
Skill Improvement Quotes

There are 987 quotes

"I found a way to make editing videos really enjoyable...finding a way to add variety to it, finding a way to kind of level up my skills each time and make sure that each video had something that was slightly different than the previous one."
"The best part: you can try all this out completely risk-free. If you don't rank up while actively using Skill Capped, you get your money back, no questions asked."
"The Power Disc Golf Academy is the premier online disc golf academy with over 150 on-demand lessons that are specifically designed to improve your skills right now."
"Focus on refining your skills and your talents and to focus on your career."
"You might be a master of your craft in a year if you spend every single day practicing, working on your skillset."
"Invest in myself... upping my skills, my equipment."
"Don't feel bad if they didn't pick you, at least you learned something from the process. You sharpened your skills, you got better."
"Practicing welding, taking breaks, and then coming back to it can make you more observant and improve your skills."
"The more subtle your changes are, the better your editing will become."
"Regular reading practice improves overall reading skills, including comprehension and speed."
"Take a handful or maybe just a couple of these ideas, put them into practice, and watch your language skills transform in front of your eyes."
"Intrinsic progression involves a player’s self-driven improvements."
"I figured out a long time ago there's a lot of value in helping people improve their skills at whatever you can help them improve their skills at."
"Back button focus can really change how you shoot and make you a quicker and more effective photographer."
"Practice one sensitivity for one to two weeks... if you're still not better with it, then you can consider switching."
"The more of wisdom we know, the more we may earn. The man who seeks to learn more of his craft shall be richly rewarded."
"I'm a big fan of reading aloud. I think it's an excellent practice that you can do to improve your pronunciation, your fluency."
"Finding out your main mistake and focusing on it until it becomes instinct is the fastest way to improve and to see very notable improvements in how you play."
"In Jiu-Jitsu, you can literally get 50% better every six months forever."
"Code regularly, code every day. You want to get better because just like anything else in life... you're gonna get a lot better than the person who does that once a week."
"If you're already really good at what you're doing, it may help to find something else to distract you."
"You can do all these things, you know, a couple of hours a day, your speaking is going to improve a lot."
"Practice, practice, practice. Really work hard on the questions."
"I'm hoping that all of the learning that I've done around using my outdoor oven will pay off today with delicious fresh baked sourdough."
"Turn on that movement error indicator in your crosshair settings to better understand just how inaccurate you are at doing certain things and how and when you're counter-strafing correctly."
"Even the worst companion will skill up and become custom built how you want them."
"The goal is to help you play these heroes better than you could before, using the knowledge of how each one is meant to work."
"One of the most important skills that you can have in any creative work is to be able to extract useful change even out of unconstructive criticism."
"If you want to improve at something, you need to do more of it."
"Dedicating yourself to being excellent and doing the repetitive tasks, you get better at the thing, and then you tend to like the things when you get better at them."
"More awareness should mean a greater ability to make complex plays."
"The more time and energy you put into improving the skills required, the less luck will be involved in growing."
"Recording yourself while welding... makes a person a lot better."
"Sometimes I read out loud to practice pronunciation."
"You're going to see a significant increase in your first design versus your design on day 30, trust me."
"But it's actually getting you more and more comfortable with how to hold the brush."
"Once you get really good and fast at this stuff, it's going to blow your mind how much of your email you throw away once you kind of lose the fear."
"The feeling here is it's almost like letting the club fall on the back of the ball instead of trying to hit. Just try to pull your hand through. Relax that arm, relax the shoulder, and let the club fall on the back of the ball. Just trust it."
"If you want to get better at something, you need a coach to help you get there."
"Thanks guys for joining on that flight...become a better pilot just by being able to lower your workload and increase your threat their management."
"You're going to be able to be much more accurate with your pinpointed stabs."
"Focusing on building up yourself, improving your skills, improving your knowledge is the best investment you can make."
"I might be getting better at this rail thing."
"Work on specific drills and deliberate practice to elevate your game and stand out."
"Fortunately you guys will have a few more seven and a half hour drives in which you can really bone up on your movie trivia."
"Real live game reps are the best way to improve, especially on things that aren't directly related to your skill."
"Every time you create something, you're improving your skills. That's an achievement in itself."
"Driving with better drivers... is the best way to progress your skill set."
"Repeated fails don't make the enemies easier, they make you better."
"Learning strategies such as be short split on Mirage and execute at a specific second of the round will help you win games and gain elo."
"It takes you an hour to do a photo, you get to the point where you can do 30 a day by yourself."
"With your videos, I was able to improve my soldering skills and have fixed a very expensive broken PCB of a machine in the company where I work."
"Actively seek out as much feedback as possible on this power skill that you're trying to learn."
"It's very easy to get into but it's also very easy to like understand like what you did wrong in order to improve..."
"Practising your writing skills is a surefire way to improve your English level."
"You're gonna have better feel for your face in your path and you're gonna have a better feel for the flight of the ball."
"If your problem is that you can't pass the interviews, then that means you just have to up your data structure and algorithm skills."
"Practice and time make talking to the camera easier."
"Expressive typography and exploring a lot of things, refining the letter forms is something that you can definitely improve on."
"I definitely felt my movement in stealth improve over the course of this challenge."
"After some more fighting and learning literally every little aspect of godric's moveset, I did it. It felt so good."
"We're just getting better at this with more time... I really hope that people are following along and doing the challenges with us."
"Staying competitive in the meta requires a good player to constantly level up their skills."
"Lessons and practice are really the only way you're gonna improve."
"Cooking is one of those things that once you start to understand, you can make leaps and bounds."
"Deliberate practice is about practicing with the intention of improving."
"Watch good players play. It's the method to ranking up."
"Active practice is better than passive practice."
"From my perspective in heroic level raiding, there's so much power to be gained just by playing better and knowing the fights."
"Practice is the most successful advice I give people."
"The meter is the easiest tool to help improve yourself as a Pit Master and learn what worked well and what didn't work well so you can learn from that and move on to bigger and better things in future cooks."
"Stop [__] around in B class and go for Master because you have the skill set, all right?"
"Making sure you're putting this into your own gameplay I can guarantee you'll see massive improvements in your skill your gun skill."
"Picking one and getting better with that person would result in better performance."
"I felt like it was doing two things: playing the game because I enjoyed it, and playing the game because I wanted to be better at the game."
"If you do that, it will improve your odds of becoming a profitable trader dramatically."
"I like to help the casual gamers kind of make their way up to GM level and doing master raids and everything in between."
"Practice every day, even if it's just a few minutes."
"Learning better time management has been one of his biggest takeaways."
"I'm not the best overclocker...but I'm pretty good at it these days overall."
"Congrats on taking your game to new heights."
"It's gonna help you yield more professional results."
"The more you play this game, the longer you play this game, the better you get at it because now I feel like my brain is just on fire, it's firing guys firing on all cylinders."
"Majority of improvement comes from car control."
"Learning stupidly simple songs actually makes you a substantially better player."
"If you want to improve in WoW and take your game to the next level, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell to be notified the moment we release more premium guides."
"I'm almost there I gotta use shift lock dude I gotta be a pro dude you could do it."
"Centering your crosshairs... is the number one way to anticipate more enemies."
"Coding challenges are a great way to improve your skills."
"This hobby is about learning and getting better every day, there's no end game, there's no end point for this."
"Shooting it over and over, you begin to figure that stuff out."
"It's possible to take a Pokémon with an awful move set and make them good."
"Playing solo Duos is easily one of the best ways that you can improve."
"Put yourself in stressful situations where you have to figure something out. Regular tournament attendance is crucial for improvement."
"You want to be valuing your passive stacks, you want to be understanding your weaving in Auto Attack stacking up your conquer, you want to be utilizing your W."
"The more plus skills we have, the more we murder."
"I want to play the game more, I want to get more chances to outplay you."
"Playing a cube is still playing Magic the Gathering and brushing up on your magic the Gathering gameplay strategy is vital."
"The real buff comes in that he has an entire second shaved off his Q, that is where it's gonna come in so this converts to damage output in mid and late game because he's getting extra Qs off that he otherwise wouldn't have been able to have."
"If we're looking for the Silver Lining these people did pay 2019 prices for 2023 art so there's that there's that you know Silver Lining positivity and they got 2023 skills whereas if I painted them in 2019 I don't think they would look as good."
"This is how you win games in this game right practicing hitting those in the green as much as possible."
"Adding new skill to the game is a really good thing."
"Even if you're not a professional at this very moment there's no reason you can't start acting like one right now."
"Repetition is key; the more you consistently do it, the cleaner it will look."
"The challenge isn't just some simple gimmick but an integral part of the game's design that pushes you to play better and understand the game's mechanics."
"To be successful, you have to do those difficult things of repeating and improving the same things over and over again."
"Unique sit in the game like underused magic cards where in the future you find a combination that works incredibly well with it."
"Platinum was pretty hard overall and so I knew if I wanted to get through Diamond I was going to have to call up one of the best Fortnite players."
"It literally makes you also a better player, ironically."
"Creativity is a muscle, the more you practice, the stronger it gets."
"There's never a better time to improve your skills than today."
"You put time and energy into getting better at something, you will actually get better at that."
"Most weapons are viable in fights as long as you keep improving them."
"Sparring can help you more than most people think."
"Train yourself to focus your mind where you want it to go that is a skill you can level that [ __ ] up."
"Each time I make like the ravioli, I'm improving every time."
"I literally spent the entire week doing photography courses being taught by these amazing world-class photographers and it shows."
"Just click the head. That's what I tell people if you want to get better at this game. Click the head."
"Almost every enemy, even the mid-sized ones, has a stronger defense, pushing you to get better with the mechanics."
"We really want to promote that offensive part of the game."
"This is the best jump shot in the entire game."
"I think if you find a game that works really well for you and you're sort of committed to playing that game, I imagine you'll be a little bit better with newer titles over time."
"Teaching has really helped me improve my playing."
"Every time I go to the skate park I get better like I always learned something new or I can learn a better technique and I improve."
"Your UI learning experience just leveled up."
"Gaining 200 points is possible up to about 2300, but above that, it's almost impossible."
"Deliberate practice is important because practicing specific activities over and over again will get you more comfortable with that action."
"I actually understand these characters now, so I feel like my skill level just increased like 10 fold."
"Your decision making and everything you do is gonna get so much better when you're just playing normal trios or quads with your friends."
"Knowing how to properly compose an image will instantly up your photo game."
"Increasing your overall game awareness is gonna help you in every aspect regardless."
"Watching replays from the opponent's point of view is one of the best ways to improve."
"Practice hitting the ball with loads of power; people just don't hit the ball hard enough."
"One of the most valuable qualities someone can have is the willingness to continue learning and being open to critiques."
"Producing weekly videos has made me an incredibly efficient woodworker."
"Learning how to make accurate plans has improved and sped up my woodworking a thousand percent."
"Your main focus should be playing on all the tracks as much as you can."
"I mean, what's happening is I'm just getting better at the game."
"Pro Guides is the best proven way to get better at League of Legends."
"Putting time and effort into practicing the most used guns is gonna pay off dividends down the line."
"You can improve upon existing skills that you have to gain the confidence that you need."
"He's up to a 75 overall already, he'll probably be real close to an 80 by the end of the year, especially if he plays well."
"Learn how to ledge hop in the training room for maximum damage."
"Before I feel like I'm like fulfilled in this game, let me try to reach new heights from a skill level standpoint."
"You know so I think it's all combination but when you get somebody who does know combat marksmanship and how to line up the sights that does know how to zero the gun that has decent ammo they shoot dramatically better."
"When players get better with Kiriko, you'd expect her damage to go up as well."
"There has literally never been a better time to improve your chess without spending money."
"Time and energy put into getting better will yield improved skill set."
"Handy gives you weapon maintenance and an XP bonus in carpentry."
"Simplifying my lens lineup has definitely improved my photography."
"Practice slow speed maneuvers because this will improve your overall driving."
"Mental training and visualization is a fascinating process that has been shown over and over again in now hundreds of studies to improve our ability to learn anything."
"Practice makes perfect! Impress your friends by solving the cube blindfolded."
"It's really important to get that practice in if you really want to be at the top of the game."
"It's not about the quick wins, it's about building the fundamentals and improving your long-term chess."
"It's fast-paced and there's lots of stuff to shoot at which helps me improve my accuracy with the mouse and keyboard."
"By the time you've like learned to beat this level consistently, I promise your movement will be significantly better."
"This is an all stats up thanks to Libra and wow that's really good all our luck has finally paid off."
"Focus on the mistakes, focus on the process, focus on improving your skills, focus on having a fun relaxing time and finishing a quilt."
"Don't be hard on yourself... you get better and better at it."
"That's a good lesson of how you can improve your end games."
"This stone levels all of your skills 15% faster."
"If people are watching and they want to get better at the dumbbell, that's how to do it."
"The settings can vary a lot of different ways now, if you're going for shooting badges you could definitely go pro..."
"There is satisfaction in completing a game or at least getting better at a game that is difficult."
"Take great pride in your excellent work. Practice makes perfect."
"It's the only sport you get better at as you get older."
"The top players are continuing to get better because they're surrounded by better players."
"Utilizing the most basic order flow technique, which is really momentum, and with that you should be able to get improvements very quickly."
"If you're trying to become an elite dribbler... I recommend you watch all of this."
"Everything becomes infinitely more fun the better you are at it."
"Scan things to increase the ranks of this skill."
"This habit will help you to excel in your line of work."
"Improving at fortnight is a difficult thing to do, but at this point you got the knowledge, you got the core mechanics, and you got the basics of fortnight."
"Players are better at the game now than they used to be."
"In order to improve your craft, you must actually write."
"Stick to it, make sure you're having fun, and practice."
"The best recommendation is to just constantly play with video, practice all the different settings that are offered for you."
"Let me know if you guys want me to do more thrifting videos because obviously I'm getting way better at thrifting as the year goes by."
"One of my favorite things about photography is the fact that you really can't master it you can't perfect photography there's always ways to improve your photography and most importantly there's always something new to learn."
"The snapshot method - a new strategy for leveling up."
"Learning football every day...that's how you improve."
"If you look back at the cook that you were when you first entered this competition and you compare that person, that skill level, to where you are now, it's night and day."
"I needed to work on the question, but now I know how to manage it."
"Trying to help you guys become better photographers."
"Dry fire practice is absolutely the best way in inexpensive way to become a better Rifleman."
"It is time to take those skills and kick them up a notch and share them with your friends and family."
"Making mistakes is an essential part of learning anything new, but I imagine that you want to avoid mistakes and try to level up your skills, don't we all?"
"Once you do these A/B tests, your confidence levels in the kitchen go up."
"Take those little tips away and you'll become a much better McCree player."
"You do not need to draw every day to get better, but you do need to draw regularly."
"Get ready to take your striking game to the next level."
"You are basically now more in control of the move than you ever were before."
"Encourage yourself to draw more often when you have time. Plan your week out with drawing time in the mix. Practicing drawing is extremely important in improving."
"This dribble tutorial works for current gen and next gen because they are the same exact dribbling, the same gameplay."
"The only belief that matters: If I put time and attention into getting better at this thing, I will actually get better."
"We all learn from each other, even if you're an experienced photographer, you're going to learn new things."
"So it's the gift that keeps on giving, you get better at basketball."
"If we're going to work at your technique to help you break 90, we have to start with the setup."
"To be a good artist, you gotta challenge yourself."