
Neutrality Quotes

There are 2695 quotes

"The technology itself is neutral. It's always how humans use this technology that ends up deciding whether it's ethical or not."
"You must see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two." - Quote from Miyazaki, director of Armored Core 2.
"Reiki is neither positive nor negative; it is in fact the highest and most profound vibration of life."
"The crypto networks are proving their worth as a neutral technology platform."
"God is all perspectives at once without any bias towards any particular one."
"Everything is a part of your life for a reason, and there's nothing that's good or bad; it's the way that we view things that ultimately determines what it is."
"I really didn't have a dog in the fight, but you really want to know why? The whole room was full of Kansas City people."
"Food is morally neutral and your value as a person does not change depending on what you eat."
"I'm gonna be neutral and I'm gonna support her comeback because of everything that she's been through."
"The crowds are well dressed, extremely positive, there for good reasons, apolitical in the best sense of the word, welcoming."
"We have to be able to remove the morality from food and be able to talk about food in terms of its empirical value."
"Capitalism is not evil nor is it some virtuous gift that has blessed mankind; it's a tool that can be very useful if used right and do a lot of damage if it's used wrong."
"I like Kobe, I like LeBron, and I like Jordan. I don't have to [expletive] pick a side."
"Astronomy and physics is great because it's not political; it is just the wonder that the world shares."
"The overwhelming majority of [countries] do not want to take sides, let alone being forced into confrontation with China."
"Money does not make you a good person, money does not make you a bad person; in fact, it really just amplifies who you are."
"No political or religious side owns the conversation around the planet."
"It's not a partisan movie at all, and I think it's enjoyed by both sides."
"It's like nature in a weird way. Nature isn't an inherent good or an inherent evil. It's just neutral in this game of life."
"Sex is morally neutral. Sex is just sex. It's just a thing. It does not have to be a moral issue."
"Humanitarian operations should follow the principles of neutrality and impartiality."
"As a neutral fan who's not rooting for anybody, I want a long series and I want a close one."
"Negative and positive is not real, it's what we attribute to it, and that a thing is just a thing."
"We're a neutral channel hosting debates on science, religion, and politics. We hope you feel welcome no matter what walk of life you are from."
"Singapore is something like a combination of Sparta's military vocation and Switzerland's historical neutrality."
"Money does not make you a good person, money doesn't make you a bad person, money is just a tool."
"You don't have to make the biology sacred, nor do you have to make it filthy. It is simply there; it's life."
"There's a really important distinction between being objective and being neutral. Neutral is sort of a proactive decision that you are going to kind of play both sides and concoct or fabricate a position where it doesn't appear as though you are taking aside. Objectivity, I find to be much more interesting and more important. That's what I try to do."
"The Buddhist deal at the deepest wisdom level is nothing has an inherent nature as good or bad."
"What makes Switzerland so neutral is that they border like three different countries."
"That's what investing in our future is all about and that's not left or right."
"Physiologic dependence is neither good nor bad; it's not a value judgment."
"I think both sides of this conflict are evil. My objective is not to favor one side or another but to tell accurate history."
"The position of Ireland maintaining neutrality is still controversial, some see it as a practical position that maintained Irish independence, but others questioned whether it was correct for Ireland to ignore the moral atrocities committed by the Nazis."
"Approach things with neutrality and just see what you have on the table."
"I would not assume that the simulators are benevolent. I think the most likely case is that the simulators are indifferent."
"Money's not a bad thing. It's not a good thing. It just makes you more of who you are."
"The path to peace here is for Ukraine to be neutral."
"Our job as journalists, the way I see it, is not to make a pronouncement not to convince people to think one way or the other but to explain why things happen."
"The world's peace might just depend on the neutrality of these swing States."
"At Modern Day Debate, we are a neutral platform that hosts debates on science, politics, and religion."
"Technology, in and of itself, has no particular good or bad properties. It's how you use it."
"I honestly don't have a favorite, really. There are just so many in there that I really do enjoy."
"Nature has no evil intentions; things simply follow from laws acting all around us."
"Our goal is to give people a well-rounded platform where they feel comfortable... where they can comment and they don't feel pushed in one direction or another."
"As a neutral, I loved it. It was an amazing game."
"It's worth watching, really, because there's no agenda to it."
"The facts themselves are not neutral; they speak to a history in which international law has been violated."
"I don't care that Luke Skywalker is a man; I don't care that Rey is a girl. I just care if it's a good character or not."
"I will make America one giant Switzerland, armed and neutral. Finally, we will be at peace."
"I'm not comfortable saying if you vote for Trump... you're a terrible person."
"I am Switzerland. I don't fight unless I have to, but when I do fight, I will win."
"Nothing will come of this situation. It will help you exercise your discernment, and no matter what decision you make, just know that you can do no wrong."
"We need an informative, neutral press that is holding government and political parties to one standard of political accountability, no matter what side of the aisle they are on, no double standards."
"It's possible to oppose Russian imperialism and U.S. imperialism at the same time."
"They're not gonna outright speak against Gupta."
"It's not a political statement, it's just a video game."
"Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Well, it's a tool."
"We're all struggling with this. It's nobody's fault."
"The agent isn't going to experience whatever gets chosen."
"Beer and hamburgers should never pick a side in a culture war."
"Take the politics out of your milk and cereal."
"I think people are becoming like this: I'm not on either crazy side. I'm just going to do what works best for me."
"A good scientist achieves the point of view of no-one in particular."
"Beyond all ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there's a field. I'll meet you there."
"There's no right or wrong answer here with this, there's no ulterior motives, it is what it is, and everyone's gonna like everything."
"Sight. I'm on nobody's side because nobody is on my side."
"Being anti-bullying is almost a non-political position."
"Math is just the tool. It does still apply like the screwdriver and the atom bomb. You can't blame the tool for how it's used."
"You can't live politics in a vacuum, there is no totally neutral outlet."
"There isn't Middle Ground like most people are in that middle ground that's just they're out there they're not on the internet."
"There are no good guys. There's no bad guys."
"I do think there is validity to the claims that she might be homophobic or at the very least she's like neutral which I don't believe in neutrality you know have an opinion"
"Facebook is a public forum that should strive to be as neutral as possible."
"There's nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so."
"The invasion of Ukraine has proven to the two long-time neutral countries that if Russia doesn't like what's going on inside your borders, it's very likely to invite itself in and change matters how it sees fit."
"Silence favors the oppressor; neutrality in the face of atrocities favors the oppressor."
"Maybe it has nothing to do with the words liberal or conservative."
"A leader should be in some sense agnostic about such things, I would say."
"Neutralization of Ukraine and demilitarization... basically were turn Ukraine into something like Mexico." - Noam Chomsky
"Teachers can just teach the curricula and not impose bias and values on kids."
"If you take a side in this war, you're probably misinformed."
"You can be parallel of you without being with or for or against."
"We're just sitting here, we're waiting, we're chilling, it's not a bad thing, it's not exciting."
"Don't let your gut reaction be to simply get on the fence on every issue... it's not enough to get on the fence."
"To not take a side is to uphold the status quo, and that is in itself a political statement."
"Journalists are not there to pick sides. You're there to say what's happening."
"It's not bad or a masterpiece, it's just fine."
"Cordyceps isn't evil, it's just doing its natural thing."
"The Internet is such a fucking amazing tool and given that it is a tool it has no inherent ethical or moral valence we assign that to it."
"It's pretty much impossible to have some kind of bias-free stance. Like, you can be pretty neutral, but everyone's got a slight lean, no matter which way you are."
"I'm neither pro-vax nor anti-vaxx. I'm pro-informed consent."
"Kyle Rittenhouse wasn't there for the right he wasn't there for the left he was just there to help he didn't want fires he didn't want destruction and he didn't want those protesting to get hurt either."
"Switzerland: known for chocolate, ski resorts, and mining its own damn business."
"At the end of the day, if we were able to ensure some sort of prosperous and neutral Ukraine that's not gonna get invaded by Russia, but that you know is also isn't going to join NATO and is gonna have some economic rescue plan funded by Europe."
"Swiss neutrality is actually beneficial to American National Security." - Judge Napolitano
"I'm not on a side. I'm on the side of truth."
"No matter which side you're on, that's bad. That's terrible. It's unacceptable."
"Neutrality is good, because there's one true faith."
"Don't be afraid of technology, it's neutral."
"Advocating for rights should not be political."
"The real win for the studio here isn't about who wins. It's that neither monster loses."
"Bless unleashed is a perfectly whelming game."
"Truth itself is a completely neutral concept, there is nothing bad about seeing things as they are."
"If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything and that's what they do they just oh we're in the middle we're agnostic not really y'all are you guys have a side dish that you guys try to present a certain way."
"Sweden has managed to stay out of wars for the past two centuries by remaining neutral."
"You can't go down that path. Don't let the left pressure you into feeling like you gotta take a side on some stuff."
"There's no particular indication they're going to lie in one direction disproportionately."
"The value of free speech is not in opposition to any particular perspective. It is neither inherently aligned with nor opposed to any particular viewpoint."
"I've expressed very little opinions in the book. I do express opinions, but what I thought was very important was to have objective measurements."
"There was no jealousy, or passion whatsoever in Salvatore's motives for selling us out... it was just business."
"Sweden has maintained neutrality in European Wars for centuries."
"I think it's important to have good and neutral analysis to discern truth from fiction, truth from propaganda."
"Definitely a brand of evil but I'd actually lean towards the side of neutral."
"I didn't feel the people were either good or bad, it just felt like a room of normal people, all unique to themselves."
"Every actor says, 'You never judge the characters you play.'"
"You don't have to be for against something, you can be neutral."
"I don't want to make content that's like super conservative or liberal. I just want to make honest content and be like man you guys decide."
"Thoughts are thoughts. There are no negative thoughts and there are no positive thoughts."
"I'm not here to take a side on any half of the political aisle."
"The movie as a whole didn't do much to change my mind but it wasn't exactly terrible either I would just say it was very flat."
"The only part of the world which did not really do very much in World War two."
"Writing about something is not endorsing it."
"I wouldn't forgive myself if I just came out and said there's only one side and then something happened."
"Technology and social media, like all tools, are neither inherently good nor bad."
"We're Switzerland. We don't care. We could not possibly care less."
"Switzerland: fiercely neutral, fiercely independent."
"Neutral is what kills a lot of people. What do you mean when people are neutral?"
"The removal of him from the supposedly neutral Services is ridiculous and not based on any hard and fast policy."
"I love Switzerland, and one thing I have learned about Switzerland is that the Swiss like to be neutral."
"It's not about one option being better than the other."
"So I think I could do it in a way that propels the conversation further but not to the point where I'm advocating for a specific worldview."
"Vincent says baseball shouldn't take sides in politics. It can't become a weapon in the culture wars or a hostage for one political party or ideology."
"You don't have to be sad to listen to music. It doesn't make you sad either. Just is what it is."
"They're not harming you, they're not saying anything to you, they're just doing what they need to do, and I feel like there's good and bad spirits."
"Celebrating neutrality...with really good wine and musicians."
"I'm taking a wait and see attitude." - John Campion
"Energy is not positive on earth or negative... it's neutral."
"This hand’s off approach demonstrates China’s desire to maintain its currently neutral stance regarding the Ukraine war, in hopes of trying to establish Beijing’s bid for global leadership."
"Everything in life is a choice, whether you join us or not, it makes no difference."
"You know, it's amazing how not taking a side can offend people these days. It's defensive to individuals who just want you to join a team."
"At the end of the day, I'm just presenting what I find."
"It was difficult for me to hate either one of them."
"I didn't see it being any more or less successful."
"Understanding both sides keeps me in the middle."
"This is why I'm a milquetoast fence-sitter. It's why I'm politically homeless. I don't trust any of them."
"It's not about neutrality, it's about standing up for individual liberties."
"It's weird to have your life exist for so long that there are these chapters that nobody even knows about."
"I've come to see this very much as a neutral, abortion is not good, abortion is not bad. It just is, just is."
"The movie made zero attempt at saying, 'Hey, this is a black movie.'"
"Science itself is not inherently good nor bad."
"Words are completely neutral. It's the context that counts."
"It's not a great adaptation, but also not terrible, just fine."
"I don't tell people what to buy or sell. I don't give picks."
"The only way Disney can win anymore is to be apolitical."
"Brett Baier is like the one guy who you'd have to say, 'Alright, he's playing it right down the middle.'"
"I wish Elon well in trying to turn Twitter into a genuine neutral and Viewpoint balanced platform."
"Done is you've basically passed a deficit neutral bill at best."
"That's not neutral, that's not okay, it's awful."
"There is no such thing as bad or good as far source is concerned."
"That was fine. I think that's a great inclusion. Nothing negative there."
"Everybody's the same to me, everything I look at, everyone the same."
"Weight-neutral dietician is just a neutral data point."
"I always feel like Catherine and William to be the most productive to impact the most people as they can they have they can't be seen as you know being too on one side of the aisle."
"A good judge must be an umpire, a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no political party, litigant, or policy."
"It should be done in a neutral way so that everyone is represented."
"Serbia is a country that belongs neither to NATO nor to its Russian counterpart, the Collective Security Treaty Organization."
"Sherman believed firmly that it is none of our business to protect a people that has sent all its youth and arms to war against us."
"If you ain't never did shit to me, I ain't got no problem with you, ballin' like Kobe."
"Buying or playing Hogwarts Legacy is not an endorsement of anything besides 'I want to play this game.'"
"I'm not mad, I'm not cheering about it, I am just sort of short of neutral."
"Sony's not your friend. Microsoft's not your friend."
"I'll never celebrate the downfall of a black man, but I don't have to. I don't have to agree with them either, right? Right. And I'm not going to put no energy into it, good or bad. I don't give a [__]."
"John Clayton represented a time and place where it was just about sports. He didn't hammer home a message; he just did his job."
"My bet would be that he does proclaim victory, that he takes Ukraine's offer of neutrality as a mission accomplished moment."
"Bernie Crane, AKA Florian Kevich, makes him the definitive true neutral."
"Money is neutral; you can use it for good and you can use it for evil."
"Russia was not a party to the conflict. Truce concerns only the forces on either side of the disengagement line."
"We neither believe nor disbelieve, we hold it."
"Money is not inherently evil, it's simply just a tool."
"Sweden cleverly positioned itself as a neutral entity."
"Neutrality is love, but not a tool to dismiss other people's suffering or to spiritually bypass our own experiences."
"Nothing is either good or bad, thinking makes it so."
"CNN did this town hall. I'm not here to rag on CNN for hosting the town hall."
"I don't think the word 'spying' has any pejorative connotation at all."
"Neither side was good or bad, it was just opposite."
"Just because something is Pro something, it doesn't mean that it's anti to something else."
"If you ain't got no feelings and you're just a neutral party, hey hey come on in come on in it's white blacks Hispanics Asians everybody is invited to the party."
"We don't talk about politics, we don't talk about religion, we just want to sell good comics."
"Nothing is neutral, there is no neutral position."
"Moralization is a key strategy to draw otherwise neutral audiences into a conflict."
"Put your preconceived notions aside... I wouldn't even invite somebody to read the Quran to accept Islam, read the Quran neutrally and get a first unbiased impression."
"Main characters are always the most neutral; think of Frodo, think of Link in Zelda. They're very neutral characters that you can just oppose next to anybody else."
"Neutrality for Ukraine is inevitable unless we are willing to risk the alternative of World War III."
"It's time to find a different route. This stream is in no way here to blame anybody."
"Money is just a frequency. It is neutral. You put into it what you like to get out of there."
"Just observe without interfering for a while."
"Don't ignore this looming energy crisis and don't dig into anyone's side of the argument."
"It's definitely not the best but it's also not the worst."
"I'm not trying to disrespect religion here because there's good and bad in every belief system."