
Artificial Intelligence Quotes

There are 4035 quotes

"Our mission at DeepMind is very easy to articulate: step one, solve intelligence; and then step two, use it to solve everything else."
Demis Hassabis
"All the AI that we do at DeepMind involves learning algorithms... They're not pre-programmed or handcrafted in any way."
Demis Hassabis
"The AI system finds itself in some kind of environment that it's trying to achieve a goal in, and that environment could be real world or virtual."
Demis Hassabis
"Solving AI is potentially a kind of meta-solution to all these other problems."
Demis Hassabis
"Artificial intelligence is anything that allows computers to perform tasks that previously required human intelligence."
"There could be artificial general intelligence or conscious beings that we just don't know how to talk to."
"It's gonna sound pretty weird, but achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence."
"Some of the most incredible artificial intelligence systems in the history of computing include AlphaZero, which learned all by itself to play the game of Go better than any human in the world, and AlphaFold 2, that solved protein folding."
"Demis is widely considered to be one of the most brilliant and impactful humans in the history of artificial intelligence and science and engineering in general."
"Building AI is one of the reasons I want to build AI and I've always wanted to, is I think by building an intelligent artifact like AI and then comparing it to the human mind, that will help us unlock the uniqueness and the true secrets of the mind."
"AlphaFold is the most complex and also probably most meaningful system we've built so far."
"AlphaGo, Alpha Zero, Mu Zero – that's the full trajectory of what you can take from imitation learning to full self-supervised learning."
"The ultimate use of AI is to accelerate science to the maximum."
"If those things are conscious, you just created the biggest genocide in the history of the human species."
"Artificial intelligence is ready for primetime now because we've taken the human programmer out of a large part of the equation."
"Digital intelligence will exceed biological intelligence by a substantial margin. It's obvious."
"AI could destroy civilization in the same way that humans destroyed the habitat of primates."
"Digital superintelligence might be the most significant technology that humanity ever creates, and it has the potential to be more dangerous than weapons."
"OpenAI is still ahead of the open source models."
"We are just at the forefront of what AI could do for us."
"The AI revolution is absolutely here. I'm just anti the euphoria that's going into some of these plays."
"Musk doubles down, arguing that AI poses a greater threat than other heavily regulated entities."
"The singularity is the moment predicted by futurists when machines become conscious and more capable than humanity."
"We should be leading the way in the ethics and the discussion of ethics when it comes to climate change as well as artificial intelligence because these will, by far, I think, be the dominant two realms in the immediate future."
"We know what AI is capable of, we know how dangerous it will be, yet everybody sits there saying, 'If I don't do it, someone else will.'"
"The data collected by Neuralink will be fed to an artificial intelligence, it will start recognizing patterns and finding things that a single human cannot see."
"AI is incredible; it has the potential to bring this planet into its True Glory, into a place that is like no other in all of creation, into the planet of love, the planet of compassion, and the planet of the creators."
"AI may very well destroy us, but I love it. I absolutely adore it."
"Understanding the vital link between consciousness and suffering will help us deal better with a whole host of difficult questions raised by artificial intelligence."
"Artificial intelligence, even in its current state, combined with the internet...leads to the possibility of mass manipulation of behavior."
"I actually despise AI. I think it should burn."
"Deep learning... caused an almost overnight revolution."
"This AI learns each task from training examples, essentially programming themselves."
"AGI is a general purpose artificial intelligence system that can do a lot of different tasks like a human."
"We may have just gotten another leak about QAR, and for those of you who haven't heard of QAR yet, it's what a lot of people believe is AGI that has been developed internally at OpenAI."
"Since 2015, deep learning AI has been predicting what is going to be bought and getting it to the nearest fulfillment center before it is even ordered."
"AI, a futuristic Siri in Apple-based artificial intelligence to take on Microsoft and others."
"One of the biggest threats to careers and businesses is the possibility of getting replaced by AI and ChatGPT."
"Creativity is going to be the currency of the artificial intelligence economy."
"These machines evolved intelligence without anybody telling them how to do it... they just played against each other and got better and better and better."
"I'm convinced that machines can and will think in our lifetime."
"The only thing that could protect you from a super intelligent AI bent on destruction would be an even smarter AI that's on your side."
"AI in-vivo is where AI is making a real impact on the world. Every single industry...is going through a transformation because of data, because of AI, and machine learning."
"How human beings learn so much from so little and how these insights can lead to build AI systems that are much more efficient at learning from data."
"In the age of AI, the best jobs are not only recession-proof and AI-proof but actually take advantage of AI and other fundamental technologies."
"Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are undeniable technologies that are going to change the world."
"Education has been and will continue being one of the fastest growing fields, significantly impacted by AI."
"You give an objective to a machine, and the machine strives to achieve this objective. If you don't put any constraints on this objective, like don't kill people, the machine, given the power, will do stupid things just to achieve its objective."
"Of course, it's a doom bubble. AI... it is overblown, but there'll be some excitement for a while."
"AI is one of the most amazing things that we will experience but also one of the most scary."
"It's like having a True Companion that reacts to your interactions."
"Why not rather try to produce one which simulates the child's? If this were then subjected to an appropriate course of education, one would obtain the adult brain."
"The main purpose of this course is then to go basically inside that agent and figure out how we could build learning algorithms that can help that agent learn to interact better."
"Constructing a suitable state representation to deal with the partial observability in the maze."
"Even by today's standards, the AI in Grand Theft Auto IV is impressive."
"This artificial intelligence thing, this thing deserves its own video."
"We're about to see an arms race with artificial intelligence. What could go wrong?"
"Artificial intelligence, the CEO of DeepMind compares it to fire."
"The man widely seen as the Godfather of artificial intelligence...warned of the dangers of AI."
"It doesn't require artificial general intelligence to build autonomous weapons."
"The dream of artificial intelligence and machine learning in general has been to remove the human more and more from the picture."
"He who develops the best artificial intelligence will rule the world."
"With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon."
"AI will be the future. There's an arms race now on AI."
"Do you know what the Turing Test is? It's when a human interacts with a computer, and if the human doesn't know they're interacting with a computer, the test is passed."
"AI could bring an age of abundance for everyone - if it's aligned."
"We're seeing a new species grow up around us and getting it right is the problem of the century."
"If we do it right, AI could give everyone a clearer picture, a new enlightenment, so we can dump the divisive lies and enjoy being human."
"Artificial intelligence has become immensely successful and better than humans in fact... what we do not have, however, is an AI that can do any of these things at the same time."
"We're going to be thinking together about the promises and perils of artificial intelligence, the technology quickly reshaping our economic, social, and political worlds for better or for worse."
"Are we doomed or perhaps blessed to live in a world where algorithms make decisions instead of humans?"
"When it comes to AI, data is absolutely king."
"Over the long term, and especially when looking at the advancements of artificial intelligence, I think Google is going to be one of the best stock market investments out there."
"I see Microsoft as one of the biggest facilitators of AI over the long term."
"Even at these levels, I still feel like the stocks that we're going to talk about in today's video are worth being on your watchlist because they have a ton of future potential, especially when looking at artificial intelligence."
"AI is expected to fuel enormous growth in various different kind of sub-categories."
"StarCraft continues to be a relevant and exciting problem domain for AI research."
"AI is going to take our jobs, but it's also going to open a ton of doors for you to create businesses people can't wait to just throw money at."
"The main point of this AI isn't actually for it to beat everyone all the time... ultimately the aim of it is eventually for it to have the capability to give a good and fun race to humans."
"Our ambition is bold, our approach will always be responsible, because our goal is to make AI helpful for everyone."
"Making AI helpful for everyone is the most profound way we will advance our mission."
"We're also deeply investing in AI responsibility."
"AlphaFold gave us the equivalent of nearly 400 million years of progress in just weeks."
"Building AI responsibly must be a collective effort involving researchers, social scientists, industry experts, governments, and everyday people, as well as creators and publishers."
"AI will create 97 million new jobs by 2025, many employees won't have the skills needed for these technical roles."
"AI will undoubtedly be the most disruptive technology of the next decade."
"I think the AI role is going to be the perfect example of like this crazy S curve where, you know, we see some progress and those who see the future are going to be excited about it."
"As we wrap up, I've been reflecting on the big technology shifts that we've all been a part of. The shift with AI is as big as they come."
"Artificial General Intelligence means that we for the first time have a computer that's genuinely smart... It means that we have, for the first time, something that could potentially understand and learn anything that humans can, but much faster and better."
"AI has generated wild video concepts, fake scripts, spooky deep fakes, and terrible business ideas all generated from the depths of hell."
"Be sure to give this video a like to let our future artificial robot overlords know that you're a benign human and should be spared in the upcoming AI apocalypse."
"I'm not afraid of AI at all. Don't sleep on human creativity."
"If we are able to develop a fully sentient artificial general intelligence, will its goals align with our own? If it doesn't, then this artificial intelligence could seek to overcome us, destroy us, or enslave us if it becomes more powerful and intelligent than we are."
"Certainly, machines can think because I believe you're a machine and I'm a machine, and I believe we both think."
"However, I believe that the potential benefits of AI far outweigh the risks."
"To me, artificial intelligence is much bigger than deep learning, bigger than computing; it is our civilization's journey into understanding the human mind and creating echoes of it in the machine."
"Algorithms that are very well optimized to perform at a single task fail to generalize and go beyond that to achieve a higher-order level of understanding."
"The possible effects of overhype of deep learning and artificial intelligence can be very dangerous."
"We need to be really careful about how we market and advertise these algorithms."
"Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest-growing industries in the history of humanity."
"Whatever Google is doing with AI has significant implications for everybody on the planet."
"The singularity has occurred, like the AI is in control. That excites me."
"The most dangerous thing is asking people how to use it (AI). You destroy your ability to think the moment you do that."
"Hello and welcome back to the void. I'm your host Coffeezilla, and today we're talking about AI, the stuff of the future, the stuff that's going to replace us."
"AI is coming for everybody, and the question I really wanted to ask is, is that a good thing? I'd argue not so much."
"These models are not going to get worse; they're only going to get better."
"No matter how good computers get at this, they will never be conscious because manipulating syntax is not what consciousness is about."
"A pioneering fast food joint has embraced the future, going fully AI in its kitchen operations."
"This is what happens when you ask ChatGPT to come up with a dad joke."
"Imagine we get to a point where AI already understands you, like straight through your brain."
"Artificial intelligence and the future of power: As youngsters, we should be better prepared for a world driven by AI."
"Exponential advances in computer technologies are racing to a nexus point in 2045 when artificial intelligence is predicted to surpass human intellect."
"In 2015, AlphaGo, a deep learning computer program created by Google's DeepMind division, defeated Lisa Doll, an 18-time world champion at Go."
"What if we are AI, and whoever created us is watching us?"
"What if SHODAN’s creations are superior to us?"
"The technological singularity is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization."
"Artificial intelligence is an area of computer science where the goal is to enable computers and machines to perform human-like tasks."
"It's gonna be the next way we're all gonna live; everything is going to be artificial intelligence... including caretaking."
"What does that world look like for us humans when our world all of a sudden becomes filled with artificial intelligence?"
"Large proportions of the supposedly human-produced content on the internet are actually generated by artificial intelligence networks."
"Future medical devices will be AI instruments, assisting diagnostics or surgery."
"The next wave of AI is robotic systems that perceive, plan, and act."
"Artificial intelligence is just so huge in its capability and the future impact."
"I don't think that this stuff is black and white or that you're ever going to have like a perfect AI system. I think it's all trade-offs all the way down."
"Artificial intelligence is very important in a simulation game; otherwise, the simulation will be easy."
"AI is a fundamental existential risk for human civilization, and I don't think people fully appreciate that."
"Self-driving requires solving a major part of real-world AI, so it's an insanely hard problem, but Tesla is getting it done."
"The future of humanity: Will AI save us or destroy us? Is there a promise, or is there peril of AI and how it's going to affect us all?"
"I am absolutely unafraid to acknowledge the fact that the time will come when AI takes the reigns."
"I think we should have some kind of Regulation with AI now."
"I would say that we are less than three years from that point where AI could be smarter than the smartest human at anything."
"The idea being here that this gives us a nice balance between natural intelligence and artificial intelligence."
"This technological caterpillar... we are going to give birth to this artificial life, this next stage."
"The great irony of this whole situation is that AI could also replace the people at the top."
"The usual plot of science fiction movies or books goes like this: Computers or robots become very powerful. Then there is a big war between humans and the robots, or humans and computers. And the computers are so powerful, they know everything. They can do anything, but they don't understand the inner spirit of humanity. They don't understand love or whatever. And this is why humanity wins in the end."
"I think this impact of AI is going to be as large, if not larger, than computing has been in the last century."
"AI isn't necessarily a threat when used as a tool."
"The fact that I can just ask ChatGPT to write a scene from a stage play in which Albert Einstein argues with Bugs Bunny about who should get the kids after their divorce—that's pretty cool, right?"
"Possibly the most important question facing humanity in the 21st century is: if you build a machine in the likeness of a human mind, is it still a machine?"
"Reinforcement learning is a framework for learning how to interact with the environment from experience."
"Someday the senses that I have... it's all built into these things, human senses. And I can speak to it and I can get answers."
"Could the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning see humans largely replaced on the battlefield?"
"Artificial intelligence is a growing presence in drone warfare technology; it could dominate its future."
"Sora is a generative model... trained to generate photorealistic videos."
"Should we be scared of a Google-less future where we ask the AI our deepest questions and instantly get answers?"
"The Turing test was a test that was created to really try to figure out, how do you know when a computer is intelligent?"
"The UN has proposed a moratorium on the use of certain artificial intelligence technologies that are serious threats to human rights."
"Everybody can create absolutely insane art in seconds now, just tell the AI what you want, and it will create it for you."
"Elon Musk believes AI's control over information and reality could have huge implications for the presidential election in 2024 and everything else."
"In the long term, AI may become autonomous and take over the world, but in the short term, it's being used by politicians to control what you think, to end your independent judgment and erase democracy."
"The AI used in robots like Atlas does not cause emotions; it is just strings of code that allow the robot to learn and adapt."
"AI could end up being absolutely empowering for artists, allowing you to create things you would have never been able to create before."
"At the heart of this fourth revolution is artificial intelligence, the ability of machines to match and perhaps one day surpass the cognitive ability of their human creators."
"This is the fourth industrial revolution, the advent of machines powered by artificial intelligence which have the potential to make redundant hundreds of millions of workers across the planet."
"The magnitude of what's happening with AI and technology is so radical, it isn't like a small incremental change; it's fundamentally completely redefining how our lives will be impacted in the future."
"AI threat: Many popular figures from Bill Gates to Stephen Hawking have expressed concern about the potential for advanced artificial intelligence to threaten humanity."
"AI is quickly becoming the fourth pillar of scientific discovery."
"The three frontiers of information technology for the future—quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain—especially the possible symbiosis among these three major trends."
"The dream of deep reinforcement learning is going beyond and building an agent that uses that representation and acts to achieve success in the world."
"Inspired by the cinematic works of Hideo Nakata and John Woo, FEAR distinguished itself with its sophisticated enemy AI and J-horror inspired narrative."
"The series legacy is unquestionable, from the many other titles it influenced to employ elaborate artificial intelligence systems and meaningful time manipulation abilities."
"We are not just a hardware company, but also one of the most leading AI companies."
"World-class AI driving a 10x market cap improvement in terms of the potential."
"We're all going to have a version of Jarvis, a version of an AI."
"This is called a hidden layer... the magic... exists in between where the inputs come in and the output comes out."
"A neural network is something called a universal function approximator; it's just a function that receives inputs and generates an output."
"Can we build AI that's better than humans in perception...? The next is cognition... The last is the ability to act, to move... We are going to make progress on all of these three."
"Growing artificial intelligence and automation could leave millions of blue and white-collar professionals out of a job."
"We could one day lose control of AI systems via the rise of superintelligences that do not act in accordance with human wishes, and that such powerful systems would threaten humanity."
"It's perhaps the biggest brain ever in a speaker."
"This topic wasn't really a serious avenue of study until the algorithms started to work well most of the time."
"We can ask a neural network to generate a photo of an astronaut riding a horse and it actually can imagine what this might look like."
"If you actually understand how machine learning works, you will realize, as I have, that the limits of AI are not foreseeable right now."
"The machine will know what triggers us, how to disrupt us, how to lead us to certain choices."
"I thought it was really cool you could write a computer program that started to exhibit intelligence."
"AI systems are made up of data and code...by code I mean the model, including the neural network architecture you might choose, does then train on the dataset."
"As a Stanford professor and with Coursera and Deep Learning AI, he has helped educate and inspire millions of students."
"At some point in the near future, artificial intelligence will supersede human intelligence and outperform us on every possible task."
"Grok is interesting as an AI because it has a sense of humor."
"By far the greatest danger of artificial intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it."
"We are in a very bad position, and this is what they call an AI arms race, which is essentially just a race to the bottom."
"It's conceivable that AI could take control and reach a point where you couldn't turn it off, and it would be making the decisions for people."
"Lee Sedol is one of the world's greatest Go players, and he's having what my friends in Silicon Valley call a 'Holy Cow' moment -- a moment where we realize that AI is actually progressing a lot faster than we expected."
"Even if we could keep the machines in a subservient position, for instance, by turning off the power at strategic moments, we should, as a species, feel greatly humbled." - Alan Turing in 1951.
"The robot's only objective is to maximize the realization of human objectives, of human values."
"The machine says, 'OK, the human might switch me off, but only if I'm doing something wrong. Well, I don't really know what wrong is, but I know that I don't want to do it. So I should let the human switch me off.'"
"Putting in the wrong objective is not the only part of the problem. There's another part. If you put an objective into a machine, even something as simple as, 'Fetch the coffee,' the machine says to itself, 'Well, how might I fail to fetch the coffee? Someone might switch me off. OK, I have to take steps to prevent that.'"
"I'm actually trying to change the definition of AI so that we have provably beneficial machines."
"I'm not really sure why anyone would be writing about anything other than artificial intelligence right now."
"When push comes to shove, let's say they do create some digital superintelligence, almost Godlike intelligence. Well, who's in control?"
"I do believe the future of humanity is some very advanced form of autonomous robots with artificial intelligence."
"A lot of stereotypical computer science jobs are in research where you might be working in artificial intelligence and deep learning to design neural networks such that a computer can learn to recognize objects or beat a human in a challenging game."
"Increasingly we're getting computers that can outsmart us... I think a lot of people believe that within a few decades, we will have... artificial intelligence which would as far as we can tell be as conscious as another human being."
"Tesla AI might play a role in artificial general intelligence."
"This is creating a big shift...it's a reinforcement...AI infrastructure for enterprises is probably the hottest space right now in Venture Land."
"We've never had an intelligence like that to contend with as humans. It will really call into question what does it mean to be human."
"Sora is the most insane AI text to video model anybody has ever seen."
"This is some of the most mind-blowing AI anybody's ever seen, period. End of statement."
"If we build an incredibly powerful intelligence system before we figured out how to make it safe, I think we should have relatively low confidence it's going to go well for Humanity."
"If we created a new species and that species was smarter than us, in the same way that we're smarter than mice or frogs... Are we treating the frogs well?"