
Career Advice Quotes

There are 3307 quotes

"There's so much we can do before we get to that point of like, 'Okay, I must quit my job.'"
"Don't do that ever, that's not my advice. Like feel free to choose your path and just be clear where you wanna get."
"Enjoy what you're doing. Like don't trust, don't run to get something. Like just enjoy."
"Everyone wants to be a content creator, and this isn't a bad thing, especially if you can predict where the future of work is going."
"It's not about what you know, it's about who you know, but it's not about who you know, it's about who knows you."
"You can't do it for the money... You got to do it because you love it, you believe in what you're doing, you're passionate about it."
"We cannot do this thing called career or life alone. We're just not that smart. We're not that strong. We're just not that good."
"I gave a presentation called 'Build a Life, Not a Resume'."
"Pursue this as a career, and it will come true."
"My advice if you're attracted to it, go for it. Don't let anybody talk you out of it, including yourself."
"It's okay to be a master of one but be a jack of all trades. It will help you more than anything else."
"I think probably what's been slightly missold is this idea that you're going to have a big passion, something you love, it's going to be monetizable, and you're never going to hate it or burn out."
"If you want to be materially successful, find something you're ridiculously passionate about."
"As a society, we must do better about telling young people all of their options before they ship off to a college to purchase a $300,000 degree."
"Snoop Dogg came on my radio show one day... 'You ain't selling out; you're looking out.'"
"Follow your passion, in addition to be astonishingly appealing, also happens to be astonishingly bad advice."
"The money will come; you need that education to make sure you get on the pitch in the first place."
"If you want to be a streamer or a YouTuber then go for it, but remember you'll need to learn to love engaging with and entertaining an audience as much as you love the game because that is the majority of what you will be doing."
"Finding your passion and monetizing it is so much more profitable than every other career advice that you've been given."
"The wrong road can railroad your career the same as the wrong song or album can kill your career as a singer or rapper."
"There are a thousand choices between you and success, and I cannot promise you that the success you'll get at the end is the one you originally thought it may or may not be, but I can tell you that if you keep aiming for impact in every single choice, cumulatively, you will have an outsized career."
"Enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it, suck it off and go and do something else."
"You are not meant to work these regular jobs. Stop trying to make it work and make your dreams work."
"I learned patience with this business. You got to have patience."
"Just because you chose the doctor path doesn't mean you can't learn new things, follow your interest, follow your passion, don't just chase the money, life's too short for that."
"If you do it for the money or the fame, but not for the love of the craft, it won't be as fulfilling."
"Work isn't meant to make you miserable... if work isn't enjoyable, it's because you're doing work that you are not enjoying."
"I think you should quit chasing the paycheck and start chasing the passion."
"Work for somebody really, really brilliant, even if they don't pay you a penny."
"The most important thing is to be passionate about what you do."
"Internships absolutely a hundred percent do it now."
"Don't fall into this trap everybody tries to tell you: if you hate what you're doing, then clearly you don't love it. That's not the case."
"Bottom line is, don't get taken advantage of. Don't join an organization that could care less about you."
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking and don't settle."
"It's okay to be an employee, but someday don't you want to be an employer?"
"Even if you don't get the award that you want, the recognition that you want, you may have a longer run than some of these other people that have that one moment in the spotlight."
"The reason these men got to where they are today is because they took a path that no one else ventured down."
"Find out what you would do for free. That might just be your passion."
"This is your one chance to make a compelling case well, it's the one chance you know you have to make a compelling case of why you're a great fit for the position."
"Find something you enjoy and you truly enjoy; otherwise, you're gonna hate yourself when you realize that you're doing something you don't like."
"It's an amazing feeling not worrying about where I'm gonna be and... knowing that I can kind of pivot and do things that I want to do and find a way to make it successful."
"If you follow your passion, the money will follow, but you have to take that leap of faith."
"If you like solving puzzles, you like patterns and hidden structures, logical analysis, deduction, investigating the unknown connections, if you like to explain and control, then being a math major might be a good choice for you."
"Coding, that's a high level skill that will get you a high-paying job right now."
"Maybe you can do both at the same time. Maybe that could be like your side hustle, your side hobby, and then once that is, you got that thing rolling and you start getting income from it, it can become your main job."
"Whatever job you're in, whatever you're doing, if you do a good job at it, then loads of good things will happen."
"The best advice after 20 years of programming experience is not to be a slave of the tech community, constantly hunting meta to meta."
"Stop trying to be a jack of all trades and a master of none."
"Go to school and go to college; both are very important, depending on what you want to do."
"Sometimes the best way to get a raise or level up in your career is to switch jobs."
"When entrepreneurs said that you should just do what caters to your strengths, if you're good at it, just go do it."
"Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life sounds like something that an unemployed philosopher would say."
"Follow your passion. That is the most dangerous career advice we could ever give anybody."
"Identify your strengths and play to those strengths, and I promise you, your work will become more rewarding."
"You're an incredible human being and like it's just you're so easy to speak with you should do this for a living."
"You're not dependent on a thing; you're dependent on yourself and your writing and ability to go out on the road and earn a living."
"If you look around and you see one or more groups doing what you want to do very well, just pick something else. Your life's going to be a lot more pleasant."
"To find work you love, don't just follow your passion, rather do what's valuable."
"It's okay to want more. So many times, I was told just be happy to have a lane."
"If you want the job, then you need to be prepared for the job."
"If you're going to spend 40 hours or more of your time every single week doing something, at the very least you would hope that it would be satisfying."
"You and your labor are far too valuable to be wasted on people who would swap you out for a machine or an AI at the drop of a hat."
"Your salary is more than just money; it shows how much a company appreciates your work and values your skills."
"This one is a dark horse candidate in my opinion. I think 10 or 15 years from now, this might be a big one."
"Is an aerospace engineering degree worth it? That's what we're going to be talking about today."
"Find a job that makes you happy. It makes the world of a difference."
"Diversify. Learn multiple skills because that will set you apart."
"Remember your career is not just gonna be one year or two years in length."
"It's really, really important today to understand a programming language."
"It's all about selling yourself, right? The best jobs are the ones that you don't apply to. The best jobs are the jobs that are created for you because they want you."
"Open up LinkedIn or whatever job search application that is your favorite, and search in your area for what you want to be."
"Learn Linux really well. Learn Python really well."
"That's what I tell people: look at the available jobs or even better, the company you're at, what do they use?"
"Anytime you stay in a situation just for financial gain and you are miserable, it's never going to end well."
"Persistence is key, not just in landing a job but in life in general."
"Find what you're passionate about because if you're passionate about it, you will do good work in that area... and you'll find a way to get people to pay you for it."
"Look for the job that you would take if you didn't need a job."
"The world makes room for passionate people... Whatever it is you're most passionate about, whatever lights you up and excites you, bringing joy to that work will pay off for you big time in the long run."
"If you have programming skills, then that will separate you out from the crowd."
"Being a head coach, you got to know which jobs to take and which jobs not to take."
"Your talent is only 10% of your business in music business, for real."
"It is very important that you only do what you love."
"Work is a dirty four-letter word. If you find something you love doing, you'll never work a day in your life."
"The most correlated skill you can have when we're talking about income is sales."
"Luck plays a big role, timing plays a big role, and effort plays a big role."
"Don't focus on making money, instead focus on doing something you love and become so good at it that people can't take their eyes off of you."
"If you're not doing what you love, you're wasting your time."
"If you really get an offer for something that you love, you just have to drop everything."
"The course... not only teaches you the data core fundamentals but also talks about interviewing, resume prep, negotiation."
"Work is a manifestation of your love for a particular thing. You do it because you love it."
"If you love what you do, and you do that, you're on a good path."
"Life is expensive, especially when you're just starting out your career, but I do believe it's possible you will be able to buy a home if you're disciplined in your career and save money."
"The romanticization of social media jobs and the demonization of real jobs is backfiring on everyone."
"Do what you love; money is always going to be there."
"This job would never have come to you if it was not meant for you. Whatever is meant for you will never pass you by."
"One thing I'm slowly learning is that if you're into instant gratification, don't consider archaeology as a career."
"If you complain about what you want professionally, well, there's a way to fix it."
"You can fail doing something that you don't like, so you might as well fail doing something that you do like."
"If you're doing something in your day that you don't love, you either do what you love, or you learn to love what you do."
"Follow your passion first. And you got to sit there and ask yourself, okay, what am I truly passionate about? What do I enjoy doing?"
"If you're a kid out there like I was trying to start my social media career, you could become successful."
"It's a difficult and competitive industry to enter... But it can be a very rewarding career: you won't just be playing games, you'll be helping make the experiences that the next generation of players will be obsessing over."
"It's better to be doing something that you actually love rather than doing something just for money."
"If there's any young guys out there that are upset about changing position... embrace it."
"You have to fall in love with what you do and soak into the passion."
"Heavy equipment mechanic... it's hard to find, but if you have some mechanic experience and some tools, it's so rewarding."
"Money should not be your only motivator because think about it, if you're spending a lot of time day in and day out on something that you're not actually excited about, and you're doing it just for money, you're spending like a third of your life being miserable."
"If you don't know if you can like figure things out and do whatever right out of high school, just go to college because the self-employed route and all that is not for you."
"If you're like 18 and you've got like a big interest in coding and you've never really worked on a project before, no, go to college and get the degree."
"It's not what you're worth, it's what you negotiate."
"The advice I would say is to follow your passion, do it early, and don't be afraid of falling on your face."
"For the people that are leaving the Great Resignation, I would say first start with what you're curious about. What do you find yourself searching on Google at like two in the morning? Oftentimes, we brush off our curiosities as just something weird or different about us, but every time I've been curious about something enough to dive into it and be a student of it, I've found gifts inside of that."
"Find what you absolutely love... if you don't like doing something, you're going to try it, you're going to do it, but you're not going to stick to it."
"It's not always what you know, it's who you know."
"Don't just load your resume with bullshit, though; make sure you can actually talk the talk."
"If you want my life advice... follow those, you'll get a job, I promise you."
"Money-wise, career-wise, it's an awesome read."
"Please value yourself, love yourself. You are worth more than this soul-crushing job."
"Science and analysis skills are only getting more in demand."
"This is a very good job, and if this is something that you're thinking about doing, I highly recommend it."
"If you think that drawing is something you enjoy and you would like to make a career out of it, it's possible. And if you want to make that choice, go for it."
"There's going to be a value in that." - Elon Musk advising on careers in the context of AI advancements.
"As fast as you can, work towards getting a job that is applicable to what you want to do in life."
"I've always said with boxing, because of the dangers of the sport, I've always said, 'Get in, get rich, get out.'"
"If you're chasing money instead of chasing something you truly want to do, then that's where it becomes something you're not enjoying anymore."
"Include a professional summary that is really catchy."
"You need to find a job that you enjoy doing because you spend a good chunk of your life doing that job."
"Most people use the wrong criteria to choose not only their first job after college but their entire career."
"What you like being good at is what you should build your career on."
"You should stay in the driver's seat and what should drive your choice is where can you spend the most time doing what you love being good at."
"You're not gonna know until you're ten years in. If you don't love it and you're not pursuing it because you love it, you're not going to make it anyway."
"Passion is so important. Do what you love, believe in it with everything you are, and make it happen."
"Do something that you truly love... if you can find something that you really enjoy, then you won't be constantly looking for that motivation."
"Reach for the stars, kids. That's how you do it. Lie on the resume, just rely on that resume."
"And it's definitely a good time to be an ice giant scientist or to get into ice giant science."
"You're actually perfect. This is great. If you had a bunch of hand-holding, oddly enough, I'd be more worried about you in the job market."
"The best way to make yourself recession-proof is to have a dream."
"You have to be creative and find a way to be accepted in this industry."
"It's more about who knows you, not who you know."
"The path to financial independence could actually run through a two-year education much more easily than it does through a four-year education."
"The most important thing really is represented succinctly and represent how well, how good of a fit you are for that role."
"Pick something you would do for free, and make that your career, and you'll never live a sad day in your life."
"Ask for your worth. The money is there. I promise you will not lose the job."
"If you want to be popular, go into light entertainment."
"Never give up, because there were so many times in my career that I felt like giving up."
"You're waiting on a new employment or you're just waiting for something else to take off in your life, work, and career-wise."
"Don't sell yourself short; there are so many levels to this whole business, and there are so many new mountains you'll have to climb."
"Lucky for you, one of us is competent. I found you an option elsewhere, and I suggest you take it if you want any hope of salvaging this so-called career of yours."
"It's a question that every racing fan and every racer has probably considered: What do you need to do to become a driver at a championship-winning Formula One team?"
"We have to act like a free agent; we have to take care of ourselves first."
"You do not need to make a career out of all of your hobbies."
"Get some leverage. Don't think I hate when [__] be like, 'I need a manager.' You have nothing to manage."
"You got to stop operating out of fear. Sometimes, things don't work, or maybe it's time for a different change, like job-wise."
"Pick something you would do for free and make it your career, and you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"I had a text message from Bill Parcells... His response was, 'Don’t chase this thing too long. You can contribute in other ways.'"
"If there's a lot of dependency on you... there's a very high probability you won't get laid off."
"Technology isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so you also have a lot of job security."
"It's lazy advice to just follow your dreams without considering practical implications."
"You've got to find a way to be excited about what you're doing."
"So, here's some of my final thoughts. I think burnout is the canary in the coal mine."
"Stay the course. Don't panic. You're not on the wrong path; you're just having a bumpy start. Learn from your experiences and keep going."
"I strongly recommend whenever possible that you be lucky."
"Don't pick a job for the cars that come with it, but pick the right job and the cars will come with it."
"If you can't handle differences of opinion, then this is not the career path you should go in."
"Find something that you're good at, find something you like to do, and find something that's useful."
"Don't do everything for a check... don't let the money define why you get up in the morning."
"If you master these 10 [best practices], you'll set yourself up for success. On the other hand, if you ignore these best practices, you will almost assuredly get into trouble."
"Get paid to do what you already know how to do. Basically, the idea is you would become a consultant with the skills that you already have."
"Do what you love and you'll make a good living at it."
"You are replaceable... learn to adjust, learn to live."
"Careers are not ladders. Those days are long gone. But jungle gyms don't just move up and down. Don't just look up, look backwards, sideways, around corners."
"If you're not motivated to learn... data science may not be the best career for you."
"I'm gonna continue doing this for as long as I can."
"Copywriting is the best way to make 10K a month, not just a reliable way, not just a repeatable way, but the best way."
"Copywriting is a forever skill. It doesn't matter what you decide to do, copywriting is transferable to every other aspect of life."
"Your best bet is an older company that hasn't quite mastered remote work yet but will let you work from home."
"It's really pursuing your passion, it's putting in the hard work."
"In most cases it ends and so you have to think what is your next move and you have to create that vision early on because you start moving in that direction then." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
"You have to work your ass off no matter what you do if you're in a media business in the movie business in the acting business if you're an athlete you have to work your ass off." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
"You got to go all out it's now or never I mean so I always go all out and I try different things." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
"Listen to yourself about your career in March 2022 because it is likely leading you to the right way."
"Talent has always been the most important right."
"It's okay if you start on a med-surg floor. You just need that experience, and then you can always specialize."
"Be so good that they can't live without you."
"He needs to secure a seat personally. I think go to Haas if that is an option."
"When you do what you love, you never work a day of your life."
"If your passion starts to change, then you probably want to think about doing something different."
"Do what you love but keep something on the side."
"In order to be super successful in any industry, you kind of have to have a business mind."
"This job is what you put into it, you'll definitely reap what you sow here."
"Everyone has this big ego about what they deserve. It's not a loss if you're willing to be a student and get paid for it."
"I feel like the sky's the limit for you. I really think I need to come over here full time on YouTube."
"A life of effeminacy, indolence, and obscurity? Or a life of industry, temperance, and honor?"
"Start putting yourself in a position where your job wouldn't be at risk."
"Do what you love, motivated, not get burnt out."
"To build a very good network of people you also have to be very careful not to abuse this relationship that you have with someone."
"Keith Ferrazzi has a book that says never eat alone he says if you're going out to lunch you should always hit your Rolodex."
"You are not an intern in my opinion. You should never work for free unless you're building your own portfolio for freelancing or your own job."
"For people who want to get in that role, be that person, have that energy, and work hard at it, and you'll get there."
"Find what you're passionate about and get after it."