
Emotional Trauma Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"We don't want amnesia; we want to be able to maintain a explicit declarative memory of a bad thing that happened but we don't want the overwhelming blackhole of emotional memory that comes with the nightmares, the flashbacks, the inability to function."
"For people with certain relational traumas, it's almost impossible for them to even know their own vulnerability, let alone express it to other people and risk being ridiculed or rejected for it."
"The pain and the anguish that you suffered... is never gonna be diminished. It's never gonna go away."
"Why didn't we get this guy? I ended up with a bleeding ulcer over this case. It still haunts me. It always will."
"The most humiliating and horrible thing I've ever been through."
"Mike didn't deserve to die like that. Watching that car burn, not knowing one of our friends was burning in it."
"My dad said, 'I'm divorcing your mother, I'm divorcing you kids.' Those words had an impact on me at 11 and a half."
"I don't think people really get that it's not just about the crime that was right, it's continuing, it's emotionally scarring, and those scars do not heal, at least they don't heal for a long, long time."
"I never ever ever wish for anybody to go through that feeling of entrapment that I did when I was with somebody who I knew was just so wrong for me."
"It left a scar that took generations to heal."
"It's incredibly traumatic to feel like you're not wanted, that you're not loved."
"Survivors of abuse are most afraid of emotional pain, terror, and shame."
"That little wounded child within him is so desperate for recognition and love."
"How does it feel when you trust someone with your life, with the lives of your children, and he turns out to be someone that you never really knew? It's extremely traumatic."
"The deepest trauma we experience regarding the narcissist is the lie of not ever being really loved."
"Despite these surreal visuals and catchy music, Claire's story is an all-too-familiar experience for many people... Opal is a tragic story about the reality of family trauma and escapism."
"You saw me at my worst, Ash. And I lost you once, Shepard, and I almost... How could you put me through that? Why didn't you try to contact me? Why didn't you let me know you were alive?"
"It was traumatic enough to have someone that you love die but to have to not be able to save them and to try so hard to do it is just absolutely agonizing."
"Catwoman turned on Zatanna... feeling like she had never in her life been more violated than she was when Zatanna changed her against her will."
"Hurt people hurt people, you gotta stand up for yourself."
"Lots of people are going through emotional trauma, emotional see you can imagine a couple that came because they have problem of childlessness."
"The loss of a child is unimaginable for most of us but to live it is a whole new level of horror."
"Two main things: the abuse of their power and discard wounds."
"We become inflicted with the very same wound that made our parents unworkable."
"There is some brokenness going on there hurt people hurt people," - Unknown Speaker
"Cindy's deep-seated psychiatric disorder came from a profound sense of inner hurt."
"They have abandonment issues from mommy or daddy issues, childhood trauma. I don't know if there was sexual abuse there."
"War didn't end not so cleanly it just kept building up in little hurts that piled on one another until they exploded afresh into raw, new wounds."
"Love bombing: they'll make you feel over loved, over cared for, then just drop you."
"Divorce is bad, abuse is worse, especially if we're talking physical abuse."
"It just must feel awful to not be believed as something horrible is that to happen to you. I couldn't imagine."
"To bury your child is the worst thing in the world."
"No person should have to go through what I went through."
"Behavior is communication. If a kid turns up on you, they're communicating that they have unpacked emotion that they've never dealt with."
"I will never forget her wailing after I told her her mom was dead."
"The repression and control involved in a cult like this leads to deep depression, pain, heartache, and loneliness."
"Traumatic events, to the victim, are seriously distressing incidents that can wreak chronic emotional and behavioural havoc."
"Who's standing in the schoolhouse door... traumatized."
"Losing one's faith is a traumatic experience, like death of part of yourself."
"A lot of the pain you're experiencing has to do with attachment trauma from early childhood. It's not just about the breakup; it's about past wounds surfacing."
"This book shows Damon's trauma and his backstory and gets you to empathize with him."
"That was the moment he killed me. I've been dead ever since."
"It might seem like it's a move of assertiveness but really you're just transferring your outward thinking."
"Time heals all wounds in some cases, but not all wounds do heal."
"Keeping a secret like that from the person you love is probably the worst part. You don't think that cheating is the worst part? No, I mean yeah, that's horrible, but he should have just told you. Turning it into a secret, that gave it power."
"No parent should ever have to go through the terror of losing a child in any sense."
"Anakin was burdened with significantly more emotional baggage and severe trauma than the rest of his classmates were."
"Traumatic experiences make the most lasting impression."
"Core wounds themselves these are the biggest ones okay I will be betrayed."
"The original owner was a lady who was deeply hurt by her lover."
"For a long time, I kept seeing the faces of the three dead passengers that I couldn't save"
"He broke her after abandoning her."
"Fringe all these years later still I feel like is ahead of the curve in terms of where it was willing to go as a Sci-Fi show and how it examined emotional trauma and developed villains while never pulling out of the genre that gave it so much creative space to exercise in."
"...the pain of that doesn't disappear, it stays with you."
"Years later, my parents told me while I stayed at home they took the school to court and sued them for negligence and emotional trauma and they won by a landslide."
"Sergeant Calhoun may have been shooting at a cyborg with Brad's face on it... that's some emotional trauma even Fix-It Felix can't touch."
"Just because my mum didn't have physical scars that everyone could see, she had emotional scars. Ones that never go away."
"Stop allowing your emotional trauma to perpetuate everyday drama."
"You can't kill what's already been killed on the inside."
"I remember to this day when I was six years old and I was crying my eyeballs out because I kept asking, 'Why don't you want me?'"
"To have your friend die in your arms like that."
"You're actually emotionally damaged."
"understood that's the thing with repressed memories we often repress things that have too strong of an emotional content that are too damaging too hurtful too painful to see"
"Ayahuasca helps pull up the roots of emotional trauma."
"We need a safe space too. A lot of the time we deal with a lot of emotional trauma that we don't want to open up and really physically deal with."
"...the emotional trauma is so much worse than the physical because you know obviously outside of being maimed or murdered you will heal from the physical abuse emotional abuse and the trauma I am like nowhere near completely healed from all of that."
"This is trauma. This is trauma, bro. This is trauma, man."
"A lot of these makeup breakup dynamics are actually the result of unresolved trauma and unresolved wounds."
"This is real abuse, even if it doesn't leave physical scars."
"I understand humans and I understand trauma, I understand pain, I understand how we take that into a relationship."
"You don't go through three times of losing a child and not have something wrong."
"Think of trauma as a wound of the heart."
"The marks of the emotional abuse will be significant."
"The guidelines ignore the survivors... they were deeply wounded both physically and emotionally."
"Betrayal trauma is the trauma of being betrayed by a loved one."
"We can't undo the past, but when you are debilitated in chronic pain, it is really in your best interest to take a look at how the emotional trauma may need a safe way to rise to your consciousness and to have a voice."
"We have to deal with our own emotional traumas as we go through it. We have to raise our hand to say that this is not right."
"It's been so hard, so awful, and so traumatic."
"The trauma that's associated with just the uncertainty of your own movement and motion, not knowing if your parents and grandparents, whoever you have that's older, is going to be there on the other side of this, whenever the end does come."
"It's subtle and invisible, yet it has the potential to profoundly impact the lives of those who have experienced it."
"He was painfully betrayed by the girls that he trusted."
"You have to leave the places that hurt you, you have to leave the places that carry a lot of emotional pain and trauma for you."
"One of the most common traumas that people are going to go through is heartbreak."
"'When children are enmeshed, it is life-damaging.'"
"When people are emotionally wounded... the way we see the world is through the broken lens."