
Personal Agency Quotes

There are 1214 quotes

"We have a lot of power over our own experience of our work."
"If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will."
"We don't have to accept the role that was given to us."
"I possess the power and free will to create my own happiness."
"There's no point in beating yourself up about the past... you can't change the past but the present and the future are yours to determine, yours to act on, and yours to be who you want to be."
"If you don't like it you can't change it, but you can create your own boundaries and set yourself apart from it and protect your energy from it."
"Exercising choice is one of the core foundations of happiness."
"Astrology doesn't dictate your life, you dictate your life."
"You are not a victim of circumstances; stuff is not happening to you."
"No one really can take away your happiness unless you let them."
"Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creatures of man."
"The individual is the only moral agent. I need to decide how to live my life, and the purpose of my life should be my life."
"Your future is not set, it's not written, it's whatever you make it, so make it a good one."
"You don't get what you want out of life, you get what you negotiate."
"When you change the way you think and feel, and it starts to produce effects in your outer world, now you start to realize you're the creator of your life."
"We all have our own personal agency. We're all people with our own thoughts, brains, who make our own choices."
"You do have the power to change the outcome simply by changing your actions, your behaviors, and your thoughts."
"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions."
"The moment you see the coincidence happen in your life, you're going to stop believing that you're the victim of your life and start believing you're the creator of your life."
"You can be the architect of your habits rather than the victim of them."
"You always have more control than you think you do."
"At 14, I decided I wasn't going to just let things happen to me. I was going to take charge."
"Separate things into two categories: is this up to me or is this not up to me?"
"It's really easy to assume that we are victims of other people's behaviors, but actually, we always have a choice who we interact with and how we show up in any connection."
"When you get fed information on social media, it is shaping your worldview, and you don't have control over that."
"You can literally do whatever you want; you're just not in the right environment."
"Do not let misery control the life that you have."
"You are not beholden to some sort of will of the universe. You have free will each and every day."
"You have control; you have agency. It doesn't have to be too complicated."
"The future is not just something to experience, it's something to manifest. It's inside of us, not just in front of us. It's our decision, not our conditions, that determine our fate and future."
"A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself."
"People have to be able to hold two thoughts in their head at the same time: You can believe that people have very tough circumstances and that we as a society have a responsibility to give opportunity and hope to people no matter the circumstances they came from. And then, on the other hand, that people still have some responsibility and some personal agency despite rough personal circumstances."
"You're only as lost as you let yourself be; you're only as stuck as you allow yourself to be."
"Personal agency is fundamental to the cosmos and it opens up the possibility that there could be a good answer to that question of meaning and purpose."
"Time is going to keep going on, but what you do with that time is something that you can control."
"Acknowledging there's something bigger and more powerful than you gives a sense of agency for right action."
"It's really nice to be able to tell your own story."
"The pencil can only do what you do with it; the pencil can't draw by itself. It needs you to pick it up and draw something on a piece of paper."
"Do you believe in fate? No. Why not? Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life."
"Spirituality says that life doesn't happen to you, it happens from you."
"It's not your circumstances, but you, Mario, you do something about your situation."
"It's your dream; you can make whatever you want out of it."
"We can move through life choosing the kind of life we want and actually having it unfold in our world."
"Making a movie, you understand me? I'm the main character."
"Words only have the power that you give them."
"I want you to be fed. I want you fulfilled in your life. I want you to feel like you actually have control within your society."
"Government has no intentions. Only people have intentions."
"It's up to you. You get to choose which path you want to take."
"Every single person chooses their life experience. Every single one."
"You do have control over your life, just in case you weren't aware. Some people don't know that they can make decisions and some people don't know that they can like change things about their life."
"It's really up to you how you live your life."
"I'm not constrained by things that are immovable and infallible; I am the architect of these things that occur."
"You do what you need to, queen; you had a good reason for it."
"If you don't like where you are, move; you're not a tree."
"Make the day what you wanted for you and yours."
"I'm tired of functioning around an enemy and living my life dictated by what the enemy says I can do."
"The only successful societies ever built, and the only successful people who have ever lived, are those who believe they have their own agency."
"You are the savior of your own life. You're the hero, you're the protagonist. Make something of it."
"You can't let things that are out of your control control your life."
"You decide what you want, okay. Something happens to you, okay, you learn from it, and you move on."
"When you understand the rules, you can play your own game."
"Your mind is the only thing you have control over."
"Do you think you can't cheat fate? In my case, I build it myself."
"We got control over the choices that we make."
"I really think it's contingent; it matters what we do. Human agency is really important."
"I will not be manipulated or brainwashed by anyone anymore."
"Psychics say they're telling you a path that they see for you, you can always change that path."
"Make your own decisions and live your own life."
"Don't let circumstances dictate your relationship."
"Money gives options, and it gives the person the option to say, hey, you know what? I don't feel like doing this today."
"I can make whatever videos I want to make and now I will bring them straight to you."
"America is a country where you're in the driver's seat of your own future, and that to me is the reason why the American idea is so magnetic."
"I had a great day today because I made it a great day."
"We are not victims of fate. We are not victims of the planets. This is a set of modeling clay in a particular pattern."
"I want to see change and if you don't take action to make change change will not happen."
"Making your life yours, making your choices yours, is political."
"They want you to think you have no capacity over your own life."
"Now is the time to create and take that action."
"Freedom is primarily a thing that you do, and not some sort of metaphysical state that you are."
"I just feel like so many kids who are disadvantaged don't know the power of knowledge. They're letting people write their narrative for them, and I just want to say, 'Look, learn, read, write.'"
"You either control the narrative or you let the narrative control you."
"Decisions, not conditions, determine our fate, our future."
"It's this information that is knowledge, power for to us feel our way through this."
"It's my fucking channel, I'll talk about whatever it feels to me at the time."
"Don't let them decide. It's your life, you write the story."
"I genuinely mean that is I can make these meaningful choices."
"Do everything you can to create a scenario in your life where you have control of it."
"See, the defenders of autonomy don't recognize this option at all because they want women to be helpless slaves to their own compulsions and passions."
"We need to create space for her to define what's happened to her."
"I think when I talk about agency, you are giving all of the agency to the man here, do you understand that you're doing that or no?"
"You have the power to manifest your reality."
"You don't let someone pick your lawyer for you, that's insane. Your life is in this lawyer's hands."
"Don't never just give up 100 because, like, you know, at the end of the day, life is what you make out of it."
"You do have agency and the only thing that you're guaranteed is adventure so buck up and go out there and fight for it."
"Your choices matter. You're gonna shape your own life."
"You can't control the future, you can't control other people, all you can control is yourself."
"Freedom is meaningless if you're incapable of acting on your desires."
"You are actually drawing it. You are the vortex that's collapsing time and space."
"I'm not going to let the font designer control the design. I'm going to be the designer here."
"Realize you are in control, directing things in your life."
"Now if you want something to happen, make it happen."
"Ultimately, they don't have a decision, regardless of whether they're in a relationship or it's an accident, whatever it is, it is the woman's choice."
"Empowering people to take charge of their own sexual pleasure feels like an absolutely perfect pairing."
"You can't control who's in office unless you're a lobbyist or part of a super pac but you can control how you invest."
"Don't let anybody define what doing enough is but do something."
"Everything can be changed. If there's something you don't like, look into what that something is and then change it to what you need and what you want."
"Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one."
"Basic rights when you're talking about somebody's ability to control what happens with their body."
"Empowerment is about knowing what's available to you and then you get to choose."
"As a citizen, you're responsible for your life too."
"Prince controlled his own image, his destiny, and the narrative about himself."
"Be under your own steam... agency, purpose, even when it wasn't on our plan for him."
"Your free will and what you do with it determines your outcomes, and not a pick a card reading on YouTube."
"You're asking for permission instead of support because it is your life not theirs."
"We are all player one in the video game of our lives."
"I think that's what I like about this country... we can make the changes that we want to see."
"It's a revolutionary act, I think, to be aware, and to take action, to swim upstream, against the current of society."
"The greatest trick the system can pull is convincing people they cannot resist. If you avoid the futility of perception of your own actions and your own power, you'll discover that like Britney Spears, you can occasionally finally be free."
"Own that power, wield the power that you already have."
"Teach them that their agency matters and they can do great things if they are good people and virtuous."
"I'm not gonna let him dictate what he wants to do. I'm gonna dictate what I want to do. I'm gonna do what I want because, in the end, I'll do what I want."
"Life can happen to you or life can happen from you."
"People take you less seriously when you are exercising adult agency or are attempting to be seen as an agent."
"Question everything: realize the world is bendable, and you can influence and build your own reality."
"If human beings don't exercise their personal agency, then they'll be controlled."
"You did nothing wrong. It's not your fault someone else weaponizing your own body against you."
"DNA is not destiny! You write the very script of your life!"
"I'm gonna do what you want me to do, what I wanna do, and I'm still gonna win."
"You are not a victim, we are powerful creators."
"If you ask, you can actually adjust some things of your job."
"You're not doing it because someone's shaking a stick at you."
"I don't get anyone off drugs. People get themselves off drugs."
"You're making those decisions, and I just appreciate that."
"A dragon doesn't get to kill you. You don't get to kill you. Only I get to kill you."
"Knock him out. Go around the system is my thing. The system didn't work. The system didn't work for me. It doesn't seem to work for a lot of people."
"We've got control over what happens to us. I think that's incredibly exciting."
"I think it's really important that we reinforce that human beings have agency."
"You are the conductor, you are the creator, you are capable, you are all right."
"You always have choices, you always have power."
"The more autonomous and confident you are, the more agency you have over your own actions."
"Never underestimate your ability to be the boss, to say what you need to say, to be firm."
"You are the magician here. You are the one that's making this special, you are the one that believes, and is making this unique to yourself; therefore, it's more powerful."
"The best way to manage your anxiety is not to find a poll that makes you feel better about yourself, it's to do some things that give you agency over the outcome."
"You have the power of creation and destruction... you always have and you always will."
"It's completely disempowering, it removes agency, it removes responsibility."
"Be confident in the choices and actions you take."
"You control the buttons you press" - a reminder of personal agency and responsibility.
"Half of being successful in business is deciding that you are the architect of your own fate."
"We don't control what happens to us, we control how we respond."
"Let's not become passive spectators of our own life, hoping that things come our way. Let's be purposeful about making it get better."
"Being able to sell things...means you need a sense of ownership."
"If a door opens and opportunity is knocking, it's a synchronicity that you created."
"This is your time, this is your world, you are the boss of your universe."
"These people are never going to give us our normal lives back. You want your normal life back? Start taking your normal life back."
"You can either be someone that allows the environment to dictate how you feel or what you do or you make your own [ __ ] way."
"You gotta make your own way the world doesn't happen to you you create your own world."
"Stop being a victim. I know they're all draining each other... like a bunch of vampires."
"Educate yourself so that you are driving your investment, not someone else."
"People allow emotions to get the best of them. No room for emotion in the big leagues. Passion, yes. But being clouded by insecurities is a huge vulnerability."
"You're putting a stop to things that will get in your way."
"Reality can be shaped and changed by my direct actions."
"Your experience is defined by the choices and decisions you make."
"You have to decide: I'm not going to allow the world to make me feel hopeless or powerless."
"I get to create my own expectations for my life."
"Everything is about choice. So you can either choose to partake or you choose not to partake."
"I do the actions in my creativity to claim my life."
"Can't hide from fate, but you can make your own."
"You should fight back however you can in your life."
"Take control of your life. Don't let anybody play around."
"I'm not saying that I get to do whatever I want individually all the time... but I have the political freedom in this country to persuade my fellow citizens."
"Recognizing that you are in control of your destiny to a point, fate is also intervening."
"You have to control the conversation on your channel."
"Turn the page, get off the ride, you are the author of the book of your life."
"This felt like a more secure way for me to make sure that my voice was heard."
"I'd rather die in my own hands rather than die in other people's. If I chose to do something and if I fail, cool, man. I'm still satisfied because I did it."
"Guess what? No! What are you doing, Stanley? Please, I'm asking you not to take this away from me."
"It is time to take action in your life. Stop waiting, thinking, or talking about it and take action now."
"Challenge the reality that was given to you and make a reality of your own."
"Nothing should be stopping you, especially in this country."
"Survive, thrive, escape, or die. It's up to you; you can do whatever you like. It's a free world."
"Choose when, where, and how you will spend your money. Make it count." - Hope
"Joy is a choice, just like love. We can either chase the feeling or we can choose the reality."
"Just focus on what you can do... what can you do to change the situation."
"You're in control of your own life. Stick with your gut feeling."
"Embrace what you're in control of in your life."
"A big part of broken science is... how do we as individuals... chart our own course?"
"To do something really great like Bezos or like Elon, you have to believe that you have agency over your own life. You have to believe that you can accomplish great things. You have to, you know, act with purpose and..."
"Move it speed people and things just don't happen for you. It's crazy, it's crazy."
"From now on, you can make life work for you, not against you."
"Don't let someone else do the story for you."
"Emphasize that work on that act on that don't fall into the trap don't fall into the game."
"I think that if you believe in something and you want to do it, you know, do it your own way and don't let anyone tell you how to do it."
"Life goes by wasted when you let others control it."
"Nobody can make you feel inferior except you consent. Don't participate in playing it small or dumbing down."
"Architecture is a verb, life is a verb, and we're the architects."
"This is our world... we can make this reality whatever we want it to be."
"What you tell the universe that you are willing to accept in your life and what you're demanding these things do happen."
"There's no right or wrong answer... just do everything that you can to make the most of the time that you have."
"Your choice is much more important than you think."
"Don't let anybody take your chance to impact our world away from you."