
Life Meaning Quotes

There are 550 quotes

"Having to experience both the good and the bad, the fact that it's temporal and that there's a limit and that it's our most valuable resource, gives life meaning."
"Life doesn't really have a meaning beyond what we give to it. We have one life to live... if you don't explore that idea, and no one else is going to. If you don't be the person that you want to be, no one else is going to."
"People in poorer countries report higher meaning in life than people in richer countries, even when you control for religiosity."
"If you have no meaning and purpose in your life, what's the point of being here?"
"Your purpose is your soul's reason for being on this Earth. It is the core desire that you have."
"We are here for a reason. Your purpose... is to be happy."
"To the question of what is a meaningful human life, there's not just my own experience, but how do I relate to the whole of life?"
"The only way that you can actually discover the meaning of life is to ask the right questions."
"I think it's to care about something and do your best with it... that commitment, for me, is the meaning of life."
"I think if we're deciding that life is meaningful, the greatest meaning will be understanding whatever transcends it."
"The transcendent dimension is very important to have in your life; if you don't have that, then life is just a veil of tears."
"What makes my life worthwhile is my conscious experiences and how I cope with them." - Keith Ward
"The meaning of my life is to try to make the world a little bit better before I go."
"What gives life its meaning if not a smile? Tell them, Elliot."
"What gives a life its meaning if not a smile?"
"Life has a meaning to the last breath, the possibility of realizing values exists to the very last moment."
"You need to have a meaning in your life, a value structure that's of sufficient potency and magnitude to justify the limitations and the trouble that life constitutes."
"Purpose is not financial security; purpose is so much more."
"The idea that life has greater meaning than simply just input-output pleasure."
"Life has no meaning a priori; it is up to you to give it a meaning, and value is nothing but the meaning that you choose."
"Life has meaning since it's finite...you only know something really exists once you see it not existing somewhere else."
"If you're empty and you can't find meaning in other people, in relationships, in being of service to other people, or contributing to society, I don't know what we're doing here."
"Atheists find happiness and meaning in their lives through family relationships, in affinity with their community, highlighting unique and pleasurable moments of their lives without waiting for any eschatological reward or eternal punishment after death."
"For what gives life its meaning, if not to be the reason for a child's smile?"
"The meaning that helps you contend with life is to be found in adopting as much responsibility as you can."
"The meaning of life? Happiness, isn't that what everyone says?"
"Life's meaning is found in pushing back against that which enshackles you."
"Constant never-ending learning will make life not only interesting but the meaningfulness will come because you'll have something to give."
"It's your sense of purpose, it's your reason for being, it's why you get up in the morning."
"Relationships are the meaning of life; they are a stream of income, a stream of wealth."
"You need meaning to sustain you through life because life is bitterly difficult."
"Find meaning in your life, definitely, but don't think you're going to get it from your chromosomes."
"The more responsibility you take on, the more meaning your life has, and the higher degree of responsibility that you agree voluntarily to try to bear, the richer your life will be."
"Dear Reverend Warren, I heard your program on the radio so I thought you might be able to help me with my dilemma. I'm sure you're familiar with the old U2 song 'I still haven't found what I'm looking for.' That line could be the theme of my life."
"If you try to avoid suffering, you will end up suffering more, and you will not live a meaningful life."
"Responsibility is what gives your life meaning."
"Happiness is the meaning of what happens between you and the others."
"The possibility of an end gives meaning to the life part."
"Growth and contribution are what make life meaningful."
"The meaning of my life is many different things, but they are all kind of centered around relationships."
"The only meaning my life ever had was whatever I meant to someone else. That is all, and that's enough."
"The meaning of your life is determined by what your life meant to other people in addition to the purpose you've chosen for yourself."
"Ten years from now, you're kind of realizing the true meaning of life, realizing that material success isn't providing the happiness you truly want."
"Your life is meaningful; it's way more meaningful than you think."
"Life can be meaningful enough to justify its suffering. There's gonna be things that come along that flatten you so hard you won't believe it."
"I found some of the greatest meanings of my life when I was 'doing nothing'."
"Life starts to feel a bit meaningless if we don't really have clarity on why we're doing what we're doing."
"We are richer than any time in human history and yet, a lot of people feel empty, a lot of people feel a lack of meaning in their lives."
"I don't think you determine what your purpose is, I think you discover what your purpose is. There's a difference."
"Depression a lot of times, for some people, is sometimes related to a lack of purpose in life."
"Life has whatever meaning and purpose I give it."
"The significance of your life is something you create."
"There's only so much feelings you can have for yourself... you start to realize life has a higher and deeper purpose."
"Everything has to make sense, and nothing means anything to me but my family."
"We have all these plans to make our lives meaningful, but ultimately everyone dies."
"Meaning in life is something that you create, you manufacture for yourself and for others."
"The meaning that sustains you in life is mostly to be found through responsibility and through the voluntary adoption of responsibility."
"Be grateful for your failures, and embrace your pain and suffering, because without it, life has no meaning."
"If life was a blissful process, why would you care what is the meaning?"
"The slant I'm going to give is not finding the meaning of life but putting the meaning into your life."
"That is the most powerful meaning of life, stillness, inner peace, realising there's nothing to get, nowhere to go, the end of craving, the end of wanting."
"The meaning of life is the pattern of thought and action that you take that enables you to tolerate at least tolerate the conditions of life."
"If you're searching for the meaning of life, you're already doing it wrong. Your life doesn't need a meaning, it just needs a purpose."
"As long as we're alive, we still have the power to decide the meaning of our lives."
"The fact that we must all own our decisions is what gives meaning to everything we do in life."
"What's the meaning of life? Let me give you the seven-word answer you were looking for."
"Dedicating yourself to others...has a way of making you feel fulfilled and bringing your life meaning."
"What makes a life worth living? What gives it meaning, and how does that change when the time one has left collapses?"
"When people accept the inevitability of their death, it allows them to have a much more meaningful life."
"To have children is the most basic...meaning of life."
"When you believe in life after death... your life attains meaning, there is a reason for you to live."
"Politics is important, but it isn't purpose. It cannot be the meaning of life."
"The meaning we find in life is mostly not in our stuff."
"I'm hoping that I can help people understand that they can find deep meaning in their life that that's better and more nourishing let's say than the pursuit of happiness."
"Meaning is the great antidote to a sense that life is just nihilistic."
"Every time you watch a Marvel movie, they always hit you with 'death is what gives life meaning.'"
"There's a conjunction between responsibility and meaning."
"Responsibility, man. That's where the meaning in life is. So, wow, the meaning of life is responsibility. That is something that I have never heard before."
"The sustaining meaning in your life will not be found in hedonistic self-gratification."
"You can't rise above the why behind your life."
"So, as long as you don't imagine that the meaning you find in life, the significance you find in life is more permanent than it is, there's no problem in accepting that it's sufficient to get by."
"We need meaning in life, you know, we need dignity as a human."
"The tragedy is, if that's all we see in these people, as though the Wasteland or the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock have nothing to say about life and about love and about meaning and purpose and value."
"The right pathway to meaning is through responsibility."
"You deserve to be happy. That's your meaning of life."
"The meaning in your life is proportionate to the degree that you take responsibility for positively shaping your experience and the experience of others."
"The meaning of life for me is the struggle to impart meaning - meaning."
"I shouldn't be alive unless it was for a reason."
"Your life doesn't have meaning without aspiration or aim. You need a hierarchy of values. There's got to be something at the top, and it's got to be something important. If you don't have that, your life doesn't have any meaning."
"Life is meaningful when we have something to give."
"You survived for a reason, you survived for a purpose."
"Out of this senseless tragedy, his life makes sense."
"I realized that everything I did had no meaning if there was, you know, no... no spiritual realm, no afterlife, nothing beyond this world."
"Learning and looking for answers give life meaning."
"The antidote to the meaninglessness of life is to take on more responsibility for yourself and for other people."
"Job is what gives you a paycheck. Work is what gives you a purpose."
"But yeah, I mean, I think I think that's where many people are, a sense of spirituality, a sense of something deeper, a sense of the meaning and profundity of life perhaps goes beyond what Richard Dawkins' picture suggests."
"As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life."
"Meaning is to be found on what you might describe as the border between order and chaos."
"Everything has a purpose, it literally does."
"The meaning of life is really just about connection and making sure there are positive connections."
"I think the meaning of life is just about trying to make positive connections."
"What theistic human beings call God, that is the meaning in their lives. Others would simply call meaning."
"Finding meaning is something everyone struggles with all the time."
"In order to have any positive meaning in your life, you have to have identified a goal."
"I think there's something more to life. I definitely don't think it's a big illusion."
"He tells her that he's finally understood what her life means now that she's about to die."
"You are meant to be here, you have spiritual work to accomplish."
"I think what I've been able to do with reasonable effectiveness is to draw a conceptual equation between the meaning necessary to sustain you in life given its suffering and malevolence and the necessity to adopt responsibility."
"Your life is meaningful... you have to bear responsibility for your thoughts and actions."
"The search for meaning takes on a renewed importance when confronted with the possibility of an endless void after death."
"That's the very definition of the meaning that would sustain you in your life."
"Men's lives have meanings, not their deaths."
"Meaning in life is terrifically important; it's very predictive of well-being."
"What's your life going to mean if you go through it by yourself until the grave?"
"Better shorter and meaningful than long and meaningless because you die anyway. The trick is how did you fill the years that you had."
"What am I living for and what I am dying for are the same question."
"There is no Grand Design, no script, only the choices you make."
"God has a purpose for your life, and you're here for a reason."
"The quest for happiness is not as simple as we imagined it to be, and what's actually true is that meaning is a far more sustainable entity."
"What makes it worthwhile, right? You know, you're completely out... you have no idea what you're... It's almost impossible to describe how bad an idea that is. Responsibility. That's what gives life meaning."
"A purpose is the answer to one of the deepest questions a human can ask themselves: Why am I alive? Why am I here?"
"Serial Experiments Lain argues against becoming a god, suggesting that it would invalidate the meaning that comes from the journey of life."
"You want to have a meaningful life? Everything you do matters."
"I feel like the meaning of life, why we're here, is to find our spark or the purpose which leaves that impact."
"Life is the very basis of our existence, but do we know what it truly is?"
"It's going to fuel your intuition and your sense of purpose and meaning in life."
"God has a purpose for your life... it's bigger than your time on Earth."
"I think the best you can do is to try to make the life that you do have as meaningful as you can."
"The meaning of life is why you don't kill yourself."
"Religion gives you a sense of purpose, something bigger than yourself."
"Life actually does not have any meaning. Therefore each one of us has to give our own meaning to life."
"Your purpose is not your decision. It's your discovery."
"It's only worth living if you're being loved by a kid."
"Mary's assumption gives us hope that our life has more meaning than it does on this earth."
"I think the meaning is to do a little bit more of the good things."
"True meaning, true purpose, and true happiness."
"If we lose sight of that and if life becomes this monotonous slog of nothing to look forward to, what is the point?"
"In that moment, he felt like he understood why he was put on this Earth."
"You must live life for yourself for your life to have any meaning and value."
"Ivanka Trump now cooperating. If anyone has a potentially valid claim to some White House executive privilege, it'd be people like Ivanka and Jared Trump."
"There is no intended purpose to life; you create your own meaning and value."
"Life's meaning isn't imposed from above - it's decided by us."
"You've got to know why you were born. That's your purpose."
"Find your passion. If you find a passion, life has more meaning."
"When you understand your own life as a story being written by God, it becomes much more meaningful."
"I just feel like my baby already has given me so much purpose."
"If death is the end and there's nothing after it, then what's the point of life?"
"I get to choose the meaning of my life for myself."
"Astrology seems to imply that there's some sense of meaningfulness and purpose to our lives."
"What if there isn't an afterlife? How am I gonna make this life count?"
"That people stopped wasting their time and woke up to what they are here to do and what life is really about."
"For me, the meaning of life is different to you, because each of us is unique."
"Life can be very confusing... maybe that's a little bit what the meaning of life is."
"Find what life is for you will make sense for you and you won't ever have to explain to anybody anybody."
"Purpose, we gotta know why we're here in the earth."
"The price of experiencing meaning: taking responsibility for being."
"The meaning of life really comes from the relationships that we have and it's family."
"We can't just let a theory hang over us and our entire lives."
"Your life is meaningless if you're not pursuing a valued goal."
"Finding meaning is in your own life, in who you are as an individual and what you stand for."
"When we talk about the meaning of life, what we're talking about really is recovering the questions."
"I don't believe that anyone is here by coincidence." - Speaker
"Life's meaning is an unconditional one, for it even includes the potential meaning of unavoidable suffering."
"Inspire as much as I can. If I can inspire, then there's no reason for living."
"Without God in your life, you are basically telling yourself that you have no purpose."
"When we don't Embrace friction... that actually creates some level of meaning in our lives."
"Life is just life until we attach meaning to it."
"Ultimately, we're all just trying to figure out what the hell are we doing here. Like, how? What is life? What is the meaning of life?"
"We need a reason to get out of bed in the morning."
"Our task is to harvest from the mortal world fruits for the immortal."
"You've got to discover the purpose of your life."
"Helping people has been the only thing that I've found that brings meaning to my life."
"God did not create you for fun. He created you for purpose."
"The duty of the living to give meaning to the dead."
"The flow state is deeply connected to meaning in life."
"Humans in general look for purpose in their lives."
"What's the meaning of life? Why are we here? What's the point of it all?"
"Who gets to define the meaning of your life?"
"Adoption of voluntary responsibility brings meaning to life."
"Ask yourself, are you happy? Ask yourself, what are you doing in life? Ask yourself, is there a meaning to your life?"
"People gain a sense of meaning when their lives cohere across the three levels of their existence. Finding coherence across levels feels like enlightenment."
"Until Jesus becomes our savior our lives are empty."
"Astrology as a tool for finding deeper meaning in life events."
"The meaning of life is the love we share and the impact we make."
"How did we get the superhero powers? Because the meaning of life was getting powers."
"Reasons for living, especially in the abstract existential sense, are absolutely critical."
"Life is a marathon, every day you wake up God says you have another chance."
"Is there a meaning to life? That is the question every philosopher has ever asked themselves."
"The only one who can make sense of life is you."
"Jon Dies on the steps after saying his wife's name, summing up what his life was really about."
"The root of most human unhappiness is the sense that one's life has no meaning."
"How can your life still be fulfilling if you are doing something meaningless?"
"Finding your element is essential to personal fulfillment for a life that has purpose and meaning."
"It's what gives your life meaning. It's what holds a society together."
"Values are a huge part of what makes human life worth living."
"This life is not purposeless; there is a creator."
"There is more to our Eternal existence than this one life."
"You have a purpose. Purpose is the only thing that brings fulfillment."
"There's no use in thinking about whether our lives have meaning or not, because as long as we're alive, we still have the power to decide the meaning for ourselves."