
Significance Quotes

There are 31826 quotes

"This is going to end up becoming one of the most important technologies that humanity will ever invent."
Demis Hassabis
"The importance of a supportive community shouldn't be underestimated."
"It's good to be back, but today we're gonna be talking about what is consciousness, a deep, deep juicy topic. This is one of the most important questions that you can ask and answer in your life."
"The intent behind the decision is what's crucial."
"Getting in shape was like one of my escapes. It was the thing that I did to make myself feel significant."
"We remember the things that matter to us the most."
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
"Being successful in life is not what really matters. Being significant in life is really the core root of what matters."
"If something is not consistent, it is meaningless."
"Make these interactions as if they were going to be the last time you're going to have those interactions. I think it's really powerful."
"I personally think that this is the most important topic that I have ever covered...the mother topic for me."
"What you do in the world matters, what you say matters... you matter."
"What we feel in relationships is that we matter. That is the essential reason for connecting to people."
"Temporary sacrifice produces eternal significance."
"Learning to love myself a little bit...means more to me than you guys are ever going to know."
"We like to know that we matter, that I mean something for you and that you mean something for me."
"You done met my family, you done held my dog. That's a big one."
"One person's enough. Changing one person's perspective is enough."
"Living your life from moment to moment as if it really mattered."
"TRAVIS: I had one that said, 'You've spent your life searching for an object or book of great significance. What is it and why is it so important to you?'"
"Human beings live our little lives, and we often need a bigger story to identify with, to give ourselves a significance that by ourselves we just don't have."
"Most of our values... are not reducible to sheer material greed... they're often the things that are vastly important."
"The Affordable Care Act...is still a very big deal."
"Even in the new Broly movie, when Vegeta had an epic Super Saiyan transformation, it really tried to showcase the importance behind it to all fans once again."
"Presence, that's the most awesome, encouraging factor in life."
"That issue of beauty is so unbelievably crucially important to what's happening in the world today."
"Michio Kaku believes this newfound understanding holds remarkable significance for future explorations of the lunar surface."
"What we do in a few short years matters enormously, if anything in this universe matters."
"Meaning is the why of your life, a combination of coherence, purpose, and significance."
"The creation of the heavens and the skies is even greater than the creation of the human being."
"The smallest action, the least action, matters."
"I feel like this is huge for Dallas, not even Dallas, it's huge for the culture."
"For a show ostensibly about teaching people to be good in the afterlife, The Good Place asks a more profound question: 'Can those lessons actually make us better people? And if they can, does that matter?'"
"Numerology is the general belief that certain numbers or certain numerical patterns hold some type of power or significance in the world."
"Finding organic molecules that have been preserved for three billion years, that really sets up this good-looking rover."
"It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing."
"Not that big of a deal, not that big of a deal at all."
"Every number represents a person, and every person has a story."
"It is historic because the whole Palestinian cause, agony, has started in this very city, in this very country."
"The fact that it's giving a clinically observable outcome is a huge deal."
"It does matter. It always matters, all the time."
"My dad was a watchmaker. My son's birth time was nine o'clock. And that's like when the time really became important."
"What happens in New York matters, and what happens to people's families matters."
"Most of the elegant explanations that we have so far don't include us in the universe, and I can't help but think there's something really special about what we are."
"Life isn't a collection of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, instead all life is really about is moments."
"Making memories with the people who matter is what matters."
"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It does matter."
"It's easily the single most impressive event of my life."
"This is indeed a remarkable piece of footage."
"Empathy is an incredibly strong and significant part of anything related to morality."
"It really puts an exclamation point on just how important this is."
"An interesting thing to note before moving forward: the talk of alternate time loops is actually going to be extremely important."
"You matter. You make a difference in the world... No matter what you're going through, it will get better. Don't give up."
"It's a story of particular significance to human beings since it's a story about the ultimate fate of our star, the Sun."
"The only important decision you make in your entire life is who you marry."
"If you are in the right relationship, it actually bonds you. You realize that this is something that is bigger than you."
"Together, we can make a change. Together, we can make a difference. This is the most consequential year of our Republic."
"You can glean what was important for each decade to include; every adaptation is the same basic story but told wildly differently."
"Games can carry as much weight and meaning as you bring to them, which makes Cave Story one of the most important and yet meaningful games I've ever completed."
"After all we've been through, everything that I've done, it can't be for nothing."
"To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world."
"It might be the case that we have zero significance in a universe of utter indifference, or it might be the case that we have fundamental significance in a universe destined to evaluate itself highly and with grand gesture through us, with us, and because of us."
"Loneliness... is not being alone. Rather, loneliness is the feeling that you do not matter to anyone on this Earth."
"I am significant because of someone who died for me, who created me, and who lives in me."
"You can be significant without achievement. My grandfather was very significant in many people's lives."
"The stronger the temptation to quit, the greater the significance."
"Dreams are more significant than just a filtration system of our life experiences."
"Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them."
"It's kind of like the first girl you kiss; you never forget."
"It's not meaningless because it means something to the people that get married."
"Dead Sea Scrolls: These are possibly one of the most significant archaeological finds of the past century."
"Calculus is a great example of the mathematical method in fact; it's maybe the most dramatic example of the mathematical method."
"The day that you were born was the day that God decided the world could not live without you anymore."
"You matter, you count. Your journey, every single thing you are doing, thinking, feeling, saying, all of it, is so significant."
"It only has to mean what it means to you, no more no less."
"Sometimes it feels futile, because it's not possible to explain why they matter. But that's why you work in stories."
"Everything you do matters a lot more than you think."
"At the end of our lives, we're all going to ask, 'Did I matter?'"
"Things are life-changing and they plug you back into life itself and what's important."
"Literature is literature because it has some kind of powerful effect on culture."
"Everything that happened to you led you to here, so it's worth it."
"Renee Picard is somehow important and she prevents everyone from becoming a xenophobic tyranny."
"In a world full of conscious, complex individuals with lives just as deep and meaningful to them as yours is to you, do you really even matter?"
"You're helping him understand that he matters."
"The people that built Cholula... they're perfectly capable of working these things out. The idea that any human anywhere in the world needs their inspiration to consider these things important is, to me, silly."
"The crisis now is the crisis of significance and the crisis of importance."
"The enemy would not be assigning so many demons to you if you weren't significant in the kingdom of God."
"It will still be his, were the Martians ten times as mighty as they are; for neither do men live nor die in vain."
"If you find yourself laughing at almost nothing, that's huge. That's everything."
"Little tiny details make a big difference later on."
"The Day the Earth Stood Still was preserved by the National Film Registry for being culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
"This signal is specifically interesting for well, three main reasons."
"The rise of thought is the greatest thing we have."
"You do not need a significant other to be significant."
"What I'm doing right now is very significant because I'm putting the effort to do so."
"Who is Jesus? That's the most important question anybody can ask."
"You don't put something in a safe to make it valuable; you put it in a safe because it's valuable."
"This is definitely one of those movies that everyone needs to be educated about."
"Everything that happens to us is special and significant."
"Just as Sunday is the high point of the week, Easter is the high point of the year."
"Trepidation and self-doubt only come into play when we're nearing the perimeter of something that matters."
"The beginning often holds the clue to everything that follows."
"That close to the chest happiness... that's the one that matters."
"The public service of the people that work in each of your areas of responsibility might be more consequential today than it's ever been."
"It's really significant for us because we've been obviously working very hard for a number of years."
"Life isn't worth living without other people."
"What does Priest mean to us? What's an engine to a car?"
"This road to where we are now has been more of a challenge, which means you have to overcome more, which means it kind of means a little bit more."
"This is huge. I don't know if you guys understand how important this one is."
"This is going to be the moment I remember as the good times."
"What's important to understand is the opportunity element because that really determines everything."
"Probably one of the most important updates that we've gotten to any news story we've been following closely."
"What were you really busy with and did it matter?"
"Nostalgia maybe, but it's not just nostalgia, it means something."
"One person accepting you can make all the difference."
"Life is fascinating. It all matters, and it don't matter, you know what I'm saying?"
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
"The motto of England's smallest county, Rutland, is 'Multum in Parvo' – much in little."
"Your presence on this planet has purpose. You are not the consequence of some cosmic coincidence."
"And then the cherry on top for me is all of the effects that Formula 1 has on the world outside of Formula 1. It's bigger than you might think."
"These small businesses have really historically been the engine and they still are the engine of the country."
"The most significant talks changed the listeners' way of thinking about an important subject."
"The practical ramifications of this are absolutely immense."
"What you do with your time on this Earth is very, very important. Maybe not to everybody else, but for you."
"We don't value things; we value what they mean to us."
"Words mean things, folks. And in the realm of discourse, how we express ourselves matters profoundly."
"We're talking about the origin of humanity big, and maybe even bigger than that."
"The crank is described by modern engineers as the most important single mechanical device after the wheel."
"The more important substance of life is the memories we share."
"Bitcoin is as profound as our rail networks, our road networks, our electrical networks, our telephone networks, and the internet."
"What we do with the experience we have, that's what matters."
"Your existence is more than just an opportunity; it's the very key to all of this."
"High school is a really strange time in your life. When you are there, it is all-consuming."
"The uncertainties and ups and downs of life are important, essential even. The negatives, as much as the positives, in most cases, it's the difficulty, scariness, and unpleasantness a part of things that allows the experience of things to ultimately become meaningful or worthwhile."
"It is a day that is sacred to so many people, not just in our country but all over the world."
"Remembrance Day is essentially a national funeral that the whole country mourns."
"This is going to be a very important night, and it is absolutely crucial we stay together on it."
"Nothing matters but the important relationships in your life."
"It always comes back to the biological flavor of the important words."
"How you do what you do is more important than what you do."
"It really is that significant for the One Piece world."
"The importance of an SCP-001 proposal is not lost on the Foundation."
"Your life begins to end on the day you stop talking about things that matter."
"Tools are replaceable, but this means more to me than tools. This is about principle."
"Green Bridge... played a pretty important part in the story in the search for Kento."
"You're the answer to everything. You really are. Nothing makes sense without you."
"Life is too short to build things that don't matter."
"The discovery has been hailed as one of the most significant archaeological digs of the century."
"Achieving a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence is extremely important."
"When you have the real thing, when you feel that love, when you feel that significance, when you feel like someone is loving you not because you're paying them, but because there's a connection, what a great feeling."
"I remember everything, and I was so like I literally remember sitting in my seat and being like, I'm going to remember this for the rest of my life."
"I feel obligated to draw attention to this day because, if I were a betting man, I would say just about everyone does."
"Dreams are strange, to say the least, and for many of us, they hold great significance."
"When something truly significant is discovered, its consequences are always overestimated in the short run and underestimated in the long run."
"Pay attention to those dreams at night, they mean something."
"This encounter struck such a nerve because it's a cultural watershed moment... it's archetypal."
"Every sentence is there for a reason and serves a purpose."
"Music is about these incredible moments that may not have even seemed that significant at the time but recognizing that life is about a series of moments that are incredibly special."
"Innocuous moments and subtle movements take on a new level of meaning when your mind isn't distracted by other people."
"No afterlife is required for a life to be precious."
"Each new piece of information concerning the Titanic's Journey surely heightens awareness of its significance."
"It was the first time I ever had anything personalized with my new last name in it, so that was really significant to me."
"It is quantifiable and statistically different, but only barely statistically different."
"Every single individual ape matters. Your story matters."
"Your choices mattered on Tuchanka, and on the Citadel, and on Rannoch as well."
"So let's start from the beginning. Let's start with the day when she was born, because that was an important day."
"It's worth spending a little bit of time talking about this, this is a huge leap in technology for quite a lot of reasons."
"This to me, I feel like this one means the most, man. These [guys] have been through hell. No, this is definitely the most meaningful chip."
"A single moment changed everything for the world forever."
"This could very well be the most important message I've ever preached in my life."
"This is truly significant. The drug is going to cost $55,000."
"This is the biggest story of our generation."
"Make it matter. Even when it doesn't matter, that matters."
"A championship at this event, there's nothing bigger."
"We all make mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes we make are very small and they don't really matter too much in the grand scheme of things."
"The things you do and don't do are far more important than you think."
"When I feel I'm forgotten and lost in this world, won't you please, please remember me?"
"If we find something, this is going to be the most studied rock in human history."
"Opportunity is like the main word for happiness."
"It's a performance, it is a show, and it's an iconic moment."
"We've always been a massive Club, and we always have been."
"While individual events are significant, they have less significance than when you put them all together."
"We're on the precipice of something huge; I cannot emphasize enough."
"What actually matters is what you do, it's not what you think. What matters is helping other people."
"It's an amazing story, how a small force can make a significant difference."
"IQ doesn't tell us everything, but it tells us something."
"It's one of the most spiritually charged places on the planet."
"Beauty is vanishing from our world because we live as though it did not matter."
"This is one of the biggest stories of all time."
"I think this is the most important story I have ever worked on."
"There's something very magical to me about space flight. There's something very important and impactful about it."
"Just as we all breathe, we all dream. We just don't always remember our dreams. Your dreams are not random and they have profound meaning."
"This is a historic moment. We all feel it. We know it."
"Oh my God, when you're in high school, planning for the prom is almost as important as planning for your wedding, your funeral, your divorce."
"This is an extremely meaningful moment for me."
"It's an incredibly important period of time."
"My son mattered. He matters. Will always matter."
"First impressions are very, very important in business."
"Whether you love him or hate him, he is of huge significance."
"Antibiotics are one of the greatest medical advancements in human history."