility to...present people with good, honest, credible, fact-driven information."
"What Humanity has learned over the last few Millennia is that information can never be divorced from the physical world."
"Maxwell's demon seemed to say that just by having information about the molecules, you could create order from disorder."
"When we find information and we trace it back to its ultimate source, we always come to a mind, not a material process."
"The wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics arises from the limited information, the inability to answer two complementary questions: 'Are you a particle?' And 'are you a wave?' at the same time."
"I'm not important; it's the information that's important."
"The amount of information contained in a pinhead volume of DNA would fill a stack of books 500 times higher than from here to the moon."
"To change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."
"The goal [of journalism] is to properly inform people so they know what's going on in the world and can make proper decisions."
"Facts can be uplifting, they can be depressing at times, they can be confusing at times, but I think facts are empowering."
"The fact is that that paper is there to inform the American people that it's like it is your god-given right. It is a human right, not a civil right, to own a firearm."
"I think the counter to bad ideas and bad information is good ideas and better information."
"I think that the counter to bad ideas and bad information is good ideas and better information."
"The only person in a position to determine who should have a particular piece of information is the person that possesses it."
"It's okay to not form an opinion until you get all the facts."
"Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to get the whole story, because I think we deserve that as people, right?"
"If we were told 95 0.7 percent effective depending on whether or not you're looking at relative risk or absolute risk reduction then people are going to start to go wait what."
"Without more information we need to be allowed to do that right."
"As per usual it really depends on where you're going to find your information because everyone has an agenda."
"People want to know more about it. And also I think we have some interesting context or perspective on this."
"Bloodhound: if you want the most aggressive properties and also want to be able to gather some info for the squad."
"Truth is the first casualty, we have to make sure that we are telling people exactly what is going on."
"Being informed is more important than ever these days."
"Being forewarned with good information, understanding as best we can, knowing that we're gonna do the best we can."
"I made a chart for this in case anybody wasn't aware of this."
"Knowledge is power, whatever information we can provide, give as much out there as possible."
"Sign up for the newsletter to learn more about critical times."
"We're really living in an information economy in the United States. The sale of information is what really the United States is now."
"Kids want more information. It's not a bad thing."
"Don't rush your decisions, based on limited information always get the facts."
"Open access to information empowers people and changes lives."
"The National Library of Belarus...the country's major information and cultural center."
"The live event is in Nashville this March, check the link in the video description for all the details."
"The more information you have, often the better off you will be."
"This is one of the better interviews I think that we've ever done, tons of good information."
"Suppose you had access to the information of every other brain on this planet—no more secrets. Are we all connected? The answer is yes."
"You are the only repository of functional information about how the world works in America right now."
"Actual intelligence, actual information that will allow you to navigate the uncertainty coming in the days ahead."
"The people who are informed are less easily taken advantage of."
"Information is key and it could lead to a lot of amazing, incredible developments."
"I'm telling you the facts and I'm sharing them with you. It's up to you to believe it or not."
"How can I be excited about the game when I don't know what it is?"
"Open access to information is core to our mission."
"Life is the only thing in the universe that can store and pass along information, reproduce itself, and evolve."
"The next piece of information could potentially affect the outcome of the succession war."
"There's just unlimited info out there, there's so many stories."
"Information is power and it's key to get the right information."
"Hopefully this has been useful information for you to take away and try and apply on your own."
"I don't make videos to lie to you, I make videos to make sure that you're informed."
"We're providing them with truth, we're providing them with facts."
"The best way to combat things like this is with information."
"Ladies, we need to hear the truth. It has arrived. We need to get it from the source."
"When new information comes in, I change my mind."
"It is crucial to separate fact from fiction and rely on verified information to understand the full extent of Epstein's crimes."
"This was a content-rich world, there's just no way around it."
"So this is troubling information, you do with it what you will."
"It's okay you feel that way. Let's get a little more information about that."
"Replace fear with hope, research, information, and an action plan."
"We need to clarify what it is that people have a right to know."