
Psychological Well-being Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Calm activities are the ones that tend to recharge our energy, so C for competence, A for autonomy, L for Liberty, and M for Mellow...those are the things that tend to feel creatively recharging."
"Although we might think that sex is a kind of frivolous recreational pursuit, it actually isn't. It's super important for our psychological well-being, for our relationship well-being."
"When one human being expresses kindness and appreciation to another human being and it's received, it raises the serotonin level in both people's brains."
"Regardless of what you believe from a religious point of view, the facts are clear that in order for us to feel comfortable and okay in our lifetime, we have to develop some kind of sense of self."
"Maintaining the right attitude is easier than regaining the right attitude."
"Happiness is really just about four things: Perceived control, perceived progress, connectedness, and being part of something bigger than yourself."
"The happiest people are not those who achieve the most, but those who spend more time than others in a state of flow."
"By focusing on the positive things in your life, their significance in your life grows."
"Stability is really important; most people do not function well in instability."
"The emerging science of lucid dreaming has now generated evidence to suggest just that: that lucid dreaming can be used to improve our psychological well-being."
"Researchers have found that one of the most effective ways to elevate your levels of happiness for a pretty long time is to practice serious gratitude."
"Anything that removes your psychological, mental, emotional, spiritual rights to choose is witchcraft."
"Practicing gratitude... it's vital for us to be able to survive."
"If we care about well-being, we care about psychological flourishing, and we care about what Aristotle called eudaimonia - happiness, well-being, flourishing - then we should prize truth and the free pursuit of truth above all else."
"Talking to a therapist... could really, really help."
"Fear of missing out and excessive social media use are not only related to issues with psychological well-being but can have real-world negative effects as well that might actually harm one's career or personal life in serious ways."
"We were wired for success, but it's how we relate to our experience that determines whether we're chipping away or burying that sense of wholeness."
"If we can fix attachment issues, 99% of our problems in the West will go away."
"The closer to normal you can keep life in a disastrous situation, the better for everybody."
"Contemplatives for millennia claim to have found extraordinary depths of psychological well-being in circumstances like solitary confinement."
"Humility is a much better indicator of happiness than financial status."
"You're wired for Joy, happiness, connection... That is your natural state."
"I've been seeing the connection between certain kinds of infirmities and ways of thinking."
"The way you speak to yourself really helps with self-confidence."
"It makes you feel better about yourself, not worse."
"Adjusting the baseline: find happiness in everyday tasks."
"So mental attitude really makes differences."
"There are people whose minds are such that they can be deeply happy even in conditions that would drive most people totally crazy."
"Detox the negativity of your life. Your environments do shape your psychology."
"Build a life that is worth living, do not rely on video games to be the fundamental source of meeting your psychological needs."
"There's freedom in bringing things into the light."
"Conservatives are happier than leftists. They are more content than leftists. They find greater joy in life."
"Art is important to the psyche, to culture."
"Love yourself as if your life depended on it because it does."
"You know what we all feel like, you know, we just feel better when we get home, don't we? And we're in comfortable surroundings."
"When you do look good, you do feel good naturally."
"American men are failing in body in mind and in spirit this is a crisis."
"Bonding and companionship with an animal is badass. When you connect with an animal, you just feel better. You see a connection that makes your day better."
"Laughter, warm connections, another person's touch not only calms us down but enhances our well-being, our sense of connectedness."
"Humans don't do well when they lack stimulation."
"There's ease to letting go and ease to opening up psychologically."
"So much of the violence in the world, so much of the rejection of the world, comes from a place of fear."
"The bad stuff tends to fade and the good stuff that happens in your life tends to be the memories that you dwell on."
"Being okay with living with yourself is elite."
"The flow state is deeply connected to meaning in life."
"The more often you get into the flow State, the more likely you will rate your life as meaningful."
"Making your savings automatic has tons of benefits, not just for the amount of money you'll likely be more able to save, but also for its psychological benefits."
"We are creatures of meaning, and ultimately, what makes us feel good is meaning."
"The smile on your face is no longer a mask, but your true self." - Narrator
"Short-term trading is gambling, long-term trading is investing."
"We begin with the idea that humans need joy in order to be fully fledged selves."
"Living a life on Carnivore where you have zero inflammation and zero anxiety, you're fearless."
"Empathy is when we connect with the feelings of another; codependency is when we need the energy from others to feel a certain way about ourselves."
"What's gonna happen to our mental health and what can we do."
"You have to get the mental stuff, you need the mindset foundation to be in the right place before weight loss can actually have those positive benefits."
"There's something profound about expressing gratitude that actually makes our brains happier."
"The real problem is not the virus; the real problem is the psychological discontent and misery the society was in before the crisis."
"Remember, self-compassion, that's the big one."
"The mind is the battlefield... As a man thinks so is he."
"We need to stand up! It's in our best interest biologically as well as psychologically."
"What's the difference between concern and worry? Very important, concern focuses on challenges and moves you to action."
"I mean narcissists are not happy people because without that incoming value they become depressed they become sad they feel worthless."
"Thank yourself and thank your body for saving you, for helping you."
"Not only does exercise distract you from your negative thoughts, but it's actually been proven to physiologically increase your sense of well-being."
"Our homes are supposed to be places of refuge where we feel safe and secure."
"It's okay to feel sad sometimes, so sometimes it happens that you're sad and you'll feel sadness. It's actually really healthy."
"You are not in conflict with the constructs. Your anxiety is reduced."
"Bring those two sides of yourself that have been separated, bring them back together."
"Emotional connection between living creatures is a special component of psychological health."
"Comparing yourself to someone else, you're not gonna be happy, coz there's always going to be something that you can compare yourself to."
"Happiness comes from within; financial reward creates stability but may not necessarily bring happiness."
"People who make their bed are happier people."
"Humans are wired to connect and enjoy it. We're wired to thrive."
"It is worth having small amounts of happiness throughout your life."
"If you are putting something off, go for it because I feel so much better now."
"People who feel like they've made progress on something important to them feel more fulfilled."
"Everybody can benefit from talking to someone every now and then."
"Life satisfaction, well-being, meaning - off the charts for that."
"Happier people are healthier and they live longer."
"Gratitude is the fastest way to get ourselves back into an effortless state."
"As you start to really understand okay if I do this, I'm actually going to feel good."
"Stressors come in a variety of different forms, from productive to non-productive, and recovery is key to returning to baseline."
"Health isn't an individual attribute only; it reflects our social and psychological emotional relationships in our culture."
"Finding flow leads to increased levels of happiness."
"It’s like an unbearable pressure has been released."
"Happiness is not going to come from how you look on the outside but how you feel on the inside."
"Stop repeating negative comments to yourself."
"I've never struggled with mental health really."
"Many of you will feel a considerable substantial level of release or relief."
"Conscience is a corrective lens that causes an increase in well-being over time or space."
"I really need God. I am sick and I can no longer make it alone. I need God to help me give, to help me be kind, to help me love."
"Living from flow releases unnecessary suffering and control."
"Hair depression is real. You look good, you feel good, and I need to feel great."
"They're feeling guilty, they're feeling bad."
"Feeling state matters and matters tremendously."
"There has to be fear and hope that run besides one another."
"Secure individuals tend to... balance independence with dependence."
"God has not given us the spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind."
"You can lurk with a big stack and capitalize on mistakes."
"Faith based on evidence is the answer to our psychological fears."
"The root to happiness is feeling more in control."
"A coherent self-narrative gives the patient a sense of control over their life and sets a positive direction for their future."
"Your body is always trying to achieve emotional homeostasis."
"The best part about it is the mental health aspect that it provides."
"Any environment where you're experiencing some type of psychological harm... where you don't feel respected or affirmed, that's toxicity."
"Hope is like oxygen to the body. Without hope, we wither in despair."
"Sometimes just a simple shift in your mindset can be extremely helpful."
"Promoting negativity keeps people in the negative loop."
"Pay attention to energetic boundaries and core strength."
"Loving yourself is the most powerful thing we can do."
"Attachments and expectations cause us to suffer, especially regarding our physical appearance."
"We have a positive mindset, which is very important."
"Psychologically if nothing else, it helps us so much having your support."
"To not shame yourself about it is the best way to give it some Breathing Room."
"I think that having a creative outlet is a basic human need."
"I'm just happy to report that I'm in a much better place psychologically and I feel like I'm waking up in the morning without the dread and the head in bed and feeling like I can do life and actually looking forward to my days"
"'When you bully and shame other people, do you understand how it whittles away at your own psychological well-being?'"
"It's weighing you down psychologically. If you let it go, you also let go of that weight."
"Your lack of ability to forgive is really not hurting the people you can't forgive, your lack of ability to forgive is clogging your spirit and your psychological mechanisms."
"We sustain psychological injuries all the time in life."
"When perfectionism hinders your ability to have joy ... it becomes maladaptive."
"When we're in forward motion, it actually quiets the fear and anxiety circuits."
"I'd like to explore a person that's really kind and maybe has less psychological issues."
"Humans are made to hang with humans."
"Nature is, I think, fundamentally...we are all biophilic."
"Psychological stability, growth mindset, satisfaction with life, conscientiousness, and a secure attachment style."
"We need Family Values. Listen, if you don't come from a family, you cannot escape this psychological turmoil."
"In ventral, you have access to these lovely capacities."
"The primary source of the arising of this lightness of heart, joy, and ease is the alleviation of being lost in these painful unwholesome and unskillful structures called the hindrances."
"People today are suffering from a crisis of confidence."
"We must never lose track of the fact that we're treating a holistic human being here, so they've got psychological needs, spiritual needs, social needs."
"That kind of intimacy can be really beneficial for someone's psychological health."
"It's important for us to feel like we've got some kind of support."
"Retirement security involves financial and psychological factors to ensure that an individual does feel safe or secure in the planning and ultimate experience of retirement."
"Set our emotional and self-regulatory and psychological thermostat from the moment we wake up."
"Standing Tall won't just make you look good, it will also make you feel good."
"Enhancing patient sense of control can positively impact their psychological well-being."
"More mental calmness, less anxiety, less depression."
"90% of the physical pain that people have is actually due to emotional baggage."
"What really heals is contact with the numinous."
"I genuinely care about the psychological well-being of trans people."
"Feeling listened to and understood changes our very physiology."
"Having a Tulpa around has had a significant positive impact on my psychological well-being."
"Mental health has filled a whole space that in prior times was occupied by religion, morality, and by common sense."
"There's something about that style of camping that does really good for the human psyche; you become very intricately connected to Nature."
"Human beings need clearly defined areas of territory; these are necessary to create self-awareness and essential for the promotion of self-esteem, psychological balance, and well-being."
"Happiness is an exponential function of awareness."
"Being lonely, being isolated, being alone is bad for your health because we're social animals."
"Psychologically, it's very nice; it's going to give you that energy that you need to kind of go on and sustain yourself."
"Recognition is a moral imperative because to be without recognition will cause harm."
"You'll experience much more of the psychological good life by abstaining from things that are unhealthy."
"The psychological benefits, the calming effect, being able to fit in and to not feel that inertia, you know, to actually feel something, to be able to cry, because testosterone stops the tears."
"Good attachments allow us to think and explore freely; this provides a psychological resource for us to draw on."
"Journal about a positive experience. The act of writing about it gives your brain a chance to relive the experience."
"This alone can give a critical psychological boost."
"Once your nervous system is happy and content that it's safe, then it will allow change."
"This study provides evidence that vegans and vegetarians scored higher in several aspects of heartfulness."
"When you give words to experience, you're basically giving permission to have a wide array to stay balanced with whatever emotion arises."