
Perfectionism Quotes

There are 2843 quotes

"I want to be perfect like everybody else when it comes to their lives, but I find that hard, and I want to cry when I can't do anything that other people can do."
"Have no fear of perfection—you will never reach it."
"One of the other big things that derails people is trying to be too perfectionistic and trying to do too much."
"We must rid ourselves of the ideological leaning towards perfectionism because it is driving us mad."
"The more you try to perfect, the more you scrutinize, the more you'll seek the approval of others before you give yourself permission to just be happy."
"Resilience is about shifting that mindset to move away from perfectionism."
"Don't worry about your handwriting or using the right words or not making it look messy... The perfectionism is something that can delay a lot of things in life such as journaling or starting a channel or whatever it is that you want to do."
"Done is better than perfect when you're starting."
"Don't let perfection get in the way of good enough."
"Mothers is an explosive, provocative, and moving novel about love and the pressures of perfectionism, Parenthood, and privilege."
"Perfectionism is an unattainable climb because it can always get higher."
"You can always be a little more quicker, smarter, tougher, etc. These videos can always get better; I can always say this line a little bit better. But when is it good enough? Perfectionism doesn't have an answer for that."
"You're so perfect; I don't think I can be that perfect."
"Perfectionism is not kind of a black or white; it's not 'I am a perfectionist' or 'you aren't a perfectionist', but it's really where we sit on the perfectionism spectrum."
"Accepting the fact [that sometimes for no good reason we fail] is really the first big step in breaking through perfectionism."
"All perfectionism is is the 20-ton shield that we carry around hoping that it'll keep us from being hurt when in truth what it does is it keeps us from being seen."
"We can't let perfect be the enemy of the good... sometimes it's the little gifts that we give ourselves over the course of the day that ultimately will add up."
"Fearless was a perfectionist, so he needed to exceed the quality of each new video."
"She needs to make sure that this looks like absolute fairy tale perfection."
"Don't sweat over things, learn to overcome perfectionism, realize that failure at some point is inevitable, practice self-compassion, focus on dealing with your anxiety physiologically, aim for good enough instead of very good."
"If you write, you're a writer. And if you wait for perfect, you're hiding."
"If you knew that you weren't going to be mean to yourself when you weren't perfect, you'd be so much more willing to try it."
"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
"Others dissent, the subjects of this Chronicle chased such a state, striving to embody the flawlessness of humanity in all aspects of being."
"If you try so hard to make it perfect, then you'll never make any progress. Just force yourself to get something down on the paper and tidy it up later."
"Wanna be perfect? Perfection is not just about control, it's also about letting go."
"Perfectionism defined as a combination of excessively high personal standards and overly critical self-evaluations."
"Perfection is an unachievable goal. Nobody can be perfect, not even you."
"The easiest way to escape the debilitating nature of perfectionism is to remind yourself that you are good enough exactly as you are."
"It was perfect, but the truth of this ending is tragic: her perfectionism literally killed her."
"Because who wants to be good enough when you can be… perfect?"
"You shouldn’t need to BE perfect to be seen."
"I'm very hard on myself. I'm very self-critical."
"Good writers will obsess over their works, they will pore over every minute element just trying to nitpick the hell out of everything to perfection."
"The perfectionists: how precision engineers created the modern world."
"Kill your perfectionism. You're not going to be perfect."
"I've always been a perfectionist, and that froze me. I was afraid to do things many times, but once I did them, it was this amount of energy."
"Chasing after the perfectionism of being a clean person will lead most people to never succeed at being any level of clean."
"Perfectionism is often the root of procrastination, as we assume, if we can't get it perfect, it's not even worth trying to do it."
"The real trick is not focusing on perfection, and instead, just focusing on doing a little better than you had done the day before."
"Perfectionism doesn't let you get started because then you want to achieve so much that the fear of failure becomes too high."
"Once I stopped identifying as a perfectionist, I got a lot more stuff done and started feeling a lot more fulfilled."
"Perfectionist — 100%; being perfect is the killer of all hopes and dreams."
"Perfectionism, in many ways, can become the enemy of an emerging artist."
"Pursuing perfection can really hamper your success as an artist."
"Let go of this idea of trying to be perfect... A perfection of sorts is achieved over time."
"I learned long ago... to not really be shooting for perfectionism, just doing my best."
"The best way out of a perfectionism spiral is a deadline."
"Perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system."
"Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Your goal should not be to do it perfect, your goal should be to do it good enough."
"Getting started is the hard part. You can always revise your way to perfection later."
"The excellence seeking perfectionist are the people with ultra-high standards for their work. They're constantly trying to make their work as good as it can be."
"People don't want you to be stressed or sad. They want you to say your life is perfect, but it's not."
"As a kid, I was obsessed with perfectionism... I wanted people to seem to like me for something."
"I want to return one final time to Pam Scott’s survey of people where she asked them 'am I a perfectionist?' One of them said 'the thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming myself.'"
"I've always been hell-bent on making something more perfect than it may be, but for this album, I wanted to just put it all into music form."
"I am passionate about perfection in my work."
"What's personal for me is just having perfect film and just having everything perfection. So, I'm a perfectionist."
"If we're doing this incredibly silly project, I won't settle for anything less than a perfectly cooked hot dog."
"For these guys, they play so that they never make a mistake ever in life."
"You will have many drafts. You shouldn't submit anything until you've gone at least four, five, six drafts deep."
"If you let perfection stand in the way of learning, then you might never learn."
"I am a proponent of perfection is the enemy of good."
"You may think that you're a lazy person, you may think that you're an unmotivated person, but what's probably really happening is that you're a perfectionist who's getting overwhelmed, so you just give up."
"Have no fear of perfection; you'll never reach it."
"I'm someone that struggles with perfectionism, toxic productivity, and letting my emotions be governed by external circumstances or successes."
"Social media has created this fake world of perfection, and we've been programmed to curate our lives around this fake sense of perfection."
"We are held to standards of perfection that no human being is ever going to be able to meet."
"Let's all take a deep breath, open our minds, get curious, loosen our collective grip on perfectionism."
"If you nail every single detail, then you have a big picture."
"I can't not change a recipe, but I'm trying to resist that urge because a lot of times it's just perfect the way it is."
"Never let perfection get in the way of progress."
"Let go of perfectionism because that was a hard one for me. I have perfectionistic tendencies."
"Perfection is the enemy of good. I want a good result as a clinician. I do not want a perfect result."
"I strive every day to get a more and more perfect haircut. I'll never get the perfect haircut probably, but you know, every day you just work to get better at it."
"Developers should take all the time they need to perfect the game, make sure it's in the best state possible before releasing it to the public."
"If you're striving for perfection, you'll always be stuck in analysis paralysis."
"Slowik is chasing after perfection, after absolute satisfaction from his customers, and it's damn near impossible."
"If you're such a perfectionist, then you need to really look in the mirror and say, 'Hey, what's really important to me?'"
"The standard of perfection ruins relationships."
"I'm a bit of a perfectionist with separation of concerns and there is refactoring to be done."
"Don't let the best be the enemy of the good."
"Perfectionism leads to procrastination which leads to paralysis."
"Don't be worried about creating the best possible blog post the first time you ever write anything."
"Fixing things ever so slightly to make it perfect, it's satisfying."
"Move forward, you can't be a perfectionist weirdo about everything."
"I still feel the need to talk about stuff like this because look, nothing is perfect, nobody's perfect, no product is perfect."
"Done is better than perfect, so keep it simple and get your thumbnails out."
"Something's probably wrong with it, done is better than perfect."
"I just want to make the best thing you know and like the perfectionist side of me is like I want the next video that I make to be the best video I've ever made and that makes me procrastinate."
"We’re going for a good solid 99% perfect, just like meeee!"
"I still hate everything that I do, I still try to make everything better than I possibly can and I'm always disappointed when I don't reach that level."
"Perfection isn't possible, but it makes sense to try and achieve it."
"Push yourselves to the limit, make it legible, make it clean."
"You do not need to be perfect in order to be loved."
"I strive for perfection, flawlessness, and truth-keeping."
"To learn how to be in the right place at the right time, all the time. Now, you can't, because you're not perfect. But you can be there a lot more than you are. And you can actually practice it."
"I think if you're trying to be perfect, if you try to have these conversations, then you're probably floating, you're probably hiding something."
"Learning to accept that and know that you don't have to be perfect or please everybody because it's literally impossible to do that, you'll be a lot happier."
"Perfection is not a prerequisite for anything but pain."
"Don't hold yourself to a perfectionist standard."
"If you've said it once, you've said it a thousand times, the kitchen is no place for a perfectionist."
"It's just basically just be like an absolute perfectionist about the product that you make."
"Nobody's perfect, nobody. If that's your standard, then nobody can."
"I approach my tasks with confidence and enthusiasm. I free myself from the paralysis of perfection."
"There's never time to do it right the first time."
"Innovation, risk-taking, striving for perfection—these values were fundamental."
"If you're waiting for things to be perfect before you try to reduce your own car dependency, it's a good chance it's just never gonna happen."
"That's quite the story and just goes to show how the pursuit of perfection can be very treacherous."
"We can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
"Perfectionism is likely to be the main culprit."
"Perfectionism is a distraction and it holds us back from actually launching the thing."
"Stop worrying about being perfect... Just hit publish."
"I think so, like writing a song, like I stress myself out like crazy because literally I will spend like a month changing a word, sure, when no one would notice, but like I need it to be perfect for me at least."
"Small swaps, you know, what you're trying to be perfect but yeah, I think within the industry, it's definitely something that a lot of people are talking about."
"Perfectionism is my ego not being able to come to terms with the many flaws of the human condition."
"The artist that's obsessed with creating perfection is the artist that's the furthest away from attaining it."
"The perfect is the enemy of the good, and if you're going to have to make some compromises, you're not going to get the perfect world that you want."
"I'm a firm believer that it's better to do something in a shitty way than nothing. Not doing anything, like waiting for, you know, the right moment or the right technique or like, you know, whatever."
"Oh, Jesus! Oh, it burns! Oh, it hurts! Don't get thrown again. Wow, this crap to beat you."
"There's no perfect. And when you strive for perfect it becomes bad."
"Exercise patience and don't expect perfection from each other."
"Perfect as the saying goes is, of course, the enemy of good enough."
"Give up perfectionism; done is better than perfect."
"If you expect absolute perfection, if you have no ability to listen charitably, you are asking to be disappointed at every turn."
"Done is better than perfect when it comes to your digital advertising."
"Sometimes when you're a perfectionist, you don't do anything unless if it's perfect."
"If you spend your entire life looking for perfection the odds are you gonna be really lonely except when you look in the mirror."
"If you're sitting there genuinely canceling people, claiming that you've never made a mistake, you're lying."
"Particularly when you're trying to let perfect be the enemy of good, you are gonna run into these situations."
"I think Tom Cruise puts 110 percent into everything he does and he dedicates himself you know as a perfectionist."
"You can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
"Imperfect action is better than waiting for the perfect plan."
"Eliminating perfection is going to be good for the artistic quality and the believability."
"The biggest enemy in getting stuff done is perfection. Do that at the end. Fix it at the end."
"One of the things I heard was that he almost was like a perfectionist... it could be positive channeled the right way."
"You don't have to be perfect in order to do very, very well at this."
"The entire process of tool-assisted speedrun is a manifestation of human nature when we see a puzzle we don't just try to solve it we try to find the best solution the most elegant solution the perfect solution."
"Every stroke has to be perfect." - Dave Jewett
"So many of us spend months or even years trying to get something perfect... I'd rather get 85% of the way there check the box and then move on."
"Don't worry so much about being a perfectionist."
"Being perfect is boring, and also like it's kind of annoying."
"Life is perfect as it is. You have so much going for you."
"Only release Sistine Chapel ceiling level products to the world."
"The last thing that's going to burn down is something I installed. I am such an anal retentive person when it comes to my connections." - Individual speaker
"If the vehicle is not perfect, it's not ready for the road."
"It's not about making something perfect, it's about letting go of the fear of perfection."
"Don't let focusing on being perfect hold you back."
"Just take some pressure off yourself trying to be perfect and just get it as close as you can and be happy, and it's going to look amazing."
"Perfectionism isn't the path to finishing a project; it's in the way of the path to finishing the project."
"It's because you care and you want it to be right. Yeah, and you know, that's everything. That's why we are all into this stuff because it means something to us."
"Stop waiting till it's perfect to share your stuff, just share it imperfect things as often as you can."
"Narcissistic relationships push us to be perfectionistic robots; there's no such thing as perfect."
"There's a difference between always striving to do your best and be your best, versus striving towards this ideal perfection that you've created in your head."
"Stop trying to be perfect; find happiness in imperfections."
"Aim for progress, my friend, and not perfection."
"Cultivating self-compassion and letting go of perfectionism."
"Strive for perfection with every single thing that you do."
"The number one thing that gets in my students' ways...perfectionism has emerged as the number one enemy of my work."
"Allah loves that when you do something, you perfect it."
"Not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good... there's a better society to be built."
"The customer wants a perfect vehicle so the trained eye of the quality controllers can't afford to miss the tiniest of imperfections."
"Perfection is accepting who you are and being okay with it."
"My entire business is based on the concept that waiting to do something perfect is not going to get you anywhere."
"Perfect is the enemy of good. If you meet your 'dream girl,' you're overlooking a critical aspect of them."
"The struggle for perfection is an endless one."
"We're all flawed and if we demand too much of one another in terms of perfection... then we're going to end up permanently at each other's throats."
"We can't let perfect be the enemy of good here, right? Wow, that's a bombshell right there."
"Sometimes when you're writing a story, your brain gets fixated on a specific point. If you try so hard to make it perfect, then you'll never make any progress." (Quoted as advice from a video game)
"There's something about being so close to perfection and getting it wrong that is unbelievably annoying and off-putting."
"Life finds a way, and if you are trying to order the universe to be perfect and pure and clean, yeah, life finding a way will be quite annoying."
"You cannot be stuck in trying to be perfect but there are things that many of you can do right now if you change up your focus to make sure that you are more grounded to allow this to build."
"The greatest enemy of a good plan is a dream of a perfect plan."
"Not everything's going to be perfect; this is a situation where you don't want to let perfect be the enemy of good."
"Letting go of perfectionism, that's what I always tell people."
"Being a perfectionist is what's blocking you from just beginning the process."
"It's not about perfection. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good."
"If you can never be wrong, then any mistake undermines your entire case."
"Perfectionism is an outdated belief trying to keep you from being good enough."
"Perfectionism is often a disguise or an excuse for people that fear judgment." - Unnamed speaker
"Perfection is a goal you should never aim for."
"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. For our outline, we need to know what the different levels represent, and this isn't difficult."
"Beautiful cooking is that it is simple things done perfectly."
"It's okay to change your mind; don't let the pursuit of perfection hold you back." - Unknown
"Done is better than perfect... I'd rather take messy action than no action at all."
"Let perfect be the enemy of good in the best way possible here."
"There comes a point in one's life when time is running out and good and great really no longer suffice. You have to just jump straight to perfect."
"Let perfect be the enemy of good. In the best way possible."
"The object is to get the scratches as small as you possibly can."
"Better to get it done perfectly and maybe even a little overkill the first time than it is to have to go back and redo it and redo it."
"When you sight down the side of a car... we want to eliminate those."
"The real secret of happiness is feeling it's okay to be good, not perfect."
"If perfection was required, nobody would succeed. I make plenty of mistakes and I'm still plenty successful. Strive for perfection every day but don't expect it."
"Do what you can do today and do it in the most perfect manner possible."
"Don't get so caught up trying to make sure that the beginning is perfect, just get started."
"It's impossible. Perfectionism is a killer in everything. It's a killer in life, and it's definitely a killer in business."
"A finished quilt is better than a perfect quilt top."
"My tactics are flawless, the emperor demands it."
"Perfectionism isn't the issue, lack of difference is."
"Let's work on accepting ourselves instead of constantly seeking perfection."