
Mission Quotes

There are 7464 quotes

"Our mission at DeepMind is very easy to articulate: step one, solve intelligence; and then step two, use it to solve everything else."
Demis Hassabis
"Face your fears, fulfill your mission, be strong, be fierce, be bold."
Jess Carpenter
"My life mission is to help as many people as I can to regain their health."
"Make your clients the hero of your mission, not your product."
"It's constant work, a constant mission if you're going to try to live for positivity and bring people up."
"It's really important never to forget that we are in the entertainment business, and that's what we do."
"You were sent here with a mission to change the world or to change people around you in a big way."
"My mission here on social media is to just bring positivity."
"It is the first time in history when NASA has dedicated a mission to what we call astrobiology."
"If your mission and your purpose are kind of like aimless, and you just do it because you've been told to do it, you'll lose momentum."
"We decided that we were going to get along and try to complete a mission, so no infighting, trying to kill each other."
"Francine Shapiro's life mission became to end the world's suffering, and she believed that EMDR was the answer."
"A mission that deserves its name, Perseverance."
"When you live your life with a mission, you're on a mission to do something; you're living life with purpose, with intent."
"We're here to build a church that represents God to the lost-and-found for one reason: transformation in Christ."
"I don't want to leave the jungle because I want to be with those people on that mission, and that whole experience becomes great."
"It's not about you; it's about the mission; it's not about you; it's about them."
"Your calling, your mission, your crusade will always involve helping other people somehow."
"The biggest part of your mission is to be you."
"For some people that's a heavy burden, but for me, I took that as like that's my mission to not waste my life, to not waste my gift, to not waste my blessings."
"My goal and my mission was to tell as many people as possible that this was about to happen. I saw it coming. The signs were there."
"Teaching children is a mission and teaching the truth is the priority of that mission."
"I'm on a mission to help people live a full and healthy life without the diseases of aging and complex disorders."
"You're here on a heroic mission. You're going to take your capacity to articulate yourself to levels that you can't even imagine."
"It's our main mission at Safari Land to save lives and protect officers from harm."
"My entire mission is to tell you what I think and why, and to challenge what other people believe, and to do it as honestly and fairly as possible."
"Saving democracy itself here in America is part of the unfinished work."
"Our mission is to be worthy advocates of these causes."
"Complete the mission, you're the only one left."
"Learning has always been core to our mission of organizing the world's information and making it universally accessible and useful."
"Great companies are made up of people aligned toward a big impactful mission who can actually get a lot of stuff done every week."
"From its incredible launch on the 5th May 2018, to the present day as it reached its ultimate powering down, Insight has been an incredible lander."
"If your mission doesn't scare you at least a little bit, it's probably not the one you want to choose."
"Peace be unto you, as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you."
"My mission is super simple: it's to help you create a better life."
"You have a big mission this lifetime; embrace and accept it fully."
"I'm on a mission to help you lead mentally healthy lives."
"The number one thing that will fulfill you is some big mission that you care deeply about, that you feel is self-transcending."
"We were preparing not peace only, but eternal peace. There was about us the halo of some divine mission. We must be alert, stern, righteous, and ascetic, for we were bent on doing great, permanent, and noble things."
"Pick something you're passionate about. Missionaries build better products."
"To be able to ground yourself on what Reid Hoffman called refounding is a great metaphor, which is to be able to recommit yourself to what's the mission and sense of purpose of the company."
"They just feel like they're very much on a mission, the mission to make this work between you two."
"We're not there to bring ourselves under the aegis of the world but rather to be in the world as leaven, light, and salt, and transformative."
"They live on purpose in their life, with a sense of mission."
"Our mission is to connect everyone in the world."
"Our mission is really to help you guys and empower you guys to help shift your mind in a more positive way because then we all win."
"Proud to be Indian, but let's not get too happy because our main mission is to erase Valentine's Day."
"This is our moment, this is our mission, to make hope and history rhyme. With passion and purpose, let us begin, you and I together, one nation, under God."
"Our mission is to develop the best education in the world and make it universally available."
"Our mission is to help the orphaned kids in Egypt, and it became a passion on my heart, on my aunt's heart because both her and my mother and their siblings grew up as orphans in Egypt."
"Right now, spacecraft destined for Mars, Venus, and innovative missions closer to home are in development and production in our clean rooms, ready to deliver groundbreaking science and vital services to millions of people."
"I'm fighting for them people. I ain't just fighting for me upon this stage; I've got millions of people around the world that look up to me and look for me for inspiration, and I'm on a mission to keep inspiring these people." - Tyson Fury
"Existential flexibility is a dramatic shift in strategy because you find a better way to advance your cause."
"Need finding has been a huge part of our mission going forward."
"This lifetime is only one mission in many. We are a team."
"Having a mission larger than yourself is... you need pride of ownership, you need joy, you need a mission."
"My mission in life is to deliver freedom for people who want it, to help them awaken themselves to their true nature, which is freedom."
"The mission is more important than money because mission is spiritual."
"My mission is not to get people to buy Bitcoin, it's to get people to think critically about what is happening."
"When we come together on a collective vibration and a collective mission, we become one."
"In the skies and beyond, the mission continues, relentless and unwavering."
"This is a vigil, but also a celebration of a remarkable mission."
"It's a celebration of an amazing mission and an incredible legacy."
"Allah did not send me to be harsh or to irritate people. Allah sent me as a teacher and Allah sent me to make things easy for people."
"My job, my mission in life is to help people to unleash their infinite potential."
"Make the world a better place... this is the mission, yeah, 100%. And, you know, there's haters out there."
"What is self-preservation in one moment could become destructive in another moment; it all depends on what the mission is."
"The essence of the Church's mission to save people from Hell and to bring them into eternal beatitude through the life of the sacraments through the translation from the fallen state into a state of sanctifying grace is completely forgotten."
"Our mission of accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy remains at the centre of what we do."
"We help kids write their own poems. And that is what's important, and that is the mission."
"Protecting the environment is the mission for everyone, and especially, I believe blockchain technology can really help."
"Your life is very temporary here on Earth, and we all have a mission, and that's to preach the word of God."
"Once the Lord has found you, He sends you inevitably on mission."
"Nobody wants to work hard if they aren't inspired, aren't coached right, or don't have a good mission."
"Our mission as a fund is to try to produce a few of these companies that can change whole industries for the better."
"Our mission tonight is to educate, to engage and energize all of you."
"I'm not a Plan B person. On the important things in life, when you're guided by your mission and purpose, you set out and you accomplish Plan A."
"We're on a big mission. It could be really, really cool. Have no idea what we're getting ourselves into, but it's going to be awesome."
"I now realize that every one of those experiences was laying the fundamental foundation for my life's mission."
"Years of work, some of the people in this room probably, if not all of them, have poured years of their life into this mission."
"Our sole purpose was to find Paulie and to bring her home."
"The greatest military in the world hasn't won a war since World War II because we've been missing a mission and leadership."
"We're hitting on all cylinders, so we're fully community-based. Our mission is to combat poverty through expanded transportation options."
"Our whole mission, everything we do, goes back to that."
"I am making a point of seeing him every day. It's my one and only mission in life."
"The mission of Tesla is to accelerate sustainability."
"Over a two-year mission, it will use its unique X-ray vision to study some of the most mysterious and powerful objects in our universe."
"My life mission is to build the greatest platform for online education."
"Seeing all these dogs meet their new families for the first time made me realize this mission was never about the jet."
"Our mission will help lay the foundation for long-term exploration and scientific discovery at the Moon."
"Hannibal's lifelong mission: destroy Rome, or die trying."
"So the mission name for this, this is TurkSat 5A, a telecommunications satellite."
"If you feel compelled, drawn, pushed towards your mission every single day, that is a sure sign your spirit guide is nearby helping you."
"Welcome back everyone! Today we're faced with one of our most challenging missions yet. Our goal is simple: get the babies and get out."
"He faced his fear head-on, accepted its presence, and yet did not allow it to derail his mission."
"Our mission is very simple: Let's define the truth and it's to ensure accountability."
"Words have the power to destroy or heal. They can bring life or bring destruction."
"Bringing people together, giving them freedom... that's also connected to them fulfilling the mission."
"Delta Rescue... has dedicated its mission to providing lifelong care to rescued animals."
"The road is long or dark, but I know where we are going. We will complete our mission."
"We need to be busy about our father's business."
"Our mission really is to bring the world together through play."
"The church doesn't have a mission; it is a mission, and its purpose is to cause the merciful face of Jesus to gaze upon everyone in the world."
"My mission hasn't changed since then. In fact, my message is even more relevant today."
"Jesus didn't say you're finished; Jesus finished his job, but now we are at war against the power of darkness."
"As the Father sent me, so I am sending you... to be to the world what I am to the world."
"You guys are spiritual workers, earth angels, have a higher calling higher soul mission."
"His sole mission of Jesus was to invite people to God."
"Idiots on a mission to kill the Justice League."
"What makes the church unique is the Great Commission, the gospel."
"The best companies are always somehow mission-oriented."
"This is a game where I'm literally on the edge of my seat because it's such a tight game where you're just trying to rescue these animals before time runs out."
"The mission is to find a new home for the crew onboard this ship."
"Your mission: find the eggs of seven species of dinosaurs and kill them. Take the eggs to The Visitor Center, put them in the incubator. There, they will be hardboiled for consumption later. Some will be softboiled, depending on who orders. Work fast, you only have 12 hours."
"You don't need money... you do need is a purpose and a mission."
"Once you know your mission and once you believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, then you can do the extraordinary."
"These four things are the formula Allah gave the messenger to accomplish his mission."
"Our desire is to satisfy the longings of Christ that he Longs for Souls especially the poor."
"He said, 'Sam, I didn't call you to go to Haiti necessarily to reach out to the Haitian people. I called you to Haiti because I wanted to change you.'"
"We have a tremendous responsibility to really carry that mission forward to make the world better."
"Microsoft's mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more."
"No, I came here to do a mission. This is exactly what I wanted to happen. I wanted to find out what was going on here." - Lucy Steele
"I'm on a vision, I'm on a mission to make the world a happier and better place."
"Our purpose is really clear: save lives and it has driven us to this end state."
"Scientologists want to save the world from doom."
"You have a job to do, tell people this, and it's not nice and it's not pretty."
"Our mission is urgent, for time is indeed short."
"Vibing Co has a purpose and I'm so excited for you guys to hear and see what it's about, you're going to be Shook."
"We are gathering Israel for the last time and are doing so with the Book of Mormon--a book that, combined with the Spirit of the Lord, is the most powerful tool of conversion."
"My job is to find the wreck of another ship, the Prometheus, and recover the data cores for some new secret weapons research project."
"They call this a salvage mission. I call it a return to hell."
"You're going towards something that's faded for you; you have a mission there."
"For you, it's a question of mission. What are you being called to do?"
"It is my mission of this channel to expose the hypocrisy."
"Quality of life, working for a mission-driven company that I believe in, and doing work I love."
"I don't need to be out here peddling books. I came to deliver a message."
"It's our job and our objective to go capture the predator, sit him down, have a talk with him."
"We're on a rescue mission, not a search-and-destroy mission."
"I think leadership sent him out on a kamakazi mission."
"Our mission: we exist to eradicate food deserts, to bring fresh and healthy access to all."
"This motley crew is really the best fantasy team of Fighters that you would want to see on any mission on the show."
"Until I draw my last breath I'm going to get on the firing line and I'm gonna do what God's called me to do."
"Open access to information is core to our mission."
"Preserving cultural heritage online is core to our mission."
"Our actual mission is to accelerate the advent of sustainable energy."
"Happy, giving, kind, fun-loving person who had a mission in this life and she didn't get to fulfill it."
"Our primary mission is to accelerate sustainable energy that's always been our primary Mission."
"For AXIOM Space, this is at the heart of why we do these missions."
"We don't have a collective cultural mission. It's so weird."
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take a journey over the next 30 years to break down how exactly this series came to be what it is today."
"I want to thank all my partners for standing with me in the mission of leading people to Jesus Christ."
"This is the power of a mission, you can connect everything."
"The greatest mission: 'The salvation of lost souls.'"
"You have to be grounded in principles, in your mission and your purpose."
"In our lifetime...we need to establish His kingdom in our country India."
"Support our work if you believe in that mission."
"There is nothing more motivating than a mission you're unsure you can solve."
"I'm extremely focused on what my mission is in spreading the words of positivity and spreading and trying to awaken people from this brainwashing."
"There seems to be a real tidal wave of people that are awakening to some sort of preordained mission to accomplish during this particular phase of human development."
"Vincent, this is your final assignment. It's time to take down the cartel cop coalition. Let's make sure we surpass all their expectations and [__] them up industriously."
"A wonderfully successful launch of the CRS-23 mission."
"Their mission is basically arming every American that they can, given the budgets that not everybody has."
"God is a comforter, God also is a consumer, when the fire gets out of control, it's got a different mission now."
"Finding people who are bullied, yeah, that's a terrible way to approach people. I mean, it's people who are looking for a purpose and people who are driven you want to approach them and say, 'Your mission awaits. There are people who need you.'"
"I've made it my mission to complete the journey I started."
"Ring's mission is to make neighborhoods safer..."
"Our mission is to make space accessible to all."
"What did Jesus do? Jesus came back to destroy the works of the devil."
"Their extraordinary bravery and dedication in the mission."
"Life isn't really a journey, it's more of a mission."
"Truth be told, it's always being a hustler on a mission for greatness."
"At Tesla, we strive to be the best on every metric relevant to our mission to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy."
"Working as a team and working together we can accomplish the big mission."
"Our patch has no name on it because our mission is for everyone."
"You can't try and change the culture without actually getting the boot off of people's throats. So, that is my mission."
"We've seen an explosion of access to the deep sea floor, which was my mission from the very beginning."
"We are going, and together we will see Artemis light the way. Our mission to the moon is no longer some far-fetched dream; this is reality."
"The truth for this time is to be proclaimed in all parts of the world."
"What's your brand? What's your name? What's your mission statement?"
"What's your brand? What's your name? What's the mission statement?"
"I love the mission of democratizing trading."
"For me, I come back to centering on our mission of unlocking the potential of human creativity."
"Your soul mission is to be a leader by example."
"Outbreak Perfected came from the Zero Hour mission, Peak Destiny 2."
"Blast, the strongest hero in history, possessing long-range attacks like the dimensional cannon, respected even by god level threats, with a true mission to go against the character named God."
"God, here I am, use me, possess me. I want to see this world come to Jesus and the only way I'm going to do it is being clothed with you, filled with you, and possessed by you."
"Defeating the CCP is what we need to do to save this world."
"You have a mission, a great product, and you are making money."
"In the true sense of the word, Srimu is a mission of global awakening."
"Whenever the church loses confidence in the truth, the power, and the relevance of the gospel, it loses any compelling sense of mission."
"It's not about I'm right, you're wrong, it's about can all of these ideas exist in good faith."
"Your joint mission is to communicate, help people communicate, and to use our communication skills to help others find their path."
"With that said he tells suen to protect bango's tomb and says that protecting it is the only way to save Ria as well."
"Purpose is like the reason why, why is that your mission?"
"My mission is to propagate the message of the Ahlulbayt, not propagate the name of Adil Kareem."
"Let's make sure the loving Jesus is a part of what we're doing."
"We want to be a public trust, bound to the public interest for all time."
"It's important that everyone understands exactly what the mission is."
"Let's make way for the most High's time, got us on assignment, gotta pay homage."
"Support those trying to climb that ladder to get into the middle class to get there more easily. That's our mission, that's our goal, and frankly, that is my passion."