
Risk Quotes

There are 16058 quotes

"The overwhelming probability is that you will fail, but a small proportion of creative people succeed spectacularly."
"You cannot advance and make discoveries without risk."
"Confidence isn't guaranteeing a result; if you're confident in something, you're willing to do something with uncertainty."
"Your best bet is like arms open and welcoming, even though you know that invites in catastrophe now and then."
"It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop."
"I'm not that heartless. He came all this way, braving God knows what dangers."
"The louder you are, the more targets you've got."
"If you are in a position where you can't fail, you are also in a position where you will never be fulfilled."
"Right now, I'm hanging on by a knife edge. Both of us are in peril."
"Risk comes into play and there is a risk with everything."
"If you risk the biscuit, you can get the brisket."
"To make risk-free innovation is to stifle innovation. There is no such thing as risk-free innovation."
"If you borrow a hundred thousand dollars, you're afraid of the bank. If you borrow 10 million dollars, both you and the bank become a bit panic. But if you borrow a billion dollars, the bank is afraid of you."
"Play my cards right, it takes one false move and you'll be gone, but maybe it's all right."
"Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection."
"Most great human accomplishments are the result of people taking bold actions in the face of almost certain failure."
"This incident, though heart-wrenching, underscored the risks and challenges that lay in mankind's quest to explore the cosmos."
"The population decline problem is possibly the biggest risk to civilization."
"The urgency for a resolution must be balanced; the lives of countless individuals are at stake as they risk their safety and well-being in pursuit of a better life."
"In Black Stone Fortress, your adventurers can actually die, and they die permanently."
"There's a bit more gravity to this version of Warhammer Quest where you can lose everything at the end."
"Love is the greatest feeling on the planet, and it's a lot of people say it's worth risking everything for."
"We have no clue what's going on in the military. We're so disconnected and fragmented from what people are doing to risk their lives."
"When philosophy or comedy are done at the highest level, they both involve a serious element of risk."
"Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success."
"Gambling is scary; gambling addiction is extremely real."
"Every explorer knows the risks associated with a chosen life of adventure."
"Fly too close to the Sun and you get burned."
"Wormhole space is tons of really valuable things but zero security: enter at your own risk but also enter at your own huge rewards."
"Wormhole space is awesome, very profitable, but you probably lose some ships here."
"Russia is using troops from Siberian regions in disproportionately dangerous situations."
"Perhaps most importantly, looming banking crisis which could already be underway."
"The beginning, it's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." - From Bilbo Baggins, from "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring."
"Probably the most expensive bluff in human history."
"The most dangerous thing for a man under 45 is themselves."
"I am so afraid of rejection that I haven't taken a risk to be with you."
"It's easy to speak when you have no skin in the game."
"You have to be right 100% of the time. You can't even be wrong once."
"Sometimes, to be the best, you have to risk it all."
"We're a very long way from help if anything was to go wrong."
"I wouldn't have been able to do the things I do without YouTube, but to put all your eggs in one basket is just too risky."
"It was a risky plan; it could have failed at any moment."
"In a free market system, you're supposed to bear the consequences of the risks that you take."
"Two World Class Warriors risking it all for our entertainment."
"Freedom's always dangerous, but it's worth it."
"Whenever you do anything, there's a risk of you dying, and you have to do these things anyway; it's just life."
"To let ourselves be seen, deeply seen, vulnerably seen; to love with our whole hearts, even though there's no guarantee."
"Why would you bet on Goliath when we've got better value?"
"There's nothing safe about being educated. If you want to be safe, stay home."
"Everything is on the line. If this doesn't work out, this is our future."
"If you're not prepared to lose, you're never going to win because you're always playing it safe."
"We're literally experimenting to see whether we get possessed or not. It's a 50/50 chance."
"We live in an uncertain world, it is a decision to try to maximize your victories while taking a certain amount of risk."
"Healthcare workers like myself risked our lives at the beginning of the pandemic because we actually had no idea what we were getting ourselves into."
"This creates an interesting dynamic for the player as actions like crafting or healing may leave them vulnerable to threats, adding a nice risk and reward element to the gameplay."
"You're never supposed to put all your eggs in one basket, but when I do something, I give it my 110%."
"If the DS succeeds, we will rise to heaven, but if it fails we will sink to hell."
"Sometimes within a risk or a change, unbelievable blessings can come through."
"To win without risk is a triumph without glory."
"If it doesn't make you a little afraid, then you ain't playing big enough."
"I think that you're gambling people's lives here."
"We've become so technologically powerful that our moral failings are increasingly fatal."
"For an automobile company to have negative contribution margins is disastrous."
"Yes, having kids is a risk, but it's that risk that not only makes life worth living, it makes civilization worth preserving."
"If you're in danger, do it. Yeah, if you're endangered, yes."
"Let this be another painful reminder that the time, money, and passion you put into a project over years can be killed in an instant depending on how a reviewer is feeling that day."
"Risk is what forces and entices investors to make good and sound investments."
"The job is risky, but it's going to be rewarding."
"Have you ever had a dream you were willing to risk everything for? A dream so big that every person in your life tries to talk you out of it, and without hesitation, they call you crazy and tell you that it's impossible."
"It takes risk, novelty, complexity, unpredictability, and pattern recognition to hit the state of flow."
"If you lose your recovery phrase, you will not be able to access your account."
"Saying unpopular things at personal risk certainly takes a level of courage."
"Emergency oxygen systems that were made for 787 Dreamliners had a failure rate of 25%. This means that a quarter of 787 Dreamliners had the potential to rapidly lose oxygen if the cabins were suddenly decompressed, suffocating passengers."
"Infectious diseases can emerge anywhere and spread everywhere."
"A devastating infectious disease pandemic could kill more people than nuclear war."
"Bitcoin has the least risk of any crypto by an order of magnitude... it's the least ambitious."
"Love is not safe. In fact, it's the opposite of that."
"The biggest risk of all, of course, is the decision to be free and to take responsibility for your own choices."
"It's not about finding someone who won't hurt you. It's about finding someone whose company is worth the risk of potential pain."
"This ought to be viewed as a very dangerous tool because this money... was going to be what provides for you once you quit working."
"Trial of Iron option, which makes it so there's only one save file for the whole playthrough, and if your main character dies, the save file is deleted, which is just brutally awesome."
"If you treat the market like a casino, it's going to treat you like a casino and it's going to take all your money."
"She also came to find out, way later down the road, that her house was built on a sinkhole, and that her insurance is significantly higher because of that."
"Nothing is worth risking your life at that point. I mean, get a new phone or have them shut the ride down and then have one of the employees go get the phone but never take it upon yourself to jump in there and try to grab your phone when a ride is moving."
"Even a small deviation from this ratio can quickly escalate to catastrophic events, a.k.a. big bada boom."
"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."
"Risk means more things can happen than will happen."
"Adults should be able to make their own decision about the risks they're willing to take."
"Packs laden with loot are often low on supplies."
"What gives them the confidence to put themselves at great risk is the knowledge that someone would do the same for them."
"If this person doesn't have the shoulder available and decides to go into oncoming traffic again, that's the worry part."
"The more experiences of racism an American black woman experiences, the greater her risk for asthma."
"If all your language practice is wrapped up in one person and your relationship with that person doesn't work out, then your language learning could take a big hit."
"This is a moment of extraordinary opportunity and extraordinary danger."
"Things that kill you are oftentimes things that you cannot measure or you cannot see."
"Bitcoin coming along to kind of threaten the ability for governments to control their own monetary policy is actually something that goes into their existential type of risk."
"Remember, it takes a lifetime to build wealth and a second to lose it."
"Naruto activates Baryon Mode, a powerful last-ditch form that gives him a tremendous power boost albeit with a deadly side effect."
"Our strategy, such as it is, seems to be basically to hope that there is no black ball in the urn."
"If you don't let yourself fall for someone, then yeah, you're not going to get hurt, but then you also miss out on like one of the greatest parts of life."
"What's at stake isn't just bad weather; it's disaster. It's more lives lost, more property lost. It's more droughts, more hunger, more famine, more people needing refuge."
"The issues faced by New York Community Banks... could potentially mirror the broader narrative of the American economy, a narrative that points to a ticking time bomb."
"Procrastination is like playing Russian roulette with your destiny."
"Those lines in Russia, the work, the inspiring impressive terms what people are willing to do, the risks people are willing to take to show their independence to show their opposition."
"I just can't believe what Jake Paul's thinking. He's fighting a heavyweight great, and I think he can get hurt badly."
"Unfortunately, it's a numbers game. If he continues to run through these red lights, eventually he's going to draw the wrong number, and somebody could get hurt."
"Free soloing, it's such a mental game; it's perfection or death."
"Perfection or death, the stakes are very high."
"Living by the crystal ball is bound to eat glass."
"The risk of sexual abuse in the therapeutic setting is real."
"That's like letting the devil out of hell for good behavior."
"When you're just sitting there, you are not generating any body heat. That's darn cold, plenty cold enough to die in."
"This is the most dangerous food I've ever eaten, but it tastes pretty good."
"Mr. Baldwin chose to play Russian Roulette when he fired a gun without checking it."
"This is the danger when you're trying to harness the power of Mother Nature. When it goes wrong, it goes very, very wrong."
"True love requires freedom. With freedom comes risk."
"It's not the security that robs ambition; it's the illusion of security."
"You can't have the intensity and the mystery and the beauty of a sexual encounter without the danger."
"Who is most likely to tell a joke that gets them in trouble?"
"Scared money don't make money, which is why a lot of those things flop."
"Without decisive action, we risk falling into a very serious economic hole."
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure."
"You got to be in it to win it. It's gambling. Stock market is gambling."
"And what a wonderful trip it turned out to be. I'll be a very scary one."
"My personal opinion: you should only go ultra leverage when you're young and broke so that the one home run you do hit gets you into the next socioeconomic class."
"The scariest things are those which have an exponential growth and are not paying attention to them sufficiently early."
"To me, great comedy is the art of confession and risk."
"Anything that risks or ends your health is a healthcare issue."
"Life to me means the greatest of all games. The danger lies in treating it as a trivial game, a game to be taken lightly, and a game where the rules don't matter much."
"It's always risky; people got sad last time 'cause we had a story that went downhill."
"As a result of this man's dedication to meaningful journalistic coverage of high-profile corruption in his local area, he's faced many real-world threats and dangers."
"Wizards has to go all in. That's what we're doing, balls deep, all in, straight up. This is make or break, people."
"Political satire is a very dangerous enterprise for any comedian, anywhere."
"It's a thin line between cooking and starting a fire."
"There comes a time when the risk of doing nothing becomes the greatest risk of all."
"It's hard to explain, only those who dare put themselves out there like we do ever experience anything like that."
"Only take money from friends and family if you know that they can afford to lose every single dollar that they give you."
"The greater the probability that I'm going to make a 2x or more on my money in a stock over the next three or five years versus lose 50% plus of my money in that stock, the higher chances I'm going to invest in that stock and invest heavier."
"Gain of function is flirting with disaster. It's lighting up the Bikini Atoll with a hydrogen bomb to see what its blast radius is."
"Style is the answer to everything... to do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art."
"Standing with my brother... there's a reason that people say he's like a brother to me because it means that you will put yourself at great risk."
"Anytime you walk into an area with a gun, you're entering an area where you're more likely to either kill or be killed, and I don't think it's worth it to die or kill over property, personally."
"There are no guarantees in the world of investments."
"You're not going to walk by faith and live in a comfort zone. If you walk by faith, every now and then, you're going to fall out the sky."
"Akane reassured him that he was something special to each of them, enough and ultimately sufficient to let them risk their lives and save him."
"The risk for a Chinese person to speak out like we do is much greater."
"Anything which is significantly innovative is going to come with a significant risk of failure."
"If the future is different from the past in important ways, it can be very dangerous."
"Sometimes you have to risk everything for a dream that no one can see but you."
"Nothing in life worth having doesn't require a measure of risk."
"The risk of loving is worth it. I can't imagine living life without having that love."
"I fear an insolvency event. That's my biggest fear, it's my highest probability that we have the largest insolvency event in history."
"Plenty of opportunities to risk bringing something attached to her into the once quiet home she lived in."
"Risk believing God without first seeing the miracle."
"And when culture's at risk, individuals or even species are at risk."
"There is no reward without significant risk in ashes of creation."
"Be yourself. It's harder than it looks. It's really hard, and it comes with a lot of risk."
"The absence of accidents doesn't necessarily mean you're safe."
"There is undoubtedly a lot of danger involved in being an orca trainer."
"The Widowmaker... with great risk also comes great reward."
"Investors like expected return, and they do not like risk as measured by volatility."
"Maybe we will accept a bit more risk, accept that death is part of life, and no longer live in this regime of control that seeks to minimize risk, control every variable, guard against the world, guard against each other, and therefore not even really live in an attempt to forestall death."
"The potential for loss is what makes winning sweet."
"This single risk factor is increasing the risk of severe COVID disease and potentially even death."
"The virus started from this city while the rest of China was oblivious about the coming danger."
"Marriage is very risky because you can't control people... From day one, we said babe, one year at a time. No pressure. The pressure of perfection ruins everybody."
"Action and inaction both have significant risks, and in many cases, the risks of doing nothing substantially outweigh the risks of doing something."
"High volatility equals more risk for the stock investor."
"Telling the truth is dangerous when the government is wrong."
"The danger there though was that RAM gets wiped if the computer switches off, meaning any scientific data not transmitted back to Earth is at risk of being lost forever should the onboard computer turn off."
"Investing and trading is a dangerous game because for every winner, there's a loser."
"It's probably one of the riskiest undertakings he can do as a criminal."
"Mixing energy drinks with alcohol masks the depressant effects of the booze, keeping drinkers from realizing how drunk they are."
"The worst thing that can happen is there'll be a bit of an electrical explosion and that will be that."
"After 25 years of a paycheck every other Friday, stepping out and saying, 'I don't have a job and I don't know what my job's going to be,' and 'I'm going to lose my pension,'... that was tough."
"The real reason why it's there is that there could be a shipwreck. A shipwreck could happen, and this particular event may never happen, but it's the fact that it could happen that explains why that lifeboat is there."
"Crypto is a brutal market, and it will eat you alive."
"The bottom line of my stance is that as long as there's a risk, there should be a choice."
"In a society where you leverage yourself very far over an entropic abyss without land on the other side, it's relatively clear that your cantilever is at some point going to break down."
"This business is not a joke; it's a serious business. You will spend five, ten years saving up... and as these emails show, give it all back in three weeks."
"This is a casino, and as anyone who knows anything about gambling knows, the house always wins."
"Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move."
"Every great fortune came from a concentrated position in stock, in a business, in real estate, in a commodity. Whatever. The problem is you don't hear about the losers."
"Concentrated portfolios make you rich, diversified portfolios keep you rich."
"Remember that with stalking, it can often turn into something pretty catastrophic."
"I'm not saying that there's zero probability of the market collapse. I'm saying it's not a high probability outcome."
"Will I be doing something that's dangerous today? Yeah, I will. Something provocative? Yeah, probably."
"More risk, more diversification, and more safety make sense."
"Trading is risky; most beginner traders lose money."
"Natural disasters strike on a regular basis, proving just how risky living on Earth really is."
"We're living on one giant fire lighter; that's why we have so many wildfires."
"What could actually threaten humanity's existence almost has to be something existential."
"You're not invincible, okay? I know you thought that when we started doing these... death marches, and nothing happened, and I get it, but this right here is real."
"It is freaking stressful and it is very risky."
"When you're riding off hope and hype, it's a dangerous cycle."
"God is a rewarder of risk. This is the year to cash it all in."
"The only reason he isn't using his power is because it'd be too risky."
"Comedy is supposed to be dangerous. There's supposed to be an element of that."
"Star Trek needed to be in other hands after so long in the grip of Rick Berman. Star Trek is taking risks again, and since risk was part of its foundation, that makes a lot of sense."
"Characterized catastrophic climate change outcomes, including human extinction, are not being taken seriously enough."