
Information Processing Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"Another way to think about artificial general intelligence is that it's a process that automatically converts unstructured information into actionable knowledge."
Demis Hassabis
"There's a process that is static within the physiology of a human that takes custom information but runs it through the same exact process that everybody else uses."
"It's not about the information... it's actually the human's mind that is the main piece here."
"If you take any information and you conform it to what you already believe, you're not critically thinking."
"Why is the performance of these functions accompanied by experience? Why doesn't all this information processing go on in the dark, free of any inner feel?"
"The way we absorb information and particularly things like identity protective cognition is particularly dangerous in politics."
"The universe is an information processing system... all systems are information processing systems. You poke them, they change a little bit, they evolve."
"Consciousness is the way information feels when being processed in certain ways."
"It takes way more cognitive energy to question the information that you are presented with online rather than to just accept it as truth."
"One person's noise is another person's signal."
"Think of it in terms of it not being right or wrong, but just a different way that people take in information, organize that information, and then how they share that information with other people."
"Our subconscious mind is constantly collecting and storing all information, especially information which our conscious mind is unable to process immediately."
"My role is to take in all the information, file it away, review it, determine if there's anything that needs to be done, and decide a course of action."
"Every bit of information you absorb is filtered through your worldview and your cultural values."
"The universe is an enormously big computer that has information going into it and information comes out processed."
"Take everything we said with a grain of salt. We are not experts. You just watched us stumble through a Wikipedia article."
"The idea of life as an information processing system and even more familiar now, I might say, with the advent of gene editing technology. We can rewrite the book of life."
"It's crazy how fast the human brain can process information."
"I want to educate people. Then you go out and think what you want. But if you're missing information on how you think, it's the job of the educator to make sure you come out of the box knowing how to think and how to process information."
"If all you know is how to recite information handed to you, and you don't know how to process information, how to analyze information, how to pass judgment on information, then you are not equipped later on as an adult."
"We have a lot of information but we don't have the context that is so necessary for us to process that information."
"You learn and memorize things by processing the information and then recalling it at a later date."
"The synapse connecting the multiple neurons, the dendrites are integrating all of this information together in the cell body, and then we have the output carried on the output later on."
"Intelligence is actually the ability to process information such that it can be used to inform a future decision."
"Things change, perspectives change, and it's not hypocrisy to change your stance when presented with new information."
"This illusion is known as the stepping feet illusion...the brain will sometimes struggle to analyze all of the information that it's being presented with."
"Consciousness is the way information feels when it's been processed in certain complex ways."
"It's not the structure of the matter that's doing the information processing that matters, but the structure of the information processing."
"One of the most interesting things I learned... you can take the same data, the same information, represent it in a different data structure, and that can make it easier or more difficult to solve problems."
"I'm interested in your opinion second. I'm interested in the facts first. Give me the facts unjaded by your opinion."
"Your brain desires to categorize and process information as fast as it possibly can."
"We're so busy trying to feel smart(er than everyone else) that we don't let information permeate."
"You have to adjust as new information comes in."
"Anytime you go from raw data and you create useful information to help you make decisions, you've done data analysis."
"People will take a small bit of information and extrapolate so much."
"Just having the knowledge of things coming through was one of the main things that kept me sane."
"It's not about having an opinion on a thing, it's about filtering the way you receive the information."
"As the information changes then you have to be flexible enough and humble enough to be able to change how you think about things."
"Your brain can process more than 2 million bits of information in one second."
"Reacting off of our instincts with limited information can really get us into a lot of trouble."
"It takes skill to condense information into the smallest possible packet. Rambling is easy, focusing is hard."
"Take in some information that'll allow them to tangibly actually interact... as opposed to just be observers."
"I can only do a piece of information at a time, man."
"This work is like any other kind of training: the more you utilize your information analyzing muscles, the stronger they’ll get."
"Some things, no matter how long you've been in the industry, don't change: garbage in, garbage out."
"Context doesn't erase context; it only adds to it."
"People's brains are now to the point where they can take in new information and change what they think. That's insane."
"The large language model is never going to be smart, it's just going to be really good at organizing information."
"I'm constantly learning and growing I'm always looking for new ways to process and store information."
"I think no matter how many times you read it and you hear it explain to you even if you understand."
"I get so much information then I have to decide what am I going to put in the books and what am I going to leave out."
"Take everything that you're being told with a pinch of salt... it's a Minefield we're just trying to sift through it."
"Maps are really good at taking a lot of information and making it digestible."
"The web thing is basically... we use heuristics to kind of figure out like what [ __ ] is the way that we group things as humans."
"Folks listen to everything you can, read everything you can, but believe none of it until you can verify it."
"It's all about current events and what did you hear about, what did you read about, and what did you see. Take that information and go start a conversation."
"Visual representations simplify information and make it more meaningful."
"The important takeaway is that you need to establish a prior belief to make sense of new information."
"Trust yourself to make a decision confidently. You've gathered all the information."
"I've always been the kind of person where I just love getting information and trying to process it."
"Biology is an information processing system."
"Billions of King Louis asking trillions of questions in hundreds of languages, expecting someone to give them an answer in under one second."
"Seeing something is far more powerful than reading something."
"You should hear the good news and the bad news, you should be concerned, you should not be panicked."
"The best thing to do is to listen to all information and make sense of it on your own."
"They use gates to control the flow of information by forgetting irrelevant history, storing relevant new information, selectively updating their cell state, and then outputting a filtered version."
"You need to just learn how to take in information and process it."
"Let your brain absorb information at its own pace."
"Once you realize that you're not looking at something in the right context with the right amount of information or investigative ability, it's going to be hard to separate yourself from that."
"We were tested at an individual level, right? All of us were tested. What are we made of? What are we listening to? What are we willing to believe? Do we accept facts? Where do we balance fear and liberty?"
"There does come a point where you have to simply make the best decision you can with the information that's in front of you."
"Pain is a good thing. It's information coming at you very quickly."
"Richness means that we're able to handle multiple information cues simultaneously, get rapid feedback, it's personal and it uses natural language."
"Analyzing information is something that I strive to do."
"It does seem like if you are able to enhance the way that information presents itself then it becomes something that's more intuitive and easy to do well."
"These are powerful models that can extract information in an ad hoc way and from completely unstructured text."
"You can summarize any book or article using Charitability."
"The more connections we make to a piece of information the more likely we are to retain that information over time."
"Things change as the day goes on, and you have to be open to the idea of new information changing how you look at things."
"It's all about taking information from a ton of different sources."
"I want you to evaluate what I told you, write it down, and come to your own conclusion."
"It's one of the biggest PSAs about just waiting until the facts come out."
"Formula One drivers just have this amazing ability to process a huge amount of information."
"People bring their bias they have a lens and they use that lens to interpret non-biased information they use the lens to to assert that neutral information carries a bias that's what this was mind-blowing to me."
"Feelings are information: anger is information, confusion is information, fatigue is information."
"It's not enough to just acquire the information; it is vital that you understand it."
"The presence of high dimensional cavities when the brain is processing information indicates that the neurons in the network respond to stimuli in a remarkably organized manner."
"We have to be willing to question this and really look between the lines and between the pulses of information."
"Judgments restrict our valve and capacity, affecting how we receive and interpret information."
"Do you not understand how big this is? What's really look-- I hear different things, okay? I talk to a lot of people. I hear different things, and what I'm hearing is for me, in my opinion."
"Understand the distractors and focus on the essential information."
"Next generation aircraft will need to process and communicate a truly staggering amount of information being fed to it from its onboard sensors and those of nearby and even faraway friendly platforms."
"Reading quickly allows for quickly absorbing a lot of information."
"Two different people presented with the exact same information can understand it the exact same way and reach different conclusions."
"Science isn't just a big book of facts that you have to memorize, it's a way of processing information."
"People are actually capable and smart and able to take in information."
"Expect to get more right over time based on processing information that's actually likely enough to be correct."
"Information came into knowledge, changing the way you look at someone or your own path."
"The more you absorb information, the more your informed field has tools to deal with everybody in your immediate environment."
"Intelligent people alter their perception of things as new information comes out."
"Your eyes never stop moving while taking in visual information."
"It isn't constructive and is often a knee-jerk reaction without the full information available."
"The rule is not to be first but to be right and wait till the information comes in before responding and reacting."
"I honestly rather watch it week to week because there's so many informations that are giving us like given to me in a trickle feed."
"It allows you to generate new information from existing data."
"If new information arises or new details emerge, they keep going."
"Our human senses gather close to 11 million bits of information per second. 10 million of them coming from our eyes."
"What matters is how you filter your own information, how you filter the information that you're actually receiving through both intuition and rationale. And that's how we bridge the gap between the 5D intuition and the 3D rationale."
"Wait till the information come out and then make a fair judgment."
"Confirmation bias: the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and remember information that confirms our own preexisting beliefs."
"You expect me to believe something true I haven't heard at least three times?"
"Your powerful mind channels in a lot of information at once."
"It's okay for us to change our mind when we get new information."
"Bunch of moments where you know the players had the information they needed but just took them awhile to put two and two together."
"There's so much more information that the human brain can gather."
"Capitalism is chiefly not an incentive system but an information system, and wealth is chiefly knowledge."
"Okay, a lot of info to digest but here's the main thing to take away."
"And we have to ask ourselves, what the hell do we do with this information?"
"Once you have all that information and you've made a decision, the panic will just shed away."
"When it comes to information, you can always draw more information, but the thing that will make you better is getting better at design."
"During any typical game, everything is just happening too quickly for your mind to absorb and make sense of all the information."
"Let go of unwanted information and let it fade away."
"The brain processes the information from the meaning that it gets."
"It's just all the information you receive, man. Everything just comes down to knowledge at the end."
"The tool which has made this possible is the high-speed digital computer, operating with electronic precision on great quantities of information."
"Quantum information is reducible to qubits, and once you learn how to control them, we have a richer kind of repertoire of information processing."
"It is the idea that our brain doesn't just process information internally. Our brain acts as a receiver."
"Confirmation bias leads us to seek out information that agrees with our beliefs."
"We can easily digest information and make sense of it."
"Long before brains and nervous systems evolved, evolution discovered that electrical networks are great for processing information and storing memories."
"The cognitive approach focuses on how we interpret, process, and remember information."
"The brain simplifies information to quickly identify important details."
"Markets are there to process information and consider the implications of it, and it's critical that markets be liquid enough to do that."
"These synapses are important information processing units."
"Punch cards became the universal medium for information processing."
"Learning is nothing more than the structuring of information."
"The human brain has almost reached the limits of information processing."
"I don't know how like I didn't look into the, that but all I needed was like the headline to be like okay, I'm good to go."
"The inability to process information efficiently leads to the experience of hearing things that other people can't hear or believing things that other people don't believe."
"It's important to remember that the central nervous system functions as a circuit, with connections coming in and going out, forming an entire circuit of information flow."
"Confirmation bias is just the tendency of individuals or groups to seek out or interpret or even remember information in a certain way that confirms what they already believe, while downplaying or disregarding entirely information that contradicts the belief or the perception."
"Sometimes you don't need your mind to be engaged with the information."
"With this service, we can distill actionable information from images, text, handwriting, and even video."
"The theoretical information capacity of our brains is significant."
"Cognitive biases, shortcuts our brain developed to make quicker, smarter decisions about the world, are unequipped to handle the volume and pace of the information era."
"...the brain processes four billion pieces of information every one second."
"The emotion then is what is the information coming back to the body that begins to select and instruct new genes."
"I think you are literally becoming a receiver for information."
"Consciousness is not a mechanism that processes information."
"Everybody has a different way that they absorb and retain information."
"The backfire effect: people's support for a viewpoint can strengthen when presented with corrective facts."
"I think there's something to what they're doing. I think they're still alive because they're low stress despite what they eat and I think they're smart thinkers because they don't overload their brain with information like I'm guilty of and I think a bunch of people are."
"Our short-term memory is just going to be a brief storage system."
"Building a model is like drawing a map, the object is to leave out cluttering information while leaving in place the crucial information."
"A good executive should be pulling information out as well as just passively receiving information."
"The grid method involves structuring the information that you're given in the question in a particular way."
"I try to distill large quantities of information, complicated processes, and data. I try to simplify it as much as possible into something realistic and actionable."
"Cognition is the process of making sense of the outside world by acquiring, processing, and storing information about that world and then using it in appropriate ways."
"Curiosity and how to respond when new information conflicts with your existing information."
"Our deeply ingrained belief in flowing time and an unknown future is not due to the non-existence of the future, but rather physical limitations on how systems are allowed to process information."
"Fear can be information. Step back and get yourself into observer mode."
"Ben thinks that what matters for creating human level or greater intelligence is having the right information processing architecture."
"RAG architecture includes retriever, generator, and document store."
"Enough information into my mind see my thinking's bottom up it's sort of like you start out with an empty internet and I fill up my head for more and more and more experiences and webpages that I can then surf inside my own mind to figure out a new situation."
"We have ways of processing information that don't merely track formal properties."
"Our bodies are like antennas, we get so much information."
"Intelligence is your skill in retaining, processing, and applying information."
"Emotion gets into our brain differently than information."
"The brain is structured to do dimension reduction and compression of information."
"The brain can process more than two million bits of information per second. You can't overload it."
"I absorb information drastically differently when I'm sitting down and watching something."
"Artificial intelligence is trying to change the world by changing how we analyze and process information."
"AI will change the way the information is processed, what used to take months or weeks or days or even hours can now be done in a fraction of the time."
"Coding is all about assigning labels to the significant information you have extracted from your data."
"Mercury is all about your communication, how you process information, your body language, your mannerisms."
"There's quite a bit of information you're going to want to digest before getting into this."
"Life goes on, and that's the data we have."
"Thinking is simply a process of structuring information and doing something with it."
"The magic number for short-term memory is seven plus or minus two."
"The tools we use to take in information impact the information itself, how we receive it, and how we understand what it means."
"The process of natural selection creates meaning in terms of output and choice of action from the information that the organism is acquiring from its environment."
"Perception is how we take in information through our senses."
"If you are against me or you are for me, I would like you to just keep an open mind and actually take in the information that is being presented."
"Some researchers suggest that ants may even be more efficient at processing information about their environment than Google is at organizing online data."
"Maximizing the data ink ratio helps us process the visualization more efficiently."
"Thin slicing... is the ability to consume a huge amount of information and decide which parts are actually relevant to what you're doing."
"Make sure that you're not just listening to the information, you're looking at the information as well."
"Good decisions are made based on a number of things. Firstly, good information processing."
"Each phase develops from the one before, processing information by taking, using, and giving information."
"Financial markets are the best information processing machine that humans have ever created."
"Critical thinking emphasizes thinking, analyzing, and testing information before selectively believing and absorbing it."
"A critical thinker is not a debater for the sake of it; it involves using a rational mind to filter, evaluate, and judge information."
"That's giving rise to the dream of topologically protected quantum computing by allowing you to, in principle, store and process information in a way that's somehow hidden from the environment."
"It's a whole different way of dealing with information. There's quantum information."
"You gotta think. You have to take the information and figure out from your personal experiences how you feel about it."
"I actually like the added space, it's just a little bit less text on the screen all at once and it's just a little more breathing room, I feel like I can process the information a little better."
"Neurons serve as interconnected information processors."
"There is a theory that the younger generation, those raised in an internet age, are able to take in more of what is going on."
"Short-term memory is where information either goes to die or goes to get stored in long-term memory."
"So jazz music and Away drumming really aren't that different; they both train us to process difficult information."