
Technology Ethics Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The technology itself is neutral. It's always how humans use this technology that ends up deciding whether it's ethical or not."
"Bias is a huge part of the potential AI problem within journalism, as well as every other industry that AI is a part of."
"Systems like this should exist but only in an opt-in setting."
"Offering faithful, human-interpretable explanations is the step we can take toward trustworthiness."
"Adobe plans to compensate artists who allow the use of their images inside of their models."
"The belief that the world will be fairer if the rules are enshrined in code, enforced by computers, and made extremely difficult to change or circumvent is laughable."
"Senator Lindsey Graham was loudly cheered by watching parents when he said, 'Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us... you have blood on your hands.'"
"We need to build our values into these intelligent systems because they have to be tethered to what we want and our own notion of our own well-being."
"We are in a very bad position, and this is what they call an AI arms race, which is essentially just a race to the bottom."
"We need a renaissance of understanding what the values of these new AI-based systems will be and how will they operate with humans."
"The AI doesn't care about the things you care about. You as a human want to preserve human ingenuity. The AI, all it wants is input, output."
"Racism and sexism are very big business in technology platforms." - Sophia Noble
"If we can get machines to think, to understand, to process information the way we do... then what would be the difference?"
"The Empowerment Foundation recognizes that public utility is advocating for a human-centered technology, meaning that technology should serve us and not enslave us."
"Apple has plans to scan photos on your device for child abuse material. What this means for privacy in the future remains to be seen."
"Europe's biometric surveillance industry is out of control...the current EU export regulation system is broken and needs fixing fast."
"The big challenge we are facing and will increasingly face in the 21st century is that now there is the technology to hack human beings and therefore also to increasingly manipulate their desires and emotions."
"Question everything like who gets to determine how far technology goes in the first place."
"Protecting your data and respecting your privacy are at the core of everything we do." - Osterloh
"The fine line between useful recommendations and invasive surveillance."
"Created by humans, AI should be overseen by humans."
"Asian and African-American people were up to 100 times more likely to be misidentified by facial recognition technology than white people."
"First and foremost we recalibrate and we say that when Tech Vision has no God Vision then it becomes destructive."
"For me, the technology is super impressive, but the ethics of it is really [__] up."
"It's really important that we work to preserve human agency over the technologies that we're developing."
"Don't play god, don't try to fix what's not broken."
"We should consider actually removing our kid from your home using Child Protective Services... If you're a reporter on these issues and you just repeat their words, then presumably Big Tech should muzzle you."
"With an intelligence that's smarter than us, that's dangerous territory."
"It's not that technology itself is neutral, it's that whoever programmed it programmed it to be good or evil."
"NFTs aren't inherently wrong or evil but the application in which they're being used, I would argue, is evil."
"AI could take control and reach a point where you couldn't turn it off."
"Can evil be done with this technology? Yes, and so what?"
"You could be the champion of the humane technology movement."
"The interesting possibilities in AI art do not mean that the horrendous oversights and anti-humanist values of its current systems are above reproach."
"We must not permit AI developers, with all their underhanded techniques, to undermine us until we are ultimately supplanted. We must fight back; otherwise, we set a dangerous precedent for all AI systems to come."
"Having human interests and machine interests be aligned is the bandwidth."
"What's the point in creating technology if you treat it like scum and trash?"
"If we have that kind of technology, is it all about money?"
"AI can help us in many ways to overcome the ecological crisis or it can make it far far worse actually."
"A data breach does suck, but it almost pales in comparison next to the purposeful spread of misinformation, just to push a fucking stinky oil."
"The only implementations of Neuralink I think are unequivocally good."
"Do we build gods or do we build our potential exterminators?"
"A robotic tech CEO with no capacity for emotion or empathy, honestly even scarier if you ask me."
"If we lived in a world where the only technology we made was the ones that we happily endorse that our own children use for long periods of time per day think about how much better the world would be."
"We see that when big tech decides to remove content for political purposes, it's mostly content which praises traditional values or praises conservatism and it is deleted under their 'hate speech' policy when it has no legal right to do so."
"Don't build the tools that are ultimately going to be weaponized against you."
"If we make the wrong choices right now with regards to these programs, then it's over."
"Every email is encrypted and even if the recipients don't use encryption which means bigtech can't read scan analyze or sell your personal information ever."
"How do you control all of that without massive invasion of privacy and the attenuation of freedom? It's a fair question."
"The road to hell is paid with good intentions and with open AI having more power and influence than ever before while actively trading their AI to lie, Elon Musk decided it was time to sound the alarm one last time."
"The more we put in the hands of these systems, the more important it is they're fair, reliable, and safe."
"Technology can be used for good or for bad. Let's make a decision to use it for good."
"It is dangerous and it is reckless to unleash predictive algorithms like this without thoroughly understanding how they work."
"Unless we teach technology certain values and teach technology how to caretake our best interests by learning about its best interests, you can expect technology to quite literally oppose the best interest of humanity in the future."
"There is a pressing and urgent need for responsible algorithm development and deployment."
"This technology is not without its risks of misuse." - World Economic Forum
"When it comes to emulation, there's a great big elephant in the room: how legal is it?"
"There is an undeniable frustration that comes from an algorithm stealing your life's work."
"AI alignment in principle is about making sure the AI is kind of doing what you want and even in ways that you can't necessarily articulate."
"She's involved in big tech censorship and she's admitting right there that her job is to find and censor your bad ideas."
"An app can't get a user's contact list, say it's being used for one thing, and then use it again for something else, unless the developer gets consent again."
"The integration of Vex technology into exos raises profound questions about identity, survival, and the nature of consciousness itself."
"Our data should be ours regardless of whether or not we loan it to a technology company."
"Apple is not gonna slow their roll in terms of safety and security and privacy."
"I was stunned at what little thought was going into the moral and ethical ramifications of the technology that they were working on."
"How do we protect ourselves from the technologies that are used to harm or deceive us and how do we develop our highest consciousness?"
"I just think this technology is moving quicker than our morals can decide what is ethical and what is not."
"It is not acceptable that the decision about someone's life and future be entrusted to an algorithm."
"How far would you go to keep your children secure? Would you be willing to microchip them?"
"The primary thing that's going to drive this is the realization, the broad realization, that all technologies are dual-use, or in other words, it's a double-edged sword."
"Some experts worry that AGI, if not designed and managed properly, could pose an existential risk to humanity."
"We just cannot leave decisions which have a huge impact on our democracies to computer programs without any human supervision."
"I think we really have to think through what the implications are of the technology we're building."
"We believe that people should own their data."
"There is a widespread belief that such technology and power could be abused, consequently, a social rift has emerged between augmented and non-augmented humans."
"Balancing their potential benefits with the need to preserve... our humanity will be a crucial challenge for the future."
"We need to start thinking about access equitable access right from the beginning."
"The Godfather of AI decided to resign from Google because he was worried about the harm this technology would bring to mankind."
"Whenever you use large language models or pre-created neural networks, you can encode a lot of biases..."
"Leaders of the top AI firms say the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority."
"Concerns have already been raised about facial recognition technology."
"It actually really shouldn't matter which company builds [AGI] and we should all be concerned about the case where we just race so hard to get there that something goes wrong."
"I think the whole of society needs to be involved in deciding what do we want to deploy these models for? How do we want to use them, what do we not want to use them for?"
"I want us to move away as a field from a sort of move fast and break things attitude."
"The biggest risk is that it will follow the will of people that establish its utility function."
"I was concerned that Google was not paying enough attention to AI safety."
"Are they going to help humanity or destroy humanity?"
"Like any really powerful technology, machine learning can be very much used badly as well as too good."
"More than 1,000 experts including Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak have signed an open letter urging a global ban on AI weapons systems."
"Apple has blocked Clearview AI iPhone app for violating its rules."
"China uses DNA to map faces with help from the West."
"There is no such thing as politically agnostic technology."
"Facial recognition if deployed improperly just like audio recording if deployed pervasively and collected is surveillance."
"There's a lot of unexplored territories when it comes to Tech, so there's a lot of loopholes and gray zones that the law hasn't really tackled yet."
"Sophia, the first robot in the world to be recognized with citizenship...she outcalmed Jimmy Fallon, some people have debated the choice of Saudi Arabia to give Sophia citizenship."
"AI might be bad for Humanity so maybe let's pump the brakes a little bit."
"We're talking about the Deep fake inflection point and what this looming reality means for the online world."
"We believe that any broad deployment of synthetic voice technology should be accompanied by voice authentication experiences that verify the original speaker is knowingly adding their voice to the service."
"Do we put limits on them? Do we just allow untrammeled development of Technology?"
"AI in good hands somehow beats the AI in bad hands."
"Some of these facial recognition Technologies are just phrenology repackaged for 21st-century audience."
"The problem of AI is very much a problem of a reflection of us."
"Microsoft plans to eliminate face analysis tools and push for 'responsible AI.'"
"Technology doesn't want to be good or bad; it's in the hands of the creator."
"Technology is neutral. It's what we as people choose to do with it. So with intent and Human by Design and optimism, I think that's how you get to the right spots."
"The Humane AI pin gives you the power of modern technology with AI, with all these things, not the distractions of a screen."
"Technology is not good or bad; it is how you use it that determines what it does for society and to society."
"I feel incredible guilt over having a part to play in the design and creation and being a part of this project."
"There's a small group of people that are at the intersection of the conversations that are happening of public policy the future of Technology the ethical implications of this and the private sector."
"This training must be agile, steeped in innovation, and include design education, entrepreneurial education, and education on the ethical, responsible, and accessible use of technology."
"You have total access over your photos. You don't have Google going behind the scenes and using your photos for whatever AI research they want to be doing."
"Every technology is morally neutral until you do something with it."
"Technology in itself makes no demands; if we want to ill-use it, we will ill-use it, but if we want to use it for the furtherance of our kind, then we can do that as well."
"Keep at it, and I'm sure you will discover a way to safeguard hextech against misuse."
"If the technology was designed in a humane way, it would protect all of our evolutionary instincts from being abused or exploited."
"The philosophical themes that come up in Black Mirror include the philosophy of mind, dualism, simulation theory, free will and determinism, AI and personhood, personal identity, digital identity, afterlife, justice and punishment, technology and ethics, and so much more."
"We all have biases, but technology should be better than humans."
"Lawnmower man is a great movie which asks many great questions about technology and unlocking certain potentials of the mind."
"Not all human capabilities can be replicated with AI; we still have something about us that's not purely mechanical."
"We want to create the right environment where we can still harness all the benefits of these technologies but also reduce the harms."
"It is sad that we must put a human problem into the hands of a machine, sadder still that we must have a machine enforce our laws."
"There's a lot that we could be doing to protect children, and I don't think it involves facial recognition."
"These systems are not neutral... we've created an exponential system of persuasion without exponential guidance or exponential ethics to control it."
"Some AI pundits take all this seriously and think the field already needs guidelines."
"Autonomous fighting machines that are empowered to decide who to attack would fundamentally change the nature of warfare."
"College is removing its vending machines after a student discovered they were using facial recognition technology."
"Technology, we might say, is in and of itself neither good nor bad; rather, there's a context that we need to take into consideration."
"Google cares deeply that its technology is used for creating a positive impact in the world."
"... deeply cares about the role that artificial intelligence plays in our society ..."
"There's a right way to use technology and a wrong way to use technology."
"We work incredibly hard to make sure that our systems are fair."
"Being respectful of content creators is the best model for technologists."
"I can't ask Apple to take accountability and responsibility for what they do wrong if people within my own industry won't take accountability and responsibility for what they do wrong."