
Personal Legacy Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"What would I want written on my gravestone? Some combination of good father, good husband, and inspirational teacher."
"I have my own legacy, my own chapter, my own destiny that's destined by God."
"Remember your name, yeah. Oh yeah, you mean when people in the future are like, 'Hey, who started Twitch politics?' and like, 'I think it was a song.'"
"I just want to be remembered as a man who did whatever he wanted."
"One of the things that I have done since my oldest was five...I started to record a journal for them."
"Every one of you has a page in the history of the world. What is that page? How do you make that page which is going to be referred by the prosperity?"
"How would you like to be remembered? As someone honest."
"Myrtle was known for her kindness, her countless efforts to be involved in her community, her love of music, and for all the ways that she loved and supported her children."
"This Foundation was created by Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen in the memory of his grandmother."
"I'm gonna leave a hell of a mark on my way out."
"He did benefit the community and the people around him, and basically, that's what you want to be known for."
"You were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was the bravest man I've ever known."
"The true measure of a person is not what they take from this world but is what they give this world."
"While Bender has over and over again looked for ways to be remembered, the things that really do leave a lasting impact for him are his relationships."
"Your reputation is everything. It's what precedes you and it's what people are gonna know about you after you're gone."
"I don't want to be remembered as a speaker that bored."
"If you died today, what dreams, what gifts, what talents would die with you?"
"The name carries arguably more weight than any other in the sport ever could."
"My father's a Black Panther, my mother was arrested... to fight for us to have the right to vote."
"Your legacy is defined by you and how you choose to play. This is your world, it's time for you to be the one."
"But man, when it came to his personal legacy, the way he wanted to be remembered, to make sure that he was a big deal in plain English, in the future, he was willingly and knowingly breaking the law."
"I don't want to die with that being my only story outside this place."
"I want them to remember me as joyful and kind and grateful."
"His contribution to English Cricket especially Lancashire will always be remembered for his resilience and commitment to the game." - Tribute to Bob Ratcliffe
"He will be remembered not just for his skills on the field but also for his leadership off it." - Tribute to Piero Trappinelli
"What people remember about you is how you made them feel."
"I just want my legacy to remember as a dancer, that's all I want."
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives."
"No one cares if you quit without making a name for yourself. If you grind through it and become a player, a figure in the community, whether it's a content creator, a player, a streamer, then people start caring about you."
"Thank you for everything. It was a fun journey. Whether you loved me or hated me, when you're 90 years old rocking in your old chair, you'll still remember exactly who Prank Invasion was or who Chris is."
"My brother need not be idealized or enlarged in depth beyond what he was in life to be remembered simply as a good and decent man who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it."
"You never know, 20 years later people are still going to be talking about the shit that you were doing at that moment."
"Life wasn't enough for a man like my father, he was going to live it all over again through me."
"Nipsey is and was a man of the community whose community first."
"The legend that's attached to your name is what I will forever see you as and in fact, what I respect the legend of you even more for is the truth and transparency that you put on display through your life."
"Live your life to where you got a lit funeral."
"When you're old and telling your grandkids at how you spent your life... do you want to be in the generation who fought in the world wars or who lived in the 80s?"
"The most important Legacy for me is the Legacy that I leave with my family."
"What will matter most is what others learn from you about who they really are and what they can really become." - President Henry B. Irene
"His gift to the world was the music he created."
"I believe Margaret would like to be remembered as a leader who was more interested in the people than in personal gain."
"Let them say I walked with giants, I lived in the time of Achilles."
"Some people live really incredible lives in terms of success, but that's not what I want my obituary written about."
"Rewrite the script, redefine your legacy, redefine success."
"Goku's Story shows that you can be more than the tragedy of your ancestors and that your descendants don't have to be defined by your hardships."
"Choose your own legacy. It's for you to decide."
"My death is going to be more interesting than most because I've given public approval to use my personality and my body of work to create an AI, and somebody's going to take me up on that."
"I want the legacy of being the open-sourced entrepreneur... my stuff is free and I want people emailing me every day like you put me on, you put me on."
"I feel like I helped build hip-hop. I put a brick in that wall."
"The meaning of life is the impact that your life has on other people's lives."
"I think the most important thing is to have a memory of Dianna and her good life."
"If y'all ain't fool with me when I was living don't be speaking over me at my funeral when I'm gone" - TS Madison
"My legacy is just that I was a good breeze and I made an effort to serve as good."
"Stand up for something that's going to make your people better because you were here than they were without you being here."
"Put yourself and your genius into your work, and it will live on after you."
"This was a life well lived; my life mattered."
"Whatever hand was dealt her, she took it and made the very best that she knew how to make all of her life."
"Get in shape, apply for the lifeguard job, you'll make some good money, you'll have a great summer, and it's a good legacy to have."
"Trump is truly one of the most influential people who's ever lived, I think he is. Totally is. He wants his name to be remembered. That's obviously the his sole purpose and he's gonna do it."
"Leave the world a slightly better place than when you entered it."
"He died alone in a small one-bedroom apartment, unaware of the legacy his cars would have."
"I don't want my grandkids to know that I went doing some [__] that I wasn't supposed to."
"You're telling me when they find my bones in 100 years, they're going to say, 'We can tell this guy was a dick because of his ankles, his kneecaps.'"
"Stanley lived an amazing life and he has one hell of an amazing story."
"He wanted respect for the art... that's what he gained and gave to the comic industry."
"Her greatest pleasure was bringing joy to others through her storytelling both on screen and off." - Statement about Jessica Walter
"It's literally Lockhart chapter, it's his namesake chapter."
"Live for you and live a life so that when you die, you look back. And there are no regrets that are in your control."
"Chao believed you could measure the worth of a man by the number of people who attended his funeral."
"I want my legacy to be what I do after I was released from prison."
"I have no more lessons to give in this life except one: promise me you won't repeat my mistakes."
"The things that you created and put into the world, that's what makes room for you."
"I know who I am, and I know what my legacy is."
"Melissa is literally helping people to this day, you know, 19 years after she's been gone."
"Janet is once again taking back control and her legacy."
"Among the many virtuous individuals Walter had encountered, Kylie stood out."
"This is about the future of the world. It's my legacy."
"I'm gonna leave a legacy for Jesus Christ that he didn't make a mistake of picking me."
"Mango's losers runs are as crucial to his legacy as his love of a good brewski."
"You're making some kind of big mark in the world, some big indelible impression on someone or the world and something in what you're doing."
"How you remember me is like this: in a fight I couldn't win, I got up." - Chris Eubank Sr.
"I want my legacy to be that I fought hard for sound money."
"I feel certain that my mission will not come to an end upon my death but will begin."
"Reputation is what you chisel on your tombstone; character is what the Angels say about you before God in heaven."
"From Sherborn town where I now dwell, my name I do put here without offense. Your dear friend, I am Peter Folger."
"If they were to put one on my tombstone, it will definitely be the Rubin Report appearances."
"Ash is a person who will go down in history as being in a league of his own."
"I had no choice I had to do it see the opportunity or when I go everyone gonna Remember My Name Big Smoke."
"She made an undeniable and lasting mark anyway."
"How much can you become while you're alive, not how much can you obtain while you're alive, right? That's how you produce a legacy."
"This is my legacy. This is the hill I'm willing to die on."
"What is it that I'm trying to do to build, to create, to shift, to change? What's my legacy?"
"Be what you are, if you live the legacy of your spiritual faith you will be a good person."
"The one thing we've Rush what he wants to create his own legacy see those once it create his own identity he doesn't want to be compared to other players and young players if they want to be great they've got to bring their own style to the game."
"When he was diagnosed with potentially terminal cancer, art dealer Forrest Fenn decided to do something fascinating with his final time on Earth."
"Anne Frank's story has been depicted in movies and on stage, which one hopes not only do her life justice, but would also make her proud."
"A wise man once said to leave the world a little better than you found it."
"Harvey was Harvey the tortuga Holden, slow but he always won. So let the people win this time."
"Lessons that I learned from him: just going out there and giving the city of Philadelphia everything he had."
"Rockefeller was and forever is a part of his legacy, same as mine."
"What does David Marley want to be remembered for? I just want to be remembered."
"If I leave anything behind, it's this, the only thing that I can really call my own."
"I'd Like to Be Remembered as Somebody Who Entertained, Who Took One Out of Oneself for a Few Minutes, a Few Hours, Transported You into a Different Venue, Gave You Relief, Gave You Entertainment, and Gave You Joy and Laughter and Tears."
"You're gonna have no choice but to start to give to people, give to people like no tomorrow. One thing you're going to be known for in this world is giving."
"He lived his life as when he died he died for standing up for what's right."
"Don't let the world forget who you are leave a positive mark on this [ __ ] earth seriously I hate to see you die with my ex - grandpa 30 likes it's not cool all right guys."
"Your life will speak for who you are on its own."
"Elijah Jefferson Bond, the first person to patent the Ouija board, has a Ouija board etched into the back of his gravestone."
"Faith simply made the world a better place to live."
"People will analyze the effects of my existence on the growth of human civilization for the rest of time."
"Even his family remains in the dark. 'If I die tomorrow, the knowledge of that location goes in the coffin with me.'"
"I want to be cremated... spread out on the terrain to a terrarium."
"In all honesty, I just want them to remember a great guy that had a good vision on the physiological aspect and obviously a champion."
"In fact, his son Victor said that his father was like a ship with a broken rudder."
"I'm at a stage in my life, you know I'm 72 years old, and the most important thing I could do is pass along whatever I have that's of value."
"She's carrying the torch for the entire bitcoin community and I think she views it as an opportunity for her legacy."
"His legacy endures in the hearts of those who loved him."
"He enjoyed a good party and he died as he lived, with wit, charm, and panache. A real working-class hero, Jack Shepherd was a legend in his own lifetime and long after."
"I haven't been there in a while I don't know how to be received and that's just me thinking that's just me seeing a dude not understanding his legacy."
"The choices Sakamo made when he was alive, and he is proud to be his son."
"Hopefully when they remember me they're like, 'Yo, that dude worked his ass off and he did it with a smile.'"
"Whatever you may think of the man he became, there's no denying he was made to play chess."
"I just want to be remembered as a good man, a loving husband and father, and a person who was a giver."
"Now I have this amazing sort of heirloom to pass on to my children."
"Tom ran his race with endurance and faithfully completed the calling of his life. May we all aspire to the same."
"How would you like to be remembered? A crazy lovable guy."
"May memories of her warm, vibrant, enthusiastic personality and her constant words of love and encouragement continue to inspire and comfort those touched by her life."
"Your wife and your children will remember you more than anyone else."
"Your dream dies with you. Oh, maybe not you."
"He gave Octavius the most precious thing he possessed. He gave him his name. Caesar."
"At the end of the day, my name is gonna be the one that's in the history books for years and decades to come."
"At least I shall die regretted; I have always desired the happiness of France."
"I want everyone to know my name. I want to be remembered as someone who made a positive impact on the entire world."
"I dedicated my life to becoming the great architect. For half a century, I labored at this. I built the city they live in. And how do the people of Lindau know me? I am the disfigured architect."
"There's some sort of test. I don't know, how they remember you, that's all that counts."
"Lang Walker's zest for life, relentless pursuit of perfection, and generous spirit will continue to inspire and live on through his family and the many lives he touched."
"She declared that she would be content to have her marble gravestone read, 'Here lies a queen who lived and died a virgin.'"
"Legacy is tattooed on my back. It's all that. This is for baby."
"I just want my tombstone to say he died the way he would have wanted: drawing cards."
"You are the continuation of the best story ever written."
"He gave him aspiration with change it changed the world."
"Here's to BJ Penn the man, the legend, and indeed the fighter Who Bore the weight of that Infamous seven-fight losing streak yet within those losses there lies a testament to resilience."
"Think about your place in history and who you were and what impact you left."
"What's your legacy? What's the impact that you want to have on others?"
"To this day his stuff is on every freaking computer out there it's just really nuts to think about."
"Nipsey Hussle wasn't a regular dude, let's just get that straight."
"My legacy and proving people wrong, that's just it."
"I want to be known for the person who rang out every last bit of talent I have."
"Before Vera died, she left her daughter one last gift which was found inside the pocket of her hoodie. The gift was a handwritten note from Vera to her daughter."
"Whatever answers he had in this case, it seems Robert took to his grave."
"There is nothing he can do to tarnish his legacy."
"It has genuinely made me re-evaluate the kind of mark that I want to leave on the world."
"Our life has an impact now people may never know us by name but what we do how we speak how we carry ourselves how we choose life on our day-to-day basis is our way of leaving a ripple effect."
"Bugsy Siegel might not have been the man who invented Las Vegas as he is often called, but his legacy remains unique."
"You don't care about gifts and [ __ ] like that. You care about like 'yo, have you made an impact on people enough that they could show you appreciations on days like this?' Beautiful thing."
"I believe at the end of the day, we leave with stories. That's the only thing we have."
"What do you want people to remember about you?"
"My legacy now is more like... I'm just trying to be a good dad and a son... just show her a different side of me."
"What would you do if you went to a party and found out that your friends were playing with some weird object that supposedly was possessed?"
"This is going to be the defining year of my legacy."
"If people can remember me as a brother in Christ and then someone who made a positive impact for the sport, then I did my job."
"What kind of legacy are you building in your life?"
"There's a part of you in everything you create, your legacy, a craftsman's legacy."
"I wonder what that Fella's going to tell his grandchildren he did for a living."
"When I die, in my grave, I want to know that I helped you finish this thing."
"I think that speaks to the legacy that he had."
"Robin's life was a love letter to the sport and all of the people in this room."
"Promise that you'll sing about me."
"I want my legacy to be straight... that's between me and God."
"I need my own pepper greens, my own legacy, my own recipe."
"I prefer to be remembered as an overall athlete, very good at everything that they throw at me."
"It's not about money, it's not about the house... I want to be able to die knowing I did everything I wanted to do, I said everything I wanted to say."
"Legacies are messy because we are often someone very different to different people in our lives."
"I want for the words I'm saying here on this channel and the words that I'm writing down to paper, I want those to be the things that I'm known for, not my appearance."
"I've got a legacy to live, and I'm doing it in a very big way."
"Go and write your own history, go and create your own football team, play the way you want to play."
"If my name ever goes into history, it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it."
"This is my name forever, this is my memorial to all generations."
"You can't let someone else's agenda keep you from having a life, a family, and building your own legacy."
"If I live a hundred years or for 100 hours only, this motion shall always be my greatest contribution to my country, Uganda."
"After the death of his father, Sunny made a conscious effort to distance himself from Al Capone's legacy."
"It's not about leaving something for people, it's about leaving something in people."
"Then my legacy won't be meaningless."
"I'll probably never live long enough to see some of these things develop into new medicines."
"Maybe my legacy on the golf course is not my legacy, maybe my True Legacy is what we're doing with live for the game of golf."
"So sailors can see this tower, and remember my name, and call it Beowulf's tower."
"Don't remember me for what I did. Remember me for who I am."
"She touched millions of people and left the biggest imprint in everyone that she knew."
"Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's inspiring."