
Marketing Quotes

There are 15588 quotes

"Magic Spoon believes in their product so much it's backed with a 100% happiness guarantee."
"Make your clients the hero of your mission, not your product."
"Marketing has always been easy because we've always made great products."
"Secretary of Agriculture, Dan Glickman, has been quoted as saying, 'Let me be clear about one thing. The organic label is a marketing tool. It's not a statement about food safety, nor is organic a value judgment about nutrition or quality.'"
"Produce at least two pieces of content per week...full of value for your target audience."
"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it."
"Biggest thing is benefits, not features... don't talk about what you do, talk about what you're going to unlock for the reader, for the customer."
"We were not trying to sell something, and we're living through a time now where the most powerful marketing message you can have is to actually be a good person."
"The requirement to be successful is very simple. Is your product good enough, and do people know about it?"
"I believe nothing sells product and services more than another human being to another human being."
"The market nowadays is going to expose anybody that's being inauthentic."
"Seduction is so much bigger than what we've seen around. It's not only about sexual seduction but also in business, negotiations, and marketing."
"The product page is your best opportunity to communicate your product's value to your potential customers."
"Trust and value are the two main pillars of an effective product page."
"Offering free shipping usually has a positive impact on how many people end up buying from you."
"Reviews are one of the biggest drivers in customer sales since over 90% of shoppers read reviews and then use them to make a purchase decision."
"Having your logo on your products definitely solidifies your brand and gives it a higher perceived value."
"Starting a personal brand is the future. If you're not already on the train, I don't know where you've been."
"Every good Airbnb listing relies on very good pictures. It's how you get customers."
"People buy with simplicity, and it also helps me as a communicator to kind of communicate that simplicity just in real time."
"When two of the biggest superstars in the game are involved, you don't need to come up with a Rumble in the Jungle. Their names sell it."
"The Blair Witch Project was marketed as genuine found-footage, making people believe it was not a movie; it really happened."
"When you can get people to know, like, and trust you at scale... they understand that I'm not going to take their money and run."
"Either it's Yeezy and Adidas cooking up some incredible marketing, or it's literally Adidas versus Yeezy, and they're going at it."
"If it takes like a simple packaging with 'for men' written at the end for guys to feel more confident picking it up and trying out makeup for the first time, that is something that I am 100% here for."
"M&Ms, you know, the candy we all grew up eating? Well they released their first brand new character in over a decade, and the brand new character is purple M&M!"
"I'm really enjoying this trend of indie developers releasing games with little marketing that manage to topple their AAA competitors."
"The people that follow Jake Paul don't buy Jake Paul's fights, so Jake Paul has to fight people who can actually sell pay-per-views."
"Disney relied heavily on authenticity and finally representation for Southeast Asians as marketing hooks."
"The quality of a product should speak for itself."
"If you have a good product, then why on earth would you want to hide that fact?"
"Carousels are amazing. If you're not putting it on your content strategy, you should."
"You have to be a content creator. You have to utilize content to attract people, to add value, to build relationships with people because that's the best way to do business."
"The original paper FastPass was an idea that was birthed from within operations, while FastPass Plus, by all indications, was a system birthed from marketing."
"It felt too predatory at the time to just sell stuff that people would only be buying because it was from me."
"Nostalgia has a dark side too... This sometimes can be exploited by marketers or in a lot of cases, politicians."
"You can generate up to nine times more leads by combining the power of audio and video channels with text messaging and generate an ROI as high as 5, 6, or 7 to one."
"Be creative, be intentional, make a marketing plan, be tactical, and be consistent."
"If I ran Nintendo today, I'd probably put out 5,000 pieces of creative content starring Zelda and Mario and build up the IP and make sure all those characters and all those visions would be winning on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube. I would just produce at scale. This has now become singularly a making game. Make. Make, make, make."
"Depending on consumer's intrinsic motivation to take actions for you as a brand is over. The sooner you accept that, the better you will be."
"Your Easter box, you guys make sure you guys get yours. I'm nervous because we got really excited and we got a bunch of boxes, but I'm like, alright, they're gonna sell. Let's see."
"It's gonna make us want to buy more skincare products."
"We're going to put this one up for 14,000 because that's just enough to feel low enough that I think somebody might buy it."
"A better title will attract readers' attention and provoke their interests."
"Using emojis in my titles... those videos had better click-through rates."
"Check out the plushy bundle before it's sold out, visit sunny and melon.com now to get goed."
"Titles are really important. You want to bring in the most amount of people possible."
"They discovered that better pictures of rental locations significantly increased booking rates."
"Marketing is the vehicle that gives you distinction today in business."
"The concept of creating an event that you made up...is at least smart."
"The hype train kind of like snowballed a bit."
"Everyone knows sex sells, but big, fire-breathing dinosaurs also sell."
"If you brand yourself with a color, you are kind of brainwashing people to think of you when they see that color."
"Find your smallest viable audience. Know who it's for and who it's not for."
"What's happening here is we have the anchor, the anchor says this course, $149, is actually worth $299."
"When you nail the offer, it's the single strongest lever on your business success."
"The best part: you can try all this out completely risk-free."
"The best marketing campaigns can promote a product to two opposing groups without alienating either."
"Marketing, sales, advertising is short-term and transactional; branding is long-term and it's building a relationship."
"It's not so much to show you what the lingerie looks like. It's more about how it makes us feel."
"You have to build your brand. But you don't build your brand with 140-character long opinions."
"Everything in life is marketing. You market yourself on the mating market... Animals communicate with each other... everything is marketing."
"Customers buy things for a variety of reasons, but some are more important than others. Great marketers understand their customers better than they understand themselves."
"Effective marketers use social media in three ways: the first is to listen to the conversations that are taking place, the second is to join the conversation, and the third is to shape the conversation."
"You need somebody's attention before you can tell them how good your thing is."
"Content is king, but marketing is queen and she runs the household."
"Facebook is useless when you want to build a community unless you're willing to pay Facebook money."
"Youtubers... are a big and increasingly important way of getting your game out there."
"It's like their holiday. However, with the decision to put Encanto on Disney Plus just 30 days later for Christmas at no extra cost, I think that could really seriously undercut Encanto."
"Third lines for everybody too stupid to join the email list: they gotta wait in the long-ass line."
"Maybe you try to be smart with promotions that you're offering. If you're selling an iPhone, maybe like try to smart offer a smart deal."
"The best promotion is when people promote for you. Word of mouth is the best promotion."
"Instead of saying, 'Hey, you should subscribe because it's free,' how about, '99.9% of house fires happen to people who aren't subscribed.'"
"The fact that an institution like a hospital also needs to promote itself inadvertently reveals a message that hospitals are out of money."
"If you can't stop people's attention, you're never going to be able to hold their attention."
"Marketing is the generous act of helping other people achieve their goals."
"Brands need to be built authentic and yet somehow extraordinary because if you're not extraordinary, no one's going to pay attention."
"You're a product, and you're trying to sell it to people. Welcome to business."
"This is you when you're not branded. What the [ __ ] is this? Who is it? I don't get it. I'm not buying this."
"When you start a Shopify store, it's all about finding what's selling and what's moving. There's always gonna be competition. All you have to do is be smarter and market better, and you'll make more money than them."
"When you launch an e-commerce store without a pre-launch or marketing plan, nobody's gonna see it. There's no point of launching it if you're not gonna have people see it instantly."
"Tell the customer what they're going to get and why their life will be better from getting it."
"Big Battery can provide you with the latest battery tech at the best price per kilowatt hour, guaranteed."
"Ubisoft sells hope, and that's enough to sell."
"That's Branding, branding allows you to charge more."
"The power of social media: It literally lets you reach everybody."
"If your idea lends itself towards being contagious, it's more likely to achieve massive virality."
"My number one marketing advice is to be empathetic."
"They fucking marketed it to you to feed you crap."
"The whole point of a successful business is you have to convince people, the masses, that they want the product that you're presenting."
"The average person has absolutely zero idea that they're being influenced not only by the marketing and the advertising but at the energetic collective unconscious level."
"Making videos, making massive business deals, working with brands, sponsorships."
"Instead of spending a thousand dollars on a hundred screen-printed shirts, you can use those thousand dollars to actually go market your brand."
"Email is not dead. People are still opening their email INBOX."
"Product differentiation is where marketers try and distinguish their product and service offerings from those of competitors. Perception is key."
"If your target audience doesn't understand something that you're trying to sell them, maybe that target audience doesn't want this thing."
"The Apple brand is so strong I think that car would sell."
"Your top of funnel should be broad and large so that you can actually be you, which is the most profitable niche."
"Word of mouth is still the best growth strategy."
"The big box stores have done a masterful job marketing themselves over the last couple of decades as the only option for homeowners."
"The best products market and sell themselves."
"Brand awareness is the extent to which customers are able to recall or recognize a brand under different conditions."
"It's very easy to market to millennials because millennials want to look good. Gen Z wants to feel good."
"Companies spend billions each year to have high profile celebrities endorse and promote their products, services, and brands."
"They come in over 30 different colors and styles."
"Red Bull is more attitude, not so much about 'gives you wings' anymore."
"You don't want to be just one, you want to be the one in your marketplace."
"Remember, first two lines are your most important. This needs to be compelling and clickable."
"All advertising and marketing gets replaced by content creation, and content creation direct to consumers through the social media platforms becomes the mechanism by which people are aware of and buy goods and services."
"Women belong in the kitchen." (In the context of Burger King's campaign to address gender disparity in the culinary industry)
"Seeing the Cybertruck out on the road is going to do even more to drum up interest in this vehicle."
"Marketing isn't an optional extra; it's an essential."
"The picture is everything guys, it really is. If somebody likes the way it looks, they're gonna be more inclined to sort of stick around on your website."
"When you try to appeal to everybody, you end up not truly catering to anybody."
"The influencer marketing industry is set to grow approximately $16.4 billion in 2022."
"Sponsored content isn't just the hot new way for major brands to turn a profit; it is the most mainstream form of marketing."
"Being raw and honest and vulnerable has been translated into massively valuable currency for brands."
"Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit."
"Brands are doing another new thing: they're becoming people, woke people."
"You want people to talk about your brand when you're not in the room."
"What the 1,000 true fans theory means is that, as a content creator, instead of aiming for 100,000 people to follow you, all you have to aim for is 1,000 true fans that love, love, absolutely love your work."
"There is such a thing as negative marketing or comparative advertising. It is a very real thing; it's not illegal, it's very common."
"The term oil-free has stuck for so long based on how cosmetic manufacturers define oil, but rather than use that term, it would be better to replace that with more descriptive language that communicates the feel of the product for people with oily skin."
"The concept of your personal carbon footprint was popularized by the oil producer BP in a 2005 ad campaign."
"With the rising prominence of psychology, advertisers gained new tools to work with."
"It's not just that the product is bad, it's more so that it's completely misrepresented and marketed in a way that I believe is incredibly misleading."
"This is ultimately potassium enriched sucralose good tasting young gen appealing water but that's the extent of it."
"If you're a tequila lover, you're gonna love the new tequila—real tequila, real juice, clean finish."
"Starbucks has become the biggest coffee chain in the world through incredibly clever marketing, devious design, and an uncanny ability to make people spend their money."
"Let's Plays... have not only become such a unique and important part of the gaming landscape as a whole but they've also had an immeasurable influence on the way developers design, test, and market games today."
"Physicians don't really have a lab where we make up creams and stuff, so this 'medical grade skincare' is a marketing thing."
"It's very important to reach a non-endemic audience; anything you can do to reach a non-endemic audience is gold."
"I spent two hours talking to the legendary trailer maker Derek Liu, who has made countless amazing trailers for high-profile indie games like Subnautica or has even contributed to some triple-A game trailers like the one for Half-Life: Alyx."
"More people will probably see your game footage than play your game."
"If you're going to have text on screen, you should be willing to have the gameplay be ignored."
"People like to click on pretty things, and if your art's not super great, then you're already kind of sabotaging your trailer in advance."
"So here's the result of the TikTok ads and Facebook ads dropshipping challenge. In today's video, I'm going to be attempting to do Shopify dropshipping in 2022 with a $1,000 budget using TikTok ads and Facebook ads."
"Tommy John doesn't just claim to be the most comfortable underwear on the planet; they actually have the stats to back it up."
"Influencers are amazing and businesses have been built to the billions of dollars just on influencers."
"Hip hop is marketed in a way where sex sells, violence sells, gangsterism sells."
"The metaverse actually opens up a new way to make money, which I think is really going to change how businesses operate, especially in the marketing sector."
"Neglecting marketing and brand awareness to younger demographics could be a critical oversight, as trends like the increasing sales of vinyl records show that younger generations value timeless, handcrafted products."
"From a marketing point of view, Baby Yoda is the most brilliant idea ever."
"We're at a point in time where the biggest thing... is subsidized CAC (Cost of Customer Acquisition)."
"I will eat a Happy Meal on TV if McDonald's accepts Dogecoin."
"You don't have to push great products down people's throat. People buy exactly."
"If you’re trying to create messages for everybody, you end up speaking to nobody."
"If you don't have the biggest budget, you need to be the most fascinating, you need to be the pistachio ice cream."
"Your pictures can play a huge role in that. You want your pictures to clear up any confusion that they might have, as well as allow them to picture how life would be better if they had your product."
"You're trying to sell too much. Do one thing, make one request, and allow them to do that."
"Marketing isn't just a postcard or an advertisement; it's everything you do."
"The presentation was titled 'Let's Go Whaling' was pretty telling of its contents and of how it dehumanizes consumers as cattle to be milked or prey to be hunted."
"Marketing is one of the most important things, if not the most important thing when it comes to your business."
"Curse this marketing that poster did so much damage to a film that truly was well made."
"That's why a lot of fast foods are like red, yellow, and orange because those are supposed to make you hungry."
"You have to market food first because in a kind of dark statement on consumerism, nobody actually wants anything you're buying until you force them to want it first."
"DJI refers to this as an intelligent flight battery and for good reason. It's not just a marketing term they came up with; they've actually designed a very sophisticated controller that sits inside this tiny little package."
"The speech is for marketing. He's running for president, and he's touting his accomplishments."
"I think Beauty bakery has a wonderful beautiful set of products. I love the marketing, I love the concepts."
"This product is in high demand and is going viral on TikTok."
"People get attracted to the brand, that's a special thing that brand makes, and what other special things do they make? That car has a knock-on effect that car earns them more money because it sells their other cars."
"Make sure you get yours fast because they will sell out fast."
"I think the presidents that typically win, especially in the social media age, are the better marketers."
"When only a flood will do, you need the Floodmaster 5000. Water floored, that's the slogan accompanying the announcement that has rocked the construction industry this morning."
"I can confidently say that I believe Taylor Swift is the greatest marketer to ever live."
"The company says they spread 'by word of mouth', but that and a downline are two very different things."
"Unique's real success comes from its incredibly dominant and quite relentless social media campaign."
"The trends are insane. The things happening in the world of food marketing and food business have been accelerating dramatically."
"The principal tasks of marketing is to create value for customers and to create value, you need an in-depth understanding of the market and the customers."
"Watch your space; you'll be seeing my product out there."
"Disease mongering is a marketing scheme of pharmaceutical companies to persuade us to use fear and to use our trust in science in an extremely deceptive way in order to persuade us to go on different kinds of drugs."
"Marketing isn't advertising. Marketing isn't hype. Marketing isn't hustling people. No one wants to be hustled."
"We don't need a unanimous vote here on almost any marketing plan, but including the one about our planet. All we need to do is be able to find the people who want to go to Santa Fe, who are enrolled in the journey, organize them, connect them, and amplify them."
"Elite universities are selling themselves, and look who's buying."
"The mega church methodology and culture is more attentive to market strategies, business techniques, and demographics rather than following the biblical mandates and standards that make up a church."
"Instead of selling a product, they're pitching an idea; instead of leading you to a sale, they're leading you to, in this case, an elevated class-conscious perception of the world while hopefully entertaining you in the process."
"I'm pretty bullish on baking the world's largest cookie. I think if we bake the world's largest cookie, we'll probably get a lot of press coverage and this will drive a lot of interest in the Kevin Cookie Company."
"The secret is to segment first and identify if there's a little segment in your customer base that for some reason needs what you sell regularly. That's the person you want to build out your subscription model."
"The best form of marketing is a great product."
"Improving your marketing early and always try and complete the acclaim goals. Acclaim is everything for your team in terms of speeding up improvements."
"The best way to differentiate yourself in a crowded market is not through the features of your product, but through the unique value you bring to your clients."
"Stop selling what you make. Sell the impact you create."
"There's a reason three U.S. presidents have slept on Bol and Branch sheets."
"Most of the messaging around EV vehicles, at least here in the United States, are led by marketing and PR teams and a lot of those teams lack the technical know or ability to explain the engineering that goes into these products."
"Over the last eight years, it's been at least five years that I did not need to do really any marketing to find interior design jobs because the word of mouth."
"Authenticity, plus the strength of the parasocial relationship, happens to make influencers perhaps more so than glamorous movie stars, excellent salespeople."
"What an effort from a goalkeeper, what an effort from Dallas, what an effort for the club in general, just to see the maturity and the growth and the determination."
"The most important thing is wish lists. You're trying to get as many wishlists as you can before you launch."
"You need to find the exact combination of letters and symbols that will instill a fast primal reaction in every in the most amount of people that see it."
"All of your work should be towards increasing the perceived value of your product or service."
"Positioning yourself as the go-to person for something and driving all of your marketing focusing on that thing is going to get those leads coming in the door."
"You just have to be mindful there are professionals in this world that are targeting us in certain ways."
"It's not about making it affordable from the get-go; it's about making it desirable."
"At that point, Apple recognized the store’s profit potential and spent millions in ads which popularized the phrase 'There's an app for that.'"
"PlayStation VR Worlds should have been automatically free with every PSVR headset... it's a demo disc, that's all it is."
"Before you go, don't forget to check out established titles by clicking the link in the description below. Become a lawyer lady today."
"Be sure to use that link in the description, get 50% off while you still can."
"Packaging, promoting, and profiting from your knowledge."
"They are hype statements designed to excite the backers."
"That means you're getting six months for the price of a three-month subscription. All you gotta do is go to babel.com and use the promo code taste buds."