
Ethical Debate Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"Human-level AI is several decades away, but we should start the debate now."
Demis Hassabis
"His critics will call it a pseudoscience that takes money in exchange for false hope, as to date, no method of bringing back those who have been preserved has arisen."
"For the first time in history, people are questioning if it's even morally okay to have children."
"We're not telling them what they can do to their bodies, though. We're telling them what they can't do to a baby, a precious life."
"If your freedom comes at the expense of the life of another human being, then it's not really your freedom that is the top priority."
"Such an act is so unthinkably immoral, that perhaps it is the greatest evidence for why our universe is in fact not simulated."
"Abortion is the killing of the innocent on a mass scale."
"So far, nobody's had an answer that can justify the existence of NFTs and the harm they're causing."
"The baby that is born is not violating someone else's body, that's the difference."
"Options again are nanobots, specialized vaccines, targeted viruses, specialized toxins that bind only to non-functioning cells, and so on."
"Everyone’s got a right to their own perspective but the usual reasons for not trying are that it’s unethical to extend our lives, because it’s unnatural, or that we’ll get bored."
"Why do you want to mutilate and sterilize kids? I'm saying you look, do you have an argument for this?"
"Why shouldn't you make a decision to die if that is what you want to do?"
"It's good is good rules versus good is good ends."
"I think we can justify using CS gas to clear those people out."
"If abortion doesn't kill human beings then no justification is necessary however if it does kill human beings no justification is adequate."
"If you commit a crime and you actively resist arrest, you forfeit your right to live."
"If they find these ideas so repugnant, then shouldn't you be actually criticizing the people who are espousing them?"
"I have referred to this as life versus life, not life versus the economy, not life versus liberty, but life versus life."
"What do you think of keeping killer whales in captivity? Do you think SeaWorld is hiding the truth from its visitors?"
"You're not talking about a clump of cells that is testing brainwave activity, you're talking about a fully functional human being."
"The controversy around them is relatively light... isn't it better for animal lovers to have access to the pet owning experience with robotic animals when they otherwise couldn't?"
"Jesus wasn't saying that you should take from others and make them give charity."
"If you really believe that life begins at fertilization, there is a genocide happening every day."
"I proved that his ethical system is completely incoherent."
"Sometimes the ends really do justify the means."
"The act of going on TV and suggesting that grandparents should be willing to die for the sake of the economy and their grandchildren is pure evil, plain and simple."
"Do parents have the right to mutilate their children or do children have the right to not be mutilated?"
"The argument that it's women's rights to choose is it's the same as arguing in my opinion that a slave owner has a right over someone else's body."
"There is an amount of babies the right is okay with being murdered."
"It's so cynical and dishonest and gross to say that if you don't have the same politics as me on this issue then it's because you don't care about these children."
"Making abortions illegal is simply a sanctimonious self-righteous form of violence against women."
"The entire left-wing position rests on the complete dehumanization of a pre-born child."
"The baby didn't do anything wrong. So why are you punishing the baby? If you believe it's a life and it is ending a life, you're ending the life of the innocent baby."
"God bless and cowgirl up. He's my little deputy, my little cowboy, he's my Elvie."
"If you can murder in cold blood, you deserve to be murdered in cold blood."
"Gorillas are still in zoos for the same reason they were when they were kept in small metal cages, to be an exotic attraction."
"Morality is a big hairy complex topic and it confuses a lot of people."
"The moral weight of the abortion question itself."
"The Iraq War demonstrated that regime change is always fundamentally evil and will always fail."
"That's what I hear you saying about playing God, how do you create a quality of outcome when people aren't the same?"
"Fear is the road to civilization. The ends justify the means."
"If you think this is extremist, then that really is fighting fire with fire because they just made it legal to kill a nine-month-old baby."
"You can both protect other people and protect the unborn."
"You stop it along the way. If people have the right to defend their property, the second you put someone in fear for their life, you forfeit your right to safety."
"I think that we should have the right to have an abortion even if a fetus is a person."
"If the baby can be born, I don't think it should be killed."
"What matters is that you cannot give a right to a fetus that no other human has, which is the right to use someone else's body without express and ongoing consent."
"My conviction that something like raping a small child for fun and profit is wrong was far more than my conviction that god did not exist."
"This is why Airbnb is a sick company that has allowed a lot of people's like weird voyeuristic impulses to take over and they've monetized it. It should be outlawed frankly."
"Human rights should never be instrumentalized as political tools."
"You don't have to be a good person at heart if you're doing good things. Your actions speak louder than what you are as a person."
"A baby should be able to be killed until its head exits the birth canal."
"Clearly there are instances in which lies are justified."
"Taking away the free choice of 84 million people will save 6,500 hypothetical lives."
"I'm sorry, it's your opinion on abortion is not as valid as somebody who is willing to have some skin in the game."
"That American military, with that unthinkable amount of money spent, is little more than the biggest terrorist organization the world has ever seen."
"Nobody has made a compelling case for why abortion should be considered immoral."
"The idea that a mother has the right to abort her baby for any reason whatsoever is plainly insane."
"It's dystopian and slimy to put people under the microscope and comb through their entire life."
"It's more important to be morally right than factually correct."
"I'm trying to stop you from sexually mutilating children, you damned monsters."
"Abortion is not a racial justice issue. It's a racial injustice issue."
"The baby has a right to life, and that right is not taken away by the fact that he's the product of rape."
"The vegans who judge you and say that you're inhumane for how you raise your animals for food, they ought to get off their dang high horses."
"Rioting is not justified even if there's a bad shooting."
"The real question is, is a fetus a human being?"
"When you're fighting for the life of The Unborn, you're on the right side of History, you're on the right side of law."
"God has called me to sacrifice all of that in order to bring the truth."
"There's a big distinct difference between blatant exploitation of a death and criticism of somebody's exploitation."
"We clearly don't get our morality out of our holy books because they are bursting with cruelty."
"Abortion is the intentional taking of human life."
"Mr. Beast responded, saying 'So, you'd prefer we don't help people get life-changing surgery they want and they ask for? That's ableism, Mr. Beast. Ableism.'"
"Vindictive behavior... is actually worthwhile and justifiable."
"Violence is justified when all other options are exhausted."
"Abortion is really just, on the numbers, the greatest mass killing."
"There is a link between the impetus towards saying that a human life in the womb has no value and our military-industrial complex... The authoritarian spirit of international governance to try and submit the freedom and free will of people."
"The entire point is power dynamics, bro. What if it's a slave washing the foot of a slave master, for example?"
"That is the world we live in, so for Stephen A. Smith to say that John Gruden shouldn't be held accountable for what he's done in the past, that's completely incorrect."
"Gotta play devil's advocate here killing them might not be just it sort of depends on whether you think you would be any different from them."
"The campaign against six days in Fallujah has crossed a bevy of lines that should not be crossed at all."
"Can we even call Adderall a performance-enhancing drug?"
"The point that you have most likely benefited from historical evils becomes relevant when you attempt to quantify and monetize the trickle-down harm."
"Remember, you can’t steal from a corporation - it’s called reclamation."
"That's honestly such a weird process. You're making some random dog carry a clone baby that way you can feel better."
"You cannot compare what was done to millions of people out of pure hatred to what is happening to animals."
"Do you think that paternity testing should be mandatory? I absolutely think it should be."
"No one gets to decide that a child's life isn't worth living because of the circumstances that it's born into. Every child's life is worth saving."
"All arguments against veganism are just excuses and emerge from denial of responsibility."
"Abortion is murder, killing a human being that was created in the image of God."
"Saying that the Iraq war is a bad idea because all wars are wrong is just about the worst humanly possible argument you can make."
"I watch scambaiting videos all the time, and I'll tell you right now, I don't do it because scammers are bad and scambaiters are virtuous. Rather, I watch them because I like them. Because they're funny, because they're art I enjoy."
"Being killed because you're committing a crime doesn't mean it was justified."
"You don't just get to make up a god and then say that's where your morals come from and then start dictating what morals are."
"I don't think universally necessarily true whereas it is universally necessarily true that you shouldn't kill animals for me."
"The strongest vegan argument is that they don't want to exploit animals or take from them without their consent, but bees consent."
"All have the right to exist. Who are we to decide who should live?"
"I don't understand how that's a defensible position."
"Let's prioritize stopping childhood hunger in America before we prioritize something that doesn't even have a heartbeat."
"Abortion is the most evil thing we've been conditioned to believe as a good thing."
"I just can't fathom wanting to kill my own unborn child."
"The baby is not a parasite, the baby is a human life."
"This is actual child sacrifice if for the mental health of the woman you believe that you can cut a baby apart in the womb that is fully alive this is this is insane."
"The only reason I cite the Bible is because the Bible was enjoining actual child sacrifice this is actual child sacrifice."
"Human life begins at conception and to terminate that would be murder."
"You cannot win the argument that them going behind the backs of the people who paid for the movies, produced, directed, endorsed, acted, and wrote the movies was just wrong."
"Power means you're right? Might means right, is that what you just said?"
"An endangered animal has been shot and killed at a zoo that was meant to protect him many have asked why didn't you just tranquilize the animal they stand by the decision that they made did they make the right decision."
"If it's gaslighting the kid into believing that the parents don't have a gender or the kid should believe that they don't have a gender till they grow up and take puberty blockers, for me that is child abuse."
"There's no denying the potential human life."
"We keep, how hard is this concept? So, you're making an argument, yeah, that all of a sudden the baby goes through metamorphosis of a species change."
"Because I'm a man, I shouldn't have an opinion on abortion, right? Do you have an opinion on murder, theft, arson?"
"People say suicide is selfish, but reproduction is selfish."
"Boycotts are probably the worst way you could go about helping the workers."
"Was what he did a good thing? Was he a soldier of Christ or America's first domestic terrorist?"
"That would be considered wrong in some way is ridiculous."
"Meat-eating is morally unjustifiable, oh yeah."
"I don't believe there's ethical consumption under capitalism."
"Abortion is about autonomy, in this case bodily autonomy."
"Officer safety is a form of cowardice. Public Safety is heroism."
"Total defeat in the coming months was certain when the atomic bomb, saving far more lives than the lives they took, compelled surrender now."
"Aborting a baby up to the point of birth is monstrous."
"That's so crazy, like people actually get mad at me, you know? I'm generally against like cancel culture but like we have to acknowledge in this conversation that sometimes people deserve to be canceled."
"The bodily autonomy argument needs to be considered in the context of rape."
"I'm all for having a nuanced conversation about the death penalty."
"Nothing manifestly immoral about promoting Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama."
"It's arguably unethical that the whole premise of AM is to make it easier for people to cheat."
"Subjective morality is based on society and environment."
"I didn't lie in my criticisms of Greg Ducette... I still believe that Greg Ducett committed an unethical action..."
"If you make your argument based on what you think is truth, it's still wrong to judge and point fingers."
"The womb of the mother should be a sanctuary of hope, not a death chamber."
"Is Batman worthy to lift Mjolnir? Well, first of all, we need to decide what makes a person worthy."
"It's made more ethical than eating animals against their will."
"Mexie has convinced me that cannibalism is good."
"I support black men who want to support Kevin Samuels, but it is disingenuous and it is wrong to elevate this man's work to the level of martyrhood."
"If we said you aren't allowed to kill, we're not forcing something on your lifestyle."
"If you say life begins at conception, it's a moral wrong at any point... moral relativism, yeah, that's the linchpin of their whole ideology."
"He's got thread on the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and they've changed some of the ethics in it that aren't quite biblical."
"There are baby parts and you don't want to talk about how they're being stored. You don't want to talk about putting them in freezers."
"Abortion is about an individual's autonomy and sovereignty saying I'm going to terminate this pregnancy what happens to the fetus is a separate question."
"How can it possibly be moral to force someone to remain pregnant against their will?"
"People defending killing little babies might be kind of confused."
"What kind of precedent exactly is Mr. Corrado afraid of setting? A precedent that says it's wrong to tell other people to kill themselves? To him, that's a dangerous message to send. I disagree."
"Ultimately, all that really matters is what is the legality of it, not what is the morality of it."
"If words are violence then throwing something at someone is absolutely violence."
"The death penalty should not be an option for the most serious crimes."
"Assisted dying or legalized assisted suicide must never become law in this country."
"So what all this is really saying is that Baron Zemo is right these people have too much power and they need to be kept in check."
"Every single issue is super important, and I don't think vegans are morally superior."
"I don't believe ethics are more important than human health."
"I don't really care who's a hypocrite and who's not a hypocrite because the real conversation is what are the standards and what should happen here."
"Spiritually, it makes no sense to put a price tag on rape."
"People want meat, it's in massive demand, it needs to be done nonetheless. There's no stopping it, it's just you may as well carry on with the way it is."
"Why is it ethical to force someone to put a female on a board if she's not the right candidate if she's just there to fill a quota that doesn't sound very ethical to me."
"Violence to achieve your political goals is okay. We have to be honest with ourselves."
"Do you think that you should have property rights or should we whine about the Native Americans and say therefore anybody can steal anything?"
"That is a breach of privacy on so many levels. This is the kind of thing that if Mark Zuckerberg did, I think the world would be in flames."
"You couldn't objectively prove that the Holocaust is bad under my system."
"If a child is old enough to decide... how can you argue that they're not old enough to decide to have sex?"
"How can you be a pastor and stand for the weak and the vulnerable and then think that it is okay to kill the most vulnerable of all an unborn baby right up until the time of birth?"
"It's human life you're slaughtering, the most innocent people in our country."
"Morality is relative, and I think that it is kind of misframing the argument to say that like if you believe in morality there should be a yes or no answer to these situations."
"Denying people with mental illnesses the option to end their suffering through death is a form of discrimination."
"Physician-assisted suicide should be legal, strongly agree."
"This isn't about left versus right, but right versus wrong."
"Life begins at conception. Abortion ends with murder and death."
"Abortion involves the direct taking of an innocent human life."
"A born baby is still not a person, and we all know it is." - Challenging perceptions on the sanctity of life.
"There seems to be no ethical justification for not letting them in to this lucky circumstance."
"The death of one does not justify the death of the innocent."
"Now you have all of these different, um, loopholes that even among Muslims they talk about, well, it's not life if it's not a full body."
"It's better to be morally correct than factually correct."
"If corporations are people too, should they face criminal liability when people die due to negligence?"
"I'm an anti theist because religion is factually, historically, ethically, and morally wrong."
"Speakers warned of how the bill would legalize infanticide."
"We'll never learn. These are 20 extinct animals being brought back to life."
"When does the clump of cells become a child or is accorded personhood as a legal concept? It's from the moment of conception."
"I really feel like I shouldn't have to explain why we shouldn't be aborting fetuses in nine months."
"To kill without purpose is murder, but killing with a definitive purpose is justice."
"Good things done for the wrong reasons are still good things."
"Hopefully that offers some hope for the future as well as just morbid ethical barbarism."
"Madara's argument doesn't have a correct answer, but the way he went about it was wrong."
"The child in the womb has no intrinsic value apart from the value that the mother chooses to impose upon."
"Morality is not absolute, even if you somehow believe that biblical morality is actually good."
"Good faith implies sincerity, honesty, openness, and charity."
"Just because I disagree with johnson's activism goals does not mean that her being shot in the head and left in this condition is justice."
"Julian Assange has been effectively in prison... for doing journalism... it's grotesque, monstrous."
"It's not too dissimilar to jump from the 'is' territory to the 'ought' territory."
"That beating heart, it's hard to then deny that there's um, there's a baby."
"I don't make practical arguments. I make a moral argument."
"It's controversial because you're killing babies, that's why it's so controversial."
"Disturbing revelations: Shinrikyo's game depicts real-life atrocities."
"There is a safe limit where we can keep the moral compromise to a minimum, I believe, but I understand people who don't see it that way."
"When people are trying to reject a person's true art because he did something bad, that just seems nonsense to me. Artists are kind of sacred."
"What is right and what is wrong is really tough because ultimately it is subjective."
"This idea of being able to interfere with free will if you will something that even God will not do in most religious traditions interfere with free will is now within the capability of man should man do it I say absolutely not."
"Monetizing difficulty is a controversial practice."
"If you're making a fairness argument you're also making a moral argument."
"The fact remains that any vaccine available today involves using murdered children before they could even be born. I renew my pledge: I will not extend my life by using murdered children. This is evil. Wake up."
"Bodily autonomy is Central to the abortion debate."