
Weight Management Quotes

There are 733 quotes

"I'm leaning on Magic Spoon to help me get my weight under control again."
"The down regulation of energy expenditure can persist for an appreciable amount of time and in many cases won't be fully reversed until the weight or the fat is regained and the lean tissue is regained."
"We are not a weight loss clinic. We're not looking to maximize gross weight on the scale over a short period of time. We're interested in fat loss and improving health."
"Control your diet, or your chances for losing fat and weight are going to be very low."
"If you manage to speed up your metabolism, you're still setting yourself up for much easier success in the future."
"This is the core concept if you understand this and understand how to implement it in your life, you're going to get to your goal weight."
"These starchy vegetables are lower in caloric density, so for people on weight management programs, it's sometimes easier to achieve and maintain their weight."
"If you're struggling to lose weight on next to no calories, I cannot recommend a reverse diet enough."
"Nothing was changed besides walking more, adjusting my calories, and then adjusting my training. And it really is that simple."
"Even just drinking two cups of water before a meal immediately caused people to cut about 20% of calories out of the meal."
"Getting to a proper weight, the risk of that is very low."
"Overeating or not being able to lose weight is not a result of poor willpower or mental weakness. It's actually your body and mind being really intelligent when its needs have not been met and fighting for survival with the best tools that it has."
"One simple and powerful secret to achieving and maintaining your ideal body weight without feeling deprived or unsatisfied after meals is to eliminate processed foods from your diet and eat as many whole foods as possible."
"Hormones control weight gain, which control calorie intake and storage. Hormones, not calories."
"Be a healthy weight, keep your weight within the healthy range, and avoid weight gain in adult life."
"Your best strategy there is to be as thin as possible, and how are you gonna do that? Probably two to one red meat."
"You don't put on body fat in one week, and likewise, it's not going to come off in one week, but you can make a significant change to your lifestyle in one week."
"You need to figure out what you can do on a daily basis that is going to lower your caloric intake and then you need to maintain that for literally ever."
"It's a master class in not only weight loss but also truly health and longevity."
"Being fat is not healthy. Living a healthy lifestyle is hard."
"A plant-based diet is associated with healthier body weight."
"You want to find a way to create a caloric deficit while still maintaining a high enough protein intake to lose weight at a regular pace."
"Weight loss is actually easy compared to weight gain."
"If your weight goes up, that can make you eat more calories and make your exercise go down."
"Weight loss is simple, but that doesn't mean it's easy."
"Focusing on habits and not just the number on the scale is healthier in the long term."
"Eat all you want if you just really get rid of your carbs and fat."
"The relative rates of fat storage and fat burning determine the net fat loss."
"Insulin resistance explained: gradual weight gain over years."
"Research shows that a 7% personal body weight can reduce the risk of Diabetes by around 60 percent."
"You have to eat less. You have to move more. Don't give me any of the hormonal reasons or any of the BS or genetics blah blah blah. Yeah, we get it. But you have to eat in a surplus to get that."
"Imagine if you lost one kilogram of muscle Mustang the Libyan muscle deficit."
"Exercise is in itself helping people to lose weight - what cannot be denied is the overwhelming evidence which says that people who commute to work by bike are lighter."
"It's probably easier to end up in a deficit with fasting than it is with keto."
"The most effective thing you can do to avoid COVID, particularly hospitalization or death, is lose weight and exercise."
"Protein is just like all around like win win win win eating more protein is usually a really good thing and helpful for weight loss."
"Just losing weight at that rate is... dramatically reducing your risk of cancer."
"The bottom line is that when you lose weight in most cases you're going to be healthier."
"The reality is some people still struggle with blood sugar and weight."
"Diet is far more important than exercise. Yeah, I mean, exercise is important, but diet is like... like weight loss-wise, 80% diet, 20% workout. That's how big of a difference it is."
"A smaller gun can save you from feeling that extra weight by the end of the day."
"Oil and fat and salt prevent people from successfully getting their body fat low enough."
"Why are you kind of a [ __ ] because he's not fat but he's was holding extra weight he had a gut."
"There's not a single serious medical professional... will suggest that you are healthy at any weight."
"If there's ever been a time where you got to take your weight seriously today's the time."
"There's always a reason why you can't lose weight. Sleep is one of the biggest things."
"Berberine plays a significant role in weight loss. A meta-analysis of 12 different studies on berberine's effect with weight loss showed significant decreases in body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and C-reactive protein."
"Give your body time to heal, the weight loss will come."
"Keto is not a weight loss diet, it's a weight optimization way of eating."
"Calories in, calories out... you're gonna see results."
"I know how happy I was when I was at that good weight."
"As long as calories are in check, it doesn't matter how often you eat."
"Sleep allows your body to actually release the weight and it maintains your hunger levels."
"If you lose weight, your type 2 diabetes goes in reverse."
"If losing weight or fat continues to be a goal, then focus on how clothes make you feel."
"I'm addicted to the scale now and it's like ruining my mood."
"Dairy itself won't make you fatter than other sources that contain the same amount of calories."
"Regular self-weighing can assist with weight loss and is not directly associated with negative psychological outcomes."
"We want to lose as much of that weight from fat as possible and as little from muscle as possible."
"I know for a fact that the easiest way to lose weight, if that is your goal, on a vegan diet or any diet, is to eat higher protein because it's just so damn satiating."
"You're saving a lot of time it's flexible that is if it's Christmas time and you want to celebrate you don't have to fast and you can do more the next week if you want to lose weight."
"It's just calories in, calories out. Like it's simple in theory, it's hard to stick to it."
"When you consume more calories than your body needs to function, those extra calories are stored in these units causing them to expand."
"The goal should be to lose weight sustainably, not quickly."
"My goal is to help you keep that weight off for the rest of your life."
"The goal is to bring your insulin levels as low as possible. If your insulin levels are low, you have maximum fat burning, you have maximum ketosis."
"It's easy to put on weight but hard to take it off and these people are proof of that."
"Your diet is a budget... If you want to lose fat, you need to eat less calories than you burn."
"A lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain."
"Understand how kindness and gratitude and being happy, yeah you know for lack of a better word can help us lose weight."
"Find a middle ground between don't listen to your doctor at all if they say you should lose weight and doctors prescribing weight loss for every goddamn thing under the sun."
"Weight loss is one of the most powerful things you can do to help someone in heart failure."
"It is way better for you to lose a small amount of weight and keep it off than for you to lose a large amount of weight and gain it right back."
"Survival tip: drop excessive weight in water to stay afloat."
"Every pound you earn overweight shortens your lifespan."
"If you really understand this, it's pretty simple of how you should lose weight, right? You want to adjust these hormones, you want to keep insulin as low as possible."
"The high five habit is an even bigger deal with more profound change."
"You don't have to lose a ton of weight to get those benefits."
"Weight loss is a consequence of your body coming into balance, getting in alignment."
"Eating processed food, if you control calories, you can still lose weight."
"Restrictive diets in an effort to lose weight often sets one up for a future binge."
"It's by far in my mind the best form of protein or amino acids to lose weight and build health and your body."
"This is a monster breakthrough win. It was a power move cutting weight in your mid-30s."
"Regular exercise has been proven to help weight loss, regulate appetite, and improve metabolic profile."
"Dry off with my boyfriend and I took our shirts off since they were both carrying a lot of weight and water."
"The smaller the changes, the slower the progress, the more likely you're going to lose the weight and keep it off."
"If we can make somebody have more energy, reduce their cravings and see their clothes fit better, this whole weight loss thing really isn't that difficult anymore."
"Stress could be the very thing sabotaging your weight loss efforts."
"The number on the scale isn't always going to reflect how you actually look or feel."
"How to manage your weight like a pro cyclist."
"Maybe the coolest way to get yourself some extra ballast weight is to go ahead and get yourself a set of duals."
"Fasting: a double effect on insulin, weight, and lipid reduction."
"Coconuts have MCT oil...good for energy and for weight loss."
"Teaching somebody the accountability skills and the methodology and the knowledge they need to lose the weight and keep it off is very, very, very productive." - Alan Robertson
"I am absolutely not against intentional weight loss; I just want to flag that intuitive eating shouldn't be labeled as."
"You gotta go compact after all the weight you put on."
"The slower you lose the weight, the more likely you are to keep the weight off."
"It's important to lose fat slowly. This is a marathon, it ain't no freaking sprint."
"But what is the financial comparison of losing weight when you're overweight?"
"I don't want to scare you, but that weight will come back."
"Being overweight is not in fact healthy, living a healthy lifestyle is not easy."
"Insulin is like the king of all hormones for making you fat."
"The problem with Jordy is she was doing all this cardio and all this training and on these low calories but her weight was not dropping at all."
"To keep the pounds off adopt a low calorie density way of eating filled with fruits vegetables and other whole plant foods."
"Eating at night doesn't inherently make you gain weight... eating calories in excess any time of day causes weight gain."
"Gaining weight, losing weight is a normal cycle of life."
"If we can just get people to look at the future self like the longer term outcomes like you said like weight loss management like keeping it off and like that's going to be so much of a better long long-term outcome for everyone."
"If you walk a bit more and eat a bit less, you'll lose weight."
"Anyone can crash diet for a month or two, lose the 10, 20 pounds. But then, can you keep it off?"
"Plant-based diet adds to that because it helps trim off excess weight which will help bring your blood pressure down."
"Why kill yourself on the scales, use the advantages."
"Once you learn how to eat to maintain your weight, that's a beautiful thing. You don't gain, you don't lose, just maintain."
"Learning to maintain a lifestyle where you don't have to worry about being overweight."
"There is another way to think about helping people who really struggle with their weight and with the metabolic consequences."
"You're not finding the same complications side effects weight regain muscle loss stomach issues gastro."
"Skipping breakfast is not an effective way to manage weight."
"Lemons are full of flavonoids, vitamin c antioxidants, and there's also some animal research that shows that lemon water could help with weight management."
"Weight gain is just as hard as losing weight but nobody, and I mean nobody, talks about how difficult it is to gain weight."
"Calories in calories out always works, can't break the laws of thermodynamics."
"Long-term health is actually more important than really fast weight loss."
"Every single human being on this planet can lose weight with diet and exercise."
"Everybody can lose weight, it's just not easy."
"Water not only does water have zero calories but it can help reduce hunger and assist with weight loss."
"It's calories in calories out that's literally all it is."
"Bacteroidetes is associated with being lean."
"People don't lose weight to get healthy. They have to first get healthy to lose the weight."
"Are you serious? Who's Mike from around the world? Well, I'm very serious."
"Countless Americans struggle every day with managing their weight."
"Once you start adding all those things, you know the weight increases a lot."
"The point being that if you're playing and your weight is getting up, if you're getting into the heavy or very heavy, over-encumbered, make the pawns carry the load, have them share the burden."
"The only fat burner that I would somewhat recommend is carnitine."
"I know myself, I cannot stick to a strict diet. I am a foodie, your girl loves to eat, and that's exactly why I love Noom so much."
"Fasting is a great tool if you want to manage your weight."
"The paint in an F40 is incredibly thin, notoriously thin, in fact. Supposedly Ferrari did this for a purpose: more paint would have meant more weight."
"Calories in, calories out - the ultimate truth about weight loss."
"It's not a race to lose weight, it's about making better choices in your lifestyle."
"Increase your fiber content without increasing your waistline."
"When crossing an untested bridge, going down one at a time will keep weight to a minimum."
"The scale is ultimately going to go in the right direction."
"Each meal takes less than 10 minutes of your time, adds up to 200 g of protein, and has me easily losing 2 lbs of fat per week."
"I've had people add a probiotic and also they started losing weight because they need to they that was people that are actually overweight and thin they have different microbial balances they have different types of microbes in their gut."
"Low carb diets wonderful for trying to lose weight."
"Most people who eat properly or exercise or get enough sleep will get to their more ideal body weight."
"Trust your coach, let's try moving down a weight class."
"I think maybe even smaller than that, but okay, so 200, all right."
"Fat shaming is not an acceptable way to try and get someone to lose weight."
"We're working towards a unifying model of type 2 diabetes."
"Maintaining healthy body weight is number one as far as prevention of type 2 diabetes."
"Lifetime lifestyle change is the only way you can keep the weight off."
"If we had the magic pill, no hunger ever exists, it would be easy to get lean."
"Dana could lean on you, you gotta change weight classes."
"Foods high in nutrient density are low in calories, so those are the ones that may help you lose weight as well."
"If you feed mice stearic acid, they get lean. They lose weight."
"If you want to raise set point, you eat dietary fats. If you want to lower your set point, what you do is you eat starches, vegetables, and fruits."
"You lose water weight initially when eating a low-carb diet."
"Eating a low-carb diet keeps the fat-storing hormone insulin low."
"Get enough sleep to avoid negative impacts on your health and weight loss."
"I prefer not to have a second spare wheel for weight and performance reasons."
"Triphala is popular for weight loss due to its lipid-lowering properties and ability to satisfy appetite."
"Why are we still struggling with weight gain? Well, we're not addressing why we're eating. We're not addressing the fact that we used to use food to address a hole in our stomach."
"Cucumbers: crisp and hydrating, ideal for weight management."
"Stop the weight regain, keep the diabetes from coming back."
"Understand the principle: It's not lose weight to get healthy, it's get healthy first to then be able to lose the weight."
"Weight management is a universal struggle after we turn 20. The struggle becomes much harder because our body's metabolism slows by as much as four percent each decade."
"Addressing half of the equation of fat loss."
"Complex carbohydrates in plants help keep hormones under control and support weight maintenance."
"So trust me on this, you can eat high carb, you can eat all these beautiful plant foods in abundance and not worry so much about your weight."
"Weight management is a universal struggle after we turn 20."
"Who can I blame? I did it to myself, so no one put this weight on me. No one's going to get it off for me, it's just life."
"We see far more beneficial effects with fasting than just the overall weight loss."
"You cannot outwork a crappy diet, and that goes both ways whether you're trying to gain weight or lose weight."
"Progress takes time. It didn't take you overnight to gain all the weight."
"Calories in calories out if you're eating more calories than you burn you're gaining fat and if you already eat fewer calories than you burn you would lose fat forget what system you're using it's way more simple than that calories in calories out."
"Without question you have to eat low calorie sauce you have to it's not a maybe it's not a if it's simply something you need to do if you're trying to lose weight."
"Calories in, calories out will, bear with me, always work, always, every freaking single time, always."
"I'm definitely going to try to get that off and go even lower than my lowest weight in this video."
"Carb sensitivity can impact weight loss goals and cause cravings for sweets."
"Focusing on body recomposition should be the goal when it comes to weight loss."
"Dieting alone is practically guaranteed to lead to rebound weight gain."
"Lack of sleep can grossly increase appetite, contributing to weight gain."
"What you really need to consider first is the total fully loaded weight of your trailer."
"I've turned a corner in my battle against being a fat [__]."
"The correct answer is a caloric deficit, of course."
"I can actually lose or maintain weight while indulging in a delicious treat."
"Get enough good quality sleep. Not only does poor sleep negatively impact how you metabolize your food, but it also directly makes weight loss a lot more difficult."
"Eating foods that are the most satisfying to you is actually one of the best ways to lose weight and then maintain that lost weight let's do an example dark chocolate has more health benefits than milk chocolate right."
"Staying in that healthy 125 rating, you want to give yourself room to get up to 150 pounds after adding 30."
"Hopefully I can maintain the weight loss that's one of the major things I get fearful about."
"You're a pound, I'm a fully professional fighter, I'm always on weight."
"You forget that you're piloting a car that weighs 4,500 pounds."
"A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."
"Yeah, my body naturally wants to be 180 pounds, that's my build."
"If weight is important to you, then pay attention."
"If you give a [ __ ] about how fat you are, there's a 90 some per chance you can curb it, you can control it, you'll never get fat."
"Losing weight is easy; keeping it off is hard."
"It's not lose weight to get healthy, it's get healthy to lose the weight."
"I never figured that that was a problem I mean I always struggled with my weight I've always was on a diet and I always wanted to lose weight but I was never able to lose weight."
"It's the calories that she's eating, at the end of the day. If she's not losing weight, those calories they need to go down."
"If your measurements are going down but your weight has stayed the same, you're making progress."
"If we get our caloric deficit through fasting instead of just whittling away our calories we get all these protective benefits of fasting."