
Veganism Quotes

There are 2006 quotes

"The largest vegan on the planet is an elephant."
"I'm not going to sit here and defend the rights of some animals and then say that we should eat meat. I don't think that position is defensible."
"I think the strongest arguments that you can make in favor of veganism are the moral ones."
"I really do think that veganism, especially with the advent of lab-grown meat, will probably be a thing in like 50 years."
"Veganism is about reducing unnecessary harm. It's about trying to take into consideration the life experiences of others."
"Veganism is about doing what is possible and practicable to reduce suffering."
"Veganism has changed my game. It's given me the ability to be that fresh in the third round."
"Since I changed my activism and educated myself on these issues and on the privileges that come from the vegan community, and how being forceful isn't helpful, I have been more impactful within my discussions and within making people make more vegan choices."
"If veganism had no effect on the environment, I would still be vegan."
"Going vegan is not the most we can do; it's the least we can do."
"Veganism still was the best decision I made."
"I just want to say how much I stand for the plant-based diet and for veganism."
"A high-fiber, plant-based, all-natural vegan diet with a calorie deficit works, but the thing is, I think and love meat. I'm not giving that up."
"Ideally, I would be vegan... just for ethical reasons, I would not eat any animal products."
"You don't need to harm animals to better ourselves."
"A vegan diet is healthy, safe and nutritionally adequate for all stages of life, including pregnancy, lactation, and infancy."
"The single biggest thing you can do to cut down your carbon emissions is... simply choose not to eat animal products."
"She's vegan... she cares about the environment and animals."
"It's not necessarily about being 100% vegan but about the proportion and quantity of what you eat that impacts your health."
"Being vegan is the only way we can be sustainable with our planet because a non-vegan diet is destroying our environment in so many different ways."
"Raising and consuming animals is devastating for our environment in so many different ways."
"The purpose of being vegan is because we can isolate that the things that matter to us most - an experience of happiness and the experience of joy but also a reduction as far as possible of the experience of suffering and pain."
"We should hold ourselves accountable and use veganism as a stepping stone to living more consciously in other areas as well."
"Veganism is the belief that these animals are not here on this planet for us to use or exploit unnecessarily."
"Veganism is a philosophy at the minimization of unnecessary suffering of sentient creatures."
"Veganism isn't about saying we shouldn't harm animals; it's about changing our mentality."
"For me, veganism is a philosophical belief system; it's about changing mentalities about the purpose of an animal."
"People who become vegan end up holding that identity close because it's a constantly threatened identity."
"Be as positive and give as positive a light to vegan eating as possible so as many people that are willing to switch over as possible can try it without any sort of anxiety."
"No other lifestyle choice has a farther-reaching and more profoundly positive impact on the planet than choosing to stop consuming animals and live a vegan lifestyle."
"By vilifying meat eaters, you're ensuring that they're never going to try vegan food because they're going to associate vegan food with someone who's just crying on YouTube."
"Veganism isn't about living a perfect life devoid of any animal suffering, it is about making an effort to do one's best given the available options to reduce and minimize suffering wherever possible."
"Veganism is about non-violence. Veganism is about education. Veganism is about compassion for all animals, human and non-human."
"An appropriately planned vegan diet is suitable for all stages of life and provides certain benefits for disease reduction."
"I was vegan for just over five years, and it was kind of everything to me."
"Considering the standard American diet is pretty much a vegan diet but with inflammatory processed foods."
"Being mostly vegan really is doing the vast majority of the good."
"I really started to feel a pull away from veganism. I started to feel like the all-or-nothing mentality was toxic, or at least it was having a toxic effect on me."
"I remember being vegan and seeing other people going back from being vegan, and I remember how that made me feel too... but I do feel like it is important to be open and just to remember that everyone is different and everyone makes different choices."
"To be vegan is just to minimize animal suffering to the highest extent that we can."
"Veganism is nutritionally adequate, based on the experience of many people and also the experience of studies and actual medical literature."
"Veganism is not a diet. Veganism is not a diet. Veganism is not a diet. It is a lifestyle."
"Veganism can and should be fun. You get to recreate your favorite comfort foods but in a better-for-you way."
"Veganism is not just about eating differently; it's about exploring new styles of cooking, new ingredients, new cookbooks, new recipes."
"What veganism really is about, at least ethical veganism, is the rather simple proposition that if we can avoid inflicting unnecessary suffering, then we should do so."
"Veganism kind of is a lifestyle. It's just a good one where you don't have to pay a membership fee and then sell a bajillion bottles of protein powder to your aunt."
"Veganism is the solution and it encompasses a much wider range of possibilities for happiness as a species than any other type of diet or lifestyle."
"Being vegan is the empowerment to know that we can make a difference every day."
"A vegan diet done right is a healthy way for kids to eat."
"It is possible to feed a baby a vegan diet, but you need to plan carefully."
"Love wins over all, and if you're vegan, you're trying to do something out of a place of love to begin with."
"Veganism is a moral baseline for any kind-hearted person on this planet."
"Veganism has pretty much ended my eating disorder, which is amazing."
"Veganism has ended my compulsive overeating because...I binge all the time. I eat calorically dilute foods...so I can literally eat 5 potatoes and feel so full but won't feel bad about it."
"Veganism, to myself, is maintaining a diet that doesn't affect the earth in any way and its inhabitants."
"Veganism, it's an ethical choice ultimately. It's not a dietary choice in the sense that you are choosing a vegan diet because it's the healthiest diet."
"Just because someone isn't vegan now doesn't mean that they won't be tomorrow."
"Veganism is not child abuse. This child was being starved. It doesn't matter whether the modicum of nutrients that were permitted to enter this darling baby's body were meat or plant-based. The important fact is that she wasn't getting enough."
"Veganism is a philosophy and a way of life; it is not a religion."
"Veganism is just the idea of reducing harm to animals."
"Sales of vegan foods increased 10 times more than food sales as a whole."
"I would like to encourage people to make more vegan choices."
"Veganism is like a moral compass for animal rights."
"Nutritional yeast...it's got the B12 you need."
"Saying no to consuming someone else's body parts and their secretions is not being restrictive; it's just behaving like a rational, compassionate human being."
"If we are really going to make a significant impact here and change this horrible situation for animals, then the goal of going vegan, of at least trying to go vegan, should be the very minimum that we do."
"Veganism isn't just about consuming plants; it's about creating a system that reduces exploitation."
"To quote the Vegan Society, veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals for food, clothing, and any other purpose."
"I'd much rather someone say they're going to eat one vegan meal a week than them say, 'I'm not doing anything at all.' That to me is an improvement and a step in the right direction."
"Go vegan. This is probably one of the most impactful things that you can do in your day to day life to reduce your carbon footprint."
"I think the strongest argument for the vegan side of things is the ethical moral question around is it ethical to be enslaving animals and putting them in cages."
"Veganism is not about being perfect... it's about not hurting animals as far as is practicable and possible."
"Veganism is no longer viewed as a fringe lifestyle choice; it is a moral framework searing into the consciousness of huge numbers of people."
"Veganism is doing the least amount of harm as practically possible."
"Veganism is a lifestyle that many partake in with the hopes of creating a positive change in themselves and the world around them."
"Coming out as a vegan animal rights activist as somebody who cares beyond themselves is much more special."
"Everyone should be welcomed into the community, everyone should be welcomed as a vegan."
"Because of her faith, at the age of seven, Naseem decided she would forego the consumption of any animal products as she viewed animals virtually the same as people."
"Don't feel like you absolutely have to completely go vegan; it's just about reducing the damage, learning more about what's going on."
"All you have to do to end this intolerable misery, this unimaginable cruelty, this inexcusable contribution to moral, health, and environmental catastrophe, is choose something else on the menu."
"Veganism is not just the abstention from eating animal products; it is a boycott, a refusal to take part in an industry that exploits animals."
"Nimai became the world's first vegan IFBB professional bodybuilder, proving that you don't need animal products to be an elite athlete."
"The world is going vegan... it's not sustainable to eat meat anymore."
"Eating animals is bad for the environment, bad for the animals."
"If we could turn the vegans into well-nourished vegans, then I think we'll see the superiority that we already see in the Blue Zones."
"We don't need the whole world to become vegan. We need a lot of people in high-income countries to reduce their meat intake by 10 to 20%."
"The 21-day vegan kickstart app does that it's got everything... menus recipes cooking videos."
"You can be vegan, eating a plant-based diet, and also reduce food waste."
"I think the best argument for veganism is the availability of readily available alternatives."
"Going vegan is not a diet; it is a lifestyle change."
"I was vegan all through high school and they're kind of like 'what, like back then in the 90s?' and I'm like 'yeah,' and they're like 'why?' I'm like 'well, I just thought it was the coolest thing in the world because of this band.'"
"I'm vegan now. And gluten-free. And I'm staying away from sugar."
"I'm not yet vegan, but I like to future-proof my lifestyle."
"This whole vegan movement, this is not a trend at all. There are real reasons why people are choosing this diet."
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
"You can be a vegan and be a man...protect and provide for the people who you care about."
"I still eat meat because it tastes good, but I'm not against veganism."
"That makes veganism look easy and approachable."
"Veganism was driven by ethics and environmental concerns."
"Fart a couple of times to dab a few extra beans whoops or murder these innocent animals who never did a single thing wrong to you."
"Being vegan is like trying to rescue drowning animals desperately pulling them out of the water one by one and having your family friends and everyone around you throwing them back in."
"I think we'll look back on veganism the same way we look back on like slavery and stuff that people wonder like how the fuck could we ever condone like harvesting and murdering so many."
"It's okay to not be vegan because personal benefit. It's fucking hard and annoying not to eat animals, sure."
"Avoiding the use of every single thing related to animals could be very difficult because of the great lengths you have to go to."
"When it comes to plant-based items, this one is always a big winner."
"A plant-based diet is associated with healthier body weight."
"You can do a vegan diet, you can be fine, you can be really healthy. But you need to plan, and you have to... there's a good chance you're gonna need to take supplements."
"The strength of that message is what turns not only people vegan but voices for the animals."
"Just because it's vegan doesn't automatically make it sustainable."
"Vegans are very earnest, they're very fervent, they believe what they're saying."
"The vegan diet is one that's appropriate for all life stages."
"So, yes, we should lower our reliance on animal products."
"Veganism isn't about a diet, it's the kindest way to eat, the way that inflicts the least amount of pain on other beings."
"It's super possible to have an amazing vegan bodybuilding diet."
"Go on a vegan food tour, discover new meals and ways of preparing certain foods."
"And you jump in and it is kind of strange at first but then pretty soon you discover the water's fine that's what you're going to discover with the vegan diet."
"Since being vegan, I don't feel lethargic after I eat."
"If people stopped eating animals in mass, we would dramatically reduce our risk of the emergence of killer pandemic viruses."
"There's no doubt that being vegan or vegetarian is a more ethical option."
"Veganism is simply about causing the least amount of harm to other animals as possible and practicable."
"Veganism is about ethics, okay? It's not about food."
"Veganism is not about being perfect simply by existing we are going to cause harm to other animals."
"Vegans are doing the best they can... to wake people up."
"Veganism for me is a lifestyle. It's a way to be."
"When I really cut both dairy and meat out and went vegan and plant-based my skin started to show improvements within three or six months"
"If you're against animal cruelty, you should probably be vegan."
"That's the whole premise of veganism: it's a social justice movement, it's anti-oppressive movement."
"Veganism is like a philosophy you take on and you're like it's a stance against abusing animals in whatever way."
"Veganism is good for everyone, for you, for the planet, and it is all about the animals."
"Going vegan is not the most we can do; it is the absolute least we can do."
"The main point of veganism is to do less harm to animals."
"Taxes are basically the way the government sticks their hands in your pocket."
"Veganism is about animals, not just the environment."
"Veganism is a movement and it is to say that we stand against the oppression of animals."
"If two point four percent of the population went vegan for one week, we would save enough emissions to go to Pluto and back."
"Two kinds of cardiologists: vegans and those who haven't read the data."
"There's a lot of things to consider, but you might take a look at a short version of a vegan keto, plant keto approach."
"Trying to relate not being vegan to Adolf Hitler is the most Preposterous analogy I've ever seen in my entire life."
"I want people to know who are vegan and plant-based that I got their back 100%."
"The future is vegan. Get ready, get your kids ready."
"People think that vegans don't eat a lot but I can crush whatever you put in front of me."
"I think Jenny is a really great example of how following a vegan diet can be wholesome nourishing sustainable and also super easy to pull off..."
"When's there ever anything to brag about like 'yeah, I went to a vegan place last month still hadn't pooped.'"
"Consuming a plant-based diet or living a vegan lifestyle is an incredibly powerful thing that we can do."
"We are quite literally gambling with the future of our planet for the sake of hamburgers."
"Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it: 'My appetite is more important than your suffering'?"
"A vegan is someone who does not in so much as they can eat or use animal products."
"Why love one but eat the other? You have a dog here and a baby boy cow. Baby boy cows are murdered."
"Every single nutrient required to live healthily can be found on an adequately planned vegan diet."
"Nobody's talking about this stuff: vegan bodybuilding."
"For me, veganism is more about trying to live in a more symbiotic, harmonious relationship with the planet."
"A vegan bodybuilder achieves the exact same results without harming animals."
"Vegans have cholesterol levels so low, they almost never get heart attacks."
"You don't need to use people's deaths to poopoo veganism."
"It is changing. It is changing quickly. More and more people are going vegan every day."
"We were plant-based, we were vegan now full on... and that's kind of when the whole eat move rest thing came about."
"Trisha was constantly going to all these vegan fast food places and really relying on that instead of learning how to cook her own meals."
"Like we do this you know for the animals and the planet and also we know that we can do it because because we could be healthy."
"We have the potential to change the world, if you believe that carnism awareness is an idea worth spreading."
"We can reduce and ultimately eliminate our consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy."
"Being vegan is not just about food; it's about changing your life completely."
"They have an amazing selection of vegetarian and vegan options, which has been one of my favorite, like the Falafel Power Bowls, hello, amazing."
"Being vegan is more than just about reducing, it's an imperative for the environment."
"The contributions that you make go unnoticed. People get no credit for being vegan way before everyone else."
"Once you educate yourself about animal agriculture, the logical conclusion is to actually stop eating animals, is to go vegan."
"Veganism is a moral virtue if you're able to prevent causing harm to animals."
"I went vegan 3 years ago because of you. Thank you for jolting me away."
"Every time someone goes vegan and tells me, it's like I feel good for the whole day."
"Relevance lasts longer than a couple of minutes."
"It becomes so easy, people become so used to you being vegan."
"If you're not gonna try going vegan could you at least stop bashing it to your 20k audience?"
"Ultimately, what I believe in is, vegan organizing, not direct action, but vegan organizing as far as educating people and trying to get as many people to turn vegan as possible is ultimately a good thing."
"Vegans have the moral high ground... hopefully in the future fewer and fewer people will eat meat."
"Veganism is taking off in a big way. That's not my opinion, that's fact."
"Rule number one: skip the animal products completely. What does that leave you with? Grains, beans, vegetables, fruits—healthy things."
"The false consensus bias... if most people aren't vegan... people want to do what everybody else does."
"Going vegan will save 1,100 gallons of water a day."
"The best arguments for veganism to me are animal welfare, climate change, and inefficiency of resource usage."
"I'm just a man, guys, I'm just a vegan, I'm trying not to upset my vegans."
"There is no perfect vegan and we should have compassion not only for the animals but also ourselves."
"High carb vegan diets have been clinically shown to reverse heart disease and diabetes."
"Veganism is an ethical position that rejects all forms of animal exploitation."
"You can eat a healthy vegan diet and that certainly isn't boring."
"Veganism decreases your chances of acquiring colon cancer."
"Stop waiting until you become sick to transition to a vegan lifestyle."
"Hey, have a wonderful day, go vegan and I'll see you in the next video, okay, bye-bye."
"Our bodies don't need animal products, and they're generally much better off without them."
"The most pressing ethical consumerist action is veganism... we can destabilize an entire market."
"If you eliminated also poultry and eggs and so on, you get to a vegan diet, which is the best diet for the planet."
"Being vegan is great and if you are a vegan well done you're doing a great thing."
"Vegans are actually doing a very good thing for a very just and good cause."
"I think with veganism because it is something I'm so passionate about and care so deeply about it gives me a sense of fulfillment which I think drives me in a way that is something I never really had beforehand."
"The idea of eating meat being masculine comes from a very insecure and fragile place."
"The consensus is clear. Every vegan needs to supplement for B12."
"The whole point of a vegan movement is to reduce animal suffering on a global scale."
"Polarizing someone who is really trying to be vegan is hurting the movement."
"Clear evidence that vegan diets are nutritionally adequate and suitable for all stages of life."
"The current dips in plant-based Alternatives don't reflect a vegan demise."
"Eventually, outperformance comes and you have a situation where the gold silver ratio will Spike down."
"I've been vegan since I was three-years-old."