
Self-worth Quotes

There are 36239 quotes

"I hate my life because I'm worth nothing and I feel like I'm incapable of everything that is presented to me."
"You're not a waste of existence, to be honest."
"You are the prize. Don't you ever forget that."
"Your worth as a human being is not necessarily tied to the outcomes of your actions."
"You are a very great being, about as great as anything ever was."
"If you're confident in yourself and you believe that you bring value to the world, it's easier to get motivated."
"The real question is why did you ever get the idea that you didn't have worth. That's where trauma comes."
"It's really a rehabilitation of self-identity, self-worth, self-confidence, self-acceptance."
"What you believe about yourself is the only thing that matters at the end of the day."
"Sometimes people just need to have a purpose in life and feel valued."
"The difference between ego and confidence: the egotistical person has a value that is determined by others and the confident person has a value that is determined by yourself."
"If no one's told you lately, you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter."
"You've worked hard for this moment, receive it when it comes in and say 'Yes, I'm ready, I'm willing, I deserve this.'"
"You were never the problem and nor will you ever be the problem."
"Whenever you see feathers, it's your spirit guides reminding you of your self-worth."
"If you show up in a crowd and your goal is to fit in, then you're putting your self-worth on the line. But if you show up and your goal is just to be yourself, then you can't fail."
"For me to feel good about myself... is how do I contribute? And the way I contribute is to use my gifts, focus in areas that for which my capabilities can make the biggest contribution."
"The dignity of feeling like you have a job to go to is important, regardless of one's abilities."
"Hustle, hustle, hustle, because your life is worth it. Your life is worth it. You are worth it."
"Remember your innate worth as a human being and treat yourself kindly with compassion."
"You are worthy of creating what you desire and it is coming; it's already in motion."
"We need to stop trying to chase these aesthetics that we think then reflect our socioeconomic value. They don't."
"My self-worth comes from the things you can't take away. I'm generous, considerate, empathetic... these are things that nobody can take away."
"You deserve happiness. Why is it that you see that you deserve happiness?"
"Why do you need me? I'm just a frog and you're this beautiful queen."
"You are loved and worthy and enough, as you are. That's beautiful."
"I feel like if I'm not good enough for myself, there's no way I want to bring that to someone else."
"You're valuable, you're amazing, I might love you. Remember to stay spicy."
"The thing that you started this off, the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"Disgust is probably like the MVP of emotions as they really pertain to our worth and safety as childhood trauma survivors."
"You deserve a pampered life. To tell someone they don't deserve to be spoiled or loved is honestly really nasty."
"You should never have to settle for anything."
"My value is not tied to the self-worth of how many followers I have."
"Surround yourself with good people, and remember, you deserve someone who appreciates and values you."
"You are an amazing person. No one is a better version of you."
"You can be fearfully and wonderfully made and not be convinced of it in your mind."
"If you're not clear on your worth, the world will always take you and put you in the bargain basement."
"You deserve this life that you are authentically living. You deserve this joy."
"Body positivity is about saying, regardless of the size of your body, you're still worthy of acceptance and love."
"The more we live our life through the lens of 'will people think I look good like this?' we'll always be disappointed."
"It's not about settling at all; it's actually about having higher standards about the things that actually matter."
"If someone tells you to go on birth control and they don't want to wear a condom, they're not worth it."
"I think it's better for her that you're not in the relationship. She deserves better."
"When we have a low self-worth, we will find ourselves in more toxic situations."
"Stop taking things personally. It's one of the greatest deteriorators of self-worth."
"You need to heal from your past. And when you heal, you will be able to have a greater level of self-worth."
"I don’t need a crown to know that I’m a queen."
"You are meant for so much more, and you deserve so much more."
"Money won't make you an extraordinary person and won't make you feel any differently about yourself."
"All you have in this world is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"You want your body to be the least interesting thing about you."
"Weight should never be a factor when it comes to your happiness and self-worth."
"My entire self-worth is wrapped up in people knowing the truth of how I've interacted with them."
"You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging."
"Your greatest self-worth is going to come from breaking through stuff that you didn't think you could break through."
"You are valuable and deserving of good people in your life."
"What you do in the world matters, what you say matters... you matter."
"Every client I saw, whether they were a nursery school teacher or they are a billionaire, they all had the same thing: 'I'm not enough.'"
"I'm worth it, I'm enough, and I'm gonna get through this because I am in charge of my own happiness."
"Fat women do not have to settle for any man and have plenty of amazing options."
"Living a soft life ultimately means that we know our worth and we're not waiting for others to give us the respect and love that we deserve."
"Reassurance of the golden light: You are a child of the universe and dearly loved."
"When your worth is not tied to anyone else's opinion and it's all your own, you own every day."
"The biggest liberation will not come when our patriarchy becomes a matriarchy. The biggest liberation will come when us women heal our unworthiness."
"There's already value in what you have. You don't need to build it up from zero."
"You are God's precious gem. Have you not been valuing yourself? You need to value your self-worth."
"You are so loved and so deserving of everything that your heart desires."
"I deserve the best and will have anything that I desire."
"I'm inferior to no one, I'm superior to none, but equal to all and greater than every challenge."
"I am not diminished by the success and happiness of others."
"You are more than your current circumstances. You are loved, you are wanted, and you have an amazing testimony ahead of you."
"Don't base your self-worth based on how other people feel about you, how other people see you, and don't try to fill that void with partying and drinking because that's not going to fix the self-esteem issues."
"The abundance mentality is that there is more than enough and that you are enough."
"Visualize what your life looks like and how you're going to feel about yourself when your self-worth has improved."
"You are his first choice; you are not leftovers because of your choices. You are his first option because you are the Bride of Christ."
"Believe in yourself and you need to believe that you're worth it."
"You will never be good enough for the wrong person."
"By being more authentic and unapologetic, people are really starting to see your worth."
"Love yourself first so you don't settle for anything less than what you deserve."
"We see ourselves a very specific way...intrinsically know that you're worthy, you intrinsically know that you're deserving."
"You deserve abundance and you don't have to be so hard on yourself."
"Build ourselves up, we need to tell ourselves that we are worthy of love."
"You are beautiful and you deserve to have the most unforgettable birthday."
"You deserve to be indulgent; you deserve to be taken care of."
"I want you to entertain the idea that people can see value in you without you giving anything to them."
"Just by virtue of who you are, you have worth; you don't need to do anything to be worth something."
"You are not a mistake, and you have to know you're not a mistake because your heavenly father planted you with Divine Purpose and with an intention in mind."
"Daily declarations that support who you know you are, what you know you're worth, and where you know you're going."
"Depression to me is a disconnect from the truth that you are infinitely enough, valuable, and connected to everything."
"Self-esteem affects our self-worth, our self-worth affects our ability to practice self-acceptance, and if we can't accept ourselves, how can we grow that self-esteem in the first place?"
"I believe that I am so worth it, and that self-worth is what makes it so attractive and so beautiful because it's so elegant rather than being vulgar."
"Self-worth is what makes it so attractive and so beautiful because it's so elegant rather than being vulgar."
"Everyone is worthy of love, everyone is lovable and good enough just because they exist."
"Your soul is calling out to let you know to know your worth, to take time to get to know yourself in order to find your destiny."
"You guys are entering a new profound sense of self-worth, sense of security, sense of confidence."
"You deserve love. You deserve to be loved in the way that you expect to be loved."
"Whether you've got amazing friends or not, you yourself are still amazing."
"Find friends where you can, but remember that whether you have friends or whether you don't, you're still worth being friends with."
"You're worth forgiving, and if you are expressing remorse and if you want to apologize, then you deserve to be forgiven."
"When you get to understand what self-love looks like, I dial up myself very nicely."
"Doing the hard things and actually do the hard things is almost certainly like the core of [self-worth]."
"It's a constant battle, it's never ending, you're always going to fight it for the rest of your life, but just realize that you're worth it to keep fighting."
"Every relationship in your life stems from how you view yourself."
"I'm raising my kids to be respectable. I'm raising my girls to be princesses; they got to know their worth."
"Claim your abundance; you are so worthy of what you dream about."
"You are beautiful, you are enough, you deserve to feel content and happy."
"There's wonderfulness in us no matter who we are."
"Simply by existing, simply by being alive—there's so much worth in that."
"Any living being is so worthy without even trying. Just simply by existing, you are already worthy."
"Food is morally neutral and your value as a person does not change depending on what you eat."
"I exist and that's enough and that alone is worthy of love."
"You want to be paid what you are worth, not what you have been paid in the past."
"You might be where you want to be or you feel good and comfortable in yourself. You have a lot to offer."
"Don't put all of your self-worth into the opinions of others."
"All have infinite, internal, eternal, and unconditional worth as persons."
"Externals neither add nor diminish worth. Worth as a person, however, is infinite and unchanging."
"Worth doesn't have to be earned or proved; it already exists. Just recognize, accept, and appreciate it."
"One of the biggest distinguishing features between women of high self-worth and women who have no self-worth is boundaries."
"You guys are really freaking awesome and I really hope that you feel that way too because you definitely deserve to and you're very, you're very great."
"You guys have a very good sense of self, a good sense of self-worth."
"Your looks are a depreciating asset; your mind is an appreciating asset. Invest your self-worth appropriately."
"Your success or failure does not define you."
"If you go in and ask for a raise, you're not devaluing yourself; you're actually increasing your value."
"There is no believing at a really deep down level that one can be or that one deserves to be loved this completely."
"Put yourself on a pedestal and affirm your worthiness regardless of external opinions."
"Focus on bettering yourself and your life to build a strong foundation of self-worth."
"Build a positive self-schema to foster a solid sense of self-worth and reduce the need for external validation."
"You are worth it. You're worth it. I hope you can see that."
"You're such a special person. You should 100% love yourself."
"There's great potential and value in you; you're just trying to align your own life experiences to meet that value."
"If you do not have self-worth, you will never be truly fulfilled, no matter how much you accomplish."
"Self-confidence is most closely linked with external things... your self-worth is deeply internal; it's believing you are enough exactly as you are."
"Consider your foundation: Love is yours. Recognize your divine worth. Choose loving thoughts."
"Self-worth and self-esteem are not about elevating ourselves above others or external validation, they're about recognizing our intrinsic value and honoring ourselves."
"When you believe that you deserve full, whole, clear, open love that's without condition, that's when you can truly begin to heal."
"No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
"We all have fundamental emotional needs to be seen, to be heard, and to be loved and celebrated for the unique human being that we are. When those needs are met, you feel affirmed, confident, and whole."
"You're stepping into your power of what you deserve and what you really want."
"All self-worth issues stem from one thought: 'I am not enough.'"
"So, how can you go about discovering your own self-worth? You need to ask yourself: 'How am I enough?'"
"At your core, you are a unique, eternal, infinite, precious, valuable, and good person."
"Your worth didn't go anywhere. You can't get rid of or lose something that's eternal."
"Remember that you are wonderful. You are of infinite worth, even if all you did for the rest of your life was to sit in a vegetable state."
"You are a very valuable person, you are somebody who works very hard in life."
"You are not your subscriber count. You are you."
"Stop putting your self-worth in your looks because that is something that's very, very dangerous to put your self-worth into."
"Know that your self-worth comes from within."
"Regardless of what people think of you, if you believe in your self-worth, then you will be invincible."
"You deserve love and you're no longer going to settle for something that's false that's going to crack down the line."
"If you don't feel you're worth it, you're going to keep making the wrong decisions, and you are worth it."
"Don't ever turn cold just because people are treating you that way."
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
"The first thing your guides want you to know is that you are worthy. You are worthy, you are good enough. You are worthy of all the guidance that comes to you. You are constantly guided and you are so honored. Don't ever feel unworthy, or like you're not good enough of guidance of your angels or in life in general, develop that sense of worthiness."
"It's incredibly difficult but you matter, your future matters."
"I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, my soul knows that very well."
"If you know your own worth and you spend time with yourself, you're going to be so confident and you won't be relying on validation from anyone."
"You weren't put on this earth just to succeed and climb to the top; you were put on this earth because you offer something special to the world."
"You deserve more recognition, you deserve more appreciation."
"I am worthy of my own love. I don't have to earn love any more than I have to earn the right to breathe."
"For You formed my innermost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
"It's going to be such a positive month of self-growth and learning your self-worth."
"I've always struggled to feel good enough for you."
"Stop wasting your time on people who treat you good one day, then act like you don't exist the next day."
"Remember your worth. You are enough. You are worthy."
"You're a divine child of the universe; you have incredible purpose here."
"You should only ever invite people into your life who reciprocate the same amount of love that you give."
"Don't settle for less than what you truly deserve."
"Do not let anyone step on your joy, your spirituality, your magnificence."
"You are worth more than all the stars you can count in the night sky."
"I am worthy of love, abundance, happiness, and joy. I'm worthy of my desires, and I expect them to happen. I am unlimited."
"You deserve to feel connected to cool people, and you are a cool person."
"You are capable of creating the friendships that you deserve in life."
"It's not that you ask for too much, you ask for far too little."
"Knowing your worth, knowing you're the prize."
"You are worthy. We're worthy of being able to express ourselves. Our emotions, our feelings, are valid."
"Hey Grandpa, I feel like my family makes me feel worthless sometimes."
"If you don't feel this, it's time to find someone that can and will appreciate you."
"God has made each one of us as a first-class original; do not die a second-rate copy."
"You're up-leveling your self-worth, self-love, self-value, and self-respect."
"You deserve anything that you desire to experience."
"Nothing is wrong with you, quite the opposite, in fact."
"You are loved and you matter because it's true."
"Men will value you in direct proportion to how you value yourself."
"If you live for the approval of man, you'll die by their criticisms."
"I allow myself to believe that I deserve to heal."
"I am forever conscious of my true worth. I give of my talents freely and I am wonderfully, divinely compensated."
"If you tell someone over and over again they are nothing, they will say to you, 'Oh, you think I am nothing? I will show you where nothing is,' and they will become even worse than what you have accused them of being."
"The world will not value you until you value yourself."
"The only thing that really matters at the end of the day is how you feel about yourself when you are by yourself."
"I am worthy of happiness. I am enough. I am able to rise again from defeat. I have the right to make mistakes; that is one of the ways I learn."
"Our sense of self-worth comes from two places: it can come from the outside or from the inside."
"Self-worth is about valuing, respecting, and knowing your worth."
"Don't ever again in your life fight with somebody to love you."
"Self-worth and working on yourself doesn't have anything to do with shame spiraling."
"I am deserving of abundance, no matter what."
"Lucky Girl Syndrome is all about reprogramming your mindset into thinking I am good enough, I am smart enough, I am capable enough, and I am worthy of all of my desires."
"It's not what's on the outside that matters; it's what's on the inside."
"When you allow yourself to feel loved and valued, you'll actually achieve far more significant things."
"You're beautiful, that's for sure. You'll never, ever fade."
"My ego and my real sense of self-worth are diametrically opposed to each other."