
Future Quotes

There are 60692 quotes

"This is going to end up becoming one of the most important technologies that humanity will ever invent."
Demis Hassabis
"We are going to be in a very different world where we can control the age that we are in a way that we only dreamed of."
"What I needed to do is accept that the old Dan is gone and then start working on the new me, which has a future."
"I was terrified about what's going to happen to the children of the country and the planet at large."
"The coolest definition of technology I've ever heard is technology is hope for a better future."
"If you lost motivation, you didn't lose motivation, you lost your touch with the future."
"You've got to make moments of peace, moments of kindness, little acts of compassion now. That is how we get a beautiful future."
"If we are thinking about the future of existence, the problem we have to solve is goal alignment."
"We are on the verge of something super interesting in humanity."
"I think we need more protopian or utopian art... Life really does imitate art."
"It's going to be very transformative in very many beautiful ways."
"Jupiter promises that there's going to be even more expansion in the future."
"You can't change the past, but the future is an empty page."
"Memory is much less about being an accurate representation of the past and much more about being a flexible compass into the future."
"Change your perspective, everything in the future changes."
"What kind of people do we want in the world that we're creating for the future?"
"If we want to achieve a better future, we have to accept that as things stand, it won't be given to us but it's ours for the taking."
"You guys are literally starting a whole new you, a whole new vision for you, a whole new vision for your future."
"You cannot change the past, but you can decide to enjoy the present and work toward influencing your future."
"It's the last invention we'll ever make because if it's doing what we want, then all the things that we think are hard will seem like child's play to something that is that level of intelligent."
"It's becoming increasingly clear that a number of parts of the old normal may not be part of the new normal."
"The future is actually here; it's just unevenly distributed."
"I really care about the outcome in this story, but now I have to tell you, it's time to focus on and deal with what's coming next. As disruptive as COVID has been, I honestly think there are much bigger disruptions coming."
"Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better."
"The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."
"The future is female. What does that mean for me as a boy?"
"The future is bright; all we need to do is see it."
"It's important to remember that it is ultimately the decisions we make on the level of the heart, on the level of consciousness, which, will determine where we go in the future."
"I really do think that veganism, especially with the advent of lab-grown meat, will probably be a thing in like 50 years."
"Great leaders envision a compelling and different and vibrant future than what is here. They have an alternative clear view of what the world could be like tomorrow than it is today."
"The future stretched away in front of us, unknown, unseen, not perhaps what we wanted, not what we planned."
"Reading is the strongest signal for success in the future."
"2023 will be bright, 2024 will be brighter. Let's go."
"It'll be very interesting to see where NFTs go over time."
"We can't be automated deterministic machines because the future is indeterminate."
"Believe that you can win in relationships no matter where you are. There is a brighter future for you."
"If you're lacking in the love department, I think that you are going to be very fulfilled in the love department five years from now."
"You are stepping into so much more confidence than you've ever had before."
"Your life right now is going to be almost unrecognizable to the life that you have five years from now."
"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
"Our primary message is that innovation solves problems and is expected to transform human lives at an accelerated rate during the next five to ten years."
"It's about how you make someone feel, and I think a feeling lasts longer with you than just an admiration."
"I truly believe better days are ahead of us."
"Your soulmate is in the future. You will receive an offer of love."
"Your future soulmate... is likely going to be someone from a different country."
"Our time will come, we'll do something else, it'll be bigger, it'll be better."
"Do not be cynical about this hobby. I think its best days are ahead, even if we're not all playing literally the same game."
"Optimism is not a denial of the current state; it's a belief that the future is bright."
"The best thing about the future is that it hasn't happened yet."
"An era can come to an end, and I'm looking forward to better."
"There's a lot going on in the world that is beyond our control. But investing in your child's future is something that you can take control of."
"Optimism is ultimately a hopeful outlook for the future. If you think that your future is going to be better than today, then you're going to be optimistic."
"The future isn't predetermined and doesn't follow any set pattern of necessity; it's contingent and can be shaped by human action."
"The future is a scary and unknowable thing, but it's our scary and unknowable thing to at least try and shape for the better."
"To be able to shape your future, you have to be willing and able to change your paradigm."
"The only time more exciting than today is tomorrow."
"You are more than your current circumstances. You are loved, you are wanted, and you have an amazing testimony ahead of you."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself."
"What life would be like with the person that you're thinking of."
"Whatever this experience was helped you grow, it's gonna help you actually in the future."
"Nothing wants to change this perception of tech to bring optimism back so tech can stand for progress again, excitement, a better future."
"The best way to predict the future is create it yourself."
"Prosperity can be assured if you care well for tomorrow."
"The future of investing is investing in the future."
"Optimism is about a belief in better; it may not seem realistic, but that's because it's not real. Yet."
"Space is the future, and kids are the future. Learning about space and watching the story of humanity spread to the stars happen is watching the future happen and seeing history unfold."
"God has created us for the future. Build into our hearts great dreams of great things accomplished in the future."
"You are alive by design, and the moment that you understand that design, your future awaits you."
"Your worst days are behind you, your best days are ahead of you."
"We are just at the forefront of what AI could do for us."
"AI is honestly going to change the world in ways we've never thought of before."
"Fear is the thief; it takes the past and projects it onto the future, robbing you of the only opportunity you have to change."
"The future can be almost unimaginably great."
"The future is what you make out of it, and you can make it real."
"Learning about space and watching the story of humanity spread to the stars happen is watching the future happen and seeing history unfold."
"Spending half an hour to do a thought experiment about what a standard day in your life looks like in five years can have tangible implications on your life."
"Over the next five years, I think your maturity is going to skyrocket... I think you're gonna have gone through so much within the next five years that's going to teach you so much about who you are and where you're meant to be."
"Finding balance is going to be one of your biggest key themes in the next five years."
"The intent here overall is to ensure the light of consciousness continues in the universe."
"Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past; let us accept our own responsibility for the future."
"Your future is not determined by the way you were raised... you can overcome those things."
"We should have hope in the future; we should be excited about the future."
"What will Earth be like in one thousand years?"
"Someday in the future, this plane could be the new Air Force One, shuttling the President of the United States around the Earth at hypersonic speeds."
"But now, I see something totally different, a much more optimistic future of what this kind of tech can do for people like you and me."
"This is going to lead you into really building a solid foundation for yourself."
"Compute is gonna be the currency of the future... the most precious commodity in the world."
"A future where humanity is a spacefaring civilization out there exploring the stars is incredibly exciting."
"This year is going to be groundbreaking for what we see as adaptive athletes in the future."
"She may be a name that we're going to watch for years to come."
"You can be really impressed by what has been accomplished here while also being really scared for what it means about the future."
"Social Security will be here till the end of the planet."
"Your future is worth investing in. It's just a fact."
"We will once again astonish the world as we boldly go to meet our future in the skies and in the stars."
"I think eventually, technology will be the new drugs."
"Your current situation doesn't define your future potential."
"You're finally entering a time of happiness."
"A year from now, you're going to be living a much greater experience than you even are right now, in much more harmony, much more connectivity."
"The younger generation... they're going to become heroes."
"What we call future is just an extension of your state of consciousness in the present moment."
"Over the next four years, five years, we're going to be able to stop aging and then eventually reverse aging."
"We are now one step closer to our final transformation."
"The future will be built right here in America."
"Even just a couple of years from now, you're going to be in such a different place in your life... you're going to be looking back and being like, 'Oh my goodness, if I ever even knew where I was going and what was happening beneath the surface, like wow.'"
"Stay optimistic and look towards the future."
"When I look at all these faces, I think to myself, humanity is going to be all right."
"Sacrifice yourself today to build a bridge with the future so that the Superman could be born."
"Lift your spirits a little bit by planning next year's vacation."
"There's good to 2024; there's something. There's Hope."
"That's the backdrop to the entire narrative of the book. I basically want the reader to get a feel for the whole thing: how it started, how things like you and me rise up, how consciousness emerges, issues of free will, and whether we have it, and then on to the future, what's going to happen to us and the world and the universe as time elapses to the far, far future."
"The future isn't set in stone; it's shaped by the choices we make."
"It doesn't matter if it really is the future, I know what I must do."
"The potential for unlimited clean energy is no longer a distant dream but a tangible reality within our grasp."
"Dune takes place 20,000 years in the future where the universe is ruled by the Imperium."
"When you criticize, you rob yourself of your future."
"It's a muscle suit, but technically this is a futuristic product."
"The world is changing. Technological advancements bring us to new frontiers where we don’t always know what’s in store for us over the horizon."
"In the brave new world of tomorrow, what is the answer to uncertainty, misinformation, and division? Who can you trust?"
"America's comeback is building a future of American possibilities."
"Trust this; this is going to keep working. We're going to be fine."
"Policy matters because it affects our future."
"Mars is where the science is, Mars is where the challenge is, and Mars is where the future is."
"The possibilities of what science can bring us in the future are near limitless, but how far should we push the boundaries?"
"Mars holds the answers to mankind's future in space."
"They can absolutely go on to live pro-social effective lives in the future."
"Sacrifice your things that make you feel a little better throughout the week for their future, it's worth it."
"I think that if you're so, I think it sounds very lonely. A very technological future sounds incredibly lonely."
"The plan of God for Israel is to give them hope and future."
"The future is unwritten. There's nothing there other than our projection of it."
"This is like the future, that this is the priority."
"They represent the best of humanity and our most fervent hopes for the future."
"The very future of humanity may depend on the results of this project."
"Vision Pro is the first tech product that has ever actually let me look into that future."
"Stay on the present path as it will take you very far."
"This is about opportunity, it's about movement, this is about the future."
"You have the power to change anything in your future."
"You are stepping into your power over this next year."
"You are attaining your desire. A year from now, you are having whatever it is that you've been trying to reach, trying to attain."
"Will there be a day when you click to buy a product on Amazon and the whole delivery chain is run by robots, from artificial intelligence predicting what you want to buy to self-driving planes that deliver the goods?"
"We humans are a species that have a deep connection with our past, as we believe that the past is what shapes the future."
"Some of you might be on the road to weddings and marriage or something to very much celebrate."
"There's going to be an offer for a higher level of commitment, and you're going to have to decide."
"This is all about no more past interference. We're moving forward here."
"Pretend like the future exists; may as well. It's a better bet than assuming it's not going to."
"The only rational conclusion is that at some point in the future, things will be okay and then at some point afterwards they will not be okay again, and then they will be okay, and so on and so on."
"It's incredibly difficult but you matter, your future matters."
"You can get out of this, just work hard please, for the sake of your life, for the sake of your future."
"I'm planning a seed for the future, a world in which kindness, love, respect, simple, simple things, and I know that we can never pay back the gift that was given to us, but we've decided that we're going to spend the rest of our lives trying."
"I'm going to be looking at your destiny and your future of the life you were meant to live in this lifetime."
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11
"I want to see our weird robot apocalypse future, whatever it is."
"If we really want a better tomorrow for our kids, we have to be really serious on how we educate our kids and how we bring them up."
"You are stuck in between two roads in your life, one road leads to the past and the new road leads to the future."
"My lifetime has taught me to embrace the future...Freedom, democracy, a future based on the core values that have defined America: honesty, decency, fairness, equality."
"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring."
"The possibilities feel endless and exciting right now, which is what excites me."
"We cannot accurately imagine where this is going over hundreds and thousands of years, but what we can say is we have developed ethical codes and values that help us live better lives."
"If you are going through shit right now, keep going. You have no idea how good your life may be in 10 years."
"Your future is not set, it's not written, it's whatever you make it, so make it a good one."
"What the world is going to be after this, I know that it will be different from the one before."
"In order to understand our future, we must look to the past."
"Your future and a family being together under one household all is on this moment right now."
"Some of the most important people that you're going to meet in your life are in your future."
"The science of hope absolutely, if there's anything I want to imprint in this discussion with you to leave as a takeaway, is we have to be very mindful. The science of hope is on our threshold."
"I'm rooting for you, I'm stoked, and I can't wait to see the buildings that you design."
"The only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants."
"If we decide that Kepler 1649c is worthy of becoming Earth 2.0, what would happen next?"
"I think you've got to start looking for the future as well."
"The technologies of the future will help us solve this problem."
"We have just scratched the surface of what we are going to see going forward."
"By confronting the past, we learn to face the future."
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"I'm so excited for everything that's to come."
"Creativity is going to be the currency of the artificial intelligence economy."
"AI won't replace humans, but humans using AI will."
"It’s the hope of almost every generation in history that their children and grandchildren will go on to live wealthier, more prosperous lives than their own."
"If you're building companies of today, tomorrow they'll become irrelevant. You need to build companies of the future."
"Every one of you has your part in that future."
"By the time we're done, maybe Tekken will still be around in like 20-30 years."
"Our greatest races are yet to come. History made, history in the making."
"We are not lost. We are coming back. Our best days are ahead of us."
"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."
"I am hopeful that at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, we can handle this."
"I love my son, I'm glad that he's home, and he's going to have the great future that he deserves to have."
"Life is always a series of choices. We make them every day, and they shape our future."
"What that showed me is like ownership is everything moving forward."
"We're the only animal that can visualize what our future could be like, why do we do that? We do it so that we can make it happen. This isn't mental masturbation; we want to make this go."
"You can't coast into a better you, you can't drift into a better future. It takes intention and it takes planning."
"Get ready Joseph, nothing in your past looks like your future."
"The future is not just happening; the future is built by us, by a powerful community."
"We must not forget that our fundamental purpose here is to protect people and their futures."
"The future is a good place to get interested in because you're going to be spending the rest of your life there."
"I've never been more optimistic about our future."
"You're actually stepping into a doorway. Your future self wants you to know that in this moment, you are currently stepping into a brand new chapter, a whole new chapter."
"This person sees a future with you; the best days are together ahead."
"I want to create a future where young people can think critically, be financially literate, and contribute positively to their communities."
"Our intuition about the future is linear, but the reality of information technology is exponential."
"Ultimately, we're going to be much more machine than we are biological."
"You're going to be able to spring forward optimistically into something new."
"We are fighting for the future of humanity and we have a plot and I thought, 'Okay, we're going to go in here, we're going to kick ass and get the kid.'"