
Cancer Awareness Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Imagine a world where every sip you take holds the power to fight one of humanity's greatest adversaries: cancer."
"Awareness of cancer is tremendously important... it sends out a very positive message around the fact that cancer is no longer a Taboo."
"Been touched by this disease have hopefully not but maybe even lost loved ones. I know that I lost my grandmother a few years back to cancer, and it's one of those things where I never want anyone else to have to go through that experience. Your donations are what are making a difference. Every single dollar helps, so thank you, thank you so much for keeping those coming."
"Cancer has never been caused by a lack of chemotherapy."
"His majesty has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world affected by cancer."
"Screening came out of this idea that if you could find cancer at its very earliest stages, then you'll get rid of it and won't have to worry about it again."
"The American Society of Clinical Oncology said we need education and awareness, clinical guidance, research promotion, and weight management too, in cancer survivors."
"Good luck to all runners and let's beat cancer."
"To turn a negative into a positive, to highlight the work that cancer charities do."
"Basal cell carcinoma is the most common cancer in the United States."
"This goes out to my friend Ryan, whose leukemia is in remission. Let's end cancer for good."
"2018 was a rollercoaster of emotions with family members beating cancers and others losing the fight. I'm glad we have this amazing event to help this amazing cause."
"Roxy ended up passing away from breast cancer when she was only 66 years old."
"Cancer is a heartbreaking, life-shattering disease that needs a cure."
"Here's to beating not just ovarian, but every other kind of cancer. Cheers!"
"Every bottle purchase helps us grant wishes for children in need and support the fight against cancer."
"Her life and promising work were cut short after dying from cancer in 1952 at just 33."
"My cause, my fight against breast cancer, is very important for me because my mother is a breast cancer survivor." - Miss France
"I just see my kid and uh for the longest time I could just look away I could watch a kid dying of cancer and I could watch it see them with bald hair know they're dying and then look away and be able to go and enjoy my day and I just can't do that."
"Cancer, it's a little close to home... My condolences to everybody involved. This is just really, really sad."
"My grandmother passed away just recently due to cancer, and the pain was beyond imaginable. Supporting this great cause is my own way of fighting cancer."
"It's time to end the devastation caused by cancer."
"At the end of the day, cancer, I want you to know, man, nothing but love."
"Cancer is not a rare disease... it affects like one in ten of us."
"I was smoking like two packs a day. I wasn't just gonna get cancer, I was asking for cancer."
"Let's get those donations in, folks! Every dollar counts towards fighting cancer."
"This kind of [ __ ] will cause cancer more than your poor diets because it eats you, it rots you from the inside out."
"Stay cute chat and let's get these gods to help smite cancer."
"This donation is in honor of my cousin Jean who lost the battle with pancreatic cancer."
"Take cancer seriously folks. Get checked often, get a second opinion when necessary, and, most importantly, listen to your doctors."
"I lost my best friend to cancer almost 11 years ago."
"Breast cancer is so common, isn't it? By far and away the most common cancer in women."
"It's actually the most common type of cancer among men ages 15 to 35 which is also the exact same demographic as this channel's audience."
"Nothing happens in the back, you don't get cancer overnight."
"It is November... to raise awareness for cancer and hopefully encourage you guys to donate to cancer research."
"Let's beat cancer to a pulp... thanks for making the day awesome... you all rock and thanks for putting on an amazing event."
"Shout out to any child anybody period dealing with cancer and going through that."
"If you eat bacon on a daily basis, you increase your risk of pancreatic cancer by 20%."
"Our four-legged Pooch Pals have a range of impressive skills... dogs can sniff out cancer."
"Cancer is not something I would wish on my worst enemy."
"When he was diagnosed with potentially terminal cancer, art dealer Forrest Fenn decided to do something fascinating with his final time on Earth."
"Remember, it's all about raising awareness and supporting cancer research."
"It takes a village, it takes the community coming together to help these families and the word cancer and kids should never be in the same sentence."
"I actually did a charity stream for cancer, I've lost family to it."
"Early detection saved my mom's life when she beat cancer almost a decade ago."
"This man had cancer of the mouth; she had cervical cancer; he had prostate cancer; she had an ascites tumor."
"Even if you get cancer, don't give up. Just keep going."
"Our story has impacted so many people. Unfortunately, one of the reasons is because cancer affects so many lives."
"This ovarian cancer wasn't going to stop her from enjoying her life."
"The best cancer is the one you never get and it can be prevented."
"Let's beat cancer and what an incredible run to honor your friend."
"Couldn't be happier to send some money off for AGDQ's cancer-beating quest. Thanks so much for giving us something to look forward to and support."
"He died November 8th of pancreatic cancer at the age of 80." - On Alex Trebek
"Having lost my stepmom and grandpa to cancer it means a lot that so many people can come together to fight back thank you."
"Love the event, love the cause, hate cancer."
"Really quite an important study...prostate cancer being the most common cancer in men."
"It's like, you hear about a friend that has cancer and you think, 'What would I do if I had cancer?' You do have cancer, you're gonna fucking die, you do have cancer, you just don't, you just don't..."
"This is for my family who survived cancer, my grandpa and my stepdad's mom, and for the cat we lost to cancer two years ago."
"He was just 45 when he died from stomach cancer."
"Cancer is horrifying and I hope we find a cure in our lifetime."
"I still have a lot of people that come up to me and just say that that storyline got them through whether it was a parent or a family member or a personal friend who passed from that cancer or any cancer."
"Childhood Cancer is the leading cause of disease related death. One in six children diagnosed do not survive."
"Cancer is a horrible disease that will affect one in two people over their lifetimes."
"Cancer sucks and nobody should have to deal with it, especially kids."
"We're gonna donate one thousand dollars to stand up to cancer."
"There's a lot of fearmongering that goes on... you just have to look at the numbers."
"About 2 million people will be diagnosed with cancer this year but about half of those cases are completely preventable."
"Talking about cancer publicly was something that really wasn't done very much. He made it okay to talk about cancer, and that was the first, most important step."
"It's aimed at dudes, dude, and it raises awareness of dude-specific cancer, which is an important and not frequently enough talked about issue."
"Remember: fight cancer with a checkup and a check. See your doctor once a year for a checkup, it's your best cancer insurance."
"And to help conquer cancer, send a check to your unit of the American Cancer Society. Make it generous."
"Her story serves as an inspiration, challenging preconceptions about cancer patients and offering a resilient voice to those facing similar battles."
"I want to show what it's really like to have cancer mentally."
"Feel free to contact us [email protected] and I'm happy to talk to people one-on-one."
"Speaking about cancer in more open terms is helpful."
"I'll never give up, mommy will always fight for you and for the other kids that are fighting or will fight cancer."
"...and giving support for fighters, survivors, and families impacted by testicular cancer..."
"...Trevor Barker had lost his year-long battle against cancer."
"Cancer doesn't stop during quarantine. Please consider joining our Hero Squad and helping our heroes through this time."
"It's much more useful to be able to look at a patient who is healthy and tell them what to do not to get cancer."
"Cancer never wins; you either beat it or it's a tie."
"People with cancer have a lot more hope and a lot more life and a lot more vibrancy than you do."
"...the community of cancer survivors is a beautiful community."
"I think for me, seeing metastatic breast cancer research coming more and more to the forefront gives me a lot of hope."
"...brain tumour research receives only about 1% of all cancer research funding, despite this being the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40."
"Heather's passion for seeing that no one felt alone in their battle against cancer was born from years of witnessing firsthand what it is like to love a cancer patient."
"Cancer touches us all at some point."
"It's money for brain cancer round, and it's been fantastic to see so many supporters."
"He has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer."
"People live with cancer every day and other people die from cancer every day. And people put up a good fight, so let's go out there. Let's fight. Let's work together."
"Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the Western world."
"Cancer holds emotional precedence very close to its heart."
"The risk of breast cancer increases almost twofold if a woman had one first-degree relative with breast cancer."
"My heart goes out to everybody else with cancer and all the families dealing with the suffering of loved ones."
"Cancer is indiscriminate in who it affects and there should be no shame or embarrassment in coming forward to seek help and advice."
"We're suggesting that alcohol on almost any level of consumption is still an increased risk of cancer."
"We're here for our purpose, driving out cancer is an amazing thing."
"Avoid risky business, seek treatment early before cancer has had a chance to spread."
"Cancer sucks big time, so anybody that's struggling with cancer, I mean, we just pray for you."
"What a legacy, a legacy that you, in unbelievable, affects so many people battling cancer."
"In his battle against cancer and to raise money for cancer awareness, he ran across Canada."
"Courtney's mom passed away from cancer not too long ago, and each year she does a tribute to her mom with random acts of kindness."
"I've earned the right to talk to you about breast cancer."
"Lung cancer is one of the least funded cancers."
"We are doing this for you and every other woman that has been touched by breast cancer."
"Nobody wants cancer. We've all known people who've died of cancer or have had cancer."
"It's a real personal thing for us because cancer did affect our family, so it really means a lot to be able to do this and put this show on."
"Honoring the cancer heroes today on all the cars, an amazing program."
"They donate a percentage of each sale of their wigs to wigs for kids that have suffered hair loss due to cancer. Isn't that amazing?"
"What a way to show cancer that they suck."
"We're trying to help fight childhood cancer, and we want you to ride with us."
"Together, TCS and Manscaped are committed to raising awareness for the most common form of cancer between ages 15 and 35 for men."
"Nothing concentrates the mind like being diagnosed with cancer."
"Sun does not cause cancer; sunscreen might actually cause cancer."
"Thyroid cancer is very common, there's at least 60,000 new cases in the United States this year alone."
"A hundred percent of all proceeds raised today go to help support people that are fighting cancer."
"Cancer is not a death sentence in no way; cancer is just something that happens in life, and you stand up and you fight it."
"Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S."
"I've lost loved ones to cancer; it's my pleasure to honor his legacy and create friendships with good men like you all."
"We want to remember those that have lost their fight as it pertains to breast cancer and also celebrate those of you that are still fighting."
"She has spent the past 6 years with the Stand Up to Cancer Foundation."
"I do a lot of cycling for charity with my partner, and we raise a lot of money for cancer research because I've been affected in the family by it."
"Against All Odds survived a terminal diagnosis twice and decided to use her experiences to help rid the world of cancer."
"We are trying to help our community to fight a cancer disease."
"Let's cure childhood cancer together."
"I'd like to dedicate this talk to all of those men who we have lost to prostate cancer over the many years."
"When you get cancer, you can still live. That's the key."
"Lavender represents all forms of cancer."
"Thanks to fundraisers like this, we're able to fund the mission of the American Cancer Society to support people impacted by cancer."
"Keep Calm, fight cancer, and win."
"You must know that it is easy to kill a cancer when it has first started; that's why you have to detect it at the early stage."
"What you're gonna do for cancer is what you're gonna be known for."
"There is a 10% chance that you will get prostate cancer within your lifetime, but nine out of 10 times, if it is taken early, it is easily treatable."
"Dying in your 50s of a stupid cancer that could have been taken care of easily, that is true weakness."
"We're gonna be bringing awareness to trying to raise funds for kids with cancer."
"Let's go crush it, kick cancer right in the stupid face."
"Together we can beat prostrate cancer."
"We are recognizing that ovarian cancer... has so many different entities to it."
"Early cancer detection for lumps and bumps is one of my passion projects."
"Our bodies fight cancer every single day; we just need to help it out a little bit."
"Please feel free to share them wide, anybody that we can help deal with this cancer."
"The breast cancer death rate in Sri Lanka was 1.6 per hundred thousand; in the U.S., it was 32.7 per hundred thousand."
"We need more stories like Sharon to protect our families and our loved ones from all types of cancer."
"HPV, the oncogenic types, are proven a causal agent in cervical cancer and in head and neck cancer."
"She advocates for cancer awareness as a legislative ambassador with the American Cancer Society."
"She is the founder of Cancer Sections, a panelist series that promotes cancer awareness."
"I've got a pink and green ribbon, and that is in honor of my daughter Avery who passed away from brain cancer."
"We've raised over a million dollars for research for brain cancer."
"I am a daughter of a mother who had two goals in her life: to raise her two daughters and to end breast cancer."
"I really have just one wish that's gonna be on today and tomorrow's canvases, which is healing in cure and remission and recovery and support compassion and understanding for everybody who is wrestling with cancer right now."