
Family Quotes

There are 105090 quotes

"What would I want written on my gravestone? Some combination of good father, good husband, and inspirational teacher."
"Much love and respect to her family. That's not pieces of garbage."
"This has been a father's day without a father."
"I believe the apex for human existence is either to have a family or to accomplish goals with other people."
"Nobody is going to fight for anything like a mom and a dad is going to fight for their kids."
"I'm so busy being content and full of joy with life, and watching life in my children's eyes, like starting it all over again and learning about my own, and navigating my way through it, to be thinking about the end of it. I just want to enjoy it."
"I chose wisely on my husband, you know what I mean, and have two beautiful, wonderful boys, and the people who are in my life right now, I value and treasure so greatly, so much so, I just enjoy that, enjoy them, enjoy moments, and I'm grateful for every single one."
"He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers."
"I love my family and we're all close. I'm so grateful because I know not everyone has that experience in their life."
"We would never go to bed angry. My mom would make us sit at the table and discuss, get it all out on the table, give each other hugs, wrap it up."
"The only people, especially in sports, that you should be listening to is probably your coach, your parents, your family."
"Every man is trying to live up to his father's expectations or make up for his father's mistakes."
"He wanted to provide his mother with a better life."
"He decided to buy a new home the next day, bringing him one step closer to the future he envisioned with his mother."
"You're the most important thing in my life. You as my son, I love you so much."
"Health first, family second, business third."
"Closure for me is finding my mom's body or finding just what happened."
"I would never give up having any of my children so I could have more money. They are amazing people and the world will benefit by having them in it."
"The biggest goal I've ever had in my life...was to be the best father I can be and, in turn, also the best husband I can be."
"The only obligation that really matters, the most important thing, is family."
"The happiest people are men and women married with children."
"Success is your kids wanting to be with you when you're an adult...it won't be like the size of the inheritance that you leave them, it will be, you know, are you still in each other's lives."
"Your crew is really a tribute to Resilience's name. We wish you all happy reunions with your families and loved ones."
"Don't sweat the small stuff, sometimes forget the chores for a day and just sit in your children's love and laughter."
"I'm constantly finding myself figuring out a balance to be able to spend wonderful quality time with my kids and also work on my passions."
"I would rather have less success and spend more time with them."
"But my mom, the biggest lesson: just love. Yeah, she's just love. It's love. It's just family. It's all about love. It's all about love."
"The father needs to be the servant of that household; he cannot be the dictator of that household. He needs to lead by example."
"We value fun, family, and food. But more importantly, we value our commitment to atoning for past mistakes and tying up loose ends."
"When I open the door and I come home for the first time I see family for the first time in years, sometimes I'm like, that's the feeling I get when I truly realize, 'Oh, okay, I'm home now.'"
"He's going to walk through that door, and this street will be flooded again with family and relatives all waiting to hug and love him. And that boy's going to have more friends than he knows what to do with when he comes home."
"The fundamental unit of society is actually not the individual... the fundamental unit of society is the family."
"Put some respect on my daughter's name. Period."
"I'm a pretty big Christmas movie guy. I like It's a Wonderful Life. I watch that every year with my family."
"The greatest environment for the success of a child is a two-parent household."
"Be yourself, be honest, do your best, take care of your family, treat people with respect, be a good citizen, and follow your dreams."
"Santa wasn't the only person who was busy last night. Me and Dad, we got red eyes, bags under our eyes, because we were up all night packaging up all of your presents."
"I hope you guys are having family and love or whatever makes you happy and brings you peace this weekend."
"Life is about people, it's about families, it's not about acquiring stuff and individualism."
"When you help women, you actually help families and you help change that society."
"If you have trouble, you can always come to us. If you fall, we'll pick you up and put you back on track."
"I think a parent's role is also to be there no matter what. That's really like your number one job."
"I've never been more secure in who I am and who I am not than when I made the decision to start a family."
"There's nothing the world can do that's going to impact this... when your family, when your home is in order, you have everything."
"Enjoy your family. I lost my family and didn't have anybody. I'm in a 100,000 square foot house by myself."
"Any day that I get to wake up next to my beautiful wife and hang out with y'all is a beautiful day."
"We're all in this game together. We're all trying to better our lives for our families."
"Every mother's duty is to protect her young."
"My grandma done bought her ticket; she's 96 years old to come to my wedding."
"May Allah preserve you, mom. May Allah bless you."
"If your potential is to raise a great family and raise really great kids and you've done it, that's greatness."
"Sometimes your family's going to have to get left behind if they're not on the same page."
"The family is the foundation of our society, of our culture."
"I needed time out and have like properly enjoyed it, just prioritized myself, family."
"Money isn't everything. True happiness could come from love and family."
"We are still a long way to go, but this family will get there. They just need to be consistent."
"This is great, not having to put your kid in daycare and they get both parents for 2 years."
"I love living with my amazing parents in the wild and learning a lot about animals."
"You can choose your friends and family. Yeah, you can choose your family now. It's choice, not blood."
"The most important person in my life is my mom because she was a single mother with four kids."
"Seeing my little sister wearing a little blazer and a shirt and looking just like a strong, beautiful woman, it was...moving for me."
"It was nice to have a year with my dad in a relatively peaceful environment."
"Love your family. Love you. We're all part of this cosmic family, and it's all about love. There's no power greater than love."
"This is not only my father's legacy, it's all of our legacy."
"For so many times that you could have grabbed the spotlight, you chose to be a servant and a support system for me and our three children."
"When my son came, that was my blessing from God to say, 'Khaled, this is your chance to be the greatest ever.'"
"You can't just wave off, you can't just knock out the foundation of our country, the Constitution of the United States."
"There is no level of success that is worth neglecting your family."
"The greatest men I will ever know were my grandfathers."
"The most unrealistic thing I've ever seen in a movie is when an entire family sits down to eat breakfast together on a weekday."
"My four-year-old daughter loves your Mario content."
"I will fight for my name, my family, and for the truth."
"What a wonderful thing for the grandkids to come and do with a grandparent or an aging parent."
"She loved her children more than anything in the world."
"We have physical interaction with others... missed is probably smell. So you can talk with your grandparents over zoom but that's not the same as visiting them and seeing them and smelling them."
"It's nice, just the three of us now. It's much more peaceful."
"His dream is something he had received from his parents; they are the roots and he can only receive nutrients from them."
"Children even lose contact with their parents, and if you have generations of family in Scientology and you were raised in the church and you decide to leave, that's it. In an instant, you are cut off from your entire family and most, if not all, of your friends."
"My brother passed away September 4th of 2019...I just remember after he passed away, it was very devastating to my family."
"By the end of the week, one of these women would be dead, another would be an accomplice in her murder, and the other one will be left with a child that was not her own."
"There's almost never a dull moment at this house. My house is like the unofficial hangout spot for my entire family, so I wanted to feel as welcoming and as comfortable as possible."
"I'm walking out of the pawn shop today with $1300, and I'm very happy. It's going to go on my kids' college education fund."
"I'll figure something out. I love you guys so, so, so much."
"I think the family are really nice, like they're all there for each other. It's something that I wish that I did more often with my family."
"A lot of a mom's life is the hard work she put in for her kids, the struggle that she faced...one of the hardest jobs is to be a mother."
"A man or a woman's future is started at home, and most of the time, it starts from the raising of the mother."
"I've watched as parents have lost children but kept their peace and joy and love. I've watched as families face tragedies, but the presence of the Holy Spirit was still apparent on their home."
"He that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him."
"The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him."
"I've always just wanted that of course I want to travel and everything but people make it seem like you can't travel with kids."
"You start to understand your parents way better...they were just humans like us, doing the best they could."
"My favorite part is seeing parents that are so happy for their success."
"A lot of immigrant parents come to give their children the best opportunities that they can."
"Your family just wants to see you succeed, so just to have these big moments like college acceptances together, that's a sweet moment."
"We always want more for our kids than we do for ourselves."
"I just want my family to be healthy and happy."
"This movie explored queerness in three different ways, right? So the first way was self discovery. The second way is the relationship with queer people and their families, and the third way is the relationship between queer people and society."
"Family is also a big passion for me, I moved for school, so I just want to work on continue building those relationships with my family."
"I went home to my husband, I went home to my beautiful son, and I did some soul searching."
"Spend time with your loved ones, make sure you tell them you love them, and get the most out of life."
"Sacrifice your things that make you feel a little better throughout the week for their future, it's worth it."
"You may be greater than your father or your grandfather."
"Enjoying time with my wonderful beautiful baby and my wife."
"A wise woman builds her house on a foundation of godly precepts and her household thrives."
"Sweetie, I'm your family. I'll always be with you."
"You guys make such a sweet family. Happy Thanksgiving."
"Don't forget to gather with your entire family, celebrate together, and show your appreciation to all your loved ones."
"Family is supposed to be there for you during the highs and lows of your life."
"Dear Andrew, trying out texting. Love, your grandma."
"If your parents don't love and accept you for who you are this Christmas, fuck them. I'm your parents now."
"We are all God's children; we are fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters."
"Your family, however you define that word, are some of the only people that you can count on no matter what."
"I want Billy to be my father because that's who I have always known to be my father."
"He completely destroyed the lives of his family and everyone who knew and loved Melinda."
"He won the S+ ending because...he's now enjoying semi-retirement with his family. He won."
"A family to me means loved ones who can come together, who can sit at the table and talk to each other."
"We're not perfect, but we're family, and that's what counts at the end of the day."
"She seems like she's just really enjoying it, and she's comfortable, and she's with her family, and she's racing."
"My family, they've always been there, no matter what has happened. They've always stood by my side."
"I'm a product of a very, very strong single mom."
"We're three men here with families, with obligations, responsibilities."
"Family channels have been existing on YouTube for quite a long time."
"I'm not going back the other way. I'm only poor, but I'm family-rich."
"Enjoy life. What's the use of being a billionaire if you don't treat yourself and your family once in a while?"
"We both love Stormi and want what's best for her. We stay connected and coordinated."
"Anytime you and I ever go through anything that's like classic parenting or struggle parenting, it always makes me just go, we're like such a great team."
"When you adopt a child... you are establishing a parent-child relationship with that child as if that child were born to you."
"This is the family next door, very connected, very loving, very bonded."
"He was very good to the boys, and he taught those boys so much."
"They had it all. I mean, it was one happy family."
"Family is a beautiful thing, and without family, it can be very lonely."
"We're very grateful for our family, our health, our life."
"I guess my greatest gratitude in you saving my life is that my daughter gets to have her mom and have a good life."
"It's so powerful to see how my mom handled this situation; she's amazing, you know, and she's really, really strong."
"The only other men's opinions you should care about in regards to yourself is your father or your grandfather and maybe some of your friends who've known you for your entire life."
"Be nice to your parents, say please and thank you."
"Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed."
"This little boy is what matters. Mr. Lord doesn't matter, you don't matter, dad doesn't matter, Mr. Shaw doesn't matter, I don't even matter."
"That's it; this child is all that matters to me."
"When you take the feelings out of it, and you realize that the child is the most important part of the relationship, you can do magical things."
"We're a family, a team, no one's against each other."
"You pretentious... You're such a good guy, Dad. I'm so lucky."
"I thought he was the best. My mom was long gone, so all we had was each other. He used to call me his little Moonbeam. As sappy as that is, when I was 14, he vanished and left me all alone. Never even said goodbye."
"The beauty of growing up in India for me was the familial idea of family is beyond just four people or five people."
"Remember, friends, take care of your daughters so they don't have to spend a lifetime healing wounds created from unhealthy choices that you're making today."
"Your future and a family being together under one household all is on this moment right now."
"Take care of your precious pearls, your daughters, and your wives."
"She supported me when everyone else left me."
"And Allah gave me from her, daughters and sons."
"I always knew that I was loved. I always had support to do what I needed to do."
"The moral of the story is it's a film about family, really."
"At the end of the day, it's a film about family."
"I'm sorry, Mom. I just wanted to protect you."
"Whenever you tear down a parent in front of a child, it takes a piece of that kid away."
"Kim Woo's dad says they should celebrate because the potatoes sold for $7,000."
"Food tastes better when you eat with family and friends."
"There are many joys in life, and one of them is to see your children walking in the truth."
"It was beautiful to see that he had mended those relationships with his kids."
"If you're not laughing, if you're not having fun, if you're lonely, if you can't take care of the people you love because you kids don't have the ability to connect, you're broke."
"My definition of success... is providing and taking care of the people that I love."
"If there's one thing I love more than spending the holidays with my family, it's spending the holidays with my family while eating delicious meat from Good Ranchers."
"I just love him and I'm so grateful for him and I'm just so grateful to be a mom."
"I'm in love with New Jersey, love to be on the beach, nice house, three kids, and a healthy family."
"I love my family... the most important thing is not to let them down."
"I love my son, I'm glad that he's home, and he's going to have the great future that he deserves to have."
"The true happiness is stability; it means that you now can comfortably shelter your family, feed your family, the basics of life."
"I want time to hang out with my family; I want to go to the beach and not be on my phone working the entire time."
"The Sanchez family, despite living in a nihilistic universe, are able to find meaning in each other, helping to ground those that they love."
"Making a record with my dad was... like a bucket list thing for me for a long time."
"Families come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they can stay the same, but sometimes it may need to change so everyone could be happy."
"We've had some rough patches, as every family does, but... everybody's just doing pretty good these days, and it just makes me so happy because that's what I've always really wanted: just for everybody to be okay."
"There was no distractions, no activity to do. It was just Dave, my mom, and me, from three different generations, spending long, slow time together."
"Men are spending more time in child care, more time with their kids."
"Let's cherish the time we have with our babies, man."
"My wake-up call was my daughter asking me if I was going home when I was actually leaving for work...that was like, oh my god."
"I really want to get better at surfing... I want to write another book or two... But man, I just want to like, watch my kids grow up."
"Christmas is about family and about loved ones."
"I'm doing well, you know. The reality is, as long as the 15 people I love the most in the world are healthy, I'm doing great."
"The fourth way to be a classic woman is to have your priorities straight, putting your faith and your family first."
"Rich isn't what you think it is, kid. Rich sounds like money and stuff... but rich is having a strong faith, rich is having a great family and loving your family, rich is having great friends."
"Home is rest. Just a place where my family can come, where I can come and exhale."
"Someday when I'm not here, I hope that my grandchildren will love these things, and there'll be enough to go around to everybody."
"I thoroughly enjoyed it because my granddaughter was dancing through the entire thing."
"You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family."
"Playing with Jude is worth more than any money or luxury you can offer me, so my decision remains the same."
"We're the ones that are most interested actually in finding ways to make sure that we can go to work and feed our families."
"Father issues tend to go hand in hand with trust issues. When you grow up with a dad who is constantly letting you down, it's really, really hard to trust anyone else again."
"Enjoy your career, be able to make your family happy, make yourself happy."
"It's all based on priorities, and I just want you to know that if my family can do it, you guys can do it."
"Cindy, Mama, I'll find you for sure once I'm famous. I promise."
"I love you, my son. I cannot promise anything right now, that includes my recovery. Just letting you know that you are the most beautiful soul I've ever encountered in my entire life."
"You're here today because your mother chose life as well."
"Football isn't that important in terms of what we're talking about; health is the most important thing, family is the most important thing."
"First your children, okay, second me... because I'm your mama. I was the first woman in your life."
"Your mom can't cheat... your mom is always going to be there."
"You lose everything tomorrow, you start being addicted to heroin, to crack, and all of this, your mom would be there by your side."
"Ten of cups is about emotional satisfaction and happiness... wanting marriage, children, and that commitment."
"I wanted to thank her for being the best mother I could ever hope for."
"Tell your parents how much you appreciate what they've done for you."
"Gangsters don't hire family members for their qualifications, they hire them for their silence."