
Determinism Quotes

There are 763 quotes

"Free will is the sensation of making a choice. The sensation is real, but the choice seems elusive. Laws of physics determine the future."
"We are a collection of particles governed by laws that you can write down and fit on a t-shirt, and those laws don't at any point in the evolution of the particles say, 'Hey, can you tell me now what to do, person?'"
"We can't be automated deterministic machines because the future is indeterminate."
"You can do what you will; you just can't will what you will. In fact, you have to do what you will."
"There is no such thing as chance. Law maintains everywhere, and all that happens, happens because of the operation of law."
"Lord Jesus, help me to understand that it's not over until you say so."
"The laws of physics don't play dice, at least not in the standard sense."
"The future is not deterministic; nobody has any idea how the world would actually look like in 50 years."
"Genetics is not deterministic; it is probabilistic."
"Let us go forth and face one of the two inevitable realities."
"If the science says that it's not deterministic, it's probabilistic, then update yourselves."
"This isn't just some crazy random event; this has purpose."
"If you could stop every atom in its position and direction, and if your mind could comprehend all the actions thus suspended, then if you were really, really good at algebra, you could write the formula for all the future."
"There is no decision maker inside you; there's just stuff happening."
"Explaining something from an evolutionary perspective doesn't mean that it is biologically fatalistic."
"If matter and molecules are all that ultimately exists, then we do live in a deterministic universe."
"Either determinism or indeterminism is true, and both of those entail there being no free will."
"I see reason as the process of becoming convinced of true things, and the process of becoming convinced of true things is out of your control."
"If all of that activity is predetermined by a non-rational process in advance, I don't see how you can call it rational."
"Saddam Hussein, when he's 40 years old, is a scary bastard who just deserves to be hung... but when he's four, he is just the unlucky boy who has bad genes and bad parents and a bad society."
"We think we're free, but we didn't choose our parents, we had no choice."
"We're no different from a social biological robot."
"The equations of quantum mechanics... are deterministic. The math of quantum mechanics is just as deterministic as the math of classical mechanics."
"This is a heavenly rule and no one can break it."
"You don't have free will, but you do have will, and that's what matters."
"If you grant that nobody picks their parents, nobody picks their genes, nobody picks the environmental influences, we are each a bag of particles governed by the laws of physics and that's all there is to it."
"History is not deterministic. Many of the big changes in history were extremely unlikely."
"The idea that you are doomed at birth is extremely destructive."
"We might feel that we're free to act however we choose, but our environment and upbringing means that we're already psychologically predetermined to take one course of action in any given situation. We only have the illusion of choice."
"Sheer complexity in a deterministic system would make it functionally unpredictable; that's what chaos is."
"But determinism in the forward time direction does not guarantee that the same laws can perfectly predict the past."
"All events just are; they're unchangeable; they're immutable. So the events can't change, and you simply, if you go back to the past, are fulfilling the precise set of events that allowed you to exist and to go on that journey in the first place."
"I feel like I can construct a better moral system with determinism than I can with compatibilism because... determinism gives you the ultimate compulsion to construct the best environment possible."
"Determinism gives you a motivation to optimize environments, whereas compatibilism can let you slide a little bit on that."
"The conversation concerning the clash between free will and determinism is what, to me, makes the original film so groundbreakingly intelligent and philosophically inventive."
"Einstein didn't like the idea of it being probabilistic; he wanted there to be certainty in all of this. He once said, 'I like to think that the moon is there even when I'm not looking at it.'"
"Whatever your position is intellectually on free will and determinism, it doesn't really matter because when you walk out the door, you believe you're making choices."
"Thoughts and intentions emerge from background causes of which we are unaware and over which we exert no conscious control. We do not have freedom in the way that we think we do."
"This means if we run the same number seed, Clarissa will live the same exact life every single time."
"Are we just biological machines? And are we just playing out certain code? There's pretty convincing arguments that yes, we are just crunching through."
"Determinism is the philosophical idea that everything, including human decisions, happens because of previous events."
"The ruling Elite can do whatever they want to try to thwart it but this Berlin Wall is coming down."
"Determinism versus free will is one of the most classic debates in philosophy."
"What's the alternative picture to this sort of genetic determinism? You've used a metaphor in the past of thinking of genes not as a code but as a kind of musical score."
"Yes, it is true that you likely would not be here today if history had not unfolded exactly as it did."
"Science has proven that Free Will is imaginary."
"If we have no self and no control over our thoughts and actions, we are essentially bound to a deterministic universe."
"Do we really make any choices of our own or were we always going to make these choices? Do we have free will? It's an eye-opening show and honestly, it's terrifying thinking about that."
"Not everything is set in stone, not everything is predetermined."
"Every single time we have subtracted Free Will out of our views of why people do what they do, the world has become a more Humane place."
"What really has to change just by adopting belief in determinism and living as if that were true?"
"You think with your brain, you don't have a choice. Ideas are not floating in air, they are physical."
"It was not an accident, it was not a choice, it was scripted."
"The problem with computations with a Turing machine is that a Turing machine can do its computations in one of two ways: deterministic or non-deterministic." - Chris Langan
"There is no semantic space between determinism and total randomness without structure. And we try to fit Free Will somewhere in between, but I think it's incoherent." - Chris Langan
"Kendrick is cthulu Kendrick is the Hip Hop Baba Yaga facts."
"Every single choice that's ever been made in this entire universe was always scripted."
"Nobody can stop god's plan, man you know so."
"We are not free in what we do, because we're not free in what we want."
"There's this question of technological determinism, which says the technological system has a lot of its own rules and its own principles."
"Do I think that some people are hardwired and destined for Crime? The answer is yes."
"Determinism doesn't mean every decision is predictable."
"It's a simulation. It always has to go this way."
"I believe in the saying never say never, but I gotta say never."
"God writes history before it happens, declaring the end from the beginning."
"No man, no woman, no child... can ever get us out of the will of God."
"It is our genes that free us from deterministic constraints."
"You can't stop something like this." - President Biden
"There are no real accidents or coincidences in this world."
"Physics tells us why the universe must be the way it is, not that it could be anything different."
"The future is not set; the idea of this single timeline is just not right."
"None of us choose our genes, none of us choose our environment."
"Once you make that first decision, everything that happens after that is almost predetermined."
"That's completely not free will, that is all the exact opposite of what free will is."
"History is no coincidental process, but a drama in which the sequence of major events has already been pre-established."
"I think we can all agree this was no accident."
"There are no coincidences no such thing as a coincidence and you're going to come to realize that everything in this presentation there's no such thing as coincidences."
"This is a movie about determinism versus free will, that's the big thematic element of the story."
"Tony believes in determinism and that people can't change."
"Regardless of your age, your background, your career, your education, your financial situation, your gender, your history, your IQ—only about a third, according to research, is predetermined."
"They're just algorithms, designed to survive at all costs. They're just the passenger."
"I don't think your genetics are your death sentence."
"There is only one timeline, and it is the one we see."
"The realization about the universe being deterministic has grave implications regarding the existence of free will."
"Their future could have never been anything else in the first place."
"The only humans worthy of becoming hope possess amazing talents and a strong will, and the moment you're born into this world, you either have that or you don't. There's no mistake, it has nothing to do with effort, you must be chosen."
"Listen carefully: the only humans worthy of becoming hope possess amazing talents and a strong will. And the moment you're born into this world, you either have that or you don't. There's no mistake."
"There will come a point in this world for everybody where you're gonna have to make a choice."
"Determinism is the carving out of the future, and if one is determined enough, they can accomplish anything within the capacity of the reality in which they find themselves."
"Human will. We have free will. History is not predetermined. I don't know."
"That's how I knew China was gonna make whatever they want happen happen."
"Regardless of how the fight ended, it probably would have been the same outcome."
"According to the block universe idea, the future already exists, it's out there waiting for us to come across it and experience it consciously. It's static, nothing changes in the block universe."
"As the universe has created us, so we act, you cannot blame the person, it's like blaming a software for doing what it's been programmed to do."
"It's ultimately going to be decided on the field in the fall."
"If something's not meant to happen, there's nothing you can do to make it happen."
"The world is not deterministic; we've learned because of quantum mechanics."
"The world is not random. It's the farthest thing from it."
"The game is decided 15 minutes in but you've got to play it out."
"The world is too complicated to be deterministic."
"A mental illness is something you have or you don't. It isn't something in your control."
"Bananas Slammer: Keep running, your fate will all be the same."
"There is no other choice for people like us."
"I happen to think that special relativity suggests that free will is an illusion."
"Reason and logical thought require the ability to make choices; if your brain is just a meat computer, it doesn't have the ability to make choices."
"From a higher level, there's no chaos at all, you know, if you want to say that anything is chaos, it's the state of determinism that's the chaos."
"Our fate is dictated, our actions are predestined. We would seem to be like the sound to the touch of the Stars."
"No one can stop what's coming. Do you understand what that means?"
"There is no true randomness. Flowers wilt, waters flow, aortic valves implode, vampires suck, but never for no reason."
"Information will always, if it's used properly, constrain outcomes. It selects certain outcomes and removes others."
"Morality is an observation of what lack of free will."
"Biological determinism is [ __ ] the idea that men and women are predisposed to not enjoy or enjoy certain things."
"There's only two outcomes. You do it or you don't."
"When God opens a door, no man can shut. When God closes a door, no man can open it."
"Free will, in my view of the world, is nothing but an illusion."
"Either I lose or I win, then nothing matters."
"Free Will and predeterminism coexist, they are not opposing values actually, but they are complementary."
"The cause of the Venezuelan freedom is non-negotiable."
"This is going to be a factor that plays into the future."
"Everything you think and do arises from this ocean of prior causes."
"Dispensing with the illusion of free will allows us to focus on things that actually matter."
"Determinism has stirred extensive debate, especially concerning the concept of free will."
"Your will isn't an exercise of Randomness; it can't be accounted for by Randomness."
"Nothing stopping this outcome from happening."
"Tommy was very funny... we used to have fights... he would end up by saying I freely choose to believe that everything is determined..."
"Humans can't change about 50% of what they do."
"The purpose of a system is what it does, and it is not going to stop on its own."
"If the choice wasn't real, then all you are is a computer program."
"History is determined and over-determined by material conditions first and foremost."
"Nothing happens by accident, there is no such thing as a coincidence."
"The universe is deterministic... however, it's a little bit more nuanced."
"Computational irreducibility is what gives us an impression of free will because even though everything is determined, you can't know what's going to happen more efficiently than just running the computation."
"I still believe we have free will."
"Free will is an illusion and what we decide to do must be determined by the chain of causation."
"It's deterministic. If you know psi at x and time equals 0, you can calculate psi."
"We all make choices in life; it doesn't feel like I have a choice."
"There's no way to have a deterministic theory, by which we mean a single-threaded theory, given what we observe about strings, causal graphs, whatever else."
"The future is not an inevitable trend."
"All we are is the sum of the biology over which we had no control and its interactions with environment that we had no control over either."
"The universe always has the last say."
"Life is no longer a series of choices. There's only one path."
"I don't really believe in coincidences. I believe in cause and effect."
"The beautiful concept of fate and things being set in stone is undermined."
"There is no such thing as chance. The blind goddess has been abolished by reason."
"Everything is governed by universal law."
"The future is radically open; what happens in the universe is underdetermined by just those low-level laws of physics."
"Deterministic: same input means same output and it also means no outside effects."
"There are no coincidences, only truth."
"By the time you've got to the end of 1 second, the rest of cosmic history is prescribed, including ultimately the future of the universe."
"95% of your life is a direct result of the play out of your programs."
"In the block universe, our subjective sense of time is limited to a single point on our world line: the present moment."
"Block universe theory raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of free will."
"Our sense of free will is also an illusion; we feel we can change the future, but according to the block universe theory, it's already set in stone."
"The laws of the universe are just unfolding perfectly."
"Everything is determined by your subconscious."
"...I'm a naturalist, I think nature does what it does because it is what it is, it acts is..."
"there is no such thing as coincidence Nothing in life happens at random"
"There are some philosophers and psychologists who claim that free will and responsibility and spiritual value and intrinsic value are all illusions; they're pre-scientific notions that get washed away in modern science."
"But accident and chance are also mixed into everything material in the world."
"I can't reconcile free will with predetermination."
"To embrace chance is to live in necessity."
"The story explores various world views and ideas, such as atheism versus faith, the pursuit of free will, and the role of determinism in our lives."
"There is no fate but what we make."
"Do these things play a role in human behavior? Of course, they do. But do they determine human behavior? No."
"Everything that happens happens for a reason."
"So, do I believe that the sensation of free will is real? I do not. I think it is grossly misleading."
"I think it can all be mapped out different through the choices you make. I don't think it's just mapped out and that's it."
"I realized the problem was a kind of determinism, a techno-digital determinism had crept in."
"Every time we manage to do the hard work and subtract out another domain where we perceive ourselves as having free will, where there is none at all, the world becomes a much more kind place."
"If you raise people thinking that there is no free will, they wind up with just as ethical of a worldview as the people who have the strongest beliefs in 'we are responsible for actions and have to be held culpable for it.'"
"The criminal justice system, which is predicated on Free Will, makes no sense whatsoever. It has to be tossed out in its entirety."
"There is always something bigger moving the pieces around, even when we think that we're the ones making the choices."
"The equations of physics have this character: they are precise, they tell you exactly the amount of force you need to exert."
"We don't really have free will according to how Neuroscience analyzes what goes on in the brain."
"Destiny is a pattern not a series of incidents or accidents."
"We don't create destiny, we discover destiny."
"Different people have access to different levels of free will. Some people are born with very, very little choice in life, and some people have a whole variety of options available to them."
"Although I do not think that the future is so predetermined that it is in effect already set in stone, I do think it might be possible that certain future events are so overdetermined by the present that they are in a sense already actual."
"Certain future events are already pulling processes in the present towards their eventual manifestation."
"The 20th century saw the end of the naive ideas of determinism."
"...circumstances rule men men do not rule circumstances."
"Everything that can happen in our lives rests on the materials we use to build our mental home."
"Nothing is set in stone, we all have free will."
"Physics made this jump from determinism to another picture... that physics is about probabilities."
"Just because something can't be predicted doesn't mean it's not following a determined path."
"You literally are in the place you are today because of your environment and decisions that were made for you."
"We are still masters of our own destiny. There is no determinism which dictated five thousand years ago where we are going to be next year or the next ten years."
"What you can't do is make your own destiny."
"What an interesting exercise to sort of see to get Danny and Amos's point about how people want the world to seem more deterministic than it is."
"The mind is determined for willing this or that by a cause which is determined in its turn by another cause."
"He argues that Quantum Mechanics and Orchestrated objective reduction, Orch OR, imply our minds are not deterministic and that we have free will under known science."
"Everything is just a matter of cause and effect."
"Life is not predetermined. Life is a game, a game that you have the ability to win."
"Everything is foreseen but you still have free will."
"Is there such a thing as free will?"
"I don't think where you're born decides who you are. It was a transactional reason."
"Nothing is set in stone when it does come to the Future because it is solely dependent upon your choices."
"...equating freedom with indeterminism. He won't buy that. I think he's right."
"The decision determines the future."
"Nature calls the shots. I know everywhere nature has the final say."