
Free Will Quotes

There are 2249 quotes

"Free will is the sensation of making a choice. The sensation is real, but the choice seems elusive. Laws of physics determine the future."
"Free will is an illusion in the sense that your brain decides first, and you become aware of it after the fact."
"It's important to assign some sort of agency to an actor that they do exert some type of free will."
"If people do go to hell, it must be their own choice and not God's choice."
"Genes can predispose but they don't predetermine."
"Tarot is just a beautiful tool to look at what we're currently attracting, where we're currently headed, but you have free will, my love, and you can change anything at any time."
"If you're so concerned about somebody having free will that to me says you're really really insecure with your ability to create what you want."
"You can do what you will; you just can't will what you will. In fact, you have to do what you will."
"People don't like to think about free will. It may be because it threatens their sense of agency and sovereignty."
"Nothing is ever set in stone, and you always do have free will."
"We're driven by some sort of biological determinism, but we have moral agency, do we not?"
"If God doesn't exist, then human beings are just material objects and what we call free choices are just the results of electrochemical reactions in our nervous system."
"Do we have free will? It's an old, old question."
"It's up to us as people; it's up to our own free will. We are in charge of our destiny, we're in charge of our world, if we only have eyes open enough to see it and courage to do something about it."
"Even if you believe that free will is possible theoretically in some situations, you should at least acknowledge that 99% of decisions don't reflect your free will; they reflect something else."
"Tarot brings awareness of where we're currently headed... but you have free will and you can change your energies at any time, thus create a new reality."
"You have free will to do whatever you choose."
"This life is a probation...making moral decisions because this life is a test, and so God strikes his balance between providing sufficient evidence and also not going against their free will."
"You have your freedom of will; now, what will you do with it?"
"Virtue is voluntary; you have to have free will in order to do it."
"When someone is disciplined, or we say that they are self-disciplined, what this means is that they are somebody whose conscious objective free will is governing their emotional system, their mind, and their body."
"When there is Saturn in Jupiter in your first house, you have more free will than any other year of your life to decide the course of your life."
"A world where free people make a free choice to have a heavenly existence has more goods than one where they're merely created in that state."
"Beings that have free will, you can draw out more goods in that situation than beings that lack free will."
"In order to be freely good, you have to have the capability of being freely evil as well."
"God gives us free will, which allows us to love. If we don't have free will, we can't love, and if we can't love, this is not a moral universe."
"The frontal lobe is where you demonstrate free will, where you invent, where you speculate possibilities."
"The biggest problem with the belief in free will is that it makes people incurious about themselves and about what is really happening inside themselves."
"God could solve [the problem of evil] very easily by making us all robots who were entirely deterministic, but what that would do is empty the world of human beings."
"Even God himself does not impose himself upon our will."
"The insistence that in the Judeo-Christian tradition that we have true choice, true free will, and that we can use that in the moral domain."
"Inherent in our plasticity is the ability to make choices of our own free will, perhaps especially when those choices don't make much sense."
"Destiny is nothing but the sum total of the actions of the free will up to this point of time."
"The actions of your free will right now become your destiny tomorrow."
"Free will is not only to turn away from God and follow their own paths but also to turn away from one’s own desire."
"You are not beholden to some sort of will of the universe. You have free will each and every day."
"The only reason why we believe that there's free will is because our perception is so limited."
"Free Will is the scariest thing because we can really do whatever we want."
"Your habits born of your free will lead you into captivity or Paradise."
"How you can even talk about 'is' and 'ought,' and values without having free will?"
"Do we truly have free will, or are we enslaved to the whims of destiny?"
"How do we reconcile the basic physical structure of the universe with our conception of ourselves as conscious, rational, free agents?"
"Any advanced civilization we call God is not going to try to infest you or take you over; they're all about free will."
"There are things at the macroscopic level like human experience and human emotion and human action and the sensation of free will that we undeniably all have, even if it itself doesn't have a basis in our understanding of the physical world."
"There is no decision maker inside you; there's just stuff happening."
"You have free will, and the demons can't touch your will. So, you are not at their mercy."
"Don't be so quick to always blame just the evil one. We have free will, and sometimes it is our lack of attention."
"You have free will, you have so much magic, my love, and you can change anything at any time."
"The only thing that can stop the help is our own refusal of it."
"Either determinism or indeterminism is true, and both of those entail there being no free will."
"He gave us free will, and with our free will, we made a bad decision."
"We have as free will, nothing is set in stone."
"To me, the most important thing about the game of life is that it focused for me what it meant to have free will or not."
"We're no different from a social biological robot."
"God gave us free will, and now we have the opportunity to love God fully."
"You don't have free will, but you do have will, and that's what matters."
"People still have agency; people still have the opportunity to choose to live their life in a particular way."
"You're trying to make sure... well anyway we can talk about free will another time."
"What you are meant to do is to employ your free will to change those detrimental patterns so that the only next step there is on the road to healed, the healing step, is to experience that thing that you are genuinely wanting."
"My love, you have free will; you are in control of your own destiny. So if you ever hear anything that you do not like, it just brings awareness, for those are the paths we need to change."
"Heavenly Father gives us agency to decide what we do because that's an entire part of the eternal process and growing."
"If people listening agree with me that Free Will, in fact, doesn't exist, and simultaneously agree with you that Free Will is somehow necessary for the upkeep of civilization, then I would simply ask them to consider who's relying on the delusion here."
"Predestination or free will in the Quran? Both."
"People go to heaven because they want to be there; they want to submit to God. People go to hell because they don't want somebody telling them how to live their life."
"Because God is a heavenly father, not a heavenly engineer, because He chose to create us as persons with free will, He respects our free will."
"Free will is an illusion, and even the experience of free will is an illusion. Like, we don't even experience it."
"It's not merely that free will is an illusion; the illusion of free will is an illusion."
"Losing the sense of free will does two things very vividly for me: it totally undercuts the basis for the psychological basis for hatred."
"You have free will, you have all the magic within you to change anything at any time."
"We are not powerless in the face of these forces...we're human beings with free will, created by God to make these decisions."
"It comes down to free will; it comes down to your actions and what you choose to make of your reality."
"Neuroscience reveals you to be a biochemical puppet."
"You can describe yourself as a set of particles and forces obeying the core theory or you can describe yourself as a person and people make choices."
"The idea of violating free will is something that even God doesn't do, and yet man thinks they can do this."
"God delights in cheerful givers... He doesn't compel people; he doesn't force anybody to do anything."
"Not everything is going to be spelled out; that's why in this lifetime we're given free will."
"You have free will; you are in charge of your destiny."
"Modern society, in its attempts to mold Alex into something without any free will, has taken away what makes him human."
"You can't be a good person or do good things if your thoughts and actions are being coerced."
"Eventually, after jumping out of a window, Alex wakes up lying in a hospital bed, demonstrating that despite society's attempts to control, free will finds a way to assert itself."
"You have free will... You're allowed to do anything that you want in this world, as long as you're not hurting anybody."
"Your superpower as a human being is your free will."
"We don't have free will, but we do have will, we do have choice, we do have some power left."
"Free will is essential to the functioning of our civilization and spiritual life."
"The theory of karma is not very different... we exercise free will in doing our karma."
"Love really love if it's compelled? Is generosity truly generosity if you must do it?"
"Just because those states are there doesn't mean someone is forced to make that choice or to undertake that course of action."
"The conversation concerning the clash between free will and determinism is what, to me, makes the original film so groundbreakingly intelligent and philosophically inventive."
"The Bible...seems strongly to give the impression that I could have done otherwise."
"The idea of free will is an illusion, which is a really complex conversation."
"The compatibilist says, 'Okay, I want to talk about free will... because all of ethics and morals kind of rely on us being able to make decisions and have agency.'"
"Metaphysically, no, there's no good defense for the fact that we have free will, but in terms of the pragmatic matter of how we make day-to-day decisions, we have to sort of pretend like we do."
"Whatever your position is intellectually on free will and determinism, it doesn't really matter because when you walk out the door, you believe you're making choices."
"Losing one's belief in free will can actually have very positive consequences."
"The popular conception of free will rests on two assumptions: the first is that each of us was free to think and act differently than we did in the past."
"I think a big thing that holds a lot of people back is the concept of libertarian free will... it's very addictive and it feels very good to believe in that, but I think that it holds a lot of people's mental development back."
"This view of the world relies on the assumption that each of us has free will, which means we have the freedom to choose our actions."
"Thoughts and intentions emerge from background causes of which we are unaware and over which we exert no conscious control. We do not have freedom in the way that we think we do."
"Free will is an illusion. Our wills are simply not of our own making."
"We are free to act upon our desires, but we're not free to decide upon those desires themselves."
"The most important thing now is to convince people of the premise [that free will doesn't exist]."
"You are not bound by anything that you hear in this reading. You have free will, my love. Tarot is just a beautiful tool to read upon your current energies and what you're currently manifesting and where you're currently headed, but you can change anything at any time."
"You've got to accept the fact that there's luck. And that luck is consistent with free will."
"How can we be held responsible for our actions if freewill doesn't exist?"
"You guys have a decision when you wake up if you want to follow Christ or not... that's called free will."
"Medication can be incredibly useful for depression, as it actually expands your capacity to make freely willed choices."
"Everybody has free will. We cannot control things."
"The advice is free this time. Take it or don't, as you will."
"Man has free will to the extent that he knows who he is. Not otherwise."
"We are here to exercise free agency, to choose right or wrong, to gain wisdom, knowledge, and then wisdom. That's what we're here for."
"The curious thing is that, well at least within the neural sciences, most neuroscientists would say that there is no freewill, that it is an illusion."
"So, are they right? Well, I think I have freewill, but maybe they are right."
"The greatest act of love God ever gave us was giving us the ability to choose."
"Could it be true that life is just a cruel joke and that everything we see, here, say, touch, smell, and think, is little more than an ultra sophisticated video game in which we believe we have free will?"
"The question of 'what is a justifiable treatment of Alex' kind of pops up alongside the main theme of choice and freewill."
"I think you need a spiritual, non-material belief in order to get free will."
"The Torah suggests that biology does not determine man's fate, giving us the capacity for free will."
"When God hardens Pharaoh's heart, he's giving Pharaoh the capacity to choose more broadly."
"We assume in our politics that free will is the be-all end-all, hence personal responsibility is crucial."
"Free Will is an achievement, not a metaphysical endowment."
"The greatest thing God gave us on this earth is choice."
"It's a bit of a balance, exercising your free will but also being conscious of how your actions affect others."
"We have the power to tap into that superpower of choice, that superpower of free will."
"The Earth is utterly unique because we have free will."
"Determinism versus free will is one of the most classic debates in philosophy."
"Without question here and now you have volition and volition is a fancy word that basically means you get to choose."
"The judeo-christian doctrine is that we have free will and I think that's true."
"God gives you the free will to make the choices you want to make."
"God's single greatest gift to humanity was the gift of free will."
"The fact that he is starting to sound a lot like Tai Lopez and Robert Kiyosaki raises major red flags to me."
"Science has proven that Free Will is imaginary."
"The people who are certain you don't have free will are struggling to get people who believe we have free will to believe them."
"If we have no self and no control over our thoughts and actions, we are essentially bound to a deterministic universe."
"What if it's about free will... you had choices to make... allowing companies like Monsanto to continue on killing God's creation."
"Our sense of free will is a bit of an illusion; it comes after the fact."
"If they want us to go, then let us get up and go of our own free will."
"Each and every one of us have a choice. God does not force us; he does not bring about enforcing his will on ours. It's our choice to decide which part of which group we decide we want to be a part of."
"Love is a free decision of the human will and mind to care about somebody else's well-being."
"There is no justification for manipulating someone and taking away their free will."
"You have no free will until you begin to investigate your own programming and heal anything that's creating a limitation."
"Humans have free will, humans are very different from most animals."
"The choices that you're making are completely your choice, has nothing to do with what God knows or he doesn't know."
"You make your choices freely by your own volition, no one's forcing you to do that."
"When he introduced Markov chains, it was actually to help settle a religious debate over the existence of free will."
"Do we really make any choices of our own or were we always going to make these choices? Do we have free will? It's an eye-opening show and honestly, it's terrifying thinking about that."
"We have free will; we're the only civilization in the universe that has free will."
"It was never God that rejected Judas; it was Judas that rejected God."
"This is the end. This is the end of human autonomy and free will."
"This is the paradox of destiny and free will... destiny and free will walk hand in hand."
"Not everything is set in stone, not everything is predetermined."
"God desperately desires to have you to himself. He desperately seeks to gain your attention that you would of your own absolutely free will choose him, trust him, hope in him, have faith in him, believe in him, that you will come around yourself."
"There is no such thing as a free choice while being emotionally attached to a belief system."
"When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man."
"Free will is part of the miraculous lives we live."
"There's no metaphysical bright line for free will, but there are lots of legal bright lines."
"Never manipulate somebody's freewill while casting a spell."
"These friends fighting for themselves, fighting for each other, and their right to free will determine to change their own fate."
"Just because God knows the choice you're gonna make doesn't make it your choice any less."
"We've never had free will, little lion, but that is about to change."
"For most people, getting rid of Free Will is a wonderful thing. It makes the world more Humane."
"The entire foundation of human law depends on the existence of free will." - "On the importance of free will."
"God will allow man to choose who they want to obey but not without consequences."
"Free will is one of the most important things we can access."
"God really allows man to have free choices that God does not want us to make."
"God is so big that he can let creatures have free will and still get exactly what he wants done."
"If there's no FREE WILL, then there's no FREEDOM at all. Liberty as an ILLUSION, bring on the TYRANNY."
"God ain't never forced no one to do one thing."
"You have free will, focus way ahead of time."
"You are always free to choose the content of your conscious mind but in so doing you are choosing every other part of your life."
"You always have the ability to change your future. Exercise your free will."
"There's nothing you have to do. There's nothing we have to do. But for goodness sakes, stop making free choices and call yourself the victim of them. Wake up."
"When you're activating these gifts, you have to use your free will."
"God allows people to have what they really want."
"I mean, come on, we got free will to do pretty much whatever we want as long as it's legal."
"We're the only planet in the universe that has free will."
"Humanity has always at free will or none of this would mean anything."
"There is no semantic space between determinism and total randomness without structure. And we try to fit Free Will somewhere in between, but I think it's incoherent." - Chris Langan
"Even if this person uses their free will to not level up, the universe is just going to bring you someone even better."
"Destiny has brought you together, but the outcome is decided by freewill. I feel like freewill has a huge role in this."
"We are created as deputies of Allah on Earth, with intellect and free will."
"We are free to make choices but we're not free from the consequences of those choices."
"The choice is yours ultimately; this reading isn't supposed to tell you to do one thing or the other."
"The choice is yours but where did it come from? Where did we get the ability to choose? I want you to be asking yourself that question."
"All who are in hell choose it. Without that self-choice, there could be no hell."
"The essence of addiction is craving. It reduces free will."
"Was it a free choice or was it manipulated in a certain way subconsciously that you think you made the choice but you actually didn't?"
"Perfect beings with infinite intelligence...and now they have free will."
"You possess the power and the free will to create your own happiness."
"The ultimate power in the universe: free will."
"How much free will does a kid have born in poverty and with AIDS and dies of starvation? How much free will is that?"
"We are bound by the chains of destiny; we are freed by the choices we make."
"Determinism doesn't mean every decision is predictable."
"Will is an illusion. We're good to know that very soon." - Lawrence Sonntag
"The gospel is free. The Lord has freely given to me, and I'm freely giving to you."
"In any state of reality, recognize you have free will, the power of choice, and the power to explore the boundaries of possibility."
"The containment is part of this freewill experiment, to protect us from outside interference."
"The Holy Spirit isn't going to take control of you... he enabled them, he didn't force them, they had to operate in the gift."
"I think this phenomenon... has an element of choice and free will."
"All have free will. What we can do, we can achieve."
"I am a soul that exists outside the matrix. I don't have to be evil just because I'm in a land of good and evil. It doesn't mean I still have a choice. I can participate any way I want to. They can't force me to be evil. I have to choose that."