
Temporality Quotes

There are 1536 quotes

"Having to experience both the good and the bad, the fact that it's temporal and that there's a limit and that it's our most valuable resource, gives life meaning."
"What makes life meaningful is the fact that we're alive and there's only this amount of time that we have to live."
"The past is no longer here, the future has not come, the only here and now is the present moment."
"Life is like a dark room; on occasion, we find a candle so that we can see, but not for long."
"Everything in our lives, everything that happens to us, is for a season and a reason."
"The greatest sign that the day is actually now is when people forget, when life goes back to normal."
"Life is very short, I feel like that's why I take one day at a time and I don't take advantage of it."
"The things that are seen are temporary, but the things that are unseen are eternal."
"You don't own anything; you are simply borrowing those things for a brief moment in time while you are here on Earth."
"Your problem has an expiration date, but your God has an eternal signature."
"The end is going to happen. This isn't going to be like this forever."
"We are alive with one another in the light of this unlikely world that isn't ours for long."
"You don't know how long something is going to last, so when it's working, you may as well double down on it."
"We are in a transit lounge, my dear. We are going to exit from here sometime, and the life here is temporary."
"What a week. Well, isn't it crazy? It's a what a year. The year is almost over."
"This world will not last forever, and that's good news."
"It's a game about how nothing lasts forever, about remembering every precious moment in your life."
"Because the truth is forever, lies but for a moment."
"All flesh is as grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field; the grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever." - Isaiah 40:6-8 (Bible verse referenced in the discussion)
"Thought is past. There's no future thought, there's only the past."
"Every society is extremely fragile, and what seems so solid and permanent is, in fact, ephemeral."
"Our Scripture of the day, Second Corinthians 4:18: 'So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.'"
"We're not here very long, we need to realize that this is an incredible opportunity we have."
"Your life is very temporary here on Earth, and we all have a mission, and that's to preach the word of God."
"The tide of time is going to sweep all of us away."
"If it is the relationship you have with Allah... that is something everlasting; if it is something material connected to this world, remember it is temporary."
"This life, the life on earth, is absolutely temporary. It is not going to last long."
"Life is so small... it is but a breath in the larger picture of eternity."
"Female beauty is an incredibly valuable resource but...it doesn't last forever."
"Life is like a loan that we can use for anything, but we must pay it back one day."
"Cherish these moments because these moments are fleeting."
"Power has such a short shelf life; it goes bad very quickly."
"We're on this earth for one moment, and then it's over. God bless you, man."
"Humans are fleeting, here and gone in an instant."
"Here's the truth: There is an expiration date for this thing."
"There is an expiration date for this thing. This is not going to change American life forever."
"Our point of reference and what time we're from shapes our perception of art."
"Our time is short. Until next time, think about Mutual Aid."
"Everything suddenly feels like it's either the best or worst thing in the moment, but if you give it an hour, a day, a week, suddenly you're able to get a better sense of perspective."
"So, as long as you don't imagine that the meaning you find in life, the significance you find in life is more permanent than it is, there's no problem in accepting that it's sufficient to get by."
"This life is but temporary your problem will not last whatever this loss or the debt that you are in will never last forever the issue that you have will not last forever it will come to pass and it will come to an end by the will of love."
"Your 'yours' was never yours, it was just your turn."
"Don't worry, it will be fine. This will pass."
"Life is like a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."
"Nothing lasts forever, so why are we so obsessed with the outside when we don't even know what's going on inside?"
"This experience occupies a finite amount of time and it will come to an end."
"The only thing that matters is now. Once you pay, that's in the past."
"A lasting peace would be a temporary peace, a peace that we need more than the Russians need."
"This person knows that you were meant to be in their life for a reason, whether it was temporary or more long-lasting."
"We're in a very strange part of the timeline right now," - narrator
"It's not forever, it's just a, it's what are we going to do right now."
"The entire series was always focused on giving advice about the little things, the kind of stuff that will only matter to you during this time in your life."
"It's only for a season, give God our praise, hallelujah!"
"That's the good news: everything is seasonal."
"Experience this moment for now knowing that it's not forever."
"Eventually there's a time limit on everything."
"The idea is that in some places it dissolves to nothing and in others it's fixed and permanent but that it's always changing."
"What is a Revival, if not a product of our present?"
"Anybody can schedule a moment on the calendar but a movement doesn't have an expiration date. This is not a moment, it's a movement."
"Life is a roller coaster... It's too short for us to spend wishing that we were someone else."
"Let's just appreciate Mark Hamill as much as we can before we don't have Mark Hamill anymore."
"Everything is temporary, everything will disintegrate at one point in time."
"Every relationship has an expiry date." - Akhil
"An athlete's career cannot last forever and let's face it it is rather fleeting."
"It's going to get worse before it gets better and it won't last indefinitely."
"The things of this earth are very temporary."
"Appreciate it will end, yeah? And suddenly you come out of that, studies show, like, we all have this part of our life, right? And it has awe in it."
"I'm afraid democracy is like the McRib. It's here now, it'll be around for a little bit longer so enjoy it while you can."
"We're literally halfway through our life in Liberty Drive at this point."
"Enjoy it, because everything sucks after, right?"
"Time is temporary, this situation will pass."
"People just want to enjoy them while they still can."
"Everything is temporary. Relationships end, but that's part of life."
"Things will get better, a lot of this stuff is temporary."
"Even if you like the fact that he did, he only gave you one month."
"There is a kind of beauty and inexplainable perfection in how temporary and limited everything is."
"All good things have to come to an end but not quite yet."
"Your emotions are valid, but they're not permanent."
"Everything shall pass, everything will be okay."
"I don't want to live here for the rest of my life... You only get one life."
"God speaks in the past tense because it's already happening."
"Humbleness has to be a temporal ingredient of what you're doing."
"Temporary happiness folks, temporary. Don't get sucked into it."
"We are light wrapped up into matter for a very short period of time and to remember who I am I am my breath."
"We are living in a time when everything is disintegrating."
"1970 almost feels contemporaneous to me. It doesn't feel like ancient history."
"It's important to remember, it's not always going to be this way."
"Everything that feels like the end of the world... aren't going to matter in just a few years."
"Jesus understood the sacrifice so well... be okay with pain because it's temporary."
"Once we take our costume off, whatever race, religion, political, financial, whatever it is that we have accumulated to find ourselves, they all go away."
"Forget about this guy going into the future, he's only going to be signed for another three years." - Illustrating the transient nature of circumstances, highlighting the importance of seizing the present moment.
"This is temporary, this is gonna get torn down."
"Look at how amazing it is that entropy and evolution can combine together to yield these kinds of conjugating structures that only exist on the cosmic timeline for a mere moment. But we are that moment."
"Good vibes only. We're here for a good time, not a long time."
"Every morning when you wake up, you are living moments you will never get back."
"The things that are seen are temporal... subject to change."
"This crash is either over or about to be over literally this month. It won't last this month."
"Everything in the world is temporary, including all the bad energy that we experience."
"This reality that we're in right now is a temporary fun experience."
"There is no greatest... There are people that are the best at the time for a certain thing."
"Purgatory is temporal, all who go to the sanctification that Christ sacrifice has allowed us to go through will enter into the Glorious Heavenly Paradise."
"Knowing that these happy times won't and can't last forever only makes the moments we do get to enjoy with them feel more precious."
"This is news today and it's chip paper tomorrow."
"Sometimes the stuff that happens to us on a temporary basis feels like it's big, feels like it's gonna last forever, but it's just a couple of moments."
"If you have a family that loves and cares for you, tell them you love them today because tomorrow is not promised to anyone."
"Childhood ends, and that's what makes it precious."
"So that's why I don't get bent out of shape with all this stuff. Even if somebody attacks me I'm like, 'Dude, in 30 minutes you'll be on to the next thing.' I know."
"On a long enough timeline everything is transitory."
"The fourth wave selfie flattens the boundaries of time and space."
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under the sun."
"Our lives are but a shadow, there but a breath; we're here today, we're gone tomorrow."
"Enjoy being young, we won't be this way forever."
"It's critical that we don't let Pride land on something temporal... boast in the Lord."
"Feelings are temporary, they're not forever."
"We're in an absolute period of time where the heavens are shaking."
"Remember how rare and special this is and enjoy this because, you know, it'll all be gone at some point, right?"
"Happiness is a moment, it's not a lifestyle, it's not an end goal, it's not a point."
"Beauty is long-lasting, hotness is fleeting."
"There is such a thing as bad news, but it's bad news for a time, not forever."
"Time crumbles things. Everything grows old under the power of time and is forgotten through the lapse of time."
"Can't believe we're at the last on the nose of the Year."
"Craving for the product can be powerful, but it is fleeting."
"This world is not our home; this world has an expiration date on it, but our God is the God of eternity." - Jack Hibbs
"A believing female focuses on the temporary nature of this dunya."
"Life is not like this, life is like this. Your pregnancy is basically this blip on your radar. It is not forever."
"Nothing in this world is permanent not even our troubles."
"Nothing lasts forever. Good times, bad times, everything passes."
"We carry on making the most of our gravity-bound blink of the eye time."
"I wish that this wouldn't one day come to an end."
"Being an atheist is a luxury you can afford... but not for long."
"Well, no, probably not daily vlogging forever."
"Appreciate how fleeting everything in your life is."
"Appreciate everything you got because someday all of this may not be here."
"Think of it--God will endure forever. But on this earth, we're like a shadow that's declining. We're all dying."
"Nothing perfect lasts forever except in your memory."
"Trends they come, they go, they're in, they're out, but guess what? Today we are investigating the wavy trends for 2020."
"Cherish your Oshi while they're still here, you never know when the adventure ends."
"It lasted for what felt like an hour but then it too was gone."
"This life is nothing but a temporary delusion."
"It's hard because they become like your best friend, your only friend. But it's so short-lived."
"The good things in life are unique and fleeting and once you lose them they're gone forever."
"Feelings are temporary, no matter how discomforting it is, it's like a wave in the ocean, it comes and goes."
"But having a higher appreciation for things and being like, 'This is so temporary. It's so temporary.'"
"I'll get over it, I'll get through it, and the more time goes by the more I realize that like everything that I'm going through it's, I mean it's temporary right?"
"Our life is so short in the span of the universe, that can you imagine if you spent most of that time just uncomfortable?"
"Every test is temporary, but return to Allah is permanent."
"You are not your emotions. Your emotions are temporary."
"Life is a series of moments. The moments pass so make them laugh."
"Living in the everchanging past, present, and future is okay."
"Finding genuine friends is about having meaningful conversations over time. Weed out those who are around for a season or a reason."
"The importance of their looks is going to fade over time, the novelty of beauty does eventually wear off."
"Fame is a fleeting thing and this too shall come to pass."
"Beauty has always been temporary, true beauty is on the inside."
"This will pass, just like with everything. Life will just keep on marching on."
"Everything in life is temporary, that is the nature of life."
"You're not going to be young forever. You're not going to be in your Prime forever."
"Everything that you're working so hard for and spending all of your money on, it's all just a big rental anyway."
"It is not about what life is doing. It is about what you are doing with what life is doing."
"You're just dropped in for a moment to experience this moment. Don't worry, the moment will come and go and so will you."
"The past and the future, it all meets here and now. That's really amazing."
"Trump isn't going to last forever. He's about him, and it's a cult of personality."
"Outraged culture that exists on Twitter has a half-life of like three fucking days, it's gone."
"It's not Mahdi world right now, it could happen in our lifetime maybe, quite unlikely."
"Happiness lies always in the future, where else in the past and the present may be compared to a small dark cloud, driven by the wind over the sunny plain."
"You're gonna wake up in the next three years and all of this, and even me here, I won't exist."
"Patience is your friend in 2023... things don't stay that way forever."
"Everything has its time, everything has its time."
"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like volcanoes and then subsides."
"I'm absolutely completely flat broke at the moment."
"I'm really glad I got it for now... if I'm not glad, it's fine because it's not permanent."
"Everything in the flesh is temporary, please grasp that."
"You don't have to, I mean nothing can stop you. I mean this is just like, I've been telling people, like, invest with your YouTube money because this platform won't be available forever."
"Life is a temporary issue, isn't it? It only lasts 80, 90 odd years."
"It's a natural part of life but when you understand that the time that you're given here is for a selected amount of time for you to do what the fuck you got to do."
"Feelings are temporary, so over time, you will be able to move forward."
"Time heals all, feelings can be temporary at some point in time."
"Nothing ever lasts forever, you know. You're going to enjoy it while it's good because who knows what's going to happen in the future." - Mark Goldbridge
"Whether it lasts a day or 10 years, we don't know. Thank you guys so much for this moment, for whatever it is that I'm feeling right now. Thank you so [expletive] much."
"Love is beautiful and even if it doesn't last forever I still want to be able to share the love that I'm experiencing with the world."
"Just because someone isn't perfect for you, maybe they were perfect for a time."
"She was elusive. She was today. She was tomorrow."
"Reflect on impermanence. Won't be here forever."
"Honey is temporary but sanity is forever, unless you're a bee or player."
"There was no relationship equity; she was never mine, it was just my turn."
"I know this wasn't gonna be forever. Make the most you can."
"Value your life because it is only temporary."
"Relationships can last forever, they can last 15 minutes, there's no time on love."
"Super teams never last as long as you think they will."
"Our universe gives life only a brief moment to shine - a haven in time, safe from its fiery birth and icy death."
"Everything is temporary, but most importantly, you didn't feel like you could see yourself with this person in the long haul."
"The way you get through a slump is you remember all things will pass."
"Happiness is only temporary, but hunger is lasting."
"Everything you can see is temporary. It's the things that are unseen that are eternal."
"This is just a little brief moment, this is not gonna last."
"Reflect on how temporary all these moments are."
"Luck was something you had for a while, then it would be gone, a possession among the Vikings."
"Human being, you're only here for a moment, but your soul is forever. And that's who you are, truly."
"For you and I, life is a sequence of events in time, but God is not in time. He can see the past, present, and future simultaneously."
"This is a fleeting moment in time, ladies and gentlemen. The future is bright."
"Nothing lasts forever... Here we are at the U.S. Guess what? Time is up."