
Intellect Quotes

There are 2743 quotes

"Openness to experience fragments into intellect and openness proper...Intellect is the personality instantiation of IQ, roughly speaking."
"Kant was an intellectual badass. If brains had balls, Kant's would have been made out of steel."
"I was really drawn to the idea of a young woman having her superpower be her mind."
"Between your mind, your intellect, and your intuition, you have the answer."
"You have just a perfect balance between intellect and creativity."
"Our intellect is our tool; that is our evolutionary edge."
"The true muscle of a human is the intellect, the wisdom, and the knowledge."
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. This is the optimum way to discuss relevant issues and not give ammunition to bad actors."
"You're not paid for your muscle power; you're paid for your mind power."
"Your thinking power will be rising; you show ultimate brilliance and will show the world that you have unique ability and vision."
"Our thoughts and imaginations are the catalyst of our dreams, the doorway to shaping our intellect, and the ticket to our creativity or lack thereof."
"In the grim expanse of the future, battles are won not by the sword, but by the mind."
"Trying to win an argument with a smart person is difficult; trying to win an argument with an idiot is impossible."
"Competition is a puzzle, and you have to approach it through intellect."
"Intellect increases the area of effect and duration of spells... leading to some interesting questions."
"As a caster, having a high intellect gives you a lot more options as to where you drop things."
"Physicists could be just as moronic as anybody else. As a matter of fact, I've met quite a few physicists who, short of whatever they know in physics, they're fully lobotomized."
"We're spiritual creatures, we have an intellect, and we live in physical bodies."
"Who am I? is a question that itself is a sign of mature intellect."
"Use your mind. Allah has given you these qualities, these amazing qualities to refine, to understand your perspective, your basis, your purpose in this dunya."
"We're spiritual beings living in physical bodies and we've been gifted with an intellect. Most people really don't understand that part, but that's where the power lies."
"The next person you're going to date is going to be attracted to your intellect, your knowledge, and they're going to really respect your mind."
"I feel like the next person you're going to date is going to admire your strength and most importantly they're gonna be attracted to your brain, your mind."
"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the Earth and in the alternation of the night and day, there are signs for those who have intellect."
"Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a man who as a young boy displayed supreme talent and ingenuity, rivaling and even surpassing some of the greatest minds."
"Calm, respectful, elegant, curious, ruthless, and cunning, Dr. Lecter is learned and knowledgeable beyond imagining, skilled and talented without equal."
"It's one of the great marks of a real intellectual that you're never satisfied with every question you answer opens up a hundred more questions."
"I feel like smart, intellectual people often like to focus on the rational and negative, to the detriment of the emotional and positive."
"You deserve it every single piece of it because that brain of yours is so goddamn magical."
"The intellect is a beautiful servant but it's a terrible master."
"2% of the people think, 3% think they think, and 95% would rather die than think."
"To think from first principles is to be intellectually fearless."
"We built the universe with great minds, and we are certainly expanding it."
"Islam Allah has given us an intellect, countless signs, and a lifetime to search for him."
"I wonder if in fact the human intellect is sufficient to actually decode the full operations of this universe in which we live."
"Great wits are shorter madness near allied, and thin partitions to their bounds divide." - Dryden
"There is no appreciation for women intellectuals. It's all about the body, not about the brain."
"Brains were naturally evolved, naturally selected, to increase in capacity and power for utilitarian reasons, until those higher faculties of intellect and spirit emerged as a by-product and blossomed in the cultural environment provided by group living and language."
"Engaging in debate and conversation with evidence and intellect is crucial in demonstrating the superiority and truth of one's beliefs."
"We should have pessimism of the intellect and optimism of the will."
"The real problem with testing...was that there was no private sector, and BARDA never got engaged to bring the private sector in."
"Imagine if Justin's brain was triple the size it is now. It would be galaxy brain."
"Don't be ashamed of your intelligence. God gave you that brilliant brain."
"Reflexively dismissing every conspiracy theory is very low IQ, but reflexively believing all of them is also low IQ."
"Intellect and intuition should work together, listen to what you know and what you feel."
"Mars in Gemini: similar to Mars in Sagittarius, focused with a well-honed mind, connecting body and mind."
"Elizabeth, unlike her more reserved and dignified sister Mary, resembled the young Henry in that she was vivacious, witty, charming, and a ferocious intellectual."
"A kind, loving God would not punish me for using my brain properly."
"I'm going to win it with my mind. I'm going to win it with my intellect."
"Intellect is far more than that. It's about learning on your own, being curious, going out in the world, experiencing things, having a job, dealing with people right, and how you react to the world around you."
"Forming hypotheses is one of the most precious faculties of the human mind."
"Most actors are imbeciles. They're not real people and they don't have real big thoughts."
"People came with empty hands but their intellect helped create an economic system."
"They were highly intellect way more intellect sure than us right now."
"Trust in your own gut or your own intellect is one of those things where you just have to do the work."
"Cynicism is not intelligence. In fact, I think it's kind of a closed mind."
"There's a lot of value to things that aren't necessarily related to being smart."
"Intellects solve problems. Geniuses prevent them."
"Beauty is fleeting, so if you don't have like an intellect to back it up, yeah, you can get in the door but are you going to be invited back?"
"Minds such as Dr. Jack Bright, who began his career as human with only two outstanding qualities: his keen intellect and his absurdly poor luck."
"We must go beyond the thoughts of little green monsters from Hollywood to realize the prized minds of the super minds."
"The difficult part of my job relates to your high level of intellect, which paradoxically makes it more difficult for you to understand unless you remember how important it is to have moments of insight."
"The smartest, best designed, and most intellectually stimulating immersive sim I've ever played."
"He may not be as big as his villains, may not be as strong as them but his mind and his agility is what's going to help him save the day, defeat them."
"The best one for me has been the ending of Loki which went with a more cerebral battle using brains rather than Brawn."
"We are a rich community, and we have amazing thinkers, people who are doing the work."
"Sokka learns to rely on his intellect to outwit his enemies."
"The hallmark of a brilliant chess player is the ability to bait their opponent into making a move that's a trap."
"She often fades into the background of conversations due to her unimposing nature but nevertheless contains an incredible intellect."
"Just because you're an intellectual doesn't mean you're not subject to irrationality."
"My body, intellect, it takes you further than, you know, the women that is just the body."
"Big brain only, big brain people allowed on this channel."
"This is the kind of community I want to have is a bunch of beautiful nerds talking to each other having meaningful debates and discussions and I love it."
"From the earliest age, the boy had been a prodigious devourer of books."
"Men should rebel against this but the way they should rebel is by being honorable and responsible and intellectually formidable."
"They were some of the brightest people in the United States at the time."
"The successful one is the one that determines the right and wrong from what Allah has told them, not their own intellect, but they use that intellect to use it as an engine to stay away from that which is not beneficial for them."
"Miranda represents the modern woman's head and what it looks like if she lets her mind take charge."
"Be determined, be focused, be impulsive. Use your intellect to make decisions."
"Our intellects may be a maladaptation, but they've led to art, literature, and science."
"Doing what's never been done before is intellectually seductive."
"It's awesome to go to work with some of the finest minds who are committed to building a totally new way of doing almost everything."
"Two or better yet, many minds are better than just one."
"The power that I have does not just live between my thighs, it also lives between my ears."
"What the American people saw in judge Brett Kavanaugh is a profound intellect."
"His hidden genius is his mental resilience and the fact that he's sharpened his mind so well that it's like a weapon."
"Don't let your intelligence get in the way of what your heart chakra is telling you."
"Brian's brain was so immaculate in the way that he thought about the animals and the enclosures and just the businesses and everything."
"Malachi Martin... a real sharpie, he's genius."
"Women should be appreciated for their minds, not their bodies."
"This person's mind really works in a beautiful way."
"A giant pulsating mind is a terrible thing to waste."
"You can't reject logic and intelligence and still imagine yourself to be an intellectual."
"Our breath is vital, representing our communication, intellect, and thoughts."
"In silence, there is no need to work the machinery of the intellect. In silence, one may rest and allow the truth to rise up into consciousness."
"The best course of action is an amalgamation of instinct and intellect."
"The mind is mightier than the pen, the pen is mightier than the sword."
"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness." - Aristotle
"James's considerable intellect was in evidence."
"It is actually pro-intellectual. Everyone wants to be intellectual."
"The ancient Greeks believed the ideal man had both physical fitness and intellectual fitness."
"It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment."
"Enrico Fermi had a legendary ability for estimating very complicated phenomena for almost no data at all."
"Giftedness may manifest in intellect, creativity, leadership, and more."
"Crush enemies with your brain, not your wallet."
"If it were an intellectual battle, then we'd never lose."
"Aquarius, I'm going to call them the intellectual flirts."
"Kubrick is one of the greatest thinkers to ever make a movie."
"Priyanshi somani at 11 years old she broke world records for mental calculations which are mathematical calculations solved in your head without pen and paper and she even won the mental calculation World Cup in 2010."
"They're incredibly heartfelt yet cerebral science fiction that really uses the science to do interesting things about Human Experience."
"It takes a great mind to entertain an idea without endorsing it."
"I don't think enough people appreciate the genuine level of intellect, timing, and planning that goes into crafting a well thought out joke."
"The sign of an intelligent mind: when you can entertain an idea without accepting it."
"Their keen intellect and problem-solving could easily catch even the most skilled of hunters off guard."
"God has given us rational minds and by exercising those minds in a responsible way, we can think God's thoughts after him."
"Our heroes here use their common sense, their intellect, and ingenuity."
"He does a lot of his damage with his brain not just his mechanics."
"There is nothing more powerful than imagination and wisdom... they all come from the same source."
"The value we gain from the hypothetical is that there might be other minds that have the complexity of a human mind."
"Two incredible minds, two incredible talents melding into one powerful force."
"These are supposed to be great computer hackers and they won in looking for something."
"Politicians sometimes allow emotions to get the better of their intellect."
"We are becoming dumber by the day, bro, it's horrifying."
"The deadliest weapon isn't what you think. It's using your head."
"I think it's important to have intellectual and civil discourse."
"If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"Aquarius Venus values intellectual connection, freedom, and justice."
"Chess is not really rocket science or particularly all that difficult."
"Chess is simply a silent debate of who's the bigger idiot."
"Few activities where one can prove true intellectual, not physical but intellectual, dominance over another."
"Living a life of wisdom is more than just knowing true things."
"The intellect is like a knife or a chisel that you can use to tear away at the false stuff."
"Those are the ones who are thinking the things through it's the Nerds who solve all the world's problems."
"Jonathan Anderson is so smart...his bags are incredibly chic but incredibly intellectual."
"I believe it's intellectually lazy and can be deceptive."
"The devil is a real person, a person in the sense of having a will and an intellect."
"This isn't a game, this isn't a political game. This is applying your intellect to save people's lives."
"This is what Aquarius is here to teach you— the difference between your emotions and your mind."
"A pen is considered mightier than the sword to indicate that written communication is more effective than violence, and this is the reason it is worn by intellectuals as a symbol of freedom of speech."
"Rhaegar demonstrated an insatiable passion for reading and knowledge."
"She's one of the most brilliant people you're ever going to meet in your life."
"They miss the way your mind works, your intellect, your interesting outlook."
"This is a space for intelligent black people, not scared to death black people. It's time for your brains to start kicking in beloved, not your emotions."
"Your person loves the way that your mind works...you both meet on an intellectual level."
"I want to examine a topic I find to be extremely interesting and also thought provoking."
"Islam came to preserve the intellect, alcohol and drugs are forbidden."
"The human mind as we know it is a cultured, domesticated product of thousands of years of miraculous ideas."
"Consciousness is on my side, not on the side of the intellect."
"Rob Lucci is obviously an intellectual beast."
"What people voted for was an intellectual counter-revolution."
"Thank you, Kelly. Your restrained yet passionate intelligence has revealed ways to focus my range of political hypocrisy. Never closing my eyes again. Thank you."
"Your mind is your gift because your mind and your ideas are what you are going to be sharing or expressing with the world."
"We appreciate your bravery and your brilliance."
"Processes are great when they're inside your brain. You are so smart, you can do so many things with this."
"Male and female have equal intellect and will."
"When you're a disruptive thinker, people can accommodate the fullness and the vastness of the way you think."
"More and more people really think the idea of intellectualism and intuition are mutually exclusive. Hell no. One is meant to work with the other."
"The best resources of human beings on the Earth are the human brains."
"Humans are not mere animals; they can overuse their brains to overcome their animal instincts."
"What's fascinating about Thanos and what was embodied well in his MCU adaptation was the notion of Thanos's genius being both his greatest ally and his worst enemy."
"Reading things that intimidate you deepens your knowledge and boosts problem-solving abilities."
"Part of success in Silicon Valley is dependent on flexing one of the biggest muscles you have: your brain."
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect had intended for us to forgo their use."
"I know we just met, but I have to confess, I think you have a beautiful brain."
"Smart people talk about ideas; idiots talk about people. That's the difference."
"Exceptional intellectual or creative powers."
"The knowledge, humor, generosity, and intelligence of the comments have just been tremendous."
"The struggle for Supremacy had changed, no longer a clash of armies but a battle of wits."
"They look really good. They're brilliant, serious."
"Physical survival means obtaining food, water, and shelter; intellectually survival means assessing and utilizing information."
"Make love to their mind first, make them interested in what you got to talk about."
"She was quick to pick up several languages and could converse on a seemingly endless number of intellectual subjects."
"Intellect and spirit are not separate; the mind itself is immaterial."
"Only engage in dialogue with people who have a relatively high level of intellectual integrity."
"You have an incredible mind, how do you want to use it?"
"Trust the merging power of our intuition and our minds."
"He was an intellectual giant but he was also a moral Giant and an amazing role model."
"God gave us brains and intends that we use them. Spirits are real, and their effects can be felt in the earthly realm."
"We can observe the world, we can use our powerful minds rationally."
"We should see the equality of men and women before the law, before God, and intellectually."
"Chomsky is an intellectual heavyweight."
"Every discovery you're about to see in this video has been observed, tested, and considered by some of the brightest minds on the planet."
"You can be an ordinary human being and an extraordinary intellectual all rolled into one."
"He was a brilliant, brilliant genius."
"Noble intellects gave the pyramids their all; pure minds exhausted their every effort for their sake."
"Catherine would become the most intellectual of Henry VII's wives and maintained a passion for learning throughout her life."
"This is a time of astonishing intellectual and cultural ferment."
"The Emperor and the Empress, a perfect union between right brain and left brain."
"It's going to be a battle of wits and not of muscle."
"Sparkling conversation, mental clarity, powerful wordsmith, strong mindful encyclopedic knowledge."
"...the potential for computers to surpass humans in complex intellectual tasks."
"What we do all have is a kind of intellectual conscience."
"God always wants us to engage our mental faculties to the fullest possible extent."
"They find you very intellectually stimulating."
"Certainly, solitude is dangerous for active minds. We need men who can think and can talk around us."
"Mercury is the planet of intellectualizing things and intellect and analyzing things."
"Figuring things out, it's like Sherlock Holmes in here."
"Romans is a unique combination of the spiritual and the intellectual without parallel in human literature."
"The people in the Indian countryside don't use their intellect like we do, they use their intuition instead."
"There's a lot of respect for you, a lot of respect for your mind, and a lot of respect for the connection that you two have cultivated."