
Personal Safety Quotes

There are 1587 quotes

"The better we can be, the more fortified we are should someone who has these qualities come into our life."
"Suddenly something happens that makes you feel fear or anger; at minimum, there's something worth attending to. That person's worth paying attention to, if only just to back away quickly."
"They will not stop until you're dead, Dan. They will not stop until you've lost everything."
"You are not a bad person for setting boundaries and disengaging and creating distance from someone who harmed you."
"She went viral for exposing a famous professional soccer player in Brazil. She told reporters verbatim, 'If something happens to me, it was him. He did it.'"
"Clear boundaries are not walls to keep other people out; they are parameters that keep you safe within yourself and within your life."
"For me personally, I get a lot of peace of mind every time that I'm able to chip away at some of the various preparedness measures, whether it's fire, earthquake, food storage, or even pandemic preparedness."
"Your intuition is your guiding light. Say no to suspicious situations. Do not get bullied or coerced."
"It's safe for you to love and be vulnerable."
"There are many people for whom true end-to-end encryption is vital for personal safety and peace of mind."
"Wash your hands, don't touch your face. Live your life."
"If you can't defend yourself, how in the hell are you going to defend somebody else?"
"It's absolutely gut-wrenching to think about... this poor girl innocently got into this Monster's car hoping that he was taking her home safely."
"If someone comes at you with a weapon and tells you to go with them, do not. Never go to the second location."
"If you disappoint me, it'll be more than just your financial well-being on the line."
"From that moment onwards, she has claimed that she did so in self-defense. She was in fear for her life."
"Every time she goes out, she does get approached. So I do get bothered, and I have been followed."
"I decided that day two things: one, that I would never get a house with a bedroom over a garage or a remote start for my car; two, that I would be the kind of person that people instantly knew something was wrong if I didn't show up when I said I would."
"Being in relationships with people who take responsibility themselves will make you safe and will actually make it easier for you to see what is and isn't yours."
"Anger issues... that is a red glaring flag with sirens on it. You got to run."
"You have a moral duty to defend yourself, my friend."
"Sometimes when I go out and feel like an anxiety attack is bubbling up, I usually head towards the nearest bathroom."
"Be alert and sober of mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
"For me, the freedom to remain alive or have my kids remain alive kind of comes first."
"Nobody disagrees with my two main claims: that you should treat all individuals as individuals and avoid anything that statistically looks like a bad idea for you personally."
"I'm not gonna let people try to fucking kill me."
"There's no shame in running away from a fight. You win every fight you avoid."
"Forgiving someone more than once for the same egregious act is suicide to your personal safety."
"Trust your gut. The grand irony here is that I once wrote a book on weight loss... But in all seriousness, when it comes to your thinking about people, especially in relationships, please do trust those hairs that stand up on the back of your neck."
"If somebody's treating you that way, get some help. Make sure you get out there and get some help for that. Don't let anybody do you that way."
"It's hard to go out into the world and take risks without knowing there's a place where you can go back to where you are loved and accepted for who you are."
"With all the uncertainty in the world, feeling safe at home has never been more important."
"The doctrine that life is for happiness is invalidated by the first sound of the jack boots kicking into your door."
"We need to feel love and compassion towards this aspect of us that's feeling threatened and by doing this we create more safety for ourselves and this subdues the hatred."
"You have a natural right to defend your life... it comes from God."
"In actual danger, it can also be beneficial to practice calming your body to help you make better choices and take action."
"I am protecting my child and myself. Please, I didn't invite him into my home."
"Please take care of yourselves, stay informed, and stay free. Thank you."
"I take care of her physical safety I take care of her Financial Security that is my job as a man."
"Fewer assaults take place because people establish boundaries sooner."
"Trust and believe that you deserve to feel safe. Period."
"How can people steal your wallet if they don't even know it's your wallet?"
"Hug your loved ones, reach out to your friends, and stay safe."
"If you don't want to stay home for yourself, stay home for someone you love."
"Trust your instincts if something isn't feeling right."
"I would never want another human to stab me."
"It's not safe to speak, and it never will be. But it's even less safe not to speak."
"Avoidance of the fight is the most important self-defense tip you'll ever learn in your life."
"Be careful of the company you keep because if you're hanging around people who are conditioned by the Matrix and they're easily programmable or they're easily manipulated, they're the first people who will turn on you."
"It doesn't matter if there's 50 tornadoes tomorrow or one... if it hits your house, you're gonna wish you acted."
"If you're attacked in this country you have the right to defend yourself."
"It is not normal, it is not okay, and most importantly, it is not your fault."
"We've got to do something about them. That's why I have spray. Oh, but oh man, spraying toxic poison in a confined space seems like it might be a bad idea. I'm doing it anyways. Bring it on, spiders, you don't scare me!"
"You don't have to win the fight to win the fight."
"I use nine millimeter as a self-defense round that I carry to protect myself if another human tries to kill me."
"Especially when you know you could die, you know, it's serious."
"No one agrees to get killed when they go to Ed Buck's house no matter what they agree to."
"Self-defense is justified. If someone attacks, you've got to defend yourself."
"Be safe, stay vigilant, and carry your weapon."
"I wear a pistol all the time anyway, but you always want to be armed."
"It's been an honor to meet you guys. Please be safe out there."
"It's really important particularly in a world where I don't know where the risks are anymore."
"To feel safe... that feeling of safety... I think that's essential for anybody to live with peace of mind."
"If you're not dangerous, you're not going to survive, you're gonna become someone's victim."
"Seriously, I don't want to see any of your head asses in prison, especially you slouching in your little chair."
"Understanding where you're comfortable and what is actually beneficial for you because it can be very risky to not know that."
"This case is a prime example of why I carry pepper spray on me at basically all times."
"Cover your drinks when you're around twitch streamers man. I'm a YouTube streamer so I'm fine, you can trust me."
"I'm a pro-gun person I'm a big fan of guns I got a bunch of guns in this room right now but maybe crazy people shouldn't be allowed to have them if you if you're too old to drive a car maybe it is to take your gun away just putting that out there."
"Learning to live with it because he's never said he said he's dangerous."
"When you have all your [expletive] together legally and you know that, I'm not in no violence, it's priceless."
"This feeling was the first warning that would escalate to something worse."
"I don't know if it's a smart idea to lock myself in here."
"Listen to that inner feeling of impending danger."
"If my identity were known, it would put myself and my family at risk."
"You want to protect your children? Begin with yourself."
"Being a leader without a gun is not something that I want to do."
"When the government can't or won't ensure your safety, self-defense is your only option."
"Carrying mace gave me a false sense of security."
"Government can't keep you safe, only you can keep yourself safe."
"Think about what you put at stake and think about who's all at risk, even yourself."
"We're gonna remove the trespasser. It has to happen, okay? You have to get away from this guy. Anyone who calls a national radio show and is in this kind of distress tells me that there's serious stuff going on inside your walls. You understand?"
"This a flex. I would wear that to the club, but you know what, at least you could wear it to a club and not get drugged by some girl, you know, and have your watch taken in Miami."
"It's crazy to think that the deadbolt was the only thing between myself and an armed confrontation with intruders."
"I've had personal information shared about me, videos made berating me, fearful for my kids and grandkids' safety."
"Stay out of the cities protect yourselves and cross your fingers that this new supreme court ruling that comes up maybe in October will grant you the right to bear arms outside your house."
"When it comes down to the threat to them personally that's when you see things fall apart."
"I have never sent a nude. Oh, for my own protection, because I don't trust men."
"I've had to flee my country, my home because of the ongoing threats and the lack of action from law enforcement."
"If you're uncomfortable owning Firearms, at least know how to physically defend yourself."
"That's got to be a scary way to go... your pet who you raised from a cub."
"If you are in a situation... I really truly beg of you to reach out for help to somebody that you can trust and get out of that situation."
"Now, remember, this person is an abuser, so an abuser studies their victims and their victims are really anyone that's in their life."
"I'm just not gonna risk it. I'm not going to stop wearing PPE when I go outside until there's a vaccine."
"All it takes is if you see the mob of antifa in any location, if someone points at you and says Nazi, they'll start running and screaming towards you."
"Stay as far away from him as you possibly can. Don't trust him."
"The best self-defense is just have common sense."
"They're going to come to your house. They're going to come to your house."
"I follow my own advice. I moved from Oregon... to Utah because this is that state that is the farthest away from all of these population threats."
"Do your own research, do whatever you can in degrees to mitigate the dangers of this world."
"Don't feel like you have to come out and thereby put yourself in a position where you could be in danger."
"Luckily, I was able to escape. They almost turned me into a vegetable."
"The most important reason for wearing a mask is it stops you touching your face."
"Just make sure that you feel totally comfortable today, and no one will ever hurt you."
"Protect your kids. Protect yourself. Understand how valuable you are and understand how valuable kids are. And protect those kids even if they're not yours."
"Run away if you can avoid it, if you have options and they don't require you using your gun."
"Putting Vice President Pence's life in danger during the Capitol riot when he refused to go along."
"Um, a pregnant woman tried to fight me and since I didn't want to fight her because she was pregnant, her six foot five boyfriend chased me around my work facility at my old job and they tried to kill me."
"It's not even a battle between my freedom and our safety it's it's a contest between my safety and oh and that's it and no one else is safety because the the threat to other people's safety is not really going to change."
"A man approached from behind, I could hear the clacking of his shoes, I was by myself."
"What if? If I ever see a hole in my wall that looks anything like that one, I'm not taking any chances."
"I thought that we were gonna get shot. I thought I was gonna get shot."
"I realized if they think they can do this... they can do anything to anyone."
"We layer the security around our homes just like we layer our defenses."
"Knowing how to protect yourself is incredibly important. Hackers these days are getting extremely clever."
"If they come for me and they're trying to take my life or take my children's lives, I don't have an obligation to let you kill me, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."
"Telling a woman that you're not allowed to walk on the street without me, when you're not even a family relative of her, that does seem like a threat."
"Making music should be nice. You should enjoy the sound in here."
"Nobody has the right to hurt me like this. I don't want him anywhere near me and my family."
"I feel very hated by a lot of people and I feel scared to live in certain areas as does he."
"I did not want to leave Molly with this man in the white car."
"Sometimes violence and pain is required to protect your loved ones."
"I ran into my scariest ex last night... I tried to de-escalate him things he said were very scary."
"A girl like you shouldn't be walking home alone at night."
"Complying, giving in won't result in your life being secure, it'll just be a slow, you know, you're sinking in quicksand."
"You could be dealing with a situation that when you change your state of being, people can perceive you as an easy target."
"Kyle Rittenhouse almost lost his life... because he was defending himself."
"Why the [expletive] is she telling people where the [expletive] my staffers live? That is incredibly [expletive] weird to me."
"The question on a lot of people's minds is where is 14-year-old Ella Jones?"
"If you can learn to protect yourself even five percent, that's better than just protecting yourself at a rate of zero."
"He had the attitude that nobody could hurt him. I think he was wrong."
"It was really strange after we broke that story. I mean, Bob had death threats."
"The iron law of nature is that you are responsible for your own safety bottom line."
"I woke up with a startle only to register that there was a man standing silently at the foot of my bed."
"Separate isolated platforms will lead to radicalization and civil war on our Weimar Germany."
"This isn't a relationship, this is an encounter with a very dangerous type person."
"I have dealt with quite a few situations where I was way beyond uncomfortable, even one or two where I feared I might be abducted or worse."
"It highlights the importance of being able to protect yourself."
"If they kill me now, they don't get my Bitcoin."
"Protect yourselves out there, don't give out any of your personal information."
"That was actually a big deal... That helps, that leaves me kind of safe-ish."
"If I don't have needs, bad things won't happen."
"If you're physically weak, you're just gonna fall victim."
"I think the government's job is only to protect your nose from my fists."
"What matters the most is that we stay safe and that we stay happy."
"Conor Brown, you think Conor Brown's got some protection?"
"Anything happens to me, I need y'all to ride for me."
"People like that are very dangerous and if you can't avoid them, avoid them."
"Your main priority needs to be your safety. If you're in a situation where coming out would actually put you in danger emotionally, physically, mentally, however, I don't think that it's so important that you come out."
"It's all about protecting yourself, covering yourself."
"He's harassing me and threatening to kill me."
"The best way to win a fight is to avoid one altogether."
"Sometimes those closest to us can be the most dangerous."
"No one should be forced to stay with their abuser because they don't have the resources to leave."
"If you don't want to get shot by the police, don't pull a knife at them."
"I've never felt threatened by it, but it's definitely very unwelcoming sometimes."
"Don't answer the phone, especially if you don't know the number."
"I'm just making sure that I'm always protected at any point."
"About 60 percent of burglaries in the USA are made by someone you know."
"Pay attention to your surroundings... someone might be watching you from a distance and waiting for the right time."
"Staying clean, safe, and protected is very important."
"I've been harassed, I've been doxxed, I've been threatened."
"Since the initial issuing of the fatwa... there is still a price on his head."
"Trust your gut. If you feel someone should not be around you, that's not a good sign."
"We must restore the age-old right to self-defense. We have to be able to defend ourselves."
"Special precautions have been made today to prevent me from killing myself."
"Carry a knife and flashlight everywhere. They're basic tools for preparedness."
"I always hope to have you in my life and you are always safe with me."
"Everybody's at risk, your own life is at risk, the lives of everybody you care about are at risk."
"We know the drill now at our hotel: we grab our helmets, our body armor, we troop down to the car park in the basement."
"It looked like the same black car that I noticed going up and down my road over the last few days."
"Stay safe, stay vigilant, carry a good, and keep your friends, family, and community safe."
"We're sitting here talking about that's my friend, I love him, and so on. So what? I love getting home safe at night."
"Let's fix this right. You are never gonna have to be alone with him again. I will shut it down."
"He always traveled with a huge bulletproof tent."
"I have to be on the lookout... Next time it gets near me, I'm using my adrenaline."
"Nobody's safe, nobody, not me, not Steve Harvey."
"Thank you for staying home and staying safe, so keep continuing to do that. Make sure you wash your hands often, you know the drill."
"You have the abilities to protect yourself without external help."
"Maybe I need to start looking out for myself... you're not always gonna have a June to save you and keep you safe."
"Emma, she's upstairs and she could be in trouble."
"When we kind of go out and we talk about what the system can do... it can kind of protect you in three different cases."
"People get tired of being mentally abused, physically abused, verbally abused."
"I have the right to protect my family and myself."
"Everyone thinks it's never going to happen to me... is the day that you really need to think about."
"That's just so, so scary because that could literally be anyone you know."
"I would just as soon be left alone but if somebody's gonna come to my house to rape and kill my children I'm sorry all bets are off."
"If something doesn't feel right, don't hesitate to speak up and definitely don't blame yourself"
"When you focus on safety, when you focus on the good in your life, you start to take action from that place."
"Trust your gut and intuition; don't let anybody gaslight you. Trust yourself, always."
"Leaving an abusive relationship is so dangerous."
"It's just the idea. I never had anything ever really frightening me here."
"If you did scratch me I need you to get out here right now that is not okay."
"Those four days are kind of pillars, the tenants of the things that we try to impart on somebody that wants to be a better sheepdog. The first is aware. It's not just aware of your surroundings, it's also aware of yourself."
"The threats that I have received against my life and the lives of close family have been so terrifying and explicit."
"Without these, anybody can hack your computer, you can get a virus on there, somebody can snatch your phone and then you just lose control of everything in the devastating moment."
"You still always just have to continue to be vigilant."
"If you've got a guy like Chris Watts, it's not going to get better. You need to leave and find your happiness."
"Stay safe out there and stay creepy because this world is a strange one."
"She's saying she had to leave you. She had to orchestrate an escape from you to protect her child from you and your cult and your cult leader best friend."