
Emotion Quotes

There are 37987 quotes

"I want to be perfect like everybody else when it comes to their lives, but I find that hard, and I want to cry when I can't do anything that other people can do."
"What we should do is model authenticity and say, 'I am sad today,' 'I am depressed today,' or 'Yes, I yelled at you, I'm sorry, that was wrong; it's my bad.'"
"If you get yourself to act, you have motion first, then emotion will follow."
"Willpower isn't finite. Willpower is actually an emotion."
"Gratitude is like the opposite of fear. When you're in a state of gratitude, love, trust, and joy, you're releasing the bonding hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel warm and open."
"I want to remember what it was like to feel, and to love, and to laugh."
"Happiness is more than a feeling; it's a powerful emotion that affects our whole being."
"Hey, that was really emotional and beautiful."
"The genuine smile lights up the whole face. You really feel joy."
"Joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain."
"Photography is about capturing emotion, telling a story."
"I'm actually a little nervous. I was asked earlier if I get more nervous if my mothers were here or if, you know, other guests were here, and I said, 'No, it's my mom,' you know? It's our moms, right?"
"It's surely of the essence of an emotion that we should be aware of it, that it should become known to consciousness."
"I can only imagine what overcame them, seeing the sea of people and hearing the crowd react to them stepping on stage."
"Manifestation is about an elevated emotion mixed with an increased intention."
"You take me beyond this lifetime, and I often feel the blissful emotions of past lives that we've shared together."
"Music, for me, it's like a language that communicates emotions and truths beyond words."
"The emotion, the fact that it takes place at night...it's ah yeah, no, I gotta give it to it."
"The way you think determines the way you feel and the way you feel determines the way you act."
"The character's performance and overall emotion have to be sound...creating that sense of clear relatability so the scene feels more impactful with the audience."
"What's going on in the world at the moment has a lot to do with rejecting reason, rejecting evidence, and sliding into the Dionysian pit of emotional reaction."
"Her tears fell like heavy rain... a rain that assures that there's going to be a harvest."
"Grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow of your chest."
"Rage, anger, emotion, need, desperation – boom, Super Saiyan. It was perfect the way it was."
"Racing is a fascinating intersection of emotionless physics and extremely charged feelings."
"Passion is something you feel, which is such good news because it means you can bring it into your life today."
"Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat."
"One day you might just look back on these times as the good old days, and you might just start crying."
"Years of hard and arduous training had led her to this very moment, the athlete does not hide emotions and there is no need to do that, she did it all right."
"No, baby Nugy, I'm not sad because I'm hungry. Actually, in matter of fact, my stomach just growled. I am hungry. But anyways, now, baby nugget, I'm sad because you're not real. You're just an animated chicken nugget popped on my screen, and you are never real and never will be."
"The retirement speech was one for the ages... the guy poured his heart out."
"Watching it back honestly feels like that scene in Interstellar where Matthew McConaughey is banging on the glass and crying."
"People don't tend to pick the person that makes better sense; they tend to pick the person that they feel like they had to fight for more."
"I want people to buy my art because there I want to create a world full of emotions and ideas to make the world a better place."
"I feel like I want to cry right now for no reason other than that was beautiful."
"Your charged intention plus emotion is what really makes it the most powerful it can be."
"Gratitude is the highest vibration. It's the vibration of the heart."
"Anger has its place, and I think that righteous anger can be very stirring for transformation."
"Fear is a natural human emotion... it's an alarm bell that I need to pay attention to."
"But if anger is directed also towards ourselves, right, then it can serve as punishment too."
"I'm an emotional person, and sometimes you can hear the emotion in these women's voices."
"Yes, guys, to say we are nervous is an absolute understatement. We are terrified."
"Prayer is a marriage of thought and feeling or your idea and emotion."
"I opened her to see her for the first time in person, instant tears."
"Emotion is not male or female, emotion is emotion. Emotion is a beautiful thing."
"I'm trying to hold back my tears, happy tears, dude."
"As he lays in bed, he begins to cry as his memories of Eugeo reawaken."
"Grief is love deprived of its object... somebody said somewhere that grief is love with no place to go."
"Call Trish what you want, but I felt the authenticity and I felt the her in it. Trisha, she came off devastated."
"It feels really good to be sitting here today. I have missed you guys more than you could ever imagine."
"Make it emotional. You want to attach emotion to a goal."
"The worst of the worst and the joyous of the joyous are still part of the same experience and if you express that through music, you're singing the same song."
"Our love will have more power than a tsunami."
"An incredible feeling, and I just felt like everything I had worked for my entire life was for that moment."
"I always felt people would never want to, would never back me... that brought like an anger inside so when I played I sort of let that anger go and I'm quite emotional when I play."
"This is by far the most intense, frantic, menacing, terrifying experience that I've ever had."
"Artistic beauty, music, and ritual involve phenomena that are embodied and emotional, far deeper than any cognitive overlay."
"Love is not just an emotion. Love is an act of the will."
"Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts upon only thoughts which have been well mixed with emotion or feeling."
"I love the stream. Tune in for me. It's magical. I'm getting emotional now thinking about it."
"The stronger the emotions that we feel to certain problems and conditions in our life, the more we pay attention to them."
"I've got one thing we can try... Please draw new emotions, better emotions."
"There's no greater power than love on this planet."
"I always cry on my birthday, but never for like this. I love you."
"Horror games evoke a feeling that a lot of genres can’t do, which is to instill fear in your tiny little heart."
"You guys celebrate. Love you, that was beautiful. Very, very nice."
"I am speechless. Tears and cheers. Pretty cool."
"When I think of right, I think of fiery passion."
"Anger is not an emotion; it simply masks the real emotion."
"Microexpressions are very brief facial expressions that only last a fraction of a second and occur when a person is concealing a feeling or an emotion, whether it's deliberate or unconscious."
"A lot of emotion in this room. Thank you, thank you."
"That feeling of satisfaction is just like euphoric."
"In a really like bittersweet twist, he did come back to life, got to continue his story, but the sister he'd been searching for this whole time ended up dying to save him. It was this very emotional, broken moment, and it was wonderful and dark, but we were all there for that type of drama."
"It breaks me every single time and we don't get to see it."
"There is a very powerful link between memory and emotion; our brains prioritize emotional memories for encoding and recall."
"It's one of the books that will get under your skin in the most beautiful way."
"Brains are always interpreting faces in context; they're making guesses. We don't read emotions in facial expressions; we make inferences about the emotional meaning of facial movements."
"Anytime you want to talk about what the basic building blocks are of emotion, none of those basic building blocks are specific to emotion."
"We don't really know how other people feel at all; in fact, most of the time, we don't even know how we feel."
"Language is not sufficient [to capture the complexity of emotions]. One language is not sufficient."
"Grief is a natural emotion that most everybody experiences at some point in their life."
"It brings a tear to my eye how beautiful he is."
"Everything all at once movie was a tearjerker."
"I am a storyteller, giving emotions to words and breaking down the language barrier."
"It's just such a special feeling, it's hard to describe."
"Knowing where the money is going. It has taken a lot of the emotion out of the entire money equation."
"There's something dark in the moonlight that makes me feel less alone."
"She starts to cry a little bit, 'It's so beautiful.'"
"Laughter is strange in that it's one of the few emotions that robs your pain of its power."
"Art is just stuff that evokes emotion in you, and art is anything that can be discussed as art. There's value to all sorts of stuff."
"Sometimes you got to keep things in the back of your mind but on top of your heart."
"Curiosity just drives me. I don't give a [__] what other emotion I have, if I'm curious, it just overpowers everything."
"Love is not safe. In fact, it's the opposite of that."
"He didn't move at first. Instead, he spoke to me, and his voice was a soft breeze on stillness."
"Your brain is operating based on what it feels, not what it thinks."
"The stronger the emotion you feel from some outer experience in your life, the more altered you feel, the more the brain freezes the frame and takes a snapshot."
"Understand what emotion your game is trying to evoke."
"Self-actualized people have great freshness of appreciation and richness of emotional reaction."
"The purpose of art was to teach us how to feel."
"A brand is an emotion. There's no thing a brand is not an object."
"He dissolves into tears. That's what this means as his teammates crowd in to congratulate him."
"When it came to the emotion, you could feel it coming from the characters."
"Virtue is necessary to gain control over any emotion that you don't have perfect control over."
"You have no idea how much this means to me, honestly."
"Filmmaking is all about translating an emotion."
"Grief is not an evil emotion; it is a human emotion that is a natural, normal part of the healing process."
"These tears came from beauty, from art, from life."
"We make major decisions based on emotion and we back up those emotional decisions with logic. We rationalize."
"It really comes down to music, right? It's just tone and a feeling."
"You feel hollow. A great evil has been banished from this world, but what does that matter if you were too weak to save someone?"
"I cried and wept when I found God. I finally had understanding. Life made sense."
"Fear is a very interesting emotion. It can motivate or it can paralyze. It can be productive or it could be destructive, depending on who you fear, why you fear, and what you fear."
"Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another."
"It's not just about hitting the right notes; it's about expressing the right emotion and feel in your performance."
"Logic is usually more important than heart when it comes to making important decisions."
"What makes a good cartoon, which is a cartoon that can be really fun and silly but then hit you with emotion anytime it wants."
"Luxury is connected to the human emotion of accomplishment."
"Humans were made powerful by these things [emotion, affection, creativity], and so are the androids."
"That was totally genuine emotion coming from them."
"You can't fake real being there and emotion; you can't fake that. It's palpable."
"Persuasion is essentially it's an emotional thing. I'm interested in the psychology of persuasion."
"The moment you feel that emotion, you're teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind has intellectually understood."
"People buy off of emotion and then justify it later on with logic."
"Strike while the iron is hot, because otherwise, your feelings won't get back to that peak it was at one point."
"The guillotine struck fear, awe, and excitement into the hearts of the people during and after the French Revolution."
"My heart, an open wound. Don't try to understand. Make me a bird, let me fly."
"Feeling unconditional love... and experiencing that in the absence of language I think is really powerful."
"Despair is an all-consuming emotion that can easily drive a person into the brink of insanity."
"The story takes place in a distant land but copes with themes and emotions common to all of us."
"He looks sad because he has to part with the woman he loves."
"Emotion, a curse, and a blessing. A challenge."
"It's the first time Chief complimented me. I don't know why, but I could cry."
"Love is not just an emotion; it's an act of the will."
"Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake."
"All you can really look at is her face, with the positioning of it, but also the way that she's gazing at the camera. And there's a really beautiful subtle expression that Emma's giving here."
"It's hard, it's complicated to make something simple. A simple pop tune, but it's got heart, it's got swagger."
"Yuki ends the series in tears, crying to himself over the choices that he's made. Some things never change."
"It should be emotion versus logic. That's what would make it a good Pixar movie."
"No, there was a lot of weeping at home, just because the moment was so powerful for me. But I am by nature a cheerleader."
"I wasn't insecure anymore because the emotion that had the most dominance in my thought process and in my heart process was actually being paid attention to."
"Visual storytelling can help you feel grounded in an image."
"What if they create an inner event that carries an amplitude of gratitude or joy... the stronger the emotion you feel from that breakthrough, the more you're going to pay attention to the image in your mind."
"Emotion is the currency of love, and this is what makes it sustainable."
"So then we gain information from our environment, and the stronger the emotion we feel from experiences in our lives, the more altered we feel inside of us."
"The definition of overkill... This is anger. This is fueled by anger, hate, some kind of strong emotion."
"The AI used in robots like Atlas does not cause emotions; it is just strings of code that allow the robot to learn and adapt."
"It feels like a dance, feels like a romantic movie."
"You guys are going to make me cry right now."
"Is it really a feminine trait to be angry or to be emotional? I feel like everybody does these things."
"The heart has its reasons of which reason knows not...there comes a point where you have to give up that distance and that is a step that is very important."
"It feels like more than a movie. This is something more powerful."
"Music at the end of the day is about emotion, about the story that you're trying to say."
"I love what Donnie Yen's doing in this movie, dude, because it's not just the martial arts... it's the emotion he's bringing to it as well."
"The best way to have a debate is to remove emotion and just try to look at the facts as objectively as you can."
"You all know, that's a given, that anger doesn't get you anywhere. It just creates more tension, more ill-will, more separation of people and we feel bad about ourselves afterwards."
"It's always risky; people got sad last time 'cause we had a story that went downhill."
"The feeling of just everything being lifted...to see your driver and car and team cross that checkered flag to become the world champion...was very emotional."
"About a week ago, I woke up from a terribly sad dream and I woke up in tears, crying."
"Her voice is serene, and she sings with emotion. She makes you feel."
"Philanthropy is not a logical thing; it's an emotional transaction."
"Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting."
"Irene said she'd never felt such warmth from someone."
"You can't be afraid when you're feeling love."
"I feel like smart, intellectual people often like to focus on the rational and negative, to the detriment of the emotional and positive."
"Heavy hearts and boundless patriotism carry the day."
"I used to feel the pain in the music, the struggle, you used to feel the soul in the music."
"This is beautiful. Oh my gosh, that is adorable. I'm quite overwhelmed."
"A smile, a frown, a scowl – each one can tell you how to interact with someone."
"The saddest or scariest story ever written: 'For sale: baby shoes, never worn.'"
"The longer journey you'll take is the journey between the head and the heart."
"Being stoic means you're kind of detached and you're unemotional; it's not what it means at all. The original stoics were very much people of action."
"Anger as a release and as a fuel for change can be a real flush, and it can be a real boundary and it can be a real change agent."
"He was so beautiful; why did they have to die?"
"Science becomes not only an intellectual exercise but an emotional one."
"Anger is not the opposite of loving a game... the opposite of loving a game, the thing that will kill your game, is apathy."
"Color is a lot about - like I experience color as an emotional thing. It's something that you feel."
"Using a still from the 1953 movie Niagara, Andy took an image of her in the prime of her youth and joy, and through countless repeated silk screenings, eventually slowly transformed the joyful smile into a bitter grimace."
"The amount of creativity and passion and emotion and energy that gets inspired when you guys meet is incredibly powerful."
"Guilt is an emotion, a momentary emotion; it's the indicator that you have done something which you do not want to repeat."
"The scream is inside me, and I don't hear the voices of the world loud enough."
"The joy of gift-giving comes from the thought and care put into the gift, not just the item itself."
"Not everything in life is bright and cheerful."
"You can feel the weight of silence in that place."
"You shouldn't be an emotional investor; that's a very smart thing to do."
"There's a tingling in the spine, that catch in the voice, a faint sensation as if a distant memory of falling from a great height. We know we are approaching the grandest of mysteries."
"Horror is not a genre; it's a feeling. I get it."
"Love is not a relationship. Love is a certain sweetness of your emotion."
"Horror, in contrast, is all about the experience; everything in a horror game, from its mechanics to sound to presentation, is all about crafting one specific emotion."
"Musicals are something that your logic doesn't get, but your emotions do."
"Longing is at the heart of every good story."
"It's truly despicable, some of the most insanely I think I've ever seen probably in my entire life."
"Angels having a dialogue and even expressing desires highlights their ability to choose and feel, not just serve without emotion."
"We are not a rational species; we are an emotional and social species obsessed with patterns and identity."
"Being intelligent living beings, being a member of the same fabric of broad society, and being individuals who experience suffering, pain, joy."
"We are emotional creatures... Emotion is the power; emotion is what starts wars, ends wars, gets you married, leads to divorce."
"The stories you're going to hear about his home life, his family, his father might just bring you to tears because that's the effect they had on me."
"Sadness is actually a beautiful emotion. Sadness is very, very healthy. Tears are healthy."
"Jada Essence Hall gets really emotional about her win during the pandemic."
"You only feel the way you feel because somebody told you to feel that."
"I am a translator, transforming text into creative discovery, turning movement into animation and infusing words with emotion."