
Freedom Quotes

There are 60744 quotes

"Freedom is like a muscle; it's only strong when it's used."
"Freedom's always an important issue, and I think reproductive freedom is chief among them."
Josh Shapiro
"When women are together with no men around, a woman doesn't have to be this thing or that thing. She can just be."
"I was trying to fit into a box that I couldn't. I was like a fly trapped in a jar... then entrepreneurship was realizing that the lid was off the jar the entire time."
"We're constantly seeking freedom in our life but actually structure is one of the best ways to create that freedom."
"Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions."
"There is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment."
"We would literally be happier and freer without what are we still holding on to that's literally holding us back from happiness and freedom."
"Freedom of thought should be completely fundamental."
"Truth and freedom... these are really two life ideals that drive who I am."
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
"Choose the form of restriction that feels least restrictive to you."
"Nutritional excellence to get rid of the fear in your life, get you the freedom you need to live life to your fullest."
"Money is freedom. It's freedom to drive what you want, eat where you want, go where you want."
"Detachment is not that you own nothing, detachment is that nothing owns you."
"The four-hour workweek tells you how to heavily reduce your work hours so that you have more freedom."
"If I can learn to love what I hate, oh my God. Imagine how free you would be."
"The more you let go, the more freedom you have, the more peaceful you are."
"Integrity gives you real freedom because you have nothing to fear since you have nothing to hide."
"You're going to be seeing things a lot more clearly than you have in the past, and I think it's bringing about a lot of freedom."
"Freedom is not the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want to do it. Conservatives believe that freedom is doing what you ought to do."
"There is another scourge sweeping the globe: attacks on your and my religious freedom."
"We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."
"We believe in freedom, kindness, and fairness for all of God’s children."
"If you don't have no money, your life is infinitely harder. You can't eat, you can't live where you want to live, you can't do what you want to do, you have far less freedom, you got to answer to more people."
"That's where life is delicious, in the designing and architecting of it. You come up with the vision because you have total freedom of what you want to do with your life."
"Gratitude is what leads to freedom; gratitude is what unlocks you from the chains."
"Love doesn't love where it's allowed; that's ridiculous. Love doesn't need rules to contain it."
"Money wasn't going to bring me happiness; freedom was far more important."
"This career has given me the life of my dreams, it's given me the freedom that I've been chasing after for years, and it's given me the chance to do the one thing that I love doing most, which is teaching."
"The freedom of the schedule that you get with passive income is really cool."
"The essence of self-reliance is freedom, but it comes with the price of constant vigilance."
"Do what the hell you want, as long as you're not hurting people. As long as you're not a bad person. As long as you're bringing love and fulfillment to other people and to yourself, literally, I don't see anything wrong in it."
"When you let go of the fear of what other people think, the freedom is indescribable."
"Maximum freedom of speech, lifestyle, and everything is the true definition of being liberal."
"Embracing and loving your body is such a beautiful journey. Freedom is our birthright."
"Being in tune with our natural selves is the ultimate way to experience freedom."
"Life itself is the fundamental gift; everything else is just a bonus. That is freedom. That is happiness."
"You will achieve Freedom within a few years if you're doing the right thing if you're on the right path."
"Once you're making a few thousand a month online, you're free. You can do whatever you want and you can go where you want."
"Making more at the cost of less health, time, and freedom is the trap."
"The point of money was to be free. Don't trade your freedom for more."
"Being broke isn't good... but you shouldn't lose your freedom for shiny objects."
"Freedom is not something we have; freedom is something we have to struggle for."
"Real freedom includes the ability to commit to something long-term."
"Freedom real freedom very often includes a large measure of committing yourself long term to some individual, to some group, to some project."
"We have the potential for greater freedom than ever before, including especially freedom from disease, freedom from hunger, freedom from oppression."
"If we make wise decisions, we will end with a better and more free society than ever before."
"Freedom is overrated because people, for example, have children. Are they free? No, they have children at home they need to take care of."
"True happiness is a state of freedom where our mind can feel calm and positive."
"The term 'freedom,' the concept of freedom, is something that is very important to us."
"The last of man's freedom is to choose one's own attitude in any given set of circumstances."
"We like leaving it open [plans] like that so we can make last-minute decisions. It's more fun; it's freedom."
"People need freedom politically, economically, socially, freedom from their unconscious emotions so they can be themselves."
"The essential endeavor of all the great work that has been done in the world is the desire for freedom."
"You're about to blossom your wings... You're going to be able to fly; you're going to be able to soar."
"The more of us that speak our minds and don't cave to the pressures of our political groups or our friends or neighbors, the more free we all are."
"The spiritual forefathers of crypto, who built the early Internet, thought it was a new technology for global freedom of expression and a blank canvas upon which they could build their dreams."
"If you love someone, set them free. If they love you, they'll come back."
"Taking responsibility is the ultimate freedom."
"Welcome to the planet where we embrace love, happiness, freedom, and truth."
"Turn pain into power, embrace your truth, and live free."
"It's your destiny to be your authentic self and to live free. So claim it."
"Taking responsibility is the ultimate freedom. I messed up, I shouldn't have done this."
"Freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and so on are liberties that don't exist in other countries."
"Your authentic worship will break the chains of what's trying to keep you bound."
"We are not encouraging you to agree with what Putin may say in this interview, but we are urging you to watch it. You should know as much as you can, and then, like a free citizen and not a slave, you can decide for yourself."
"I went to the grocery store...and just felt this possibility and hope, life, and this freeness that I didn't have to live up to expectations."
"Let there be closeness between you, but always give each other space. Love never claims; it simply allows and gives."
"If you're okay with every outcome, you're free."
"Life will present you with people and circumstances to reveal where you're not free."
"Liberty or death, we value life, we value freedom."
"The point of this country is if you want to eat garbage, balloon up to 600 pounds, and die of a heart attack at 43, you can. You are free to do so. To me, that's beautiful."
"This idea that having no limitations and complete freedom... doesn't promote happiness."
"You feel freedom, you feel this incredible sense of you've survived, you've gotten to the other side, and now people can't hurt you because they've tried, they've failed, and now you have the freedom to speak your mind, the freedom to do what you want, the freedom to chart your own path."
"The relevant factor is freedom. Freedom from coercion."
"You are going to see some extreme changes very soon in your everyday routine that is way more in alignment and lets you be more free."
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
"There's a very strong energy here of you learning to just be free and not have any expectations."
"When you lose freedom, you lose everything. What do you have?"
"Follow the light within, it's your heart that's telling you where is your freedom."
"You're going to feel all of a sudden like wow this is what freedom feels like, this is what it feels like to be alive."
"You're going to meet your soulmate when you finally become free. Free of control, free of restrictions."
"To really love another person, but not care what they think of you... that's the first part. So when you do that, you find more freedom."
"The fundamental capacity you want to get in hand is to recognize the freedom of consciousness no matter what is arising."
"I believe I'm a good mom because I do give my son unconditional love and space to be whoever he wants to be."
"Mind is never yours. If you can do a little bit of this, 'I am not the mind, the mind is not mine,' instantaneously you'll be free with every problem of your life."
"Give yourself the gift of communicational freedom."
"You are not somebody who becomes free; you are freedom itself."
"You think of yourself as a person now, but when you step back into your real nature, you are free of the person."
"Just because your refrigerator has a vegetable drawer doesn't mean you have to put vegetables in that drawer."
"When you really give yourself permission to be who you are, anything is possible."
"Only you can give away your freedom, only you can deny love for yourself, only you can deny that you are worthy of that which you most desire to create in your experience."
"If humans were allowed free energy, free movement, and able to explore, we would find out what this place is."
"Freedom does matter. I will always fight for people's freedom. I will never sit there and say what you can say and not say. I'll never tell you how to live or not live."
"Choose freedom over a code switch. We're enough just as we are."
"Freedom is scary, but that's the price of liberty."
"Freedom is not exclusivity. It's inclusivity. It's access to others in networks."
"Being free is the best gift you can give to yourself."
"The last of human freedoms - To choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances."
"We're free in a lot of extents, not maybe not from our own minds, maybe not from the judgment of other people on Instagram or the judgment of our parents, but in actuality, we're pretty free."
"Rights are things that you can do in absence of government."
"You are not the pain. You are aware of the pain. You are free of the pain."
"Open and free dialogue is the foundation for a free society. It is also the foundation that peace can be built upon."
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
"Palestinians live in day in and day out without experiencing a day of freedom."
"I think the person, the self, the soul uses the brain, and if the brain is operating properly, it still has freedom. That's what the brain exists for."
"The notion of freedom that matters is the engineering notion of freedom, the notion of degrees of freedom." - Daniel Dennett
"The ultimate peace descends upon you, and you intuitively know that you are free forever, and it's all right."
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
"If you have to work every single day in order to fund your lifestyle, you are not wealthy. You have no freedom."
"A life free of obligation is also a life free of all of the bonds that actually root you in the community."
"My ability to build my own small business from nothing has been one of the greatest freedoms and blessings that I have had in my life."
"Our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinian people." - Nelson Mandela
"Break free of the norms, break free of the box."
"I honor the woman I am, letting her be free to express herself."
"Our own freedom is fundamentally connected with the freedom of others because it enhances our personal freedom rather than inhibits it."
"A free soul can do so much more than a bound one can."
"Liberty shall break out across the land of America."
"The fight for a free, independent, and prosperous Ukraine, that very much goes on."
"True freedom comes by walking in the Spirit and walking in the truth that He ministers."
"John Stewart Mill was just incredibly influential when it came to the formation of contemporary political ideas of freedom and liberty."
"As you go through this process, you are going to come out on the other side freer than you've ever been in your life."
"The freedom that you're going to be feeling is going to begin attracting more abundance to you."
"Each soul is potentially divine, and the goal is to manifest this divinity already within us by work or worship or philosophy or devotion, one or more or all of these, and be free."
"Remember, the journey towards not caring isn't about becoming indifferent or neglectful; it's about embracing your authenticity, reclaiming your freedom, and carving your path."
"Faith, family, and freedom become the seeds that gave birth to our nation's greatness in the first place and can give birth to the greatness of our nation once again."
"I have waited my entire life for a chance to be free."
"True freedom is freedom from your mind, from the conditioned thoughts and emotions that otherwise control you."
"If you had those four qualities every day in your body and your mind, you're free."
"Consciously choosing freedom from the conditioned mind."
"I've waited my entire life for a chance to be free. In this world, there's nothing tying me down."
"Freedom isn't just about being unchained; it's about choosing where you belong."
"The goal of meditation is [that] the mind become pliable, workable, so you can have freedom of your own mind."
"Freedom, liberation comes when we connect with our innate quality inside."
"Freedom is the number one asset you will ever own."
"Freedom. What is that underpin? These two secrets: learning to value your time properly and ditching the smartphone."
"Every human being is looking for relief... freedom is my product."
"No matter what you do, someone's going to make fun of you... That's why I do whatever I want."
"Freedom is not in the constitution... Freedom is only found in Christ."
"I want people to be free to live their lives however they please."
"Freedom and democracy are under attack both at home and overseas."
"You have no barriers or walls to really hold you back... The sky's the limit."
"Remember, freedom is not inherited; it's something we must actively fight for."
"Freedom is to know and trust in the one who came in order to set you free."
"You're walking out of that gate and you're walking towards freedom, and you're going to be out in the open and completely shine and be in your bliss."
"Get curious again, don't restrict your way of thinking, don't restrict anything, let yourself be free again."
"It's going to feel like the most bliss and the most freedom, and you're going to be able to run faster than ever."
"There's a childlike wonder in climbing things; it feeds into that idea of freedom."
"You're shown a mysterious old man nearby and then left to do whatever you like."
"There's a surprising amount of freedom found in combat that mirrors the exploration in the world."
"What a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom."
"Submitting yourself to the wisdom of God in the Law of God does not limit your life."
"Ah, farming games. What is it about them that makes us yearn for the fields? Maybe it's the desire for a simpler life, to possess true freedom and agency."
"Minimalism isn't prison; it isn't restrictive. In fact, the opposite is true. I have never had so much freedom in my life as I've experienced in this last year of adopting minimalism."
"'Starfield' presents the potential to be a groundbreaking space exploration game, offering freedom to go wherever you want and discover new worlds."
"Just walking out of your house right now, walking out the front door and just being free, not defensive, not coping, not worrying, not trying to escape it, not trying to numb it, not trying to stuff it down, just feeling fucking awesome and ready to attack life, just fucking imagine."
"Money is not for the purpose of flaunting, to show off to other people; it is not meant to fill any deficiencies or voids in your life. Instead, money is for the sole purpose of giving you two things: freedom and options."
"I don't think of it as a job, it's just this creative outlet for me, just a space to get as weird as I want to be and make what I want."
"Finding your best self means the difference between freedom and the compulsions of conformity."
"No woman left behind. When you realize how bound you once were and now how much freedom and creativity and strategy and wholeness you feel in your identity, we would become champions like modern-day Harriet Tubmans."
"Awareness is like the sky, always free, always pure."
"The US Constitution is the strongest and greatest guarantor of freedom in human history."
"And the US Constitution is the strongest and greatest guarantor of freedom in human history."
"The United States in the latter half of the 19th century... was much more free, also much more rational, much more positive and benevolent."
"The only political system consistent with a morality of individualism is a political system of freedom."
"Socialism is the creation of government so that we can be slaves; capitalism is freedom."
"No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
"There's an underlying happiness throughout it, and it's again going to open up so many new doorways, so many new paths where you get more free time that you get to choose where do I want to spend this, what I want to do next."
"You are truly free. This is a time for you of self-discovery, self-expression, and a lot of amazing opportunities are right on your doorstep."
"Allowing yourself to be free and to also just be is so important."
"People don't want freedom; they want autonomy."
"You're attracting something that's extremely playful, something where you feel free and open to be yourself."
"You also have the selkie card. It says 'Freedom' on it."
"I would rather be a free man in my grave than live as a puppet or a slave."
"Freedom, no negotiation, my sister, no relation. We all just want to have freedom."
"It is up to us to create meaning in our lives through our own freedom and decisions."
"Live wild and free, choose your freedom, claim your independence, and be the pilot of your own life."
"That jacket represents my individuality and my belief in personal freedom."
"The bunny represents freedom, the only man who could deliver such a line with that magnitude is Nicolas Cage."
"We should have, if out of all people, the most space to be ourselves because we've never really had a choice but to be ourselves."
"We just love the freedom and the independence of homeschool."
"I watched his routine and I took back my freedom."
"You are finally freeing yourself from that cage that you put yourself in."
"If you're feeling down, I want to lift you up. If you're feeling trapped, I want to set you free. If you feel like you're going in the wrong direction, I want you to back that thing up."
"When you know why you do what you do as a Muslim, you find a sense of freedom that you will not find by following any truth, by following your own desires."
"I started an online business because I was working at a job, and I was attending school full-time in University, and I just didn't have that much freedom."
"I think the most valuable part of this business is just having that freedom to do those things."
"We shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free."
"The more self-dependent you become, the more prosperous you will be, the more free you will be."
"Forgive yourself for anything that you hold guilt and remorse in your heart for, but also allow forgiveness of others so that you can be free."
"Learning to be without placing stories on it or placing interpretations of it."
"You are really just setting yourself free in a lot of ways."
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
"Liberty only exists when liberty means that something you disagree with is allowed to happen."
"I am the light; in me is no darkness. Free me of the bondage of night."
"We live in a free country, and for me, what consenting adults do is an expression of what it means to live in a free country."
"Life will seem entirely different to you. You will feel happier, freer, stronger, more positive, and will be more successful in every undertaking of life."
"Our genetic program rigidly constrains us, but the more important point is that the existence of that rigid constraint is what provides the basis for our freedom and creativity."
"In March, you are going to be granted some sort of freedom that allows you to explore yourself and grow your own talent."