
Animal Facts Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"The largest vegan on the planet is an elephant."
"The Megalodon puts the great white shark to shame." - Narrator
"The goliath frog is considered the largest living frog in the world."
"Puffer fish... the second most poisonous vertebrate on the planet."
"It's a well-known fact that polar bears are the largest predators."
"Elephants are the largest living land animals."
"Polar bears are the largest land carnivore of all."
"Not only are they fast, their bite is equivalent to a large American alligator."
"Baby elephants are just as amazing. Most elephant calves are around three feet tall at the time of birth and they're just as adorable as you'd expect."
"It's just up to the people to decide what they want to watch."
"Pink fairy armadillo: the real-life unicorn."
"Elephants are able to pick up the size of a peanut with the tip of their trunk."
"A camel can drink up to 30 gallons of water in a bit more than 10 minutes."
"Daddy longlegs are the most venomous spider in the world."
"Polar bears are bigger than grizzlies, they're the biggest carnivore on earth."
"Tigers are the largest natural big cat."
"It's a good thing the sperm whale holds the record as the deepest diving air breathing animal."
"Crocodiles have possibly the most unforgiving finishing move of any animal: the crocodile's death roll."
"Eduardo is a three-banded armadillo."
"The name sun bear is because of the golden colored crescent shape on its chest. All sun bears have it."
"Capibara's got so much clout that even though they're truly native to South America, they have a pretty sizable fan base all over, but especially in Japan."
"Anacondas can grow up to a staggering length of 50 ft or more."
"Do camels have three sets of eyelids? True or false? If you said true, you are correct."
"A really interesting fact about red-eyed crocodile skinks is that they're one of the only reptiles that have vocal cords."
"A group of giraffes is called a tower."
"We've learned lots about moose actually, they can swim for 20 ft deep and hold their breath for 5 minutes."
"Here's an interesting possum fact: a newborn possum is the same size as a honeybee."
"Did you know that horses can run right after being born?"
"The hero shrew is my favorite name for an animal. How do you live up to a name like 'hero shrew'? Well, this tiny little shrew creature lives up to this name because you can't kill it."
"Octopus is actually one of the smartest animals in the planet."
"Horses have the biggest eyes of any land mammal."
"Moose are the largest deer in the world and the largest land animal in Europe."
"Hippos can run as fast as a tractor and they kill more people than lions every single year."
"Its tongue can weigh as much as an elephant."
"Saltwater crocodiles are known to have the strongest bite recorded out of all the animals today."
"Guys, did you know that a dog's sense of smell is at least 40 times better than ours?"
"I'm really excited for Rhino facts."
"Did you know a hippopotamus is born underwater? The mother helps her baby to the surface to breathe."
"Most elephants weigh less than a blue whale's tongue."
"Penguins are so cool, did you know that a group of penguins is called a waddle?"
"Did you know that a giraffe can gallop up to 30 miles per hour?"
"Wild dogs are amazing because they have larger litter sizes than any other canid in the world."
"Did you know that sloths are strong swimmers, especially at backstroke?"
"Catch this, dog lovers: did you know that dogs' sense of smell is between 10,000 to 100,000 times more acute than ours?"
"Horses have the biggest eyes of any land mammal. A horse eye is even bigger than an elephant eye."
"An alligator is a great swimmer and can be 16 feet long, that's twice as long as your bed."
"The sloth is actually the slowest mammal on earth."
"Jaguars are in the Amazon; they're 300 pounds, and a Jaguar is about two times heavier than a leopard."
"Did you know that the leech can drink ten times its own weight in blood in five minutes?"
"They are the largest frog species in the world."
"Elephants have got very good hearing."
"Naked mole-rats are not actually blind, they have some limited vision, can live up to thirty-two years, are seriously resistant to cancer, and now you know way more than you ever wanted to about what is essentially an angry pink potato."
"One of the things that we learned is that anacondas can hold their breath for over 45 minutes while they're eating."
"Honestly, not the largest snake, the heaviest snake for sure."
"The African ostrich is the largest species in existence, can grow up to 3 meters tall, weigh 135 kilograms, and run faster than horses."
"A baby porcupine is called a porcupet."
"What is the name of the bird that cannot fly and is the largest bird on earth? Ostrich."
"It's impossible for crocodiles to stick their tongues out."
"Look how pretty they are, and if you didn't know, flamingos get this tint from the shrimp they eat."
"Hyenas milk is the richest milk in the animal kingdom."
"Alligators have tongues, and crocodiles do not."
"Wombat butts are hard; they're made of four separate bony plates and are covered in layers of fat, skin, and cartilage."
"Bush babies and monkeys are distantly related, they are both primates."
"Tasmanian Devil babies are born as small as a grain of rice."
"You know why flamingos are pink? Because they eat shrimps and things like that."
"A tiger has stripes, if you shave a tiger the stripes go through to the skin, but a zebra's stripes do not go through to the skin."
"A big male hippopotamus can weigh two to three thousand kgs, that is HUGE."
"Elephants continue to grow throughout their lives."
"A leopard can do about 24 meters per second."
"Crocodiles can't stick their tongues out."
"Elephants can live for up to sixty years, up to out here, and sometimes even more than that."
"Elephants' gestation period is 22 months, and that is the longest gestation period for any mammal."
"Hippos are the only land animal to give birth in the water."