
Technology Potential Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Solving AI is potentially a kind of meta-solution to all these other problems."
Demis Hassabis
"We're really just starting to scratch the surface of the potential of this technology."
"There is still massive amounts of room left for technological development."
"The power of blockchain technology is very harnessable and very powerful."
"And if we start now to think about the potential for technology enabled by computational biology, we'll see some of the steps that we need to take along the way to make that a reality."
"We believe that the next computing platform has the potential to be more social and more human than anything that's come before."
"The technology is developing, it can be done."
"There's a lot of potential for cryptocurrency and there's a lot of potential for blockchain."
"I see the Hope in it in terms of ending poverty, ending homelessness, ending hunger around the planet with this type of Technology."
"Technology can be a force for tremendous progress and tremendous good."
"Chainlink could be massive after this is implemented."
"That is just scratching the surface with what is possible with chat GPT."
"It's capable of vastly more than almost anyone knows and the rate of improvement is exponential."
"This is clearly the outlier...but it's maybe a glimpse at what Intel could do."
"Even if there was zero technology breakthroughs... we could fully transition earth to sustainable energy."
"I think it's vital, but I think we're just a bit on the beginning, the starting point of that."
"Starship holds immense potential for pivotal Endeavors such as lunar Landings and Mars colonization."
"Whether or not it takes off in the long term, the underlying technology is a step in the right direction."
"You could just scale this out... and unlock everything. It can't go any bigger, surely!"
"Hyperloop has very good potential. There is a very dedicated energetic team of youngsters working in IIT Madras."
"I actually think it has enormous potential, as much potential as, say, something like the driverless car."
"The potential for AI technology is vast, from healthcare to entertainment."
"Imagine an AI where all in the same model you could translate languages, write code, solve crossword puzzles, be a chatbot, and do a whole bunch of other crazy things."
"I really believe in this blockchain technology, I think it's a better way of doing business."
"Eventually it's all about empowering people and I'm convinced that the power of 3D and the power of sharing you digitally with somebody else and getting together has almost unlimited power right."
"Like any really powerful technology, machine learning can be very much used badly as well as too good."
"There's a lot of potential with this device."
"AI leverages the potential to provide personalized instruction."
"The world's waking up to the fact that there are infinite use cases because our imaginations are infinite."
"The iPad itself may not seem like much more than a big iPod touch, but I think the future of the device is gonna be in the hands of developers and what they do with it."
"Imagine what all the bandwidth that is going to be used in a year three years five years and the price point that Theta could be at."
"Automate with event controller, endless possibilities."
"Machine learning can get us a long way towards some pretty human-like behavior."
"I believe a signal standard has tremendous potential for JavaScript and for the web."
"If these technologies were released... we could actually have a lot of abundance."
"You potentially can match the performance of best-in-class blockchains in some cases vastly exceed them it just depends on how you use that technology."
"The possibilities of where you could bring these virtual experiences are fascinating."
"Institutions are increasingly excited about the promise of blockchain technology."
"Blockchain is at a turning point, with the potential for massive growth akin to the internet in 2000."
"The new architecture started as an investment in the future of react native."
"Smartwatches have a tremendous amount of potential."
"The only way we adapt civilization and transition to this next phase is by suppressing the immune system response at the same time giving life to new ideas that better map to the opportunities and possibilities that technology will bring us."
"The deep fake shows great potential and it could go both ways."
"Kubernetes has the potential to crunch our fleet down quite a bit."
"This technology has the potential to be so good, man, so good."
"There's so much more potential for performance capture."
"The sky is the limit with a QR code."
"The promise of AR and VR is that we can be freed from the display as a fixed thing."